22 resultados para Holt, Rush Dew, 1905-1955.
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Rio Branco, com a criação da embaixada brasileira em Washington em 1905, deu um novo fôlego para o movimento de aproximação com os Estados Unidos que já se verificava na política externa desde o advento da República. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da nossa pesquisa é, por meio de um trabalho de análise histórica, tendo como base, essencialmente, documentação primária, entender as concepções políticas e a influência que o primeiro ocupante do cargo de embaixador, Joaquim Nabuco, teve na condução desse relacionamento.
Discute-se encontro de larvas de duas espécies de anofelinos do subgênero Kerteszia - An. (Ker.) cruzii e An. (Ker.) bambusicolus - em criadouros artificiais, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil.
Holt-Oram syndrome was first described in 1960 as an association of familial heart disease and musculoskeletal abnormalities. The most important findings include atrial septal defects, atrioventricular conduction abnormalities, vascular hypoplasia, and upper limb musculoskeletal deformities. We report two patients with this syndrome in the same family and discuss the variability of the musculoskeletal abnormalities and their association with the cardiac morphologic defects. Both patients in this study had associated eosinophilia, which has not been reported in the literature.
Os autores iniciam com êste, uma série de trabalhos sôbre a Dermatozoonose provocada pela picada de Culicoides, em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. No presente, tratam das espécies de Culicoides encontradas em Salvador, baseados na coleta de 2.947 exemplares, durante os anos de 1959 a 1963. Encontraram as 4 espécies seguintes; C. (O.) paraensis (Goeldi, 1905) C. (O.) limonensis Ortiz & Leon, 1955 C. (C.) insignis Lutz, 1913 C. (C.) flavivenula Costa Lima, 1937. Não reencontraram o C. (C.) maruim, Lutz, 1913 assinalado por fox (1948) e WIRTH & BLANTON (1956) para Salvador. Dessas espécies o C. (C.) paraensis se mostrou a predominante, abrangendo 98% de exemplares coletados. Apresentam a distribuição das espécies por bairros e respectivas quantidades coletadas. Finalizando, dão as principais características morfológicas das espécies, ilustrando essas com desenhos do material por êles estudado.
A review is made of the evidence indicating the existence of gene amplification in Rhynchosciara, from the early cytological work to the more recent studies using cloned sequences from the DNA puffs. Mention is made of work still in progress which indicates that the transcription unit of a DNA puff is surprisingly complex.
Mazocraeoides georgei price, 1936 and mazocraeoides opisthonema Hargis, 1955 are reported for the first time in Brazil in Brevoortia aurea (Spix, 1829) and in Harengula clupeola (Cuvier, 1829) respectively, clupeid fishes from the littoral of Rio de janeiro State, which represent new host records. Mazocraeoides olentangiensis Sroufe, 1958 and mazocraeoides hargisi Price, 1961 are considered new synonyms for Mazocraeoides georgei.
This paper describes some results of a systematic survey of the Ceratopogonidae midges of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Three species, Stilobezzia punctulata Lane, 1947, Heteromyia chaquensis Duret & Lane, 1955 and Dasyhelea paulistana Forattini & Rabello, 1957 were identified from a small lake, "Lagoinha" or "Olhos d'Água", near to the main lake of Lagoa Santa. The first descriptions of the males of Heteromyia chaquensis and Dasyhelea paulistana are presented.
The authors present the list of the species caught in the National Parks of Ubajara and Sete Cidades, in the counties of Ubajara (CE) and Piracuruca (PI), respectively, and described the Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) samueli (Deane, 1955) female, which up to now had been known by the male.
A redescription of Halipegus dubius Klein, 1905, of Brazilian frogs Leptodactylus pentadactylus and L. ocellatus, is presented. The parasite was found exclusively in the buccal cavity, in number varying from 1 (in most instances) to 3, and exceptionally 25 (one instance). Morphological data were based on 40 whole-mounted specimens and 4 serially sectioned ones. Larval development takes place in planorbid snails (Biomphalaria glabrata and B. tenagophila) and in an undetermined species of cyclops. Working of the ovarian complex was followed by microscopical observation of life specimens. Constrating with the similarity of the four American species of Halipegus currently recognized as valid, they can be easily separated by the characters of their cercariae.
Rhipidocotyle gibsoni n.sp. is described from Acestrorhynchus lacustris from Paraná River, brazil. It is most closely related to r. froesi n. sp. and to R. eckmanni in the shape of the cephalic hood, differing in the extent of the uterus, in the position of the vitelline follicles and in that the host is a freshwater fish. Rhipidocotyle froesi n. sp. is proposed for the marine specimens described by Eckmann (1932) as R. baculum (Linton, 1905).