13 resultados para Gobo, Giampietro
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
We report on the measurement of saliva anti-Purified Protein Derivative sIgA and 38kDa antibodies from 127 children, of whom 31 were strong tuberculosis suspects and 96 were healthy contact children. The results concerning the percentage of children with antibody reactivity to PPD and 38kDa antigens showed that, of these 2 antigens, 38kDa induced higher reactivity in patients positive and negative for the Tuberculin Skin Test (28% and 16.6%, respectively) in comparison to controls positive and negative for the TST (11.7% and 7.1%, respectively). There was a statistically significant difference between patients positive and controls negative for the TST. In relation to the Purified Protein Derivative antigen, while 14.2% of patients positive for the TST showed antibody reactivity to the PPD antigen, no patients negative for the TST had reactivity to this antigen. The findings suggest that these two antigens seem be associated with a different development of the mucosal defence mechanisms mediated by sIgA against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Multiple antigen peptide systems (MAPs) allow the incorporation of various epitopes in to a single synthetic peptide immunogen. We have characterized the immune response of BALB/c mice to a series of MAPs assembled with different B and T cell epitopes derived from the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein. A B-cell epitope from the central repeat domain and two T-cell epitopes from the amino and carboxyl flanking regions were used to assembled eight different MAPs. An additional universal T cell epitope (ptt-30) from tetanus toxin protein was included. Immunogenicity in terms of antibody responses and in vitro T lymphocyte proliferation was evaluated. MAPs containing B and T cell epitopes induced high titers of anti-peptides antibodies, which recognized the native protein on sporozoites as determined by IFAT. The antibody specificity was also determined by a competitive inhibition assay with different MAPs. A MAP containing the B cell epitope (p11) and the universal epitope ptt-30 together with another composed of p11 and the promiscuous T cell epitope (p25) proved to be the most immunogenic. The strong antibody response and specificity for the cognate protein indicates that further studies designed to assess the potential of these proteins as human malaria vaccine candidates are warranted.
The levels of complement C3 and C4 components were determined in non-indigenous (creoles) and indigenous (Warao) populations, the latter with an extremely high tuberculosis (TB) rate. Serum samples from 209 adults were studied and classified in 4 groups taking into account tuberculin skin tests (TST): (1) the group of Warao patients (58 positive for the TST, WP TST+ and 9 negative for the TST, WP TST-), (2) the group of creole patients (34 positive for the TST, CP TST+ and 9 negative for the TST, CP TST-), (3) the group of healthy Warao controls (38 positive and 14 negative for TST, WC TST+ and WC TST-, respectively), (4) the creole controls (26 positive and 21 negative for the TST, CC TST+ and CC TST-, respectively). With respect to the results concerning the measurement of both complement C3 and C4 components with the exception of the WC TST and the CC groups, the WP TST+ and WP TST- as well as WC TST+ groups showed a significant frequency of individuals with decreased levels of complement C3 component (20.6, 33.3, and 26.3%, respectively) and also C4 component (12.0, 11.1, and 13.3%, respectively) in comparison to both creole patients (CP TST+, 8.82% and CP TST-, 0% and CP TST+, 5.88% and CP TST-, 0%) for C3 and C4, respectively. The study of these parameters carried out in 15 Warao subjects with active infection, before and after anti-TB chemotherapy,statisticallyconfirmedthat the effective chemotherapy did not restore normal levels of the complement C3 and C4 components among Warao patients. Aditional tests for hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection, and the profile of the hepatic proteins were not associated to the deficiency in production of the complement components.In conclusion, the results show that within the Warao population, a high percentage of subjects exhibit decreased levels of both complement C3 and C4 components independent of latent or active infection and the status of TST.
The thrombospondin related adhesion protein (TRAP) is a malaria pre-erythrocytic antigen currently pursued as malaria vaccine candidate to Plasmodium falciparum. In this study, a long synthetic peptide (LSP) representing a P. vivax TRAP fragment involved in hepatocyte invasion was formulated in both Freund and Montanide ISA 720 adjutants and administered by IM and subcutaneous routes to BALB/c mice and Aotus monkeys. We measured specific humoral immune responses in both animal species and performed a sporozoite challenge in Aotus monkeys to assess the protective efficacy of the vaccine. After immunization both mice and Aotus seroconverted as shown by ELISA, and the specific anti-peptide antibodies cross reacted with the parasite in IFAT assays. Only two out of six immunized animals became infected after P. vivax sporozoite challenge as compared with four out of six animals from the control group. These results suggest that this TRAP fragment has protective potential against P. vivax malaria and deserves further studies as vaccine candidate.
Observational studies on the humoural immune responses of the Warao indigenous people from Delta Amacuro, an isolated area, were compared with urban residents of the Venezuelan capital. Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific reactivities (IgM, IgE, sIgA, IgG and IgG subclasses) were measured by ELISA using PPD and 38-kDa M. tuberculosis antigens. A total of 294 individuals were studied, 162 Warao (indigenous people) and 132 Creole (non-indigenous people). The patient group consisted of 87 Warao patients and 58 Creole patients, while the control group consisted of 75 Warao controls and 74 Creole controls. Combinations among the isotypes studied were performed. The findings showed that for the Warao people, sensitivity to the combination including anti-PPD IgG and IgE was 92.0%, while for the Creole people, sensitivity to the combination including anti-PPD IgG but more so anti-PPD IgG1 and IgG2 was 90.0%. Simple tests were able to show higher specificities, which were population-specific; specificities were anti-PPD IgG3, 100.0% and anti-PPD IgM, 97.4% for the Warao and Creole peoples, respectively. In conclusion, while simple tests reached high specificity, the multi-isotype tests improved sensitivity; the latter shows this approach may be useful in diagnostic testing.
The goal of this study was to demonstrate the usefulness of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serodiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and extrapulmonary TB (EPTB). This assay used 20 amino acid-long, non-overlapped synthetic peptides that spanned the complete Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT-6 and Ag85A sequences. The validation cohort consisted of 1,102 individuals who were grouped into the following five diagnostic groups: 455 patients with PTB, 60 patients with EPTB, 40 individuals with non-EPTB, 33 individuals with leprosy and 514 healthy controls. For the PTB group, two ESAT-6 peptides (12033 and 12034) had the highest sensitivity levels of 96.9% and 96.2%, respectively, and an Ag85A-peptide (29878) was the most specific (97.4%) in the PTB groups. For the EPTB group, two Ag85A peptides (11005 and 11006) were observed to have a sensitivity of 98.3% and an Ag85A-peptide (29878) was also the most specific (96.4%). When combinations of peptides were used, such as 12033 and 12034 or 11005 and 11006, 99.5% and 100% sensitivities in the PTB and EPTB groups were observed, respectively. In conclusion, for a cohort that consists entirely of individuals from Venezuela, a multi-antigen immunoassay using highly sensitive ESAT-6 and Ag85A peptides alone and in combination could be used to more rapidly diagnose PTB and EPTB infection.
Transcripts similar to those that encode the nonstructural (NS) proteins NS3 and NS5 from flaviviruses were found in a salivary gland (SG) complementary DNA (cDNA) library from the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus.Tick extracts were cultured with cells to enable the isolation of viruses capable of replicating in cultured invertebrate and vertebrate cells. Deep sequencing of the viral RNA isolated from culture supernatants provided the complete coding sequences for the NS3 and NS5 proteins and their molecular characterisation confirmed similarity with the NS3 and NS5 sequences from other flaviviruses. Despite this similarity, phylogenetic analyses revealed that this potentially novel virus may be a highly divergent member of the genus Flavivirus. Interestingly, we detected the divergent NS3 and NS5 sequences in ticks collected from several dairy farms widely distributed throughout three regions of Brazil. This is the first report of flavivirus-like transcripts inR. microplus ticks. This novel virus is a potential arbovirus because it replicated in arthropod and mammalian cells; furthermore, it was detected in a cDNA library from tick SGs and therefore may be present in tick saliva. It is important to determine whether and by what means this potential virus is transmissible and to monitor the virus as a potential emerging tick-borne zoonotic pathogen.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o impacto da terapia nutricional enteral na manutenção do peso corpóreo e na necessidade de replanejamento e/ou interrupção da radioterapia em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço submetidos a radioterapia de intensidade modulada (IMRT). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, os pacientes submetidos a IMRT entre janeiro de 2005 e outubro de 2008, com a inclusão de 83 casos. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi de 58,6 anos. Em apenas em cinco pacientes (6%) houve interrupção do tratamento, que variou de 4 a 18 dias, e em 19 casos (23%) houve necessidade de replanejamento. A terapia nutricional enteral foi instituída antes do início da radioterapia em 16 pacientes (19%). Perda de peso > 5% ocorreu em 58 casos (70%), sendo mais prevalente no grupo de pacientes em que a terapia nutricional enteral não foi instituída pré-radioterapia. Na comparação entre os grupos não houve diferença significativa na realização de replanejamento (25% versus 21%; p = 0,741) ou na ocorrência e duração da interrupção da radioterapia. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia nutricional enteral tem um claro ganho na manutenção do peso corporal, porém, não houve um benefício na realização da gastrostomia percutânea endoscópica ou da sonda nasoenteral em relação à interrupção e ao replanejamento da radioterapia.
Mercury distribution and geochemical support on the Continental Margin was evaluated at the Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The average concentrations for all analyzed elements were, respectively, 20 ± 5 ng g-1 (Hg); 30 ± 14 mg g-1 (Al); 16 ± 6 mg g-1 (Fe), and 254 ± 83 µg g-1 (Mn). Silt and clay content, total carbonate and Hg, and organic carbon increased with depth. Finally, the relationship between Hg and silt clay showed significant positive correlation. Total Hg concentrations are the background level described primarily (~40 ng g-1).
Previous studies have verified that free radicals such as quinone moieties in organic matter participate in the redox reactions in natural systems. These functional groups were positively correlated with the increase in aromaticity and hydrophobicity of the humic substances. As an alternative to relatively complex and expensive spectroscopic methods, the redox properties of the humic substances, determined by potentiometric titrations, have been used to evaluate organic carbon stability in soil and sediments. The present study aimed to perform organic matter fractionation and isolation of humic substances from deep oceans in different isobaths (750; 1,050; 1,350; 1,650; 1,950 m) to determine their redox properties by iodimetric titrations under an inert atmosphere and specified conditions of pH and ionic strength. Sediment samples were collected to the North and South of platforms of petroleum exploration located in the North of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Fractions of organic carbon and redox properties of humic substances varied with origin and depth of the samples and with position North and South of the petroleum exploration area.
A forma indiscriminada de extração dos recursos naturais e a poluição gerada pelos resíduos promovem impactos sobre o meio ambiente e é motivo de grande preocupação. Visando a oferecer alternativas de destinação de resíduos agrícolas, o presente trabalho estudou composições da mistura de solo-cimento-resíduo agrícola, tendo como objetivo principal determinar os teores máximos de resíduos a serem incorporados sem o comprometimento de suas características mecânicas. Foram utilizados dois tipos de resíduos vegetais (cascas de arroz e de braquiária) e utilizou-se o cimento Portland CP II-F-32 para a composição dos tratamentos. Nas combinações, os teores de cimento e resíduo variaram desde 100% de cimento e 0% de resíduo, até 60% de cimento e 40% de resíduo. Os tijolos foram prensados com o auxílio de máquina de fabricação de tijolos e submetidos aos ensaios de compressão simples e absorção de água. Os melhores resultados, em termos de resistência à compressão simples e de absorção de água, foram obtidos pelos tratamentos com substituição de 10% de resíduos vegetais em relação ao teor de cimento. De forma geral, os resultados sugerem a possibilidade do uso desses resíduos no teor de 10%, sem o comprometimento das propriedades mecânicas relacionadas à resistência e à absorção de água dos tijolos de solo-cimento.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desenvolvimento folicular em ratas Wistar com obesidade induzida por dieta de cafeteria (DCAF) submetidas à administração de losartan (LOS), um antagonista do receptor AT1 da Angiotensina II. MÉTODOS: Aos 21 dias de vida, as ratas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: controle (CTL), que recebeu ração padrão, e cafeteria (CAF), que recebeu a DCAF, altamente palatável e calórica. Aos 70 dias de vida, início da idade reprodutiva, animais do grupo CAF foram subdivididos em dois grupos (n=15/grupo): CAF, que recebeu água, e CAF+LOS, que recebeu 30 mg/kg de peso corporal (PC) de LOS por gavagem durante 30 dias. O grupo CTL também recebeu água por gavagem. Aos 100 dias de vida foi realizada a eutanásia dos animais e o PC e das gorduras retroperitoneal, perigonadal e subcutânea foi avaliado. Os ovários direitos foram retirados para contagem do número dos diferentes tipos de folículos ovarianos. As concentrações plasmáticas dos hormônios folículo-estimulantes (FSH), luteinizante (LH), prolactina (PRL) e progesterona foram avaliadas. Os resultados foram expressos como média±erro padrão da média. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado one-way ANOVA, seguido pelo pós-teste de Newman-Keuls (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: O PC e das gorduras, assim como o número de folículos antrais, foi elevado no grupo CAF em relação ao CTL. Todavia, as concentrações de FSH e LH foram mais baixas entre os animais CAF. A administração de LOS reduziu o PC e das gorduras retroperitoneal e subcutânea, bem como o número de folículos antrais. O tratamento com LOS atenuou a redução das concentrações de FSH e de LH. As concentrações de progesterona e PRL foram semelhantes entre os grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de LOS pode favorecer o desenvolvimento folicular em fêmeas obesas e pode possibilitar sua utilização como fármaco coadjuvante no tratamento da infertilidade associada à obesidade.
Com o objetivo de conhecer a composição química e os requisitos de qualidade da cachaça produzida na Região Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foram analisadas 27 amostras de cachaça, produzidas e comercializadas em 18 municípios pertencentes às microrregiões Ijuí, Cruz Alta, Santa Rosa e Três Passos, que integram o Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e compararam-se os valores encontrados com aqueles estabelecidos pela Legislação. Para as análises estatísticas, aplicaram-se os testes de ANOVA e Tukey. As amostras avaliadas apresentaram valores médios de teor alcoólico, acidez, álcoois superiores, aldeídos, ésteres e metanol dentro do que estabelece a Legislação. Entretanto os valores de intervalo de concentração para estes mesmos parâmetros revelaram amostras fora do estipulado por Lei, indicando falta de conhecimento tecnológico de produção por parte de alguns dos produtores. Sugere-se a ampliação do presente estudo, com a finalidade de se investigar outros aspectos tecnológicos, tendo em vista a otimização dos processos de fabricação e a melhoria da qualidade da bebida.