21 resultados para Genghis Khan, 1162-1227
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
O objetivo da pesquisa consistiu em avaliar a implementação de mecanismos e ações para a promoção e garantia dos direitos humanos no âmbito da administração pública municipal. A descentralização do poder federal, intensificada a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, trouxe novas atribuições para estados e municípios, com uma transferência de responsabilidades que influencia diretamente as políticas de direitos humanos. Nesse cenário de natureza neoliberal, observa-se um ambiente difuso onde as competências não são claras e emergem lacunas de conhecimento, especialmente sobre o papel do município na construção de uma sociedade inclusiva. A partir da análise de indicadores de gestão municipal publicados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística foi possível traçar um panorama de gestão municipal dos direitos humanos no Ceará que evidenciou a omissão das prefeituras.
Durante oitenta e um dias, foi conduzido um experimento com omissão de micronutrientes, em casa de vegetação, visando estabelecer o quadro sintomatológico das deficiências nutricionais e verificar os efeitos da omissão dos micronutrientes na produção de matéria seca do capim tobiatã. Foram testados os tratamentos: completo, omissão de Fe, omissão de Cu, omissão de Mn e omissão de Zn. A produção de matéria seca obtida nos diferentes tratamentos foi: completo = 62,2 g; -Cu = 45,7 g; -Zn = 46,9 g; -B = 48,1 g; -Mn = 48,1 ge-Fe=48,8 g. A concentração média em ppm, determinada nas folhas novas em função dos tratamentos foi: +B = 19 ppm e -B = 23 ppm; +Cu = 2,0 ppm e -Cu = 0,8; +Fe = 79 ppm e -Fe = 81 ppm; + Mn = 42 ppm e -Mn 41 ppm; +Zn = 27 ppm e -Zn = 31 ppm. A soma total dos micronutrientes nas diversas partes em mg por tratamento foi: +B = 1221; -B = 1227; +Cu = 85; -Cu = 21; +Fe = 4734; -Fe = 2788; +Mn = 536; -Mn = 393; +Zn = 2273 e -Zn = 1444.
Emergence and stand establishment of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) (Karsten ex Farw) and pepper (Capsicum annus L.) seeds are often slow and erratic, particularly under stress conditions. Field emergence trials sometimes have not responded to priming in pepper. This study examined the combined effects of matriconditioning and gibberellin application on the germination and stand establishment of pepper and tomato seeds. Pepper and tomato seeds were conditioned with a solid carrier, Micro Cel E, in the presence of gibberellic acid (GA) for 1, 2 , 3 and 4 days at 15 and 25ºC. The results showed that, in all cases, even under stress conditions, the combination of matriconditioning with GA was effective in improving germination and emergence of pepper and tomato. The germination time was, in average, reduced by 2 to 3 days by primed seeds. Thus, matriconditioning, during which germination is suspended, provides an unique means to rapidly and efficiently digest the endosperm by GA-induced enzymes and reduce the mechanical restraints of endosperm thus providing energy to start and sustain embryo growth.
The objective of this study was to establish whether there are olfactory interactions in the Lysiphlebus testaceipes Toxoptera citricida and Citrus aurantium tritrophic system. The response of male and female L. testaceipes to different odour sources of the host plant C. aurantium, the aphid host T. citricida and aphid-plant complex were investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Laboratory experiments were conducted by exposing individually aged male and female L. testaceipes to eight different odour treatments. Response of the parasitoids was taken after 15 min exposure to the volatiles from the different odour sources and based on their orientation to the particular chamber. Seventy percent of both male and female L. testaceipes showed high attractivity to aphid infested leaves. There was no significant difference based on age and sex of the parasitoid on their choice of odour. The organic compounds released by these combinations acted as semiochemicals in the tritrophic interactions and it is suggested that insect feeding induced attraction of the parasitoid L. testaceipes.
The left brachiocephalic vein occasionally follows an aberrant course. It is usually associated with congenital cardiac anomaly. We present a case of anomalous left brachiocephalic vein which followed a sub aortic course, with no cardiac abnormality. Multi detector computed tomography is very useful in accurate diagnosis of this condition and prevents any further investigation in cases of isolated abnormalities.
A simple, RP-HPLC method was established for determining moxifloxacin and ketorolac in pharmaceutical formulations. Moxifloxacin, ketorolac and their degradation products were separated using C8 column with methanol and phosphate buffer pH 3.0 (55:45 v/v) as the mobile phase. Detection was performed at 243 nm using a diode array detector. The method was validated using ICH guidelines and was linear in the range 20-140 µg mL-1 for both analytes. Good separation of both the analytes and their degradation products was achieved using this method. The developed method can be applied successfully for the determination of moxifloxacin and ketorolac.
A stability-indicating RP-HPLC method is presented for determination of gatifloxacin and flurbiprofen in binary combination. Gatifloxacin, flurbiprofen and their degradation products were detected at 254 nm using a BDS Hypersil C8 (250 X 4.6 mm, 5 µm) column and mixture of 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 3.0) and methanol 30:70 v/v as mobile phase. Response was linear over the range of 15-105 mg mL-1 for gatifloxacin (r² > 0.998) and of 1.5-10.5 mg mL-1 for flurbiprofen (r² > 0.999). The developed method efficiently separated the analytical peaks from degradation products (peak purity index > 0.9999). The method developed can be applied successfully for determination of gatifloxacin and flurbiprofen in human serum, urine, pharmaceutical formulations, and their stability studies.
Electrode kinetics and study of 'transition state' with applied potential in case of [M - antibiotics - cephalothin] system were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 at suitable supporting electrolyte at 25.0ºC. The M = Co or Ni and antibiotics were doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin and chloramphenicol used as primary ligands and cephalothin as secondary ligand. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (a), degree of irreversibility (l), diffusion coefficient (D) and rate constant (k) were determined. The values of a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.59 and 2.60 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.67 X 10-3 cm s-1 in case of [Co - antibiotics - cephalothin] system. In case of [Ni - antibiotics - cephalothin], a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.58 and 2.34 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.19 X 10-3 cm s-1 respectively confirmed that transition state behaves between oxidant and reductant response to applied potential and it adjusts it self in such a way that the same is located midway between dropping mercury electrode and solution interface. The values of rate constant confirmed the quasireversible nature of electrode processes. The stability constants (logb) of complexes were also determined.
Stability constant (log beta) and thermodynamic parameters of Cd2+ complexes with sulfonamide and cephapirin were determined by Polarographic technique at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 and µ = 1.0 M KNO3 at 250°C. The sulfonamides were sulfadiazine, sulfisoxazole, sulfamethaxazole, sulfamethazine, sulfathiazole, sulfacetamide and sulfanilamide used as primary ligands and cephapirin as secondary ligand. Cd2+ formed 1:1:1, 1:2:1 and 1:1:2 complexes. The nature of electrode processes were reversible and diffusion controlled. The stability constants and thermodynamic parameters (deltaG, deltaH and deltaS) were determined. The formation of the metal complexes has been found to be spontaneous, exothermic in nature, and entropically unfavourable at higher temperature.
Voltammetric technique was used to study the binary and ternary complexes of cadmium with L-amino acids and vitamin-C (L-ascorbic acid) at pH =7.30 ± 0.01, µ = 1.0M KNO3 at 25ºC and 35ºC. Cd (II) formed 1:1:1, 1:1:2 and 1:2:1 complexes with L-lysine, L-ornithine, L-threonine, L-serine, L-phenylglycine, L-phenylalanine, L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid used as primary ligands and L-ascorbic acid used as secondary ligand. The trend of stability constant of complexes was L-lysine < L-ornithine < L-threonine < L-serine < L-phenylglycine < L-phenylalanine < L-glutamic acid < L-aspartic acid which can be explained on the basis of size, basicity and steric hindrance of ligands. The values of stability constant (log β) varied from 2.23 to11.33 confirm that these drugs i.e. L-amino acids or in combination with L-ascorbic acid or their complexes could be used against Cd (II) toxicity. The study has been carried out at 35ºC also to determine the thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change (ΔH), Free energy change (ΔG) and entropy change (ΔS) respectively.
Electrode kinetics and complex formation of Zn(II) using doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol and cephaloglycin were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 in = 1.0 molL-1 NaClO4 used as supporting electrolyte at 25.0°C. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (α), degree of irreversibility (λ) and rate constant (k) were determined. The study showed that 'Transition state' behaves between reactant (O) and product (R) response to applied potential. The stability constants varied from 2.14 to 10.31 showing that these drugs or their complexes could be used against Zn toxicity.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the anticoccidial effect of the different concentrations of the acetic acid in the broiler chickens in comparison with the amprolium anticoccidial. A total of 198 chicks were placed 11 per pen with three pens per treatment. The different concentrations (1%, 2% and 3%) of acetic acid and amproilum (at the dose rate of 125ppm) were given to the experimental groups in drinking water from 10-19th days of age. One group was kept as infected non medicated control and one as non infected non medicated control. All the groups were inoculated orally with 75,000 sporulated oocysts at the 12th day of age except non infected non medicated control. Anticoccidial effect was evaluated on the basis of performance (weight gain, feed conversion ratio) and pathogenic (oocyst score, lesion score and mortality %age) parameters. Among acetic acid medicated groups, the maximum anticoccidial effect was seen in the group medicated with 3% acetic acid followed by 2% and 1% acetic acid medicated groups. Amprolium and 3% acetic acid were almost equivalent in suppressing the negative performance and pathogenic effects associated with coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella) challenge. In summary, acetic acid has the potential to be used as alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs for Eimeria tenella control. Concentration-dependent anticoccidial effect of acetic acid suggests that further studies should be carried out to determine the possible maximum safe levels of acetic acid with least toxic effects to be used as anticoccidial.
The present study was planned to evaluate the anticoccidial activity of the different concentrations of the HCl against Eimeria tenella infection in broiler chickens in comparison with the amprolium anticoccidial. For this purpose, a total of 198 chicks were placed 11 per pen with three pens per treatment. The different concentrations of HCl (1000ppm, 2000ppm and 3000ppm) and amproilum (at the dose rate of 125ppm) were given to the experimental groups in drinking water from 10 to 19th days of age. One group was kept as infected non medicated control and one as non infected non medicated control. At the 12th day of age, all the groups were inoculated orally with 75,000 sporulated oocysts except non infected non medicated control. Anticoccidial activity was evaluated on the basis of performance (weight gain, feed conversion ratio) and pathogenic (oocyst score, lesion score and mortality %age) parameters. Among HCl medicated groups, the maximum anticoccidial effect was seen in the group medicated with 1000ppm HCl followed by 2000ppm and 3000ppm HCl medicated groups. Amprolium and 1000ppm HCl were almost equivalent in suppressing the negative performance and pathogenic effects associated with coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella) challenge. In summary, the lower doses of HCl have the potential to be used as alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs for Eimeria tenella control. It is therefore suggested that further studies should be carried out to determine the possible minimum safe levels of HCl with least toxic effects to be used as anticoccidial.
Com o objetivo de estudar a seletividade de herbicidas, aplicados isolados ou em mistura, foram realizados quatro experimentos em vasos, com híbridos simples de milho IAC 7777 (dentado), C-72 (dentado) e IAC 1227 (duro), em solos argiloso e barrento. Em cada experimento foram aplicados dois herbicidas e sua mistura, como segue: I) atrazine a 2,40 kg de i.a./ha, pendimethalm a 1,75 kg e atrazine a 2,00 kg + pendimethalin a 1,25 kg; II) atrazine a 2,40 kg, metolachlor a 3,24 kg e atrazine a 2,00 kg + metolachlor a 2,52 kg; III) cianazine a 2,25 kg, pendimethalin a 1,50 kg e cianazine a 1,75 kg + pendimethalin a 1,00 kg; IV) atrazine a 2,40 kg, alachlor a 2,40 kg e atrazine a 1,60 kg + alachlor a 1,68 kg. Em cada experimento havia um tratamento testemunha. Foram obtidos os pesos de maté ria seca e os comprimentos de raízes e folhas, em quatro épocas, dentro dos períodos iniciais de 36, 49, 27 e 37 dias, respectivamente, para os experimentos I, II, II I e IV. Havia duas repetições para cada trata mento, cada época de amostragem e cada híbrido sendo adotado o delineamento totalmente casualizado. Ós herbicidas pendimethalin e cianazine, isolados ou em mistura, não causaram qualquer efeito no crescimento inicial das plantas de milho. Nos três expe rimentos em que fo i apli cado, o atrazine mostrou efeito estimulante em várias das amostragens, pelo aumento de peso de matéria seca ou de comprimento de raízes. Ó metolachlor e o alachlor apresentaram efeitos fitotóxicos em raízes e folhas, nas primeiras amostragens, com redução de peso e comprimento de folhas e de caules. Dos híbridos estudados, o IAC 7777 e o C-72 aprese ntaram o crescimento mais vigoroso . Ó IAC 1227 apresentou menor tolerância aos herbicidas usados. Ó solo barrento possibilitou melhores condições de crescimentos às plantas de milho que o argiloso, devido à sua fertilidade e textura.
Soil incorporation of crop residues can lead to weed suppression by posing allelopathic and physical effects. Allelopathic potential of the crops sorghum, sunflower, brassica applied as sole or in combination for horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) suppression was evaluated in a pot investigation. Chopped crop residues alone and in combination were incorporated at 6 g kg-1 soil (12 t ha-1), and a weedy check was maintained. Germination traits time to start germination; time to 50% emergence, mean emergence time, emergence index and final germination percentage were negatively influenced by residue incorporation. Crop residues also exerted a pronounced negative influence on the shoot and root length of horse purslane. Significant suppression in leaf and root score and leaf area per plant was also observed. A combination of sorghum and sunflower residues accounted for maximum (71%) seedling mortality. Soil incorporation of allelopathic crop residues can be employed for horse purslane management.