31 resultados para HCC PAT CLIN
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da incorporação das globinas bovina extraÃda pelo método da acetona acidificada (GT) e pelo da carboximetilcelulose (GCMC) e do caseinato de sódio (CA) sobre a composição quÃmica e as qualidades microbiológica e sensorial do patê de presunto. Foi, ainda, avaliada a estabilidade do produto durante os 45 dias de estocagem sob refrigeração, por meio das determinações de pH e do grau de oxidação lipÃdica. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pôde-se verificar que a adição dessas proteÃnas elevou o teor protéico das amostras analisadas. Além disso, observou-se que apenas a GT provocou uma queda do pH e uma elevação de substâncias reativas ao ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (thiobarbiuric acid reactive substances - TBARS). Com relação à qualidade microbiológica dos produtos, não foram observadas alterações após a incorporação das proteÃnas e, pela análise sensorial, foram identificadas diferenças significativas entre as duas formulações de patê avaliadas (PCA e PGCMC).
Foi avaliado o Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT), no que se refere a implantação, funcionamento e resultados em empresas, no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. O universo pesquisado abrangeu um total de 130 empresas, sendo 85 inscritas no PAT entre 1977 e 1980 e 45 não inscritas. Neste grupo, a coleta de dados limitou-se ao ano de 1980 e teve como finalidade o estabelecimento de parâmetros para avaliar os indicadores de impacto do Programa. A análise dos cardápios sugere que um reduzido percentual de empresas fornece refeições conforme as exigências mÃnimas de energia e proteÃna estabelecidas pela Lei 6.321/76, isto é, um mÃnimo de 1.400 cal e NDpCal% superior a 6. O exame dos indicadores de impacto nas empresas dos dois grupos sugere que o PAT não modificou o número de acidentes de trabalho, condições de saúde e rotatividade dos trabalhadores; tendo apenas influÃdo no absenteÃsmo.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers were investigated in 40 incident cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in two age and sex matched control groups, comprising 40 patients with other cancers and 80 healthy individuals, resident in Bahia, Brazil. Serologic tests were done by radioimmunoassay. The study observed high proportion of seropositivity to HBsAg (42.5%) and of those presenting HBsAg or antiHBc (65.0%) among HCC cases, higher in men than women and in those aged 17 to 30 years old. HBsAg seropositivity among HCC patients was greater than in the control group with other cancers (7.5%) and in healthy controls (2.5%), corresponding to odds ratio estimates of 15.0 (95% CI 3.29, 68.30) and 33.0 (95% CI 9.13, 119.28), both statistically significant. HBeAg was not observed and antiHBe was present in 41.2% of cases, suggesting the absence of viral replication, possibly with viral DNA intergration into the hepatocyte genome. The presence of cirrhosis was associated with HBsAg seropositivity among HCC cases. A history of chronic alcoholism is shown to be more frequently related to those cases with cirrhosis. This study highlights the relevant association between HCC and HBV in Northeast Brazil, particularly for young individuals, and the high risk of development of HCC for HBsAg carriers.
Em 1993 ocorreu um surto alimentar em escola, com 211 afetados. Os dados epidemiológicos levantados por entrevista de amostragem de afetados e não afetados mostraram que os sintomas predominantes foram diarréia, febre (77,7%), dor abdominal (67,7%), vômito (65,8%), calafrios (54,5%) e cefaléia (44,5%). A mediana de incubação foi de 17 horas, com limites entre 3 e 29 horas. A duração da doença foi de 3 a 4 dias. O alimento consumido foi um tipo de patê, mistura de molho de maionese preparada com ovos crus com batata cozida, passado em pão. A análise de material biológico (3 coproculturas) e de restos de alimentos revelou a presença do mesmo microrganismo, a Salmonella Enteritidis. No caso dos alimentos, o número encontrado desta bactéria por gramo de produto era compatÃvel com a quantidade de células necessária para desencadear a doença (10(4)e 10(5)/g). O antibiograma de todas as cepas isoladas revelou o mesmo padrão de sensibilidade. As falhas no preparo do alimento relacionadas com o levantamento indicam a possibilidade de contaminação endógena dos ovos; contaminação cruzada - o surto afetou três perÃodos escolares, sendo que para cada um o alimento foi preparado em separado - e as condições de manutenção do alimento após preparo e até o consumo. A observação por uma semana seguida das 3 merendeiras envolvidas, através de coprocultura, não indicaram que as mesmas fossem portadoras assintomáticas desta bactéria ou que tivessem sido envolvidas no surto em questão.
In order to investigate epidemiological aspects of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Brazil, basic informations about cases diagnosed from January 1992 to December 1994 were requested to several medical centers of different Brazilian States. A simple questionnaire included age, sex, alcohol abuse (over 80g/day), associated liver cirrhosis, persistent HBV infection (HBsAg), HCV infection (anti-HCV) and serum levels of alpha fetoprotein. 287 cases, over 16 years old, from 19 medical centers of 8 States (Pará, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul) were analysed. The results showed: (a) Mean age was 56.3 ± 14.4 for men and 54.7 ± 16.8 yr for women and the male/female ratio was 3.4:1. (b) 69.6% were caucasians, 21.8% mullatoes, 4.8% orientals and 3.7% blacks. (c) HBsAg (+) in 77/236 cases (41.6%) without differences between males and females. (d) Anti-HCV (+) in 52/193 cases (26.9%). (e) 7/180 cases were positive both for HBsAg and anti-HCV (3.8%). (f) There was chronic alcoholism in 88/235 cases (37%). (g) HCC was found in cirrhotic livers in 71.2% of 202 cases in which the presence or absence of cirrhosis was reported. (h) Alpha-fetoprotein above 20 ng/ml was found in 124/172 cases (72%) and above 500 ng/ml only in 40 cases (23.2%). These results showed that the HCC in Brazil has an intermediate epidemiological pattern as compared to those from areas of low and high incidence of the tumor. In spite of the high frequency of the association of HCC with the HBV and/or HCV infections, 42% of 180 cases were negative both for HBsAg and anti-HCV, indicating the possible role of other etiological factors. The comparison of data from different States showed some regional differences: higher frequency of associated HBsAg in Pará, Bahia, Minas Gerais and EspÃrito Santo, higher frequency of associated HCV infection in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and States of the Southern region and low frequency of associated liver cirrhosis in Salvador and Rio de Janeiro (55.5 and 50% respectively). Further investigation will be necessary to study the presence of other possible etiological factors as aflatoxins, suggested by the favourable climatic conditions for food contamination by fungi in the majority Brazilian regions
Exogenous agents correlated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have been identified and well characterized. These agents, including the different viruses that cause chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, can lead to regenerative nodules and dysplastic nodules/adenomatous hyperplasia. These conditions associated with several molecular alterations of hepatocyte ultimately culminate in hepatocellular carcinoma. Recently, there has been a great progress in the identification of somatic and germinative mutations that may be correlated with the development of HCC, justifying a review on the subject. Hence, the factors involved in the process of hepatic carcinogenesis, such as infection by the hepatitis B and C viruses, with a special focus in the molecular alterations described in recent years are discussed herein, pointing out areas potentially relevant for clinical development.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an important type of cancer etiologically related to some viruses, chemical carcinogens and other host or environmental factors associated to chronic liver injury in humans. The tumor suppressor gene p53 is mutated in highly variable levels (0-52%) of HCC in different countries. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to compare the frequency of aberrant immunohistochemical expression of p53 in HCC occurring in cirrhotic or in non-cirrhotic patients as well as in liver cell dysplasia and in adenomatous hyperplasia. We studied 84 patients with HCC or cirrhosis. RESULTS: We detected p53 altered immuno-expression in 58.3% of patients in Grade III-IV contrasting to 22.2% of patients in Grade I-II (p = 0.02). Nontumorous areas either in the vicinity of HCC or in the 30 purely cirrhotic cases showed no nuclear p53 altered expression, even in foci of dysplasia or adenomatous hyperplasia. No significant difference was found among cases related to HBV, HCV or alcohol. CONCLUSION: The high frequency of p53 immunoexpression in this population is closer to those reported in China and Africa, demanding further studies to explain the differences with European and North American reports.
Chronic infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the main risk factors for the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the emergence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in non-cirrhotic HCV patients, especially after sustained virological response (SVR) is an unusual event. Recently, it has been suggested that HCV genotype 3 may have a particular oncogenic mechanism, but the factors involved in these cases as well as the profile of these patients are still not fully understood. Thus, we present the case of a non-cirrhotic fifty-year-old male with HCV infection, genotype 3a, who developed HCC two years after treatment with pegylated-interferon and ribavirin, with SVR, in Brazil.
The association of Schistosoma mansoni infection with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was studied in Espirito Santo State, Brazil. Schistosoma infection was diagnosed by stool examinations or by histological finding at autopsy. HCC was diagnosed by biopsy, laparoscopy and biopsy or at autopsy. Among 45 cases of HCC six had Schistosoma mansoni infection (13.04%). The occurrence of Schistosoma infection among HCC HBs Ag positive or negative was similar (13.3 3% and 13.63% respectively). The chi squared comparison showed no significant differences between the frequency of schistosomiasis in patients with HCC and the frequency of Schistosoma infection among people living in the Espirito Santo State (5.9% among children of elementary school from all the counties of the State and 6.7% in people that attended medical care in Vitoria, the capital of the State). Therefore, the authors believe that the association of schistosomiasis mansoni with HCC may be casual, specially in areas where the Schistosoma mansoni infection is frequent.
IntroductionFew studies have examined hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Brazil, and the incidence and risk factors for this type of malignancy vary greatly geographically. In this paper, we report several risk factors associated with HCC diagnosed at the University Hospital in Vitória, ES, Brazil.MethodsWe reviewed 274 cases of HCC (January 1993 to December 2011) in which hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) virus infection and chronic alcoholism were investigated. A diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was confirmed by histology or by the presence of a characteristic pattern on imaging.ResultsHCC with associated liver cirrhosis was noted in 85.4% of cases. The mean ages of men and women were 56.6 years and 57.5 years, respectively. The male-to-female ratio was 5.8:1. Associated risk factors included the following: HBV, 37.6% (alone, 23.4%; associated with chronic alcoholism, 14.2%); HCV, 22.6% (alone, 13.5%; associated with chronic alcoholism, 9.1%), chronic alcoholism, 17.1%, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, 2.6% and cryptogenic, 19.3%. The male-to-female ratio was higher in cases associated with HBV or chronic alcoholism compared with HCV-associated or cryptogenic cases. In 40 cases without associated cirrhosis, the male-to-female ratio and mean age were lower than those in cirrhosis-associated cases.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that the main risk factor associated with HCC in the State of EspÃrito Santo is HBV. Chronic alcoholism is an important etiological factor, alone or in association with HBV or HCV infection.
Avaliou-se, sob condições controladas, a resistência de genótipos de seringueira ao mal-das-folhas. Empregaram-se dois isolados de Microcyclus ulei, pertencentes aos grupos I e II. Utilizaram-se mudas em sacos plásticos e inocularam-se folíolos nos estádios B1/B2 com uma suspensão de 2 χ 105conídios/ml. Incubaram-se as mudas em câmara úmida a 24° C por 24 horas. Determinaram-se o período latente (PL), diâmetro das lesões (DL), tipo de lesão (TL) e tipo de reação (TR). A maioria dos genótipos testados foi suscetível a pelo menos um isolado do patógeno. Os genótipos que apresentaram resistência moderada, com maior período latente e menor esporulação a um isolado, em geral, foram suscetíveis ao outro. Apenas o genotipo AM/86/271 exibiu resistência incompleta, caracterizada por maior PL, menor DL e baixa esporulação. Entretanto, o número de isolados testados não assegurou o caráter da resistência. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que os genótipos avaliados não apresentaram perspectivas para utilização em programas de melhoramento visando resistência ao M.ulei.
A reação de resistência das espécies Piper aduncum, P. arboreum, P. carniconnectivum, P. colubrinum, P. hispidinervium, P. hispidum, P. hostmannianum, P. tuberculatum, P. nigrum e Piper sp. à infecção causada por dois isolados de Nectria haematococca f. sp. piperis foi determinada em condições de telado, através do cultivo em solo infestado e de inoculações no internódio de mudas com três meses de desenvolvimento. Mudas de P. nigrum (pimenta-do-reino) foram usadas como controle, devido a alta suscetibilidade ao patógeno. Aos 110 dias observou-se que o isolado Adu obtido de Ρ. aduncum não causou podridão das raízes em todas as espécies, com exceção de Piper sp. e de P. nigrum, enquanto que o isolado Nig obtido de P. nigrum causou infecção apenas nas raízes desse hospedeiro. Diferenças significativas (p<0,01) foram observadas no nível de resistência entre as espécies, sendo as espécies nativas mais resistentes à infecção causada pelo fungo. Os isolados apresentaram variação para virulência (p<0,01), sendo o isolado Nig mais virulento do que o Adu. Não ocorreu, porém, interação entre Piper spp. e os dois isolados de N. haematococca f. sp. piperis. Concluiu-se, portanto, que o isolado Adu não tem habilidade de infectar os tecidos radiculares das espécies estudadas e que pelo menos sete espécies nativas apresentam uma alta resistência ao patógeno, podendo ser utilizadas como porta-enxertos resistentes para controlar doenças radiculares da pimenta-do-reino.
Devido à falta de informações sobre Urbanus acawoios (Williams, 1926) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), e pelos danos severos por ele causados em árvores de Clitoria racemosa, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido sob condições de laboratório para verificar a possibilidade de utilizar Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (H-3a:3b) como agente microbiano para o seu controle. O pH do intestino médio do hesperídeo mostrou ser bastante alcalino, variando de 8,4 a 9,2 (média de 8,7), indicando a possibilidade das larvas serem susceptíveis ao patógeno. Os ensaios confirmaram a alta susceptibilidade a dosagens equivalentes a 110 g / ha, resultando em tempos letais medianos (TL50) de 42,28, 37,18, 28,00 e 51,87 horas para larvas de 3o, 4°, início e final do 5º ínstares, respectivamente. Três outras dosagens (80, 150 e 280 g/h) foram aplicadas para larvas do 3º ínstar, resultando em TLs50 de 42,62, 30,77 e 30,06 horas, respectivamente. Descrições detalhadas sobre os sintomas externos nas larvas infectadas foram dadas. As alterações histológicas do intestino médio afetado pela d-endotoxina de B. thuringiensis foram descritas. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho revelam a grande possibilidade de controlar esta praga utilizando-se produtos e formulados à base desta bactéria.
AbstractBackground:One of the most important thyroid hormone targets is the cardiovascular system. Hemodynamic changes, such as decreased resting heart rate (HR), myocardial contractility, and cardiac output, and increased diastolic pressure and systemic vascular resistance, have been observed in hypothyroid patients. Moreover, in these patients, ECG changes include sinus bradycardia and low voltage complexes (P waves or QRS complexes).Objective:This study aimed at evaluating the prophylactic effect of apelin on HR changes and QRS voltage that occur in propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothyroid rats.Method:In this study, 48 adult male Wistar rats weighing 170-235g were randomly divided into 6 groups: Control group (normal saline ip injection + tap water gavage); P group (PTU 0.05%, in drinking water); A group (apelin 200 µg.kg-1.day-1, ip); PA group [co-administration of PTU and apelin]; PT group [co-administration of PTU + T4 (0.2 mg/g per day, gavage)]; and PAT group (co-administration of PTU, apelin and T4). All experiments were performed for 28 consecutive days, and then the animals were anesthetized with an ip injection of ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylazine (12 mg/kg). Lead II electrocardiogram was recorded to calculate HR and QRS voltage.Results:Heart rate and QRS voltage increased more significantly in the hypothyroid group that consumed both apelin and T4 (201 ± 4 beat/min, 0.71 ± 0.02 mv vs. hypothyroid 145 ± 9 beat/min, 0.563 ± 0.015 mv; respectively).Conclusion:The co-administration of apelin and T4 showed a protective effect on QRS voltage and HR in PTU‑induced hypothyroid rats.