19 resultados para Hjelt, Sven-Erik
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
In 2001, China finally joined the WTO. The accession of China was looked forward to by many WTO members and China itself. However, observers had some fears that the Chinese accession would prove to be a Trojan horse, disrupting the working of the WTO. This paper looks into the Chinese accession and its involvement in the WTO Dispute Settlement and argues that these fears seem so far to be unfounded.
No norte do Estado do Espírito Santo, vem sendo observada a ocorrência crescente da ferrugem (Puccinia psidii G. Winter) nos pomares de goiabeira, ocasionando a queda de frutos novos e o declínio na produção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar tratamentos com fungicidas no controle da ferrugem em goiabeiras 'Paluma' podadas em diferentes épocas do ano. Foram realizados três experimentos, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com diferentes épocas de poda de frutificação (janeiro; maio e outubro) e quatro tratamentos fungicidas (I- testemunha - aplicação de água, II- oxicloreto de cobre, III- tebuconazole e IV- tebuconazole + oxicloreto de cobre). Observou-se que, quando a poda foi realizada em janeiro, houve as maiores incidências máxima e final da doença, acarretando menor número de frutos por planta. Dentre os fungicidas testados, tebuconazole isolado ou em mistura com oxicloreto de cobre foram os mais eficientes em controlar a doença nas três épocas de poda, inclusive na época de maior incidência da doença. Quatro pulverizações com tebuconazole, isolado ou em mistura com o oxicloreto de cobre, foram suficientes para minimizar os danos causados pela ferrugem da goiabeira.
Este trabalho é um estudo prospectivo e descritivo dos aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos de 72 envenenamentos por escorpiões admitidos no Hospital Municipal de Santarém, Estado do Pará, Brasil, entre fevereiro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001. Trouxeram o animal 8,3% das vítimas, os quais foram identificados como T. cambridgei. O sexo masculino foi acometido em 83,3%. A idade das vítimas e o tempo para o socorro médico foram respectivamente de 33,6±18,3 anos e 4,6±3,2 horas em média. Os membros superiores foram acometidos em 51,5% dos casos. As manifestações locais estiveram presentes em 91,7% e as sistêmicas em 98,6% dos envenenamentos. Entre os sintomas locais encontramos: parestesia em 79,2%, dor em 52,8%, e edema em 26,4% dos casos. Nas manifestações sistêmicas predominou as queixas neurológicas em 97,2% das vítimas, sendo o sintoma de sensação de "choque elétrico" pelo corpo (88,9%) o mais freqüente. No exame neurológico os sinais mais encontrados foram: mioclonias (93,0%), dismetria (86,1%), disartria (80,6%) e ataxia de marcha (70,8%). Classificou-se como moderados 76,4% dos envenenamentos, sem nenhum caso grave. Deixaram de realizar a soroterapia 32,7% dos casos moderados, por ausência de soro específico no momento do atendimento. O escorpionismo da região de Santarém mostra um comportamento clínico regional diferente daqueles descritos no Brasil e de outros locais da Amazônia e, apresenta uma clínica predominantemente neurológica, ainda não descrita na literatura brasileira.
Over a seven year period from 1991 to 1997, 22 species of tiger beetles, representing nine genera, were recorded near Manaus, Brazil. In the Whitewaterfloodplains along the Rio Solimões-Amazonas (Ilha de Marchantaria), three diurnal species inhabit inundation forests and six species (two diurnal, four nocturnal) live in open areas. Data on their natural history and adaptation to living conditions in floodplains are presented. Fifteen species were located on non-flooded uplands (Reserva Florestal A. Ducke). Five diurnal species inhabit the forest floor, two species are canopy dwellers, and eight species (seven diurnal, one nocturnal) live in open areas on whitesand or laterite. Only one species, Pentacomia lacordairei, was found in both floodplain and upland forests. A key to the larvae of tiger beetle genera located near Manaus is presented.
The new species Notiobia glabrata, N. maxima and N. pseudolimbipennis are described. A key to the 11 Notiobia (s.str.) species known from Brazil, data about the distribution of each species and taxonomical remarks are provided. Notiobia parilis Bates, 1878 is a junior synonym of N. nebrioides Perty, 1830, and Notiobia umbrata Bates, 1882 is a junior synonym of N. jlavicinctus Erichson, 1847. The Brazilian Notiobia species belong to at least three different species groups, each distributed from Brazil over the North-Western part of South America, Central America to Mexico.
Development of vaccines against Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans is of high priority, given the high burden of disease in some areas of the world like South America, and the lack of effective drugs with few adverse effects. Rodent models have been used in research on vaccines against T. gondii over the past decades. However, regardless of the vaccine construct, the vaccines have not been able to induce protective immunity when the organism is challenged with T. gondii, either directly or via a vector. Only a few live, attenuated T. gondii strains used for immunization have been able to confer protective immunity, which is measured by a lack of tissue cysts after challenge. Furthermore, challenge with low virulence strains, especially strains with genotype II, will probably be insufficient to provide protection against the more virulent T. gondii strains, such as those with genotypes I or II, or those genotypes from South America not belonging to genotype I, II or III. Future studies should use animal models besides rodents, and challenges should be performed with at least one genotype II T. gondii and one of the more virulent genotypes. Endpoints like maternal-foetal transmission and prevention of eye disease are important in addition to the traditional endpoint of survival or reduction in numbers of brain cysts after challenge.
The Rickettsia bacteria include the aetiological agents for the human spotted fever (SF) disease. In the present study, a SF groupRickettsia amblyommii related bacterium was detected in a field collected Amblyomma sculptum (Amblyomma cajennense species complex) tick from a Brazilian SF endemic site in southeastern Brazil, in the municipality of Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais. Genetic analysis based on genes ompA,ompB and htrA showed that the detected strain, named R. amblyommii str. JF, is related to the speciesR. amblyommii.
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las diferencias en las medidas corporales en vacas Brahman fértiles y subfértiles, establecer las diferencias en la concentración de colesterol, lipoproteínas y glucosa en suero y líquido folicular, y desarrollar un modelo para predecir subfertilidad en vacas Brahman a partir de las medidas corporales. Se seleccionaron vacas Brahman registradas, agrupadas en fértiles (15) y subfértiles (15) según historial reproductivo. Se tomaron muestras de suero y líquido folicular (diámetro >8 mm) para determinar colesterol, lipoproteínas, triacilgliceroles y glucosa. Las vacas subfértiles mostraron un fenotipo masculino, con medidas corporales mayores, y concentraciones de colesterol y HDL séricos y foliculares más bajas que las vacas fértiles. El colesterol y el HDL se correlacionaron positivamente entre los compartimientos en ambos grupos. La subfertilidad es más probable en vacas pesadas con hombros amplios y mayor perímetro torácico. El tamaño corporal en vacas Brahman subfértiles se relacionó con su apariencia, con cambios en los metabolitos séricos y foliculares y con las concentraciones de colesterol y HDL.
Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of sodium alginate from seaweeds oh the Sargassum genus was studied. The influence of H2O2 concentration (percentage of H2O2 on a dry weight alginate basis, w/w) and NaOH/H2O2 ratio (% NaOH/% H2O2, both referred to a dry weight alginate basis, w/w) on the molecular weight, color removal and content of Fe3+ ions of bleached alginate samples was investigated by UV and IR spectroscopies, colorimetric determination of Fe3+ ions and vapor pressure osmometry. Higher yield, purity and molecular weight of alginate were obtained using 3% (or less) of hydrogen peroxide and a NaOH/H2O2 ratio of 1.2 for bleaching.
Bioguided fractionation of Agelas cerebrum crude extract resulted in isolation of four bromopyrrole and four bromopyrrole aminoimidazole alkaloids, identified as 5-bromopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (1), 4-bromopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (2), 3,4-bromopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (3), 4,5-bromopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (4), oroidin (5), bromoageliferin (6), dibromoageliferin (7) and dibromosceptrin (8) on the basis of spectroscopic data analyses (UV, IR, HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR) and comparison with literature data. This is the first report of compounds 2 and 3 in a marine sponge belonging to the Agelas genus and the first evidence of the presence of 1 from a natural source.
Environmentally friendly acid carbon (CG) catalysts, containing a high amount of sulfonated and oxygenated groups, were prepared from glycerin, a biodiesel waste. CGs were produced by glycerin carbonization in the presence of H2SO4 at 1:3 m:m ratio in a closed autoclave at 180ºC for different times: 0.25; 1; 3 and 6 hours (CG-0.25h; CG-1h; CG-3h and CG-6h, respectively). The catalyst properties for all carbons were evaluated in the glycerol etherification reaction with tert-butyl alcohol (TBA). The yield for mono-tert-butyl glycerol (MTBG), di-tert-butyl glycerol (DTBG) and tri-tert-butyl-glycerol (TTBG) was high and very similar for all CGs, of about 43% and 20% for the MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively. Furthermore, the activity of these catalysts were close to those obtained using a commercial resin, Amberlyst-15, of about 50% and 27% for MTBG and DTBG + TTBG, respectively.
Bioresorbable polymeric films were prepared by solvent casting using a tyrosine-derived polycarbonate and metronidazole (MDZ) as the model drug at 2.5%, 5% and 10% (w/w). Drug loading did not affect the water uptake, drug release, polymer degradation or erosion profiles. All devices released approximately 85% (w/w) of the drug within a 1.5 h period. This may be attributed to the rapid water uptake of the polymer. An increase in the water uptake correlated with a linear rate increase of the polymer degradation (0.968 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.999). Moreover, MDZ presented a remarkable plasticizing effect for the polymer and drug loading exerted a significant impact on the mechanical properties of the obtained films. The results obtained can be used to further the development of novel biocompatible and biodegradable polymeric platforms for the delivery of metronidazole and other drugs in a broad range of pharmaceutical applications.
ABSTRACTObjective:to analyze the implementation of a trauma registry in a university teaching hospital delivering care under the unified health system (SUS), and its ability to identify points for improvement in the quality of care provided.Methods:the data collection group comprised students from medicine and nursing courses who were holders of FAPESP scholarships (technical training 1) or otherwise, overseen by the coordinators of the project. The itreg (ECO Sistemas-RJ/SBAIT) software was used as the database tool. Several quality "filters" were proposed to select those cases for review in the quality control process.Results:data for 1344 trauma patients were input to the itreg database between March and November 2014. Around 87.0% of cases were blunt trauma patients, 59.6% had RTS>7.0 and 67% ISS<9. Full records were available for 292 cases, which were selected for review in the quality program. The auditing filters most frequently registered were laparotomy four hours after admission and drainage of acute subdural hematomas four hours after admission. Several points for improvement were flagged, such as control of overtriage of patients, the need to reduce the number of negative imaging exams, the development of protocols for achieving central venous access, and management of major TBI.Conclusion: the trauma registry provides a clear picture of the points to be improved in trauma patient care, however, there are specific peculiarities for implementing this tool in the Brazilian milieu.
Objetivos: avaliar variações de peso corporal, pressão arterial, glicemia em jejum, HbA1C, insulina, colesterol total, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglicérides, TGO, TGP, GGT e bilirrubina em mulheres usuárias de um implante único, subdérmico, de Silástico, contendo 55 mg (±10%) de acetato de nomegestrol, durante dois anos. Métodos: dezoito voluntárias saudáveis e em idade reprodutiva, que desejavam fazer uso de anticoncepcionais e não apresentavam contra-indicações para o uso de contracepção hormonal, participaram deste estudo. Todas as mulheres foram avaliadas antes do início do tratamento e a seguir, acompanhadas por um período de dois anos. Ao final do primeiro ano, as cápsulas foram retiradas e novas cápsulas foram inseridas. Resultados: o peso corporal aumentou de 54,9 ± 1,5 kg na admissão para 55,3 ± 2,0 kg no 12º mês de uso (p<0,05), e para 56,0 ± 2,7 kg no 24º mês de uso. Registrou-se discreto aumento da pressão arterial, tanto sistólica quanto diastólica, no mês 12 (p<0,01). No mês 24, a pressão arterial não era significativamente diferente dos valores de admissão. Todos os valores estiveram dentro dos limites da normalidade. Insulina, HbA1C, LDL-C e GGT permaneceram inalterados durante os vinte e quatro meses de uso do implante. Diminuição significativa do colesterol total (p<0,05) foi observada no 3º mês e de HDL-C (p<0,01) no 6º mês. Observou-se aumento significativo de triglicérides (p<0,05) apenas no 12º mês. Todas as alterações de lipoproteínas foram inconsistentes, e os valores estiveram dentro dos limites da normalidade. Aumentos significativos dos níveis de glicemia em jejum (p<0,05 e p<0,01) foram observados respectivamente no 3º e no 6º mês. Diminuições significativas da TGO (p<0,05, p<0,01 e p<0,05) foram observadas respectivamente no 6º, 18º e 24º mês e da TGP (p<0,05) no 18º mês. Somente se observou aumento significativo de bilirrubina (p<0,05) no 3º mês de uso do implante. Todas estas variações permaneceram dentro dos limites da normalidade. Conclusões: esses resultados demonstraram que, dentro dos limites da normalidade, as variações de glicemia em jejum não se correlacionam às alterações dos níveis de insulina. As alterações discretas em lipoproteínas séricas, TGO, TGP e bilirrubina foram transitórias. Não foram observados efeitos clínicos em lipoproteínas, metabolismo de carboidratos, níveis de insulina e função hepática entre as usuárias por dois anos.