21 resultados para Hamilton County (Ohio) Welfare Dept.
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Este artigo argumenta que no Brasil a luta de classes não alcançou dimensões profundas que pudesse engendrar a constituição do welfare state. Ao contrário, o Estado, sobretudo sua forma mais moderna, capitalista, que emergiu a partir da década de 1930, sempre se antecipou aos movimentos sociais que representassem ameaças de rupturas. De forma repressiva, o Estado brasileiro desde o Império dissipou os conflitos com o objetivo de manter uma certa harmonia em favor do processo de expansão e reprodução capitalista e a integração dos espaços regionais. O artigo, portanto, é uma tentativa, prematura, de entender o processo de constituição dos sistemas de seguridade social, analisando as experiências de alguns países e suas respectivas características, com isso confrontando alguns estudos e realizando comparações com a dinâmica da luta de classes no Brasil e a função do Estado nesse processo.
In August 1983 the Authors studied 36 patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and 14 normal individuals born in Humaita region who had never had malaria, had no spleen enlargement and had negative parasitemia as well as passive hemagglutination. Medical histories were obtained and complete physical examination were performed in all of them just as blood tests, parasite density and lymphocyte typing. The lymphocytes were separated and then frozen in liquid nitrogen for later typing by rosette formation. The patients were divided in two groups according to the presence (13 patients) or abscence (23 patients) of gametocytes before treatment. Severe malaria was predominant in the group without gametocytes. The results showed a decrease in the T-cell numbers in Plasmodium falciparum acute malaria patients both with or without gametocytes before the treatment, while B-cell numbers were normal only in the patients with gametocytes. These observations as like as those previously reported by the Authors, permit to associate the presence of gametocytes in peripheral blood and normal number of B-cells in patients with mild Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Stool samples of 157 patients with AIDS, living in the county of São Paulo, were submitted to several techniques in the search for Cryptosporidium sp.. Among the various techniques tested for slide preparation (direct smear, spontaneous sedimentation method, and formol-ether concentration), the latter, formol-ether concentration, offered the best results, clearly outdoing all the others. Nineteen samples out of 157 prepared by this technique, after dyeing by the Kinyoun method or by carbol fuchsin dimethyl sulfoxide, were found to be positive for Cryptosporidium sp..
Dogs sera samples collected from Cotia County, São Paulo were tested using indirect immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) in order to study Lyme disease serology in dogs. ELISA method was standardized and G39/40 North American strain of Borrelia burgdorferi was used as antigen. Positive results were confirmed employing the Western blotting technique. Because of the possibility of cross-reactions, sera were also tested for different serological strains of Leptospira interrogans and L. biflexa using microscopic sera agglutination test. Twenty-three of 237 (9.7%) serum samples were positive in the ELISA; 20 of them (86.9%) were confirmed by the Western blotting, what suggests that Cotia may be a risk area for Lyme disease. Although 4 samples (1.7%) were positive for Lyme disease and leptospirosis, no correlation was found between the results (X² = 0.725; p = 0.394) what suggests absence of serological cross reactivity.
The sylvatic triatomine Rhodnius pallescens is considered to be the most important and widespread vector of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli in Panama. However, its behavior and biological characteristics have only been partially investigated. Thus, to achieve sustainable and efficient control over Chagas disease in Panama, a better understanding of the ecology and biology of R. pallescens is essential. In this study we evaluated R. pallescens host feeding sources using a dot-blot assay, and the trypanosome infection index by PCR analysis in a Chagas disease endemic area of central Panama. It was found that in peridomestic palm trees, 20.3% of the examined bugs had fed on opossums (Didelphis marsupialis). However, we observed an increased anthropophagy (25.4%) for those bugs collected inside houses. Considering the domestic and peridomestic habitats as a whole, the proportion of collected R. pallescens infected with trypanosomes was 87.4%. In the two habitats the predominant infection was with T. cruzi (80-90%). Between 47-51% of the analyzed triatomines were infected with T. rangeli. Mixed infections (40-51%) were also detected. These findings provide a better basis for the implementation of a rational control and surveillance program for Chagas disease in regions where R. pallescens is endemic.
In the present paper the life cycle of Triatoma sordida was studied. The mean length from egg to adult was 213 days. The mean length in days from each stage was: 24.3 (± 1.30) for the first. 32.8 (± 1.45) (2nd), 36.1 (± 1.50) (3rd), 44.6 (± 1.85) (4th) and 52.0 (± 1.92) (5th). The mean egg incubation períod was 23.2 (± 1.40). Overall mortality was 18.8% and egg viability was 82.5%.
In the present paper the life cycle of Rhodnius neglectus was studied. The mean length from egg to adult was 119 days. The mean length in day from each stage was: 17.4 (± 1.15) for first, 18.2 (± 1.28) for second, fourth and 29.8 (± 1.46) for fifth.
In the present work the life cycle of Psammolestes tertius was studied. The mean length, in days, fromeach stage was: 26.3 (± 1.7) (1st), 28.6 (± 1.8) (2nd), 28.4 (± 1.8) (3rd), 32.2 (± 1.9) (4th) and 33.5 (± 5.8) (5th). The mean egg incubation period was 15.7 days (± 1.7). Overall mortality was 48.9% and egg viability was 65.7%.
In August 1983,85 inhabitants of the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas State, Brazil were studied to determine the prevalence of antigens to HLA-A, -B, -C and DR. Thirty-eight were sick with malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum. All subjects were examined for splenomegaly, blood parasitaemia and antibodies to malaria. They constituted three groups: 1) 25 subjects native to the Amazon region who had never had malaria; 2) 38 Amazonian subjects who had malaria in the past or currently had an infection; 3) 22 patients with malaria who had acquired the infection in the Amazon Region but came from other regions of Brazil. Blood was taken from each person, the lymphocytes were separated and typed by the test of microlymphocytotoxicity. There was a high frequency of antigens that could not be identified in the groups studied which suggests the existence of a homozygote or phenotype not identified in the population. There was a high frequency of the phenotype Ag(W24) (44.7%) in group 2 when compared with group 1 (32%) or group 3 (9%). Also the individuals in group 2 showed an elevated frequency of antigen DR(4)80%) when compared with group 1 (36.6%) or group 3 (16.6%). These observations suggest the possibility of a genetic susceptibility to malaria among Amazonian residents and indicate a necessity for more extensive studies of the frequency of HLA antigens among inhabitants of this endemic malarial zone.
A total of 207 patients with malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum were submitted to 5 different treatment schedules with clindamycin from 1981 to 1984: A - 89 patients were treated intravenously and orally, or intramuscularly and orally with 20 mg/kg/day divided into two daily applications for 5 to 7 days; B-40 patients were treated orally with 20 mg/kg/day divided into two daily doses for 5 to 7 days; C-27 patients were treated with 20 mg/kg/day intravenously or orally divided into two daily applications for 3 days; D-16 patients were treated orally and/or intravenously with a single daily dose of 20 to 40 mg/kg/day for 5 to 7 days; E-35 patients were treated orally with 5 mg/kg/day divided into two doses for 5 days. Patients were examined daily during treatment and reexamined on the 7th, 24th, 21st, 28th and 35th day both clinically and parasitologically (blood test). Eighty three (40.1%) had moderate or severe malaria, and 97 (46.8%) had shown resistance to chloroquine or to the combination ofsulfadoxin and pyrimethamine. The proportion of cured patients was higher than 95% among patients submitted to schedules A and B. Side effects were only occasional and of low intensity. Three deaths occurred (1.4%), two of them involving patients whose signs and symptoms were already very severe when treatment was started. Thus, clindamycin proved to be very useful in the treatment of patients with malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum and we recommend schedule A for moderate and severe cases and Bfor initial cases.
INTRODUCTION: In recent years, hantavirus infections producing severe diseases have obtained an increased attention from public health authorities from the countries of Eurasia to the Americas. Brazil has reported 1,300 cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) from 1993 to 2010, with about 80 of them occurring in the northeast of the State of São Paulo, with 48% fatality rate. Araraquara virus was the causative agent of HCPS in the region. Considering that hantaviruses causing human disease in the Americas were unknown until 1993, we have looked for hantavirus infections in the population of Cássia dos Coqueiros county, northeast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, before this time. This county has about 2,800 inhabitants and an economy based on agriculture, including cultivation of Brachiaria decumbens grass. The grass seeds are an important rodent attraction, facilitating transmission of hantavirus to man. Four HCPS cases were reported so far in the county. METHODS: In this study, 1,876 sera collected from 1987 to 1990 were tested for IgG to hantavirus by IgG-ELISA, using the N recombinant protein of Araraquara virus as antigen. RESULTS: Positive results were observed in 89 (4.7%) samples, which were all collected in 1987. The positivity among urban inhabitants was 5.3%, compared with 4.3% among those living in rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that hantavirus infections occurred in Cássia dos Coqueiros, completely unrecognized, even before hantaviruses were described in the Americas.
Many potentially harmful pesticides for both human health and the environment are used in Brazilian Amazon. However, no scientific datum on pesticide usage is presently available for this region. Consequently, it is difficult to assess which substances arc used and in which quantities. As an important premise for future work on pesticide contamination in the county of Santarém (State of Pará, Brazil), a survey was conducted in order to qualify and quantify the use of some pesticides in this region. This investigation was made between January and March 1997 and August and October 1998 and revealed use of several organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and carbamates insecticides. Furthermore, many herbicides and fungicides were listed. These pesticides are used for agriculture, domestic, and sanitary programs. This paper also provides a first estimation of quantities of some insecticides commonly used in agriculture (chlorpyrifos, malathion, metamidophos and methyl-parathion). The annual consumption for these four compounds is estimated at ca. 1 910 kg. Organophosphate insecticide consumption in the county of Santarém seems to be lower than the Brazilian average in terms of «per capita» and «per agricultural area» consumptions. Nevertheless, this county uses toxic substances on sensitive environments such as floodplains (várzeas), making relevant a thorough study on the potential contamination of this environment and its biota.
OBJETIVO: Determinar os pontos de melhor sensibilidade e especificidade do Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e da Escala de Avaliação de Depressão de Hamilton (HAM-D) no diagnóstico de depressão associada à epilepsia. MÉTODOS: Setenta e três pacientes de um centro de referência no tratamento da epilepsia foram submetidos à avaliação neuropsiquiátrica. Foram colhidos dados clínicos e sociodemográficos, sendo utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevista clínica estruturada (MINI-PLUS) para diagnóstico psiquiátrico conforme o DSM-IV, HAM-D e BDI. RESULTADOS: No momento da entrevista, 27,4% dos pacientes estavam deprimidos e 37% preenchiam critérios para diagnóstico de depressão maior ao longo da vida. A análise da curva ROC indicou que o ponto de corte em 16 (> 16) para o BDI (sensibilidade de 94,4%, especificidade de 90,6%) e em 16 (> 16) para a HAM-D (sensibilidade de 95%, especificidade de 75,5%) representou dicotomização ótima entre deprimidos e não deprimidos. Ambos os instrumentos apresentaram um valor preditivo negativo superior a 95%. CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de depressão maior é elevada em pacientes com epilepsia. BDI e a HAM-D podem auxiliar o clínico na identificação da depressão associada à epilepsia, diminuindo seu subdiagnóstico.
Objetivo Investigar as características psicométricas de uma versão traduzida da escala, propondo uma Versão Revisada que atenda aos critérios de adaptação transcultural para o contexto brasileiro. Métodos Este estudo incluiu 231 sujeitos – deprimidos (45,5%), bipolares (7,8%) e saudáveis (46,7%) – que participaram de uma pesquisa epidemiológica no sul do Brasil. A avaliação de transtornos mentais foi realizada por meio da Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) e uma versão traduzida da Escala de Avaliação de Depressão de Hamilton (HAM-D), que habitualmente vem sendo utilizada no país sem estudos de adaptação. Resultados Identificou-se o ponto de corte (9 pontos) para discriminar a presença ou não de sintomas de depressão pela análise da curva ROC, resultando em uma sensibilidade e especificidade de 90 e 91%, respectivamente. A validade interna foi investigada pela análise fatorial e consistência dos itens. Dos 17 itens originais, apenas o item que avalia a “consciência do transtorno” não apresentou carga fatorial satisfatória para avaliar depressão geral e foi eliminado; os 16 restantes agruparam-se em cinco dimensões, denominadas: Humor deprimido, Anorexia, Insônia, Somatização e Ansiedade, as quais, com exceção da última, mostraram homogeneidade nos seus construtos (coeficientes alfa entre 0,66 e 0,78). Na análise de conteúdo dos itens, cinco especialistas sugeriram alterações redacionais em sete itens. Conclusão O estudo determina um ponto de corte diferente do original e evidencia características psicométricas favoráveis para a utilização da escala no Brasil.
Foi estudada a influência de tres tratamentos com a finalidade de evitar o escurecimento enzimático (branqueamento, SO2 e ácido ascórbico) e de tres métodos de processamento (appertização, congelação e liofilização) nas propriedades organoléticas da maçã em pedaços, da variedade Ohio Beauty. Imediatamente após seu recebimento, uma terça parte das frutas foi processada. Outra terça parte foi colocada em câmara fria a 1°C por três semanas e a restante deixada sob as mesmas condições por seis semanas, sendo estas duas últimas processadas imediatamente após os respectivos tempos de armazenamento prévio. Os resultados mostraram que o melhor tratamento foi a combinação branqueamento-congelação para todos os atributos de qualidade, exceto para cor, em que a combinação ácido ascórbico-congelação foi superior. a congelação foi o método de processamento mais adequado para a variedade em estudo. O armazenamento prévio teve alguma influência nas propriedades organoléticas da maçã em pedaços, de modo que, as amostras correspondentes à parte não armazenada foram julgadas inferiores para quase todos os atributos de qualidade.