25 resultados para International Financial Reporting Standard

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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If emerging markets are to achieve their objective of joining the ranks of industrialized, developed countries, they must use their economic and political influence to support radical change in the international financial system. This working paper recommends John Maynard Keynes's "clearing union" as a blueprint for reform of the international financial architecture that could address emerging market grievances more effectively than current approaches. Keynes's proposal for the postwar international system sought to remedy some of the same problems currently facing emerging market economies. It was based on the idea that financial stability was predicated on a balance between imports and exports over time, with any divergence from balance providing automatic financing of the debit countries by the creditor countries via a global clearinghouse or settlement system for trade and payments on current account. This eliminated national currency payments for imports and exports; countries received credits or debits in a notional unit of account fixed to national currency. Since the unit of account could not be traded, bought, or sold, it would not be an international reserve currency. The credits with the clearinghouse could only be used to offset debits by buying imports, and if not used for this purpose they would eventually be extinguished; hence the burden of adjustment would be shared equally - credit generated by surpluses would have to be used to buy imports from the countries with debit balances. Emerging market economies could improve upon current schemes for regionally governed financial institutions by using this proposal as a template for the creation of regional clearing unions using a notional unit of account.


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The paper investigates the recent financial crisis within a historical and comparative perspective having in mind that it is ultimately a confidence crisis, initially associated to a chain of high risk loans and financial innovations that spread thorough the international system culminating with impressive wealth losses. The financial market will eventually recover from the crisis but the outcome should be followed by a different and more disciplined set of international institutions. There will be a change on how we perceive the widespread liberal argument that the market is always efficient, or at least, more efficient than any State intervention, overcoming the false perception that the State is in opposition to the market. A deep financial crisis brings out a period of wealth losses and an adjustment process characterized by price corrections (commodities and equity price deflation) and real effects (recession and lower employment), and a period of turbulences and end of illusions is in place.


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ABSTRACTThe international financial system has undergone deep changes since the 1970s and its stability cannot be reached in spite of actor's interests or the existence of countless coordination fora. Analyzing the system's incentive structure, one can note that its stability depends on the control of imbalances, which are not always harmful for States, creating, thus, a disturbing component in the quest for international financial management. Furthermore, non-state actors have acquired a disproportional share of power following financial globalization, escaping the control of States and of the international community.


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O processo de convergência das práticas nacionais de contabilidade aos padrões internacionais implica profundas alterações na regulação da contabilidade. É natural que os contabilistas estejam preocupados em se adaptar aos "novos" padrões buscando adotá-los, e auditar sua adoção nas respectivas empresas/clientes. Entretanto, tão importante quanto adotar e auditar a adoção dos International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) nas demonstrações contábeis das empresas brasileiras é compreender o movimento de alteração das normas contábeis em âmbito nacional. Por outro lado, pouco se tem discutido sobre os impactos dessas novas regulamentações. Este artigo analisa, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, o processo de alteração da regulação da contabilidade à luz de cinco teorias da regulação. Embora as teorias sejam concorrentes, observou-se que elas podem ser utilizadas de forma complementar entre si na compreensão das alterações promovidas pela Lei nº 11.638/07 e pela Medida Provisória nº 449/08 na Lei nº 6.404/76. Considerou-se que as teorias realiana e habermasiana são as que melhor contribuem para a democratização da contabilidade, uma vez que consideram os valores sociais na elaboração e posterior interpretação da regulação.


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O Processo de Enfermagem é uma tecnologia do cuidado que orienta a sequência do raciocínio clínico e melhora a qualidade do cuidado. Este artigo trata-se do relato do desenvolvimento de um Processo de Enfermagem Informatizado (PEI) para Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido em três principais etapas: discussão e compreensão da norma International Organization for Standard 18.104; aprofundamento teórico sobre a CIPE® 1.0; associação das informações aos diagnósticos e intervenções de Enfermagem. A base do conhecimento foi organizada segundo a CIPE® Versão 1.0. O resultado foi a reestruturação do PEI a partir da associação das avaliações clínicas aos diagnósticos e intervenções que permitem documentar a prática clínica de enfermagem, além de fornecerem apoio para a tomada de decisão. As etapas metodológicas empregadas permitiram fazer a associação entre a avaliação clínica, os diagnósticos, as intervenções e os resultados da CIPE® 1.0 com a ISO 18.104.


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The international economic reconfiguration. The developed and developing countries have adjusted with varying degrees of success to the new international order. The world's evolution has not stopped: Europe and the emerging Asian economies, are struggling to create a multipolar World. In the periphery, some countries (Asia) are modernizing at a fast rate, while others (Latin America) are lagging behind and in need to revise their growth strategies. The decentralization of production and trade driven by transnational firms are shifting the geographic distribution of investment and employment. As a result, the industrialized countries have ceased to provide the bulk of the world's savings, changing somehow the foundations of the international financial system.


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After sixty years, the Bretton Woods Agreement continuous to be a reference for the debates concerning institutional organization of the international monetary system. This paper compares some features of the arrangements that have emerged in that context with the recent wave of institutional reforms in the international financial architecture. We explore some arguments suggesting that, in an instable financial environment, is possible to envisage a strong rationality in strategies for emerging economies associated with a more active capital flows and exchange rate management. Apparently, those strategies are not dissimilar to the ones today's advanced countries had used in Bretton Woods Era.


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International liquidity and reflex cycle: some observations to Latin America. The international financial instability of the 1990 has been analysed in several occasions on Minskyan perspectives. The paper is based on this theoretical approach and intends to demonstrate that the financial fragility hypothesis is very useful to the analysis of the cycle in peripheral economies, which real performance is associated to the availability of international liquidity. The analysis is based on three Latin American countries: Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.


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The objective of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we show how, and to what extent, Latin American and Caribbean countries applied the precepts of the second Washington consensus, i.e. a consensus which stresses the capital account liberalization. Secondly, we highlight the effects of this set of reforms on their economies. Thus, we show that countries having most scrupulously followed these recommendations did not experience better economic results. On the contrary, their situation as regards inequality and debt is getting worse than others.


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Capital Flows, External Fragility and Currency Regimes: A Theoretical Review. The major integration and deregulation of the international financial markets increased the degree of interdependence and risk of incompatibility between the financial and monetary policy adopted by different countries. The consequences of these facts are the financial instability and the currency crisis. In this article we develop arguments advocating that independent of the currency regime adopted the national policy makers should take into account, between other factors, the major capital mobility and the integrations of markets. One of the corollaries of our analyses is that countries should pursue policies that reduces the degree of short-term capital volatile by the adoption of capital controls or though measures of prudential supervision.


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This paper reexamines the issue of international financial capital mobility, which is today's economic orthodoxy. Discussion is often framed in terms of the impossible trinity. That framing distorts discussion by representing capital mobility as having equal significance with sovereign monetary policy and control over exchange rates. It also distorts discussion by ignoring possibilities for coordinated monetary policy and exchange rates, and for managed capital flows. The case for capital mobility rests on neo-classical economic efficiency arguments and neo-liberal political arguments. The case against capital mobility is based on Keynesian macroeconomic inefficiency arguments, neo-Walrasian market failure arguments, and neo-Marxian arguments regarding distortion of the social structure of accumulation. Close examination shows the case for capital mobility to be extremely flimsy, pointing to the ideological dimension behind today's policy orthodoxy.


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The conventional argument favoring capital controls elimination is based on the predictions from the neoclassical model: free international capital mobility would allow capital flows from country where capital is abundant to countries where capital is scarce and the outcome in a global perspective is efficient allocation of savings and income convergence. Within this perspective, financial integration would be particularly beneficial for developing countries resulting in external savings import, temporary increase in per-capita GDP growth rate and a permanent increase in the per-capita GDP level. Using data for a sample of 105 countries from 1980 to 2004 the evidences show that capitals flows from developing to developed countries and that international financial integration and external savings do not increase the conditional convergence rate.


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This paper aims to analyze the elements of continuity and discontinuity in American foreign policy from the nineties. In this regard, it emphasizes the importance of financial issues within the scope of the U.S. government strategies for foreign integration and tries to analyze comparatively the Republicans and Democrats government of the period, ending with some prospective questions concerning the Democratic government of President Obama in the context of international economic crisis.


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This study analyzes the long run equilibrium relationship and causality between economic growth and public expenditure in Brazil covering the period 1980-2008. The empirical results of the Granger causality test in a multivariate framework have shown up the importance of public investments not only to face the adverse effects of the international financial crisis, but also in stimulating the economic growth. Also, the results indicate the need of controlling the growing path of other current expenditure, social security and public debt.


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Based on the Post Keynesian approach and on the Evolutionary literature, this study seeks to demonstrate the causal relationships between the National Innovation System and the national and international financial systems. This study shows that there is a circular causation in the less developed economies that contributes to the immaturity of its National Innovation System and to its structural external vulnerability. Conclusions highlight that the cycles in the less developed economies mirror the cycles of international liquidity.