69 resultados para Horizontal Balance
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Avaliando a primeira década do século XXI, a política externa do Brasil tem passado por uma evolução significativa caracterizada por uma posição internacional e projeção de poder assertiva, dinamizando parcerias estratégicas com países desenvolvidos e emergentes. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as prioridades desta agenda e os potenciais relacionados a estes esforços de cooperação bi e multilateral horizontal e vertical.
Este trabalho busca examinar o desempenho político da concertação internacional entre a Índia, o Brasil e a África do Sul a partir do comportamento das políticas externas dos países concertados. A hipótese é de que o desempenho político eficiente de uma concertação internacional entre Estados Intermediários depende de políticas externas assertivas e alinhadas na busca por atingir as preferências (metas institucionais) de sua concertação, dimensionadas aqui para avaliação no âmbito de instituições internacionais como a Organização das Nações Unidas e a Organização Mundial do Comércio.
Nitrate losses from soil profiles by leaching should preferentially be monitored during high rainfall events and during irrigation when fertilizer nitrogen applications are elevated. Using a climatologic water balance, based on the models of Thornthwaite and Penman Monteith for potential evapotranspiration, drainage soil water fluxes below the root zone were estimated in a fertigated coffee crop. Soil solution extraction at the depth of 1 m allowed the calculation of nitrate leaching. The average nitrate concentration in soil solution for plots that received nitrogen by fertigation at a rate of 400 kg ha-1, was 5.42 mg L-1, surpassing the limit of the Brazilian legislation of 10.0 mg L-1, only during one month. For plots receiving 800 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, the average was 25.01 mg L-1, 2.5 times higher than the above-mentioned limit. This information indicates that nitrogen rates higher than 400 kg ha-1 are potentially polluting the ground water. Yearly nitrate amounts of leaching were 24.2 and 153.0 kg ha-1 for the nitrogen rates of 400 and 800 kg ha-1, respectively. The six times higher loss indicates a cost/benefit problem for coffee fertigations above 400 kg ha-1.
The study analyzes the trend in frequency of adults who drive under the influence of alcohol in major Brazilian cities after the passing of laws, which prohibit drunk driving. Data from the Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL) between 2007 and 2013 were analyzed. The frequency of adults who drove after abusive alcohol consumption was reduced by 45.0% during this period (2.0% in 2007 to 1.1% in 2013). Between 2007 and 2008 (-0.5%) and between 2012 and 2013 (-0.5%), significant reductions were observed in the years immediately after the publication of these laws that prohibit drunk driving. These improvements towards the control of drunk driving show a change in the Brazilian population’s lifestyle.
To clarify the mechanism responsible for the transient sinus tachycardia in rats with acute chagasic myocarditis, we have examined the cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic balance of 29 rats inoculated with 200,000 parasites (Trypanosoma cruzi). Sixteen infected animals and 8 controls were studied between days 18 and 21 after inoculation (acute stage). The remaining 13 infected animals and 9 controls were studied between days 60 and 70 after inoculation (sub-acute stage). Under anesthesia (urethane 1.25 g/kg), all animals received intravenous atenolol (5 mg/kg) and atropine (10 mg/kg). Acute stage: The baseline heart rate of the infected animals was significantly higher than that of the controls (P < 0.0001). The magnitude of the negative chronotropic response to atenolol was 4 times that of the controls (P < 0.00001). This response correlated with the baseline heart rate (r= - 0.72, P < 0.001). The heart rate responses to the beta-blocker and to atropine, of the infected animals studied during the sub-acute stage, were not different from controls. These findings suggest that cardiac sympathetic activity is transiently enhanced and cardiac parasympathetic activity is not impaired, in rats with acute chagasic myocarditis. The transient predominance of cardiac sympathetic activity could explain, in part, the sinus tachycardia observed in the acute stage of experimentally-induced chagasic myocarditis.
In order to study B. henselae transmission among cats, five young cats were kept in confinement for two years, one of them being inoculated by SC route with B. henselae (10(5) UFC). Only occasional contact among cats occurred but the presence of fleas was observed in all animals throughout the period. Blood culture for isolation of bacteria, PCR-HSP and FTSZ (gender specific), and BH-PCR (species-specific), as well as indirect immunofluorescence method for anti-B. henselae antibodies were performed to confirm the infection of the inoculated cat as well as the other naive cats. Considering the inoculated animal, B. henselae was first isolated by blood culture two months after inoculation, bacteremia last for four months, the specific antibodies being detected by IFI during the entire period. All contacting animals presented with bacteremia 6 months after experimental inoculation but IFI did not detect seroconversion in these animals. All the isolates from these cats were characterized as Bartonella (HSP and FTSZ-PCR), henselae (BH-PCR). However, DNA of B. henselae could not be amplified directly from peripheral blood by the PCR protocols used. Isolation of bacteria by blood culture was the most efficient method to diagnose infection compared to PCR or IFI. The role of fleas in the epidemiology of B. henselae infection in cats is discussed.
The purpose of this study was to assess the flexor-extensor group of muscles of the knee in young athletes diagnosed with a total rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Eighteen knees of 18 athletes (14 men and 4 women) with an average age of 21.6 years (range 16-32 years) were assessed with a Cybex 6000 model isokinetic apparatus. The average interval between occurrence of the injury and assessment was 10.2 months (range 2 - 48 months). There was an associated meniscal injury in eight of the knees. Athletes with any other kind of associated injury, limitation, or blockage of the movement of the joint, significant pain during the exam, or interval between injury and exam of less than two months were excluded from the study. The parameters studied were the peak torque-velocity and flexor-extensor relationships at the constant angular velocities of 60°/sec and 240°/sec. Previous warming-up was done by means of an ergometric bicycle and adaptation with 3 submaximal repetitions. The contra-lateral side, which presented no injury, was used as control. Peak torque (PT) at the constant velocity of 60°/sec was greater than that at 240°/sec for knees with and without injuries. However, there was no significant difference between the injured and uninjured sides at 60°/sec or at 240°/sec. The average value for the flexor-extensor relationship at 60°/sec on the injured was 60% (( 6), compared to 57% (( 10) on the contra-lateral side. At 240°/sec, the average value was 75% ((10) on the injured side, and 65% ((12) on the contra-lateral side. In conclusion, despite the complete rupture of the ACL of one knee, the average values for the flexor-extensor relationship were similar on the injured and uninjured sides at the velocity of 60°/sec. As the velocity increased, an increase in the values for the flexor-extensor relationship of the knee also occurred, indicating a tendency of the performance of the flexor muscle group to approach that of the extensor muscle group, and this tendency was more pronounced on the side of the injury.
Trabalhando na área do Parque Zoobotânico da uFAc e em outras duas áreas no município de Rio Branco, AC, estudamos de dezembro de 1982 a março de 1984 a migração de Chibui bari (Glossoscoleclidae, Oligochaeta). Foram determinadas a temperatura, o pH e a umidade do solo bem como a precipitação mensal durante o período do estudo. As médias do pH e da temperatura do solo não apresentara diferenças estatisticamente entre o verão e o inverno. Verificamos que esta espécie se mantém ativa durante o inverno e é durante este que realiza os dois tipos de migração, vertical e horizontal. Durante o verão os animais permaneceram em estivação a aproximadamente 96,o cm de profundidade em contraste com a profundidade máxima de atividade que foi de 42,0 cm. As migrações foram limitadas pela umidade do solo e também pela disponibilidade de alimento'neste.
Avaliou-se, sob condições controladas, a resistência de genótipos de seringueira ao mal-das-folhas. Empregaram-se dois isolados de Microcyclus ulei, pertencentes aos grupos I e II. Utilizaram-se mudas em sacos plásticos e inocularam-se folíolos nos estádios B1/B2 com uma suspensão de 2 χ 105conídios/ml. Incubaram-se as mudas em câmara úmida a 24° C por 24 horas. Determinaram-se o período latente (PL), diâmetro das lesões (DL), tipo de lesão (TL) e tipo de reação (TR). A maioria dos genótipos testados foi suscetível a pelo menos um isolado do patógeno. Os genótipos que apresentaram resistência moderada, com maior período latente e menor esporulação a um isolado, em geral, foram suscetíveis ao outro. Apenas o genotipo AM/86/271 exibiu resistência incompleta, caracterizada por maior PL, menor DL e baixa esporulação. Entretanto, o número de isolados testados não assegurou o caráter da resistência. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que os genótipos avaliados não apresentaram perspectivas para utilização em programas de melhoramento visando resistência ao M.ulei.
No período Janeiro a agosto de 1999, foi realizado um estudo sobre a presença de flebotomíneos em duas áreas de floresta residual, situadas próximas e no peri e domicilio de conjuntos habitacionais, na periferia da cidade de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a fauna de flebotomíneos e observar possíveis mudanças de hábito principalmente nos vetores da leishmaniose cutânea. Foram realizadas coletas de flebotomíneos na bases de árvores no estrato entre 0 e 2 metros. As fêmeas foram dissecados para a procura de flagelados. Na Estrada do Turismo, capturamos 579 flebotomíneos de 12 espécies; 545 na floresta residual e 33 espécimes na área domiciliar. Na outra área, Cidade de Deus, foram capturados 976 exemplares de 21 espécies; 883 flebotomos na floresta residual e 72 espécimes no ambiente domiciliar. Todas as 375 fêmeas dissecadas foram negativas para flagelados. Lutzomyia umbratilis Ward & Fraiha,1997 foi a espécie mais abundante em todos os ambientes de coletas.
In the field of agrometeorological studies we are in need of the estimation of the solar radiation frequently. At the present study the authors have worked out some dat:t regarding the hours of sunshine during the months of August, September, October, November, December and January of 1957, 1958 and 1959. Based on such hours of sunshine in the Agrometeorological Station, located at the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - U.S. P., in Piracicaba, the authors calculated the solar radiation received on a plane and horizontal surface, from the method proposed by Glover and Mc Culloch. With those results the authors estimated the percentual part of radiation that would be received on vertical wall facing north.
A distribuição horizontal da macrofauna bentônica na praia do Cassino, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil foi estudada durante o período de um ano (junho 2004 a maio de 2005) com base em coletas mensais. Foram escolhidos três locais, com 50 m de distância um do outro, sendo que em cada local foram fundeadas três transversais 2 m equidistantes. Cada transversal estendeu-se da base das dunas primárias até aproximadamente 1 m de profundidade no infralitoral. A distância dos níveis de coleta em cada transversal foi de 20 m até o limite superior da zona de varrido, a partir do qual a distância foi de 10 m. Em algumas ocasiões foi evidenciada variação espacial horizontal de alguns dos principais táxons, bem como da comunidade bentônica dentro de uma escala de 50 m e 100 m. Esta variação foi provavelmente reflexo da ação das marés meteorológicas que causam abrupta elevação do nível do mar.
A study about the horizontal stratification of the sand fly fauna in two distinct ecosystems, caatinga area, endemic for visceral leishmaniasis, and the tropical rain forest area, endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis, was performed in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Lutzomyia longipalpis was predominant in the caatinga, and following it came the species L. capixaba and L. oswaldoi. In the tropical rain forest other species were found, such as L. intermedia, L. migonei, L. whitmani, L. yuilli, L.fischeri, L. damascenoi, L. evandroi, L. monticola, and L. lenti. It was found that the geographical limits of the vector species of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis are clearly defined by the biological and phytogeographic characteristics.
A major goal in the treatment of acute ischemia of a vascular territory is to restore blood flow to normal values, i.e. to "reperfuse" the ischemic vascular bed. However, reperfusion of ischemic tissues is associated with local and systemic leukocyte activation and trafficking, endothelial barrier dysfunction in postcapillary venules, enhanced production of inflammatory mediators and great lethality. This phenomenon has been referred to as "reperfusion injury" and several studies demonstrated that injury is dependent on neutrophil recruitment. Furthermore, ischemia and reperfusion injury is associated with the coordinated activation of a series of cytokines and adhesion molecules. Among the mediators of the inflammatory cascade released, TNF-alpha appears to play an essential role for the reperfusion-associated injury. On the other hand, the release of IL-10 modulates pro-inflammatory cytokine production and reperfusion-associated tissue injury. IL-1beta, PAF and bradykinin are mediators involved in ischemia and reperfusion injury by regulating the balance between TNF-alpha and IL-10 production. Strategies that enhance IL-10 and/or prevent TNF-alpha concentration may be useful as therapeutic adjuvants in the treatment of the tissue injury that follows ischemia and reperfusion.
As part of an ongoing study on the features of AIDS spread towards small cities and rural areas, we present a molecular survey of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) polymerase sequences recovered between 2004 and 2006 from 71 patients receiving care in the city of Saquarema, inner state of Rio de Janeiro. Phylogenetic reconstructions found the two prevalent lineages in the state (subtypes B [59 strains, 83.1%], F1 [6 strains; 8.4%], and BF1 recombinants [four strains; 5.6%]), as well as two (2.8%) CRF02_AG strains, which seems to be an emerging lineage in the capital. These CRF02_AG sequences were recovered from a married heterosexual couple who never traveled abroad, thus providing the first molecular evidence of autochthonous horizontal transmission of this lineage of major global importance. Also, three phylogenetic clusters of strains recovered from a total of 18.3% of the cohort were uncovered. Their close genetic relatedness suggests they were recovered from patients who probably took part in the same chain of viral spread. In conjunction with our previous surveys from inner Rio de Janeiro, these results suggest that although small cities harbor unique molecular features of HIV-1 infection, they also clearly reflect and may rapidly absorb the diversity recorded in large urban centers.