52 resultados para IAS 14 Segment Reporting

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Background: The TIMI Score for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) was created and validated specifically for this clinical scenario, while the GRACE score is generic to any type of acute coronary syndrome. Objective: Between TIMI and GRACE scores, identify the one of better prognostic performance in patients with STEMI. Methods: We included 152 individuals consecutively admitted for STEMI. The TIMI and GRACE scores were tested for their discriminatory ability (C-statistics) and calibration (Hosmer-Lemeshow) in relation to hospital death. Results: The TIMI score showed equal distribution of patients in the ranges of low, intermediate and high risk (39 %, 27 % and 34 %, respectively), as opposed to the GRACE Score that showed predominant distribution at low risk (80 %, 13 % and 7%, respectively). Case-fatality was 11%. The C-statistics of the TIMI score was 0.87 (95%CI = 0.76 to 0.98), similar to GRACE (0.87, 95%CI = 0.75 to 0.99) - p = 0.71. The TIMI score showed satisfactory calibration represented by χ2 = 1.4 (p = 0.92), well above the calibration of the GRACE score, which showed χ2 = 14 (p = 0.08). This calibration is reflected in the expected incidence ranges for low, intermediate and high risk, according to the TIMI score (0 %, 4.9 % and 25 %, respectively), differently to GRACE (2.4%, 25% and 73%), which featured middle range incidence inappropriately. Conclusion: Although the scores show similar discriminatory capacity for hospital death, the TIMI score had better calibration than GRACE. These findings need to be validated populations of different risk profiles.


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Abstract Background: BNP has been extensively evaluated to determine short- and intermediate-term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome, but its role in long-term mortality is not known. Objective: To determine the very long-term prognostic role of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) for all-cause mortality in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS). Methods: A cohort of 224 consecutive patients with NSTEACS, prospectively seen in the Emergency Department, had BNP measured on arrival to establish prognosis, and underwent a median 9.34-year follow-up for all-cause mortality. Results: Unstable angina was diagnosed in 52.2%, and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, in 47.8%. Median admission BNP was 81.9 pg/mL (IQ range = 22.2; 225) and mortality rate was correlated with increasing BNP quartiles: 14.3; 16.1; 48.2; and 73.2% (p < 0.0001). ROC curve disclosed 100 pg/mL as the best BNP cut-off value for mortality prediction (area under the curve = 0.789, 95% CI= 0.723-0.854), being a strong predictor of late mortality: BNP < 100 = 17.3% vs. BNP ≥ 100 = 65.0%, RR = 3.76 (95% CI = 2.49-5.63, p < 0.001). On logistic regression analysis, age >72 years (OR = 3.79, 95% CI = 1.62-8.86, p = 0.002), BNP ≥ 100 pg/mL (OR = 6.24, 95% CI = 2.95-13.23, p < 0.001) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (OR = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.97-0.99, p = 0.049) were independent late-mortality predictors. Conclusions: BNP measured at hospital admission in patients with NSTEACS is a strong, independent predictor of very long-term all-cause mortality. This study allows raising the hypothesis that BNP should be measured in all patients with NSTEACS at the index event for long-term risk stratification.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o controle genético da formação de embriões somáticos da cultivar IAS-5 de soja. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, cultivando-se quatro plantas por vaso, sob fotoperíodo de 14 horas e temperatura em torno de 28°C. Efetuaram-se cruzamentos entre os parentais não-embriogênicos (cultivares IAC-6, Paraná e IAC-15) e embriogênico (cultivar IAS-5) e retrocruzamentos para obtenção das gerações F1, F2,RC1P1 e RC1P2. Cotilédones imaturos, com 4-6 mm de comprimento, derivados dos parentais das gerações F1, F2, RC1P1 e RC1P2 foram cultivados em placas de Petri contendo meio N10, por um período de 90 dias, em câmara de crescimento. Os embriões somáticos derivados da indução foram contados, e os números, usados para obtenção dos parâmetros genéticos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o caráter capacidade de produção de embriões somáticos da cultivar IAS-5 é de natureza quantitativa e controlado por, aproximadamente, 20 genes.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o BI-RADS® como fator preditivo de suspeição de malignidade em lesões mamárias não palpáveis nas categorias 3, 4 e 5, correlacionando as mamografias com os resultados histopatológicos através do cálculo do valor preditivo positivo do exame mamográfico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trezentas e setenta e uma pacientes encaminhadas a um serviço de referência em tratamento de câncer em Teresina, PI, para realização de exames histopatológicos em mama no período de julho de 2005 a março de 2008, por terem mamografia de categorias 3, 4 ou 5, tiveram seus exames revisados. Das 371 pacientes, 265 foram submetidas a biópsia por agulha grossa e 106, a marcação pré-cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: Em relação às mamografias, 11,32% foram classificadas como categoria 3, 76,28% como categoria 4 e 12,4% como categoria 5. Os resultados histológicos demonstraram 24% de exames positivos para malignidade. Os valores preditivos positivos das categorias 3, 4 e 5 foram, respectivamente, de 7,14%, 16,96% e 82,61%. Foram calculados os valores preditivos positivos, separadamente, para as biópsias percutâneas (7,14%, 15,76%, 76,47%) e para as marcações pré-cirúrgicas (7,14%, 20%, 100%). CONCLUSÃO: Achados malignos foram subestimados pelo laudo radiológico e houve superestimação de achados benignos, o que resultou na realização desnecessária de alguns procedimentos invasivos.


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Objective To evaluate the BI-RADS as a predictive factor of suspicion for malignancy in breast lesions by correlating radiological with histological results and calculating the positive predictive value for categories 3, 4 and 5 in a breast cancer reference center in the city of São Paulo. Materials and Methods Retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study including 725 patients with mammographic and/or sonographic findings classified as BI-RADS categories 3, 4 and 5 who were referred to the authors' institution to undergo percutaneous biopsy. The tests results were reviewed and the positive predictive value was calculated by means of a specific mathematical equation. Results Positive predictive values found for categories 3, 4 and 5 were respectively the following: 0.74%, 33.08% and 92.95%, for cases submitted to ultrasound-guided biopsy, and 0.00%, 14.90% and 100% for cases submitted to stereotactic biopsy. Conclusion The present study demonstrated high suspicion for malignancy in lesions classified as category 5 and low risk for category 3. As regards category 4, the need for systematic biopsies was observed.


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The authors performed a study of bone mass in eutrophic Brazilian children and adolescents using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in order to obtain curves for bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) by chronological age and correlate these values with weight and height. Healthy Caucasian children and adolescents, 120 boys and 135 girls, 6 to 14 years of age, residents of São Paulo, Brazil, were selected from the Pediatric Department outpatient clinic of Hospital São Paulo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo). BMC, BMD and the area of the vertebral body of the L2-L4 segment were obtained by DXA. BMC and BMD for the lumbar spine (L2-L4) presented a progressive increase between 6 and 14 years of age in both sexes, with a distribution that fitted an exponential curve. We identified an increase of mineral content in female patients older than 11 years which was maintained until 13 years of age, when a new decrease in the velocity of bone mineralization occurred. Male patients presented a period of accelerated bone mass gain after 11 years of age that was maintained until 14 years of age. At 14 years of age the mean BMD values for boys and girls were 0.984 and 1.017 g/cm², respectively. A stepwise multiple regression analysis of paired variables showed that the "vertebral area-age" pair was the most significant in the determination of BMD values and the introduction of a third variable (weight or height) did not significantly increase the correlation coefficient.


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O XBRL - eXtensible Business Report Language - é uma linguagem que está sendo implementada em vários países para divulgação das informações contábil-financeiras pela internet. Este artigo mostra o estado-da-arte do XBRL e como se deu sua evolução, bem como avalia o estágio atual do Brasil na divulgação de informações contábil-financeiras pela internet. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo survey com empresas de capital aberto no Brasil. A pesquisa revelou uma forte aceitação do meio eletrônico para divulgação de informações financeiras e também que ainda é muito pequeno o conhecimento da linguagem XBRL no país e, conseqüentemente, menor ainda o número de entidades que já iniciaram formalmente os estudos para sua implementação. Mostrou ainda a inexistência de um padrão de divulgação de informações eletrônicas, tendo predominado os formatos PDF, HTML e DOC, o que dificulta a análise e comparação de informações entre órgãos reguladores e com o público em geral.


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Em julho de 1976 foi realizado um inquérito em 3.096 crianças de 0 a 14 anos, que freqüentavam Centros de Saúde Estaduais no Município de São Paulo , Brasil, com o objetivo de identificar a população ainda suscetível ao sarampo, quer por não ter tido a doença quer por não ter sido vacinada. Também destinava-se, esta pesquisa, a obter outras informações locais de importância para a vigilância epidemiológica da moléstia.


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OBJETIVO: Antes do uso do questionário padronizado ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) em inquéritos epidemiológicos, pouco se conhecia sobre a ocorrência comparativa de asma no mundo, dados os diferentes métodos empregados. No Brasil, outros estudos utilizaram o questionário ISAAC em regiões urbanas. Realizou-se estudo utilizando esse questionário nas zonas urbana e rural com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de asma em escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com o questionário escrito ISAAC, acrescido de perguntas sobre exposições de interesse, auto-aplicado em 3.770 escolares de 13 e 14 anos de idade do município de Montes Claros (MG) selecionados por sorteio. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de "sibilos no último ano" foi 15,8%, e de "asma ou bronquite alguma vez na vida" 23,8%, sem diferença significativa entre sexos. Houve diferença estatística (p<0,05) entre sexos (feminino e masculino, respectivamente) em "sibilos alguma vez na vida" (37,8% e 33,6%), "sono alterado devido à crise de sibilos" (13,7% e 9,5%) e "tosse seca noturna sem infecção respiratória" (36,6% e 28,7%). Houve associação nociva entre "sibilos no último ano", "contato com animais domésticos" (OR=1,27; IC 95%: 1,03-1,56) e "história familiar de asma" (OR=1,79; IC 95%: 1,50-2,14), e associação protetora entre "sibilos no último ano" e "localização rural da escola" (OR=0,63; IC 95%: 0,44-0,91), mas não houve associação com sexo, idade, domínio escolar e tabagismo passivo. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma na amostra estudada foi elevada, com alguns sintomas predominantes no sexo feminino. A ocorrência de "sibilos no último ano" mostrou-se associada à história familiar, contato com animais domésticos e localização urbana das escolas.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the validity of dengue fever reports and how they relate to the definition of case and severity. METHODS Diagnostic test assessment was conducted using cross-sectional sampling from a universe of 13,873 patients treated during the fifth epidemiological period in health institutions from 11 Colombian departments in 2013. The test under analyses was the reporting to the National Public Health Surveillance System, and the reference standard was the review of histories identified by active institutional search. We reviewed all histories of patients diagnosed with dengue fever, as well as a random sample of patients with febrile syndromes. The specificity and sensitivity of reports were estimated for this purpose, considering the inverse of the probability of being selected for weighting. The concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search was calculated using Kappa statistics. RESULTS We included 4,359 febrile patients, and 31.7% were classified as compatible with dengue fever (17 with severe dengue fever; 461 with dengue fever and warning signs; 904 with dengue fever and no warning signs). The global sensitivity of reports was 13.2% (95%CI 10.9;15.4) and specificity was 98.4% (95%CI 97.9;98.9). Sensitivity varied according to severity: 12.1% (95%CI 9.3;14.8) for patients presenting dengue fever with no warning signs; 14.5% (95%CI 10.6;18.4) for those presenting dengue fever with warning signs, and 40.0% (95%CI 9.6;70.4) for those with severe dengue fever. Concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search resulted in a Kappa of 10.1%. CONCLUSIONS Low concordance was observed between reporting and the review of clinical histories, which was associated with the low reporting of dengue fever compatible cases, especially milder cases.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the internal consistency of the measurements of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) in different occupational groups. METHODS A validation study was conducted with data from four surveys with groups of workers, using similar methods. A total of 9,959 workers were studied. In all surveys, the common mental disorders were assessed via SRQ-20. The internal consistency considered the items belonging to dimensions extracted by tetrachoric factor analysis for each study. Item homogeneity assessment compared estimates of Cronbach’s alpha (KD-20), the alpha applied to a tetrachoric correlation matrix and stratified Cronbach’s alpha. RESULTS The SRQ-20 dimensions showed adequate values, considering the reference parameters. The internal consistency of the instrument items, assessed by stratified Cronbach’s alpha, was high (> 0.80) in the four studies. CONCLUSIONS The SRQ-20 showed good internal consistency in the professional categories evaluated. However, there is still a need for studies using alternative methods and additional information able to refine the accuracy of latent variable measurement instruments, as in the case of common mental disorders.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe different approaches to promote adverse drug reaction reporting among health care professionals, determining their cost-effectiveness. METHODS We analyzed and compared several approaches taken by the Northern Pharmacovigilance Centre (Portugal) to promote adverse drug reaction reporting. Approaches were compared regarding the number and relevance of adverse drug reaction reports obtained and costs involved. Costs by report were estimated by adding the initial costs and the running costs of each intervention. These costs were divided by the number of reports obtained with each intervention, to assess its cost-effectiveness. RESULTS All the approaches seem to have increased the number of adverse drug reaction reports. We noted the biggest increase with protocols (321 reports, costing 1.96 € each), followed by first educational approach (265 reports, 20.31 €/report) and by the hyperlink approach (136 reports, 15.59 €/report). Regarding the severity of adverse drug reactions, protocols were the most efficient approach, costing 2.29 €/report, followed by hyperlinks (30.28 €/report, having no running costs). Concerning unexpected adverse drug reactions, the best result was obtained with protocols (5.12 €/report), followed by first educational approach (38.79 €/report). CONCLUSIONS We recommend implementing protocols in other pharmacovigilance centers. They seem to be the most efficient intervention, allowing receiving adverse drug reactions reports at lower costs. The increase applied not only to the total number of reports, but also to the severity, unexpectedness and high degree of causality attributed to the adverse drug reactions. Still, hyperlinks have the advantage of not involving running costs, showing the second best performance in cost per adverse drug reactions report.


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A infectividade do clone CL-14 do Trypanosoma cruzi para camundongos foi revista utilizando-se como inóculo metacíclicos de cultura em NNN+LIT, pré-incubados ou não com complemento de cobaio. Nos animais inoculados não observamos parasitemia patente, mas a presença do parasito foi confirmada em 30% deles (9/30) através de hemocultivo ou xenodiagnóstico, este examinado aos 100 dias. A positividade das hemoculturas pôde ser evidenciada a partir dos 60 dias quando procederam de camundongos inoculados com metacíclicos tratados com complemento. Nos demais hemocultivos a positividade foi constatada aos 100 dias ou posteriormente. Um reisolado do CL-14 também não determinou parasitemia patente em camundongos até 30 dias após a inoculação. Estes achados são discutidos em relação à proteção imunológica observada em camundongos inoculados com este clone.


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Q fever has been considered non-existing in Brazil where reports of clinical cases still cannot be found. This case-series of 16 patients is a result of a systematic search for such illness by means of clinical and serologic criteria. Serologic testing was performed by the indirect microimmunofluorescence technique using phase I/II C. burnetii antigens. Influenza-like syndrome was the most frequent clinical form (eight cases - 50%), followed by pneumonia, FUO (fever of unknown origin), mono-like syndrome (two cases - 12.5% each), lymphadenitis (one case - 6.3%) and spondylodiscitis associated with osteomyelitis (one case - 6.3%). The ages varied from four to 67 years old with a median of 43.5. All but one patient had positive serologic tests for phase II IgG whether or not associated with IgM positivity compatible with acute infection. One patient had both phase I and phase II IgG antibodies compatible with chronic Q fever. Seroconvertion was detected in 10 patients. Despite the known limitations of serologic diagnosis, the cases here reported should encourage Brazilian doctors to include Q fever as an indigenous cause of febrile illness.


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O autor apresenta os resultados obtidos na pesquisa de ovos de helmintos, em uma única amostra de fezes coletadas de 1537 escolares, na faixa etária de 7-14 anos, de Escolas Públicas Municipais localizadas em toda a zona urbana de Salvador, utilizando o método de Kato. De um modo geral, os índices encontrados foram bastante elevados, sobretudo em relação ao Trichocephalus trichiurus, alcançando 100% de positivos em deis sub-distritos (Mares e Pilar) e Ascaris lumbricoides, com um percentual máximo de 89,3%. de positivos em São Caetano. Relativamente ao sexo oi percentuais obtidos para Trichocephalus trichiurus, Ascaris lumbricoides e Enterobius vermicularis foram mais altos no sexo feminino, diferindo dos índices de Ancilostomídeos e principalmente, Schistosoma mansoni, os quais foram superiores nos escolares do sexo masculino.