85 resultados para Injeções de cimento

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Canindé apresenta uma população de 71.235 habitantes. Em abril de 2001 iniciou a utilização de peixes larvófagos em tanques de cimento, localizados ao nível do solo, como forma de controle biológico para larvas de Aedes aegypti. Durante a visita do agente, ao invés de se tratar os tanques com larvicida, colocou-se um espécime do peixe Betta splendens por depósito. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os resultados desta intervenção. Com os levantamentos do número de imóveis e depósitos existentes, estimou-se este número mês a mês determinando então o número de depósitos existentes por imóvel. Com esta estimativa e o número de imóveis visitados mensalmente analisou-se a infestação deste tipo de depósito. Em janeiro de 2001, 70,4% dos tanques examinados apresentavam larvas; e apenas 7,4% em janeiro de 2002. Em dezembro de 2002 este índice caiu para 0,2%. Demonstrou-se com clareza a capacidade do Betta splendens como agente de controle biológico, em tanques de cimento, reduzindo 320 vezes a infestação deste tipo de recipiente de grande volume.


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This report belongs to the series of works carried out Oswaldo Cruz Ins¬titute, on the treatment of treponematosis with penicillin. The present report deals with investigations performed in order to ascer¬tain the following points: 1) the mininal curative dosis for the initial lesions of yaws; 2) the effect of reduction of the number of injections each day, to verifie the possibility of application of penicillin in the prophylaxis of yaws in rural zones; 3) reduction of the time of treatment by application of high dosis. 1) With dosis of 150 and 100 Oxford units each four hours, clinical reco¬very was obtained after 17 days of treatment. With 50 O.u. during 40 days clinical recovery was not obtained. 2) a) With 3 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6,12 and 18 hoórs clocks) clinical recovery was obtained after 14 to 16 days; b) with 2 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6 and 18 hoors clocks), clinical recovery was obtained after 16 to 23 days; c) with 1 injection of 1.600 and 3.200 each day, clinical recovery was obtained after 30 and 20 days. 3) With dosis of 33.3 and 46.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight each four hours, during 15 days, clinical recovery was obtained more or less in 25 days. The same result was obtained with the dosis of 61.5 and 166.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight, each four hours, during 4 days. But with 100.000 O.u. in fine dosis of 20.000 in a day ou by, clinical recovery was not obtained.


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The writer, as medical director of Father Damien Leper Colony (Ubá, Minas Gerais, Brasil), treated 50 cases of perforating ulcers, from 2 to 40 years of duration, using the antigens prepared with acid-fast bacilli cultures obtained from leprous material by Dr. H. C. de Souza-Araujo. Dosage from 0,12 to 39,35 cm3, injected inside the ulcers, intramuscularly, every 2 to 4 days, accordingly to the patient reaction some of them presenting fever until 41° Centigrade. The result was cicatrization of the ulcers in 92% (46 out of 50) of the patients. The author concluded that the majority of his patients tolerate perfectly the medicine and that its efect was very eficient.


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In the present work four different analytical methodologies were studied for the determination of iron and titanium in Portland cement. The cement samples were dissolved with hot HCl and HF, being compared Fe and Ti concentrations through four analytical methods: molecular absorption spectrophotometry using the reagents 1,2-hydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonic acid (Tiron) and the 5-chloro-salicylic acid (CSA), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS). In the spectrophotometric determinations were studied pH conditions, reagents addition order, interferences, amount of reagents, linear range and stability of the system. In the techniques of ICP-AES and FAAS were studied the best lines, interferences, sensibility and linear range. The obtained results were compared and the agreement was evaluated among the methods for the determination of the metals of interest.


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Glass ionomer cements are glass and polymer composite materials. These materials currently find use in dentistry. The purpose of this work is to obtain glass powders based on the composition 4.5SiO2 - 3Al2O3 - 2CaO to be used in dentistry. The powders were prepared by a chemical route at 700 0C. The properties of glass ionomer cements obtained from powders prepared at 700 ºC were studied. Diametral tensile strength and microhardness were evaluated for the experimental glass ionomer cements and a commercial material. It was concluded that the properties of experimental cements were similar to those of the commercial ones.


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An alternative application of the humid sludge from the Passaúna WTP, located in Curitiba's metropolitan area, is proposed for concrete structures, partially replacing aggregates and cement. For the investigation, a reference concrete and four concrete mixtures with sludge were produced, and from these, two mixtures, containing 4% and 8% of sludge (m/m), were analyzed by different techniques: X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric analysis, physicochemical analysis, compressive strength, etc. The properties were evaluated and the results indicate that the mixtures can be applied in different situations as cast structures for construction of concrete walls. Mixtures with more than 4% of sludge are restricted to applications where the workability of the concrete is not required, such as for residential pavements, sidewalks and stepping floors.


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Physicochemical and mechanical techniques were carried out to characterize three concrete tyre-rubber waste dosages such as 5, 10 and 15%, w/w. The elastomeric material was identified as styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR). It was observed that the growing SBR content in the mixture decreased the concrete performance. The best results were presented by 5% w/w tyre-rubber waste concrete sample. This composition was tested at Mourão hydroelectric powerplant spillway as repairing material.


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Last decade Brazilian rivers experimented progressive biofouling of Limnoperna fortunei communities and Cordylophora caspia hydroids. The microhabitat is so favorable that in around 1.5 years L. fortunei increased from 0.39 to nearby 149,000 units/m². Ten Portland cement mortar samples were produced with 1: 3.5: 0.4 dosages and installed for 1 year at Salto Caxias Brazilian Power Plant reservoir in 0.5 m and 1.0 m deep to investigate the biofouling influence on hydraulic civil structures. SEM, EDS, visual investigation and XRF results indicate none direct chemical interrelationships between L. fortunei and the mortar samples. However C. caspia diminished the mortar surface resistance and caused cement paste leaching.


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Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are products of the acid-base setting reaction between an finely fluoro-alumino silicate glass powder and poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solution. The sol gel method is an adequate route of preparation of the glasses used to obtain the GICs. The objective of this paper was to compare two powders: a commercial and an experimental and to investigate the structural changes during hardening of the cements by FTIR and Al MAS NMR. These analyses showed that the experimental glass powder reacted with organic acid to form the GICs and it is a promising material to manufacture dental cements.


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A method for determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in cement and cement-related materials was studied. Molecular absorption spectrophotometry based on 1,5-diphenylcarbazide as chromogenic reagent was used for determination of Cr(VI) after alkaline extraction. The total chromium concentration was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) after complete sample decomposition by fusion. The quantification of Cr(III) was accomplished by subtracting the Cr(VI) concentration from the total chromium concentration. The concentration of Cr(III) in the samples ranged from 10.9 to 88.0 mg kg-1, whereas only in few samples the Cr(VI) concentration was higher than the value established by the European Community to this type of sample [2 mg kg-1 Cr(VI)].


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The sheave leather was subjected to chemical treatment in an attempt to immobilize chromium ion in a matrix of cement. Cementitious pastes were obtained by adding different proportions of waste treated solutions (5 and 10% compared to the cement mass) and the pH and setting time (hardening) were measured. Aiming to check the leather influence in Portland cement pastes, the phases formation were observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that the pretreatment was effective for the waste dissolution and the pH of treated waste chemical solutions did not influence significantly the characteristics of cement paste, with a slight increase in setting time results.


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A method based on pyrohydrolysis was proposed for cement sample preparation and further chloride determination by spectrophotometry using flow injection analysis. Analytical parameters were evaluated and, under the selected conditions, the calibration curve was linear in the range of 0.2 to 10.0 µg mL-1 with r2 = 0.998. The limit of detection was5 µg g-1 of chloride and the relative standard deviation was less than 7%. The proposed pyrohydrolysis method is relatively simple and can be used for sample preparation for further spectrophotometric determination of low concentrations of chloride in cement.


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In this study, a novel hybrid composite based on biodegradable hydrogel and Portland cement with promising technological properties was reported. In the first step, a full 23 with central point factorial design was utilized to obtain the enhanced polyacrylamide-carboxymethylcellulose hydrogel compositions. A mathematical model was devised, indicating that the 3 main variables were significant and the AAm and MBAAm variables positively contributed to the mode and showing that the CMC variable had the opposite contribution. In the second step, these compositions were mixed with Portland cement to obtain the hybrid composites. The presence of cement improved the mechanical properties of polymeric matrices, and electronic microscopic micrographics revealed that the hydrogels were well adhered to the cement phase and no phase separation between hydrogel and cement was detected. Finally, using the energy dispersive X-ray technique, the elements Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca and Fe were detected in the polymeric matrix, consistent with the hybrid composite formation.


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A importância do estudo das características resilientes dos solos e das misturas estabilizadas quimicamente justifica-se pela necessidade de conhecer o seu comportamento mecânico, sob a ação de cargas repetidas e transientes, quando constituintes do pavimento de estradas florestais. O método tradicional de determinação do módulo de resiliência, em laboratório, requer o emprego de um equipamento triaxial de cargas repetidas, que é relativamente complexo e caro, o que leva à necessidade de se desenvolver métodos mais simples para determinação do módulo de resiliência. Assim, buscou-se com este trabalho determinar o módulo de resiliência de um solo argiloso comum na região de Viçosa-MG em seu estado natural e quando estabilizado com cimento e alcatrão, como também propor correlações empíricas entre este e outros parâmetros geotécnicos de fácil obtenção em laboratório.


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Chapas de partículas de cimento-madeira foram confeccionadas com a madeira de quatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (seringueira): IAN 717, IAN 873, GT 711 e AVROS 1301. Confeccionaram-se as chapas na proporção de 1:4:1 (madeira:cimento:água) por peso e nas dimensões de 450 x 450 x 13 mm e densidade nominal de 1,4 g/cm³, com a adição de 4% de cloreto de cálcio di-hidratado (CaCl2.2H2O) como acelerador. Foram testadas partículas fervidas e não-fervidas dos quatro clones, totalizando oito tratamentos, sendo em cada um destes, com quatro repetições, avaliadas as propriedades mecânicas e físicas das chapas, segundo a norma ASTM D 1037 - 96a. De forma geral, os melhores resultados de propriedades físicas e mecânicas foram obtidos nas chapas com partículas do clone AVROS 1301. No teste de hidratação do cimento, a madeira de seringueira in natura foi classificada como de "inibição extrema", porém com a adição de CaCl2 o foi como de "baixa inibição". Essa madeira se mostrou tecnicamente viável à produção de chapas de cimento-madeira, independentemente do clone.