151 resultados para H. Paasonens mordwinisches Wörterbuch. 1-6
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
O processamento auditivo é fundamental para a cognição e pode ocasionar deficiência no aprendizado. Os portadores de sua deficiência podem ser habilitados, melhorando o desempenho escolar. É fundamental identificá-los. Dentre os que apresentam baixo custo e facilidade operacional está o exame de emissões otoacústicas. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Clínico e experimental. OBJETIVO: Estudar a relação do aproveitamento escolar com a inibição da emissão otoacústica transiente por estímulo auditivo contralateral. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 39 alunos, de sete a doze anos, sendo 19 (48,7%) com bom aproveitamento escolar e 20 (51,3%) com aproveitamento inadequado. Os exames emissão otoacústica com inibição contralateral foram comparados aos resultados de aproveitamento escolar. RESULTADOS: A falha da supressão da otoemissão transiente por estímulo acústico contralateral foi mais encontrada no grupo de crianças com mau aproveitamento escolar. Foi estabelecido um valor de corte de 1.6 dB SPL de redução da otoemissão que caracteriza a criança como pertencente ao grupo com mau aproveitamento com sensibilidade de 65,0%, especificidade de 72,2%, acurácia de 68,4% e valor preditivo positivo de 72,2%. CONCLUSÃO: O teste da falha da inibição contralateral da emissão otoacústica por estímulo auditivo contralateral é preditivo de transtorno do aproveitamento escolar em indivíduos de seis a doze anos de idade.
Foi realizado estudo em 6 bairros do Município de Cubatão, SP, Brasil, situados às margens dos principais rios do município, com uma amostragem de 251 crianças de 1 a 10 anos de idade. Foram verificadas as concentrações sangüíneas de praguicidas organoclorados em 242 crianças, sendo que 73 crianças (30%) apresentaram concentrações de p-p'DDE (média = 0,85 ± 2,13 µg/l.), e em 47 crianças (19%) foi encontrado HCH total (média = 0,28 ± 0,79 µg/l.). Verificou-se também a concentração sangüínea de chumbo e mercúrio, sendo que se obteve a plumbemia média de 17,8 ± 5,8 µg/dl. e concentração média de mercúrio de 9,1 ± 6,4 µg/l. Crianças consumidoras de organismos aquáticos de origem exclusiva dos rios de Cubatão apresentaram teores médios de mercúrio (média = 14,7 ±7,1 µg/l.) significativamente maiores (p < 0,04) em comparação às crianças não consumidoras de organismos aquáticos de qualquer origem (média = 10,0 ± 6,5 µg/l.).
Salmonella spp. are the etiologic agents of salmonellosis, a worldwide spread zoonoses causing foodborne outbreaks and clinical diseases. By serological identification, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:- accounted for 8.8% of human and 1.6% of nonhuman Salmonella strains isolated in São Paulo State, during 1991-2000. A total of 28.6% of them amplified a fragment corresponding to H:1,2 (flagellar phase two) through PCR analysis and were further assigned as S. Typhimurium. Antimicrobial resistance was detected in 36.3% of the 369 PCR-negative strains tested, including the multiresistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin.
The purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2), human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treponema pallidum and Trypanosoma cruzi among 63 male prisoners in Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais, Brazil and to compare this with data from eligible blood donors. The positive results were as follows: 11/63 (17.5%) for HBV, 5/63 (7.4%) for syphilis, 4/63 (6.3%) for HCV, 3/63 (4.8%) for Chagas' disease, 2/63 (3.2%) for HIV-1/2 and 1/63 (1.6%) for HTLV-I/II. The seroprevalence in prisoners was higher than among blood donors, mainly for antibodies to HIV-1/2, HCV and HBV. This is probably due to low social economic level, illiteracy, higher proportion with a prior history of intravenous drug use and/or unsafe sexual behavior. Therefore, these prisoners constitute a high risk group and routine screening and counseling are recommended.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância da interação entre a integrina Mac-1 dos leucócitos (a Mb 2) e a glicoproteína (GP) Iba das plaquetas para o recrutamento de leucócitos após a lesão vascular e o efeito da neutralização da interação Mac-1-GPIba sobre a proliferação celular e a hiperplasia neointimal desencadeadas por lesão vascular. MÉTODOS: Um peptídeo denominado M2 ou anticorpo anti-M2 foi desenvolvido para bloquear a interação Mac-1-GPIba . Esse peptídeo foi injetado e comparado com anticorpo-controle em camundongos C57B1/6J submetidos a lesão vascular da artéria femoral com corda-guia. Um, cinco ou 28 dias após a lesão vascular, as artérias femorais foram retiradas para a realização de morfometria e imuno-histoquímica. RESULTADOS: O bloqueio da interação Mac-1-GPIba promoveu uma redução estatisticamente significativa do número de leucócitos na camada média no primeiro dia após a lesão vascular (controle: 7,9±5,0% do total de células versus anti-M2: 2,0±1,6%, p=0,021), bem como determinou uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa do acúmulo de leucócitos na neoíntima em cinco e 28 dias (controle: 42,3±12,9% versus anti-M2: 24,6±10,8%, p=0,047 e controle: 7,9±3,0% versus anti-M2: 3,3±1,3%, p=0,012; respectivamente). A proliferação celular na camada média do vaso em cinco dias pós-lesão foi reduzida com o bloqueio da interação Mac-1-GPIba (controle: 5,0±2,9% do total de células versus anti-M2: 1,8±0,5%; p=0,043), assim como houve diminuição significativa da proliferação celular na camada íntima do vaso em 28 dias (controle: 3,8±1,7% versus anti-M2: 2,0±1,2%; p=0,047). O bloqueio da interação Mac-1-GPIba também determinou uma redução estatisticamente significativa do espessamento intimal em 28 dias pós-lesão (controle: 10.395±3.549 µm² versus anti-M2: 4.561±4.915 µm²; p=0,012). CONCLUSÃO: O recrutamento de leucócitos após a lesão vascular é dependente da interação Mac-1-GPIba e a neutralização dessa interação inibe a proliferação celular e a formação neointimal.
Fundamentos: O nível de metilação global do ADN de leucócitos no sangue tem sido associado ao risco de doença arterial coronariana (DAC), com resultados inconsistentes em diferentes populações. Faltam dados semelhantes da população chinesa, onde diferentes fatores genéticos, de estilo de vida e ambientais podem afetar a metilação do ADN e sua relação com o risco de DCC. Objetivos: Analisar se a metilação global está associada ao risco de doença coronariana na população chinesa. Métodos: Foram incluídos um total de 334 casos de DCC e 788 controles saudáveis. A metilação global do ADN de leucócitos de sangue foi estimada por meio da análise das repetições do LINE-1 usando pirosequenciamento de bissulfito. Resultados: Em uma análise inicial restrita aos controles o nível do LINE-1 diminui significativamente com a idade avançada, colesterol total elevado, e diagnóstico de diabetes. Na análise de caso-controle, a redução da metilação do LINE-1 foi associada ao aumento do risco de DCC, tendo a análise por quartil revelado uma odds ratio (IC 95%) de 0,9 (0,6-1,4), 1,9 (1,3-2,9) e 2,3 (1,6 3.5) para o terceiro, segundo e primeiro (o mais baixo) quartil (P da tendência < 0,001), respectivamente, em comparação com o quarto (o mais alto) quartil. A metilação inferior (< mediana) do LINE-1 esteve associada a 2,2 vezes (IC 95% = 1,7-3,0) o aumento de risco de doença coronariana. As estimativas de risco de DCC menores relacionadas com o LINE-1 tenderam a ser mais fortes entre os indivíduos com maior tercil de homocisteína (P interação = 0,042) e naqueles com diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial (P interação = 0,012). Conclusão: A hipometilação do LINE-1 está associada ao risco de doença coronariana na população chinesa. Fatores de risco de DCC potenciais tais como a idade avançada, colesterol total elevado, e diagnóstico de diabetes podem ter impacto na metilação global do ADN, exercendo, portanto, o seu efeito sobre o risco de doença coronariana.
Faeces from 17 children less than 1.6 years old 15 adultsmore than 22 years old were collected during an outbreak of gastroenteritis in aday care nursery and screened for the presence of adenovirus and rotavirus by enzyme immunoassay (EIARA) and other viruses by electron microscopy (EM) and polycrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Ten samples (58.8 per cent) from childrenand one (6.7 per cent) from adults were positive for rotavirus and all samples were negative for bacteria and parasites. No other viruses were observed in EM. An enzyme immunoassay test using monoclonal antibodies (MAb-EIA) to determine the subgroup(s) and the serotype(s) of rotavirus was performed and the results showedthat all positive samples belong to serotype 1, subgroup II of group A rotaviruses. In PAGE test all samples had the same profile and the 10 and 11 dsRNA segments corresponed to the "long" profile of group A of rotaviruses. These results corroborated the MAbEIA results and indicate a sole source of infection. The majorsymptoms observed were: vomiting (60 per cent), fever (70 per cent) and diarrhoea (100 per cent). In previous years (1989 to 1991) we observed only rotavirus serotype 2 in this same day care nursery, but no outbreak was reported.
The frequency of coinfection with Strongyloides stercoralis and human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type 1 (HTML-1) was determined in 91 blood donors examined at the blood bank of a large hospital in São Paulo city, Brazil. As control group 61 individuals, not infected by HTLV-1, were submitted to the same techniques for the diagnosis of S. stercoralis infection. In HTLV-1 infected patients the frequency of S. stercoralis infection was 12.1%; on the other hand, the control group showed a frequency significantly lower of S. stercoralis infection (1.6%), suggesting that HTLV-1 patients shoud be considered as a high risk group for strongyloidiasis in São Paulo city.
To determine the influence of residual ß-cell function on retinopathy and microalbuminuria we measured basal C-peptide in 50 type 1 diabetic outpatients aged 24.96 ± 7.14 years, with a duration of diabetes of 9.1 ± 6.2 years. Forty-three patients (86%) with low C-peptide (<0.74 ng/ml) had longer duration of diabetes than 7 patients (14%) with high C-peptide (³0.74 ng/ml) (9 (2-34) vs 3 (1-10) years, P = 0.01) and a tendency to high glycated hemoglobin (HBA1) (8.8 (6-17.9) vs 7.7 (6.9-8.7)%, P = 0.08). Nine patients (18%) had microalbuminuria (two out of three overnight urine samples with an albumin excretion rate (AER) ³20 and <200 µg/min) and 13 (26%) had background retinopathy. No association was found between low C-peptide, microalbuminuria and retinopathy and no difference in basal C-peptide was observed between microalbuminuric and normoalbuminuric patients (0.4 ± 0.5 vs 0.19 ± 0.22 ng/ml, P = 0.61) and between patients with or without retinopathy (0.4 ± 0.6 vs 0.2 ± 0.3 ng/ml, P = 0.43). Multiple regression analysis showed that duration of diabetes (r = 0.30, r2 = 0.09, P = 0.031) followed by HBA1 (r = 0.41, r2 = 0.17, P = 0.01) influenced basal C-peptide, and this duration of diabetes was the only variable affecting AER (r = 0.40, r2 = 0.16, P = 0.004). In our sample of type 1 diabetic patients residual ß-cell function was not associated with microalbuminuria or retinopathy.
In order to assess the molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 in two neighboring cities located near the epicenter of the HIV-1 epidemics in Brazil (Santos and São Paulo), we investigated 83 HIV-1 strains obtained from samples collected in 1995 from intravenous drug users. The V3 through V5 region of the envelope of gp 120 was analyzed by heteroduplex mobility analysis. Of the 95 samples, 12 (12.6%) were PCR negative (6 samples from each group); low DNA concentration was the reason for non-amplification in half of these cases. Of the 42 typed cases from São Paulo, 34 (81%, 95% confidence limits 74.9 to 87.0%) were B and 8 (19%, 95% confidence limits 12.9 to 25.0%) were F, whereas of the 41 typed cases from Santos, 39 (95%, 95% confidence limits 91.6 to 98.4%) were B and 2 (5%, 95% confidence limits 1.6 to 8.4%) were C. We therefore confirm the relationship between clade F and intravenous drug use in São Paulo, and the presence of clade C in Santos. The fact that different genetic subtypes of HIV-1 are co-circulating indicates a need for continuous surveillance for these subtypes as well as for recombinant viruses in Brazil.
Little is known about the barrier properties of polymer films during high pressure processing of prepackaged foods. In order to learn more about this, we examined the influence of high hydrostatic pressure on the permeation of raspberry ketone (dissolved in ethanol/water) through polyamide-6 films at temperatures between 20 and 60ºC. Permeation was lowered by increasing pressure at all temperatures. At 23°C, the increasing pressure sequence 0.1, 50, 100, 150, and 200 MPa correlated with the decreasing permeation coefficients P/(10(9) cm² s-1) of 6.2, 3.8, 3.0, 2.2, and 1.6. Analysis of the permeation kinetics indicated that this effect was due to a reduced diffusion coefficient. Pressure and temperature acted antagonistically to each other. The decrease in permeation at 200 MPa was compensated for by a temperature increase of 20ºC. After release of pressure, the former permeation coefficients were recovered, which suggests that this `pressure effect' is reversible. Taken together, our data revealed no detrimental effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the barrier properties of polymer films.
Increased pulmonary vascular resistance in preterm newborn infants with respiratory distress syndrome is suggested, and endothelin-1 plays an important role in pulmonary vascular reactivity in newborns. We determined umbilical cord blood and neonatal (second sample) levels of endothelin-1 in 18 preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome who had no clinical or echocardiographic diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and 22 without respiratory distress syndrome (gestational ages: 31.4 ± 1.6 and 29.3 ± 2.3 weeks, respectively). Umbilical cord blood and a second blood sample taken 18 to 40 h after birth were used for endothelin-1 determination by enzyme immunoassay. Median umbilical cord blood endothelin-1 levels were similar in both groups (control: 10.9 and respiratory distress syndrome: 11.4 pg/mL) and were significantly higher than in the second sample (control: 1.7 pg/mL and respiratory distress syndrome: 3.5 pg/mL, P < 0.001 for both groups). Median endothelin-1 levels in the second sample were significantly higher in children with respiratory distress syndrome than in control infants (P < 0.001). There were significant positive correlations between second sample endothelin-1 and Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology and Perinatal Extension II (r = 0.36, P = 0.02), and duration of mechanical ventilation (r = 0.64, P = 0.02). A slower decline of endothelin-1 from birth to 40 h of life was observed in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome when compared to controls. A significant correlation between neonatal endothelin-1 levels and some illness-severity signs suggests that endothelin-1 plays a role in the natural course of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm newborns.
The objective of the present study was to determine whether sleep deprivation (SD) would promote changes in lymphocyte numbers in a type 1 diabetes model (non-obese diabetic, NOD, mouse strain) and to determine whether SD would affect female and male NOD compared to Swiss mice. The number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood after 24 and 96 h of SD (by multiple platform method) or equivalent period of time in home-cage controls was examined prior to the onset of diabetes. SD for 96 h significantly reduced lymphocytes in male Swiss mice compared to control (8.6 ± 2.1 vs 4.1 ± 0.7 10³/µL; P < 0.02). In male NOD animals, 24- and 96-h SD caused a significant decrease of lymphocytes compared to control (4.4 ± 0.3 vs 1.6 ± 0.5; P < 0.001 and 4.4 ± 0.3 vs 0.9 ± 0.1 10³/µL; P < 0.00001, respectively). Both 24- and 96-h SD induced a reduction in the number of lymphocytes in female Swiss (7.5 ± 0.5 vs 4.5 ± 0.5, 4.4 ± 0.6 10³/µL; P < 0.001, respectively) and NOD mice (4 ± 0.6 vs 1.8 ± 0.2, 1.2 ± 0.4 10³/µL; P < 0.01, respectively) compared to the respective controls. Loss of sleep induced lymphopenia in peripheral blood in both genders and strains used. Since many cases of autoimmunity present reduced numbers of lymphocytes and, in this study, it was more evident in the NOD strain, our results suggest that SD should be considered a risk factor in the onset of autoimmune disorders.
The suitability of IgM antibodies to PGL-1 for monitoring the response to multidrug therapy (MDT) was sequentially tested by ELISA in 105 leprosy patients, and bacterial indexes (BI) were also determined. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1, 34 multibacillary (MB) patients treated for 12 months with MDT-MB; group 2, 33 MB patients treated for 24 months with MDT-MB, and group 3, 38 paucibacillary (PB) patients treated for 6 months with MDT-PB. Untreated MB patients exhibited higher antibody levels (mean ± SEM): group 1 (6.95 ± 1.35) and group 2 (12.53 ± 2.02) than untreated PB patients (1.28 ± 0.35). There was a significant difference (P < 0.01) in anti-PGL-1 levels in group 1 patients: untreated (6.95 ± 1.35) and treated for 12 months (2.78 ± 0.69) and in group 2 patients: untreated (12.53 ± 2.02) and treated for 24 months (2.62 ± 0.79). There was no significant difference between untreated (1.28 ± 0.35) and treated (0.62 ± 0.12) PB patients. Antibody levels correlated with BI. The correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) was 0.72 before and 0.23 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 1 and 0.67 before and 0.96 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 2. BI was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) after 12 and 24 months on MDT (group 1: 1.26-0.26; group 2: 1.66-0.36). Our data indicate that monitoring anti-PGL-1 levels during MDT may be a sensitive tool for evaluating treatment efficacy. These data also indicate that the control of leprosy infection can be obtained with 12 months of MDT in MB patients.
Pólipos são lesões comuns de pregas vocais. O fonotrauma é o principal fator relacionado com o início desta lesão. A associação entre pólipos de pregas vocais e alterações estruturais mínimas de cobertura mucosa (sulco vocal, cisto epidermóide, ponte de mucosa, microdiafragma laríngeo e vasculodisgenesia) foi pouco estudada na literatura, por isso o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar e analisar essa associação. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Realizamos um estudo retrospectivo com 68 pacientes, idade média de 39,5 anos, operados de pólipo de pregas vocais no período entre janeiro de 1999 e maio de 2003. Procuramos analisar a presença de pólipo de pregas vocais e as possíveis AEMC associadas no levantamento realizado. RESULTADOS: A presença de AEMC associada ao pólipo ocorreu em 16 (23,5%) pacientes, sendo que em 8 (50%) pacientes o achado foi o sulco vocal (7 sulco estria e 1 sulco bolsa). Em 4 (25%) pacientes o achado foi o cisto de prega vocal, em 2 (12,5%) pacientes a ponte mucosa, em 1 (6,25%) a vasculodisgenesia e em 1 (6,25%) paciente o microdiafragma laríngeo. A AEMC era contralateral ao pólipo de prega vocal em 11 pacientes. Dos sulcos, 6 (75%) eram contralaterais e dos cistos, 3 (75%) eram contralaterais ao pólipo. CONCLUSÃO: A associação entre pólipos de pregas vocais e alterações estruturais mínimas de cobertura mucosa é relativamente freqüente, 23,5% em nosso estudo. A exploração cuidadosa de ambas pregas vocais é essencial no intraoperatório das cirurgias de exérese de pólipo na procura destas alterações estruturais associadas.