169 resultados para L-Characteristic

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is recognizable by characteristic signs of disease and is highly lethal. The infection, however, may be quite inapparent in some seropositive dogs, and this has raised the polemic question as to whether or not such animals can be a source of infection for Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). In this study we have examined 51 dogs with acute CVL from an AVL area in Pará State, northern Brazil, and compared the parasite density, amastigotes of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, in the skin, lymph node and viscera of symptomatic with that of nine asymptomatic but seropositive dogs (IFAT-IgG). Post-mortem biopsy fragments of these tissues were processed by immunohistochemistry, using a polyclonal antibody against Leishmania sp. The X² and Mann Whitney tests were used to evaluate the means of infected macrophage density (p < 0.05). There was no difference (p > 0.05) in the skin (10.7/mm² x 15.5/mm²) and lymph node (6.3/mm² x 8.3/mm²), between asymptomatic and symptomatic dogs, respectively. It was higher (p < 0.05), however, in the viscera of symptomatic (5.3/mm²) than it was in asymptomatic (1.4/mm²) dogs. These results strongly suggest that asymptomatic or symptomatic L. (L.) i. chagasi-infected dogs can serve as a source of infection, principally considering the highest (p < 0.05) parasite density from skin (10.7/mm² x 15.5/mm²), the place where the vetor L. longipalpis takes its blood meal, compared with those from lymph node (6.3/mm² x 8.3/mm²) and viscera (1.4/mm²x 5.3/mm²).


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Young coffee plants (Coffea arabica L., var. Mundo Novo) were grown in nutrient solution purified from micronutrients contaminants by the method of MUNNS & JOHNSON (1960). All plants, except those in the control treatment, wer given all macronutrients and all micronutrients except one which was omitted in order to induce its shortage. Symptoms of deficiency were obtained for all known micronutrients but chlorine. Measurements, observations and chemical analysis of leaves allowed the following main conclusions to be drawn. 1. The relative influence of micronutrients in growth-measured by the fresh weight of the entire plant - was as follows: -Fe -Zn -Cu -Mo -Mn complete = -B = -CI. that is: the omission of iron from the nutrient solution caused the severest reduction in growth; lack of B and Cl had no effect. 2. Symptoms of deficiency of B, Fe, Mn, and Zn were found to be in good agreement with those in the literature. Effects of Cu and Mo shortage, however, had not been described so far: In the case of the Cu-deficient plants, the younger leaves were distorted, having an "S" shape, due probably to lack of growth of the veins; they lost their green color and developed rather large, necrotic patches near the margins. When molybdenum was omitted from the nutrient solution yellow spots develop near the margen of subterminal (fully mature) leaves; they became necrotic; there was a characteristic downward curling of the leaf blade along the mid rib so that the opposite edges touched each other underneath. 3. The levels of micronutrients found in normal and deficient leaves are given in Table 4. It is hoped that those values will serve as a basis of judgement of micronutrient contents found in leaves of field grown plants.


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A trial was carried out on an eight old coffee plantation with visible zinc problems. The plantation was situated nearly the city of Jaú (22º30'S, 48º30'W). State of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil is classified as medium texture Oxisol of low base saturation (Latossol Vermelho Amarelo - fase arenosa). The pulverization program started in november 1977, followed in march and July 1978 (heavy harvest) and ended in march and July 1979 (light harvest). Is should be mentioned that a well reconized characteristic of arábica coffe is its habit of biennial bearing, a very heavy harvest is most often followed by a light load the next year. The following treatments and amounts of chemicals per cova hole (4 trees) were tested in accordance with a random block design: 1. 1 g of zinc (zinc sulphate, 0.5%) 2. 3 g of nitrogen (urea, 1.3%) 3. 1 g of zinc + 3 g of nitrogen (zinc sulphate 0.5% + urea 1.3%) 4. 0.25 g, 0.50 g, 1.00 g, 2.00 g of zinc plus 0.75 g, 1.50 g, 3.00 g and 6.00 of nitrogen (correspondent to NZN* 15-0-0-5 as 0.75%, 1-5%, 3.0% and 6.0% by v/v). Foliar absorption data were obtained by collecting the 3rd and 4th pairs of the coffee leaves and analysed them for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. The main results may be summarized as follows: 1. The maximum calculated yields of clean coffee were obtained by the applications of 5.84 1 of NZN (1.13%) per hectare. 2. The applications of zinc sulphate (0.5%) and urea (1.3%) together or separate did not affected the coffee bean production. 3. The applications of 15.0 1 of NZN per hectare reduced the coffee yields. 4. Leaf damages and burning symptoms were observed by the applications of urea (1.3%) plus zinc sulphate (0.5%) and larger doses than 7.5 1 of NZN per hectare. 5. Leaf tissue analysis show that the concentrations of the elements were affecred by the age of the leaves and by the yields of the coffee trees. 6. The applications of increasing doses of NZN causes an increase in the concentration of zinc, manganese and boron in the leaves and decreased the concentration in calcium and potassium the leaves. 7. The concentration of zinc in the leaves associated with the heavy harvest, in July, was 70.0 ppm.


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The pharmacological activities of a water extract (WE) of Ageratum conyzoides L, a plant populary known for its analgesic and anti-inflamatory properties, were studied in vivo and in vitro preparations. Oral administration (p.o.) of the water extract (WE, 0.1 to 5 g/Kg) to rats and mice induced quietness and reduced the spontaneous motility. the sleeping time induced by sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) in mice was not altered by previous treatment with We (2 g/Kg, p.o.). The same treatment did not influence the paw edema induced by carrageenan or dextran, nor did it reduce the chronic paw edema induced by complete Freund's adjuvant or formaldehyde in rats. The tail flick response in immersion test and writhings induced by 0.8%acetic acid in mice were not altered by WE either. In isolated guinea-pig ilea WE (0.4 to 4 mg/ml) did not alter the EC50 values of histamine or acetylcholine, but reduced the maximal response to the agonists by 20 to 50%. We (0.01 to 10 mg/ml) produced tonic contractions of the ileal smooth muscle proportional to the doses, reaching a maximum of 75% relatively to the maximum obtained with histamine. Those contractions were blocked by diphenhydramine (10 nM) and reduced by 32% in presence of atropine (10 nM). The results indicated that oral treatment of rodents with A. conyzoides L neither reduced the inflammatory edema nor did it decrease the reaction to pain stimuli. In vitro the extract presented an unexpected histamine-like activity characteristic of a partial agonist. The results did not confirm the popular medicinal indications of the plant.


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The specific identification of Lymnaeid snails is based on a comparison of morphological characters of the shell, radula, renal and reproductive organs. However, the identification is complicated by dissection process, intra and interspecific similarity and variability of morphological characters. In the present study, polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniques targeted to the first and second internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) rDNA and to the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal gene (16S rDNAmt) were used to differentiate the species Lymnaea columella, L. viatrix, and L. diaphana from some localities of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay as well as to verify whether the molecular results corroborates the classical morphological method.PCR-RFLP analysis of the ITS1, ITS2, and 16S using 12 restriction enzymes revealed characteristic patterns for L. columella and L. diaphana which were concordant with the classical morphology. On the other hand, for L. viatrix populations a number of 1 to 6 profiles were generated while morphology provided the species pattern results.


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The Japanese quail Coturnix japonica originated from North Africa, Europe and Asia, is used worldwide as an experimental animal and model for aviculture. The current paper characterizes Eimeria bateri, Eimeria tsunodai and Eimeria uzura recovered from C. japonica. Based on the fact that quails have a global distribution, as are their coccidia, the findings of this study should provide the means for diagnosis of those Eimeria spp. in other regions and continents. Eimeria bateri showed the greatest intensity of infection and shed oocysts from the fourth day after infection; in contrast, E. tsunodai and E. uzura shed oocysts from the fifth day after infection. The three species shared a high degree of similarity and were all polymorphic. Yet, the application of line regressions, histograms and ANOVA provided means for the identification of these species. Finally, the algorithm was very efficient since verified that resultant values were not superimposed.


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Simultaneous Distillation-Extraction (SDE) and headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with GC-FID and GC-MS were used to analyze volatile compounds from plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin) and to estimate the most odor-active compounds by application of the Odor Activity Values (OAV). The analyses led to the identification of 148 components, including 58 esters, 23 terpenoids, 14 aldehydes, 11 alcohols, 10 ketones, 9 alkanes, 7 acids, 4 lactones, 3 phenols, and other 9 compounds of different structures. According to the results of SDE-GC-MS, SPME-GC-MS and OAV, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, hexyl acetate, (E)-2-nonenal, ethyl butanoate, (E)-2-decenal, ethyl hexanoate, nonanal, decanal, (E)-β-ionone, Γ-dodecalactone, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, pentyl acetate, linalool, Γ-decalactone, butyl acetate, limonene, propyl acetate, Δ-decalactone, diethyl sulfide, (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, ethyl heptanoate, (Z)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenyl hexanoate, eugenol, (E)-2-hexenal, ethyl pentanoate, hexyl 2-methylbutanoate, isopentyl hexanoate, 1-hexanol, Γ-nonalactone, myrcene, octyl acetate, phenylacetaldehyde, 1-butanol, isobutyl acetate, (E)-2-heptenal, octadecanal, and nerol are characteristic odor active compounds in fresh plums since they showed concentrations far above their odor thresholds.


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O girassol está sujeito às perdas de área foliar por diferentes fatores, dentre eles os insetos desfolhadores, contra aos quais geralmente são dirigidas aplicações de inseticidas na cultura. A desfolha artificial em plantas de importância econômica é uma metodologia útil na simulação de ataques dessas pragas em lavouras na determinação dos níveis de dano econômico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar componentes de produção das plantas de girassol submetidas a níveis crescentes de desfolha de 0, 10, 25, 50, 75 e 100%, realizada em três distintos estádios fenológicos da cultura, a saber: V6 (seis folhas com no mínimo 4,0 cm de comprimento), R1 (quando a inflorescência circundada pela bráctea imatura torna-se visível) e R5.5 (50% das flores do disco estão fertilizadas ou em antese), perfazendo um total de 18 tratamentos, os quais foram dispostos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Para todos os componentes de produção avaliados (diâmetro do capítulo, biomassa total de sementes da planta e biomassa de 100 aquênios) houve efeito significativo da interação dos tratamentos, evidenciando que o efeito da desfolha será dependente do estágio fenológico da planta. O estádio R5.5 foi mais sensível à desfolha, ocasionando perdas em todos os componentes de produção avaliados.


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Uma forma para se obter diminuição significativa de tempo e recursos despendidos nos programas de melhoramento de Coffea arabica L. é a clonagem de híbridos F1 por meio de estacas caulinares. Alguns estudos, em diferentes instituições, foram realizados buscando-se definir um método eficiente para esse tipo de clonagem. Com o objetivo de verificar-se a presença de barreiras anatômicas ao enraizamento de estacas caulinares do cafeeiro e a origem das raízes adventícias, bem como compara-las às raízes provenientes de plantas obtidas por semeadura, foram realizadas análises anatômicas no Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, MG. Utilizaram-se estacas caulinares de cafeeiro dos cultivares Acaiá e Rubi e mudas obtidas por semeadura direta e por estaquia. Os cortes realizados nas estacas caulinares mostraram não existirem barreiras anatômicas ao enraizamento adventício. Nas estacas enraizadas, a origem do primórdio radicular foi próxima aos tecidos vasculares. Cortes histológicos nas raízes formadas nas estacas e nas raízes de mudas obtidas por semeadura confirmaram que elas apresentam as mesmas estruturas primárias.


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Anticoagulantes com diferentes formas de ação têm sido utilizados na hematologia aviária. Entretanto, poucos estudos foram publicados sobre seu efeito e sobre os parâmetros hematológicos dos avestruzes. Visando a preencher essa lacuna, realizou-se um estudo em que foi comparado o efeito de dois anticoagulantes de rotina (EDTA - 2 mg/mL sangue e da Heparina -10U/mL sangue) sobre os eritrócitos de avestruzes. Para tanto, foram avaliados a integridade, o volume globular e a morfometria dos eritrócitos de amostras sanguíneas de 20 aves, tratadas com ambos os anticoagulantes. A integridade eritrocitária foi estimada pelo grau de hemoglobina livre no plasma, sendo o volume globular obtido pelo método de micro-hematócrito e os dados morfométricos (área, diâmetro maior e menor) calculados automaticamente em sistema computadorizado de imagem digital de alta resolução. A hemólise estimada pela dosagem de hemoglobina plasmática, o volume globular, a área e o diâmetro máximo dos eritrócitos foram significativamente maiores nas amostras tratadas com EDTA. Para melhor preservar a integridade e a morfometria dos eritrócitos, concluiuse que a heparina é um anticoagulante mais adequado que o EDTA para avaliar as discrasias eritrocitárias dos avestruzes.


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The objective of this study was to estimate simple and partial coefficients of correlation, as well as to divide their effects into direct and indirect using path analysis for custard apple tree traits. Twenty half-sibling progenies were evaluated in a randomized block design with five replicates, and plots consisting of four plants. Six traits were evaluated in the first cropping season (mean number of seeds per fruit and mean weight of the pericarp, pulp, pedicel, seeds per fruit, and the whole fruit), while five traits were evaluated in the first three cropping seasons (mean fruit length and width, total number of fruits ha-1, mean fruit weight (in both types of analyses), and fruit yield in kg ha-1). The results of this work led to the conclusion that doing selection based on simple correlation estimates may not be convenient, since not always a cause and effect relationship can be verified between two traits. Positive correlations were obtained between number of seeds and seed weight, and between number of fruits and yield. The greatest direct effects were those obtained for pulp weight on fruit weight and for mean number and weight of fruits on fruit yield. The most important indirect effects were obtained for number of seeds and pericarp weight, obtained via pulp weight, on fruit weight, and for fruit length and width, obtained via mean fruit weight, on fruit yield.


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Vegetative propagation of lavender offers several advantages over sexual propagation, among them crop homogeneity and yield of higher quality essential oil. However, Lavandula species have been propagated mostly by seeds and are said to be recalcitrant to rooting when propagated by cuttings. During cutting propagation, one of the important variables that influence the rooting capacity of cuttings is the leaf retention. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of leaf retention on rooting of L. dentata cuttings. Apical cuttings of L. dentata of 10 cm in length, keeping approximately 1/3, 1/2 or 2/3 of their leaves were planted in commercial substrate Plantmax HT® under intermittent mist. After two months, averages of root number, length of the longest root, root fresh and dry weights, and the survival percentage were evaluated. Root length and fresh weight were statistically greater with 2/3 of leaf retention and when fewer leaves were kept on the cuttings, lower means of root dry weight was observed. Under the conditions applied in this study, greater leaf retention was better for rooting of L. dentata cuttings.


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A secagem de produtos agrícolas é largamente utilizada no mundo para o controle e a manutenção da qualidade dos produtos agrícolas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi modelar o processo de secagem e obter os parâmetros termodinâmicos de frutos de café (Coffea Arabica L.), cultivar Catuaí Amarelo, para três diferentes condições de temperatura e umidade relativa (35 ºC e 32,1%; 45 ºC e 15,7%; e 55 ºC e 10,2%). Foram utilizados frutos de café colhidos manualmente com teor inicial de água de 1,25 (b.s.) e submetidos à secagem até atingirem o teor médio de 0,13 (b.s). Seis modelos matemáticos usualmente utilizados para a representação do processo de secagem de produtos agrícolas foram ajustados aos dados experimentais. A segunda lei de Fick foi utilizada para obter os coeficientes de difusão dos frutos de café por meio da cinética da secagem. A energia de ativação para a secagem dos frutos de café, bem como a entropia, entalpia e energia livre de Gibbs, foram obtidas. O modelo de Midili modificado foi o que melhor representou o fenômeno de secagem de frutos de café. Os valores do coeficiente de difusão obtidos foram 2,99 x 10-11, 2,39 x 10-11 e 5,98 x 10-11 m² s-1 para as temperaturas de 35, 45 e 55 ºC, respectivamente. A entalpia diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura do ar de secagem, bem como a entropia. A energia livre de Gibbs aumentou com o aumento da temperatura.