51 resultados para Hot spot - menetelmä

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to streptomycin (SM), isoniazid (INH), and/or rifampin (RIF) as determined by the conventional Löwenstein-Jensen proportion method (LJPM) were compared with the E test, a minimum inhibitory concentration susceptibility method. Discrepant isolates were further evaluated by BACTEC and by DNA sequence analyses for mutations in genes most often associated with resistance to these drugs (rpsL, katG, inhA, and rpoB). Preliminary discordant E test results were seen in 75% of isolates resistant to SM and in 11% to INH. Discordance improved for these two drugs (63%) for SM and none for INH when isolates were re-tested but worsened for RIF (30%). Despite good agreement between phenotypic results and sequencing analyses, wild type profiles were detected on resistant strains mainly for SM and INH. It should be aware that susceptible isolates according to molecular methods might contain other mechanisms of resistance. Although reproducibility of the LJPM susceptibility method has been established, variable E test results for some M. tuberculosis isolates poses questions regarding its reproducibility particularly the impact of E test performance which may vary among laboratories despite adherence to recommended protocols. Further studies must be done to enlarge the evaluated samples and looked possible mutations outside of the hot spot sequenced gene among discrepant strains.


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In this work we propose a new approach for the determination of the mobility of mercury in sediments based on spatial distribution of concentrations. We chose the Tainheiros Cove, located in the Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil, as the study area, for it has a history of mercury contamination due to a chloro-alkali plant that was active during 12 years. Twenty-six surface sediment samples were collected from the area and mercury concentrations were measured by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A contour map was constructed from the results, indicating that mercury accumulated in a "hot spot" where concentrations reach more than 1 µg g-1. The model is able to estimate mobility of mercury in the sediments based on the distances between iso-concentration contours that determines an attenuation of concentrations factor. Values of attenuation ranged between 0.0729 (East of the hot spot, indicating higher mobility) to 0.7727 (North of the hot spot, indicating lower mobility).


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(Florística e estrutura na mata do Taquara, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, DF). As matas de Galeria, apesar de legalmente protegidas, vêm sendo sistematicamente substituídas visando a outras finalidades. As árvores (DAP³ 5 cm) na mata de Galeria do córrego do Taquara, na Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, no Distrito Federal, foram amostradas pelo método de quadrantes, com 250 pontos, dispostos em linhas estabelecidas ao longo do comprimento do córrego, desde as margens até os limites entre a mata e o cerrado. A amostragem de 1.000 árvores resultou na composição florística, na fitossociologia e na distribuição dos diâmetros dos troncos. No total foram amostradas 110 espécies de 49 famílias. O índice de diversidade de Shannon & Wiener foi estimado em 4,25 nats.ind-1. As famílias mais importantes foram: Leguminosae (lato sensu), Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Euphorbiaceae e Sapindaceae, enquanto as espécies principais foram: Tapirira guianensis, Copaifera langsdorffii, Lamanonia ternata, Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Piptocarpha macropoda, Alibertia macrophylla, Matayba guianensis, Pera glabrata, Guettarda viburnioides e Ixora warmingii. As estimativas da densidade e da área basal total foram de 1.573 árvores.ha-1, e 38,5 m².ha-1 respectivamente. A distribuição diamétrica indicou uma curva tendendo para o `J' invertido, evidenciando os baixos níveis de distúrbios ocorridos na mata. Uma comparação florística conduzida entre 21 matas de Galeria no Distrito Federal apontou a mata do Taquara como uma área rica, com 110 (29,1%) das 378 espécies listadas e similaridade de Sørensen variando entre 0,34 e 0,80, nas matas incluídas.


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Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited form of retinal ganglion cell degeneration leading to optic atrophy in young adults. Several mutations in different genes can cause LHON (heterogeneity). The ND6 gene is one of the mitochondrial genes that encodes subunit 6 of complex I of the respiratory chain. This gene is a hot spot gene. Fourteen Persian LHON patients were analyzed with single-strand conformational polymorphism and DNA sequencing techniques. None of these patients had four primary mutations, G3460A, G11788A, T14484C, and G14459A, related to this disease. We identified twelve nucleotide substitutions, G13702C, T13879C, T14110C, C14167T, G14199T, A14233G, G14272C, A14290G, G14365C, G14368C, T14766C, and T14798C. Eleven of twelve nucleotide substitutions had already been reported as polymorphism. One of the nucleotide substitutions (A14290G) has not been reported. The A14290G nucleotide substitution does not change its amino acid (glutamic acid). We looked for base conservation using DNA star software (MEGALIGN program) as a criterion for pathogenic or nonpathogenic nucleotide substitution in A14290G. The results of ND6 gene alignment in humans and in other species (mouse, cow, elegans worm, and Neurospora crassa mold) revealed that the 14290th base was not conserved. Fifty normal controls were also investigated for this polymorphism in the Iranian population and two had A14290G polymorphism (4%). This study provides evidence that the mtDNA A14290G allele is a new nonpathogenic polymorphism. We suggest follow-up studies regarding this polymorphism in different populations.


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Endometriosis is a complex and multifactorial disease. Chromosomal imbalance screening in endometriotic tissue can be used to detect hot-spot regions in the search for a possible genetic marker for endometriosis. The objective of the present study was to detect chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in ectopic tissue samples from ovarian endometriomas and eutopic tissue from the same patients. We evaluated 10 ovarian endometriotic tissues and 10 eutopic endometrial tissues by metaphase CGH. CGH was prepared with normal and test DNA enzymatically digested, ligated to adaptors and amplified by PCR. A second PCR was performed for DNA labeling. Equal amounts of both normal and test-labeled DNA were hybridized in human normal metaphases. The Isis FISH Imaging System V 5.0 software was used for chromosome analysis. In both eutopic and ectopic groups, 4/10 samples presented chromosomal alterations, mainly chromosomal gains. CGH identified 11q12.3-q13.1, 17p11.1-p12, 17q25.3-qter, and 19p as critical regions. Genomic imbalances in 11q, 17p, 17q, and 19p were detected in normal eutopic and/or ectopic endometrium from women with ovarian endometriosis. These regions contain genes such as POLR2G, MXRA7 and UBA52 involved in biological processes that may lead to the establishment and maintenance of endometriotic implants. This genomic imbalance may affect genes in which dysregulation impacts both eutopic and ectopic endometrium.


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Spot bloth caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana is an important wheat desease mainly in hot and humid regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of wheat to different sources and modes of Si application, as related to the severity of wheat spot blotch and plant growth, in two Si-deficient Latosols (Oxisols). An greenhouse experiment was arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial completely randomized design, with eight replications. The treatments consisted of two soils (Yellow Latosol and Red Latosol) and five Si supply modes (no Si application; Si applied as calcium silicate and monosilicic acid to the soil; and Si applied as potassium silicate or monosilicic acid to wheat leaves). No significant differences were observed between the two soils. When Si was applied to the soil, regardless the Si source, the disease incubation period, the shoot dry matter yield and the Si content in leaves were greater. Additionally, the final spot blotch severity was lower and the area under the spot blotch disease progress curve and the leaf insertion angle in the plant were smaller. Results of Si foliar application were similar to those observed in the control plants.


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A plant's nutritional balance can influence its resistance to diseases. In order to evaluate the effect of increasing doses of N and K on the yield and severity of the mayze white spot, two experiments were installed in the field, one in the city of Ijaci, Minas Gerais, and the other in the city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The experimental delimitation was in randomized blocks with 5 x 5 factorial analysis of variance, and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of N (20; 40; 80; 150; 190 Kg ha-1of N in the experiments 1 and 2) and five doses of K (15; 30; 60; 120; 180 Kg ha-1of K in experiment 1 and 8.75; 17.5; 35; 50; 100 Kg ha-1of K in experiment 2). The susceptible cultivar 30P70 was planted in both experiments. The plot consisted of four rows 5 meters long, with a useful area consisting of two central rows 3 meters each. Evaluations began 43 days after emergence (DAE) in the first experiment and 56 DAE in the second one. There was no significant interaction between doses of N and K and the disease progress P+. The effect was only observed for N. The K did not influence the yield and the severity of the disease in these experiments. Bigger areas below the severity progress curve of the white spot and better yield were observed with increasing doses of N. Thus, with increasing doses of N, the white spot increased and also did the yield.


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The parasitic inspection of 745 jaraqui fillets (Semaprochilodus insignis Schomburgk, 1814) from the rio Negro, Manaus (AM) - Brazil, show a low prevalence of metacercaria cysts of Clinostomum marginatum Rudolphi, 1819. From the collected samples since 1981 to 1983, only showed the cysts.


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Land cover changes over time as a result of human activity. Nowadays deforestation may be considered one of the main environmental problems. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize changes to forest cover in Venezuela between 2005-2010. Two maps of deforestation hot spots were generated on the basis of MODIS data, one using digital techniques and the other by means of direct visual interpretation by experts. These maps were validated against Landsat ETM+ images. The accuracy of the map obtained digitally was estimated by means of a confusion matrix. The overall accuracy of the maps obtained digitally was 92.5%. Expert opinions regarding the hot spots permitted the causes of deforestation to be identified. The main processes of deforestation were concentrated to the north of the Orinoco River, where 8.63% of the country's forests are located. In this region, some places registered an average annual forest change rate of between 0.72% and 2.95%, above the forest change rate for the country as a whole (0.61%). The main causes of deforestation for the period evaluated were agricultural and livestock activities (47.9%), particularly family subsistence farming and extensive farming which were carried out in 94% of the identified areas.


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OBJECTIVE: To use published Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) Study data to evaluate changes in cardiovascular mortality in nondiabetic hypertensive patients according to the degree of reduction in their diastolic blood pressure. METHODS: In the HOT Study, 18,700 patients from various centers were allocated at random to groups having different objectives of for diastolic blood pressure: <=90 (n=6264); <=85 (n=6264); <=80mmHg (n=6262). Felodipine was the basic drug used. Other antihypertensive drugs were administered in a sequential manner, aiming at the objectives of diastolic blood pressure reduction. RESULTS: The group of nondiabetic hypertensive subjects with diastolic pressure<=80mmHg had a cardiovascular mortality ratio of 4.1/1000 patients/year, 35.5% higher than the group with diastolic pressure <=90mmHg (cardiovascular mortality ratio, 3.1/1000 patients/year). In contrast, diabetic patients allocated to the diastolic pressure objective group of <=80mmHg had a 66.7% reduction in cardiovascular mortality (3.7/1000 patients/year) when compared with the diastolic pressure group of <=90mmHg (cardiovascular mortality ratio, 11.1/1000 patients/year). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that in hypertensive diabetic patients reduction in diastolic blood pressure to levels <=80mmHg decreases the risk of fatal cardiovascular events. It remains necessary to define the level of diastolic blood pressure <=90mmHg at which maximal reduction in cardiovascular mortality is obtained for nondiabetics.


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Drosophila boraceia sp. nov. is described from a single male specimen collected at the Estação Biológica de Boracéia, Salesópolis, state of São Paulo, Brazil. At first inspection it looks like a species of Drosophila belonging to the fasciola subgroup of the repleta group, mainly because of the fasciola-like pattern of fused spots on the thorax. However, mostly due to the quite distinct structures of the male terminalia, it seems to be more similar to one ungrouped and also spot-thoraxed South American species, Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982. Illustrations of the terminalia are also provided.


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Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.


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The knowledge on Atlantic Forest scarab beetle fauna is quite limited. This biome is strongly degraded and these insects can be used as bioindicators since they are sensitive to forest destruction and show distinct organizational patterns in forest fragments or in areas that have been deteriorated by human activity. Thus, a study of the Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) dung beetles fauna that inhabit Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brazil (23º12'-23º22' S and 46º53'-47º03'W) was carried out; the monthly species richness was analyzed in six areas during one year and the vegetation's structural physiognomy was described. The areas included a conserved and a degraded valley, a northward and a southward hillside, a hilltop, and an area of secondary forest growing under eucalyptus trees. The specimens were collected using four pitfall traps baited with human feces, which remained at each spot during 48 hours. Between September, 1997 and August, 1998, 3524 individuals of 39 species were collected; the most abundant were: Canthidium trinodosum, Eurysternus cyanescens, Uroxys kratochvili, Scybalocanthon nigriceps, Uroxys lata, Canthonella sp., Dichotomius assifer, Deltochilum furcatum, Canthidium sp.2, Canthon latipes, Deltochilum rubripenne, Eurysternus sp., and Dichotomius sp.1. The number of individuals and species was greater in the hot, rainy season, when there was a correlation between the number of species and the mean annual temperature [r²= 0.69; p<0.01]. The lower winter richness was most pronounced in the conserved valley, while richness remained relatively constant in the degraded valley; abundance was much higher in the degraded valley. The cluster analysis showed that the valleys and hillsides are the most similar in relation to species composition and abundance, yet different from the secondary forest with eucalypts and the hilltop.


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Seven soybean cultivars (Bossier, Cristalina, Davis, Kent, Lincoln, Paraná and Uberaba), with different levels of resistance to Cercospora sojina, were crossed in a diallel design to determine the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities relative to the inheritance of the resistance. Race 04 of the fungus was inoculated in the parents and in the 21 F1 hybrids in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design, with 12 replications. The reactions to the disease were evaluated 20 days after the inoculation, always on the most infected leaflet. Both GCA and SCA were significant for all the evaluated characters, being inferred that, for the expression of the characters, the additive, dominant and, possibly, epistatic genic actions were important. The largest values of estimated SCA effect (ij) were observed in the hybrid combinations where at least one parent presented high GCA. Cristalina, Davis and Uberaba cultivars showed the largest estimates for GCA effect (i), and from the analysis of ii, the contribution of these parents to heterosis of their hybrids will be towards the reduction of the disease symptoms. Therefore, these cultivars are indicated as parents in breeding programs that seek the development of soybean cultivars with resistance to frogeye leaf spot.


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The objective of this work was the biological and molecular characterization of a begomovirus detected in São Joaquim de Bicas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, named TGV-[Bi2], by determining its host range, complete nucleotide sequence and phylogenetic relationships with other begomoviruses. Biological characterization consisted of a host range study using either sap inoculation or particle bombardment as inoculation methods. The yellow spot virus can infect plants in Solanaceae and Amaranthaceae, including economically importat crops as sweet pepper, and weeds as Datura stramonium and Nicotiana silvestris. For the molecular characterization, the full-length genome (DNA-A and DNA-B) was amplified, cloned and completely sequenced. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses indicated that TGV-[Bi2] constitutes a novel begomovirus species named Tomato yellow spot virus (ToYSV), closely related to Sida mottle virus (SiMoV).