187 resultados para GENUS CROTON

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Brachylophora, a new brachypterous genus of Rhopalophorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Brachylophora auricollis (Bruch, 1918) comb. nov. = Pasiphyle auricollis Bruch, 1918, originally described from Argentina (Salta), is redescribed and illustrated. Although with reduced elytra, the genus is transferred from Rhinotragini to Rhopalophorini based on the following characters: eyes well separated in both sexes, frons between eyes depressed and lacking frontal suture; pro-, meso-, and metasternum planar; mesothorax parallel-sided, not at all declivous before mesosternal process; metasternum large, together with mesosternum twice length of prosternum, metepisternum very wide, entire suture separating it from metasternum clearly visible when viewed from below; female ovipositor shortened with short cylindrical styles; and, more generally, structural features of hind legs, and surface ornamentation. Habitus similar to Coremia group. Bolivian specimens were netted as they visited flowers of Croton sp. (Euphorbiaceae).


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Adventitious rooting of ornamental plants can be accelerated by the application of growth regulators, such as auxin. Humic acids, organic matter in soil and organic compounds also have a biostimulant effect. This work evaluated the rooting in cuttings of croton (Codianeum variegatum L. Rumph) and hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) in response to the application of different concentrations of indolbutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse. Apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions at concentrations of: 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 mg L-1 IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 mmol L-1 HA carbon isolated from vermicomposting. Forty-five days after the applications, the cuttings were removed from the pots containing carbonized rice hull and the following variables were measured: rooting number, length and width of leaves, fresh and dry matter of root and aerial part and root area. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and the qualitative and quantitative effects of the treatments were compared by contrast and regression, respectively. Regression equations were used to determine the maximum efficiency level of root dry matter according to IBA and HA. Higher accumulation of root dry matter was recorded for the treatments with the doses 579 mg L-1 IBA and 14 mmol L-1 HA and 970 mg L-1 IBA and 50 mmol L-1 HA for root cuttings of croton and hibiscus, respectively. It was found that the application of eiher IBA or HA at the indicated doses accelerates rooting in cuttings of croton and hibiscus and contributes to the formation of vigorous plants.


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The vegetative propagation of ornamental plants can be accelerated by applying plant growth regulators. Amongst them, the use of auxins, plant hormones with physiological effects on cell elongation and rooting have stood out. Alternatively, the application of humic acids, bioactive fraction of soil organic matter, also results in increases in rooting cuttings of ornamental plants. The objective of this work was to study the growth characteristics and the nutritional contents of croton and hibiscus plants during acclimation of seedlings in response to different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA) applied to cuttings for rooting. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, and the apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions with concentrations of 0, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg L-1of IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg L-1 of C from HA. At 45 days of rooting in carbonized rice husk, they were individually transferred to plastic bags of 2.0 dm3 containing a mixture of soil: sand: manure (2: 1: 1) as substrate. At 90 days of acclimation, the plants were collected for measurement of growth and nutritional variables. The results showed that the application of the IBA stimulates the absorption of nutrients and growth of croton cuttings and transplanted hibiscus, contributing to formation of vigorous seedlings. A similar response occurred with the application of HA in hibiscus cuttings


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A total of 130 Listeria strains were tested in order to evaluate lecithinase production and capacity for Congo red adsorption as markers of pathogenicity. The strains were identified according to acid production from sugars and by the CAMP test and the data were correlated with the ability to produce keratoconjunctivitis in guinea pigs. L. monocytogenes cultures presented 51.8% and 88.8% positivity rates for Congo red adsorption and lecithinase production, respectively, whereas 80.8% and 100% for L. innocua cultures were negative for the two test, respectively


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Parasites of the genus Schistosoma were among the first metazoans to develop separate sexes, which is chromosomally determined in the fertilized egg. Despite the occurrence of specific sex chromosomes, the females of most Schistosomatidae species do not complete their somatic development and reach no sexual maturity without the presence of males. Indeed, the most controversial and at the same time most fascinating aspect about the sexual development of Schistosoma females lies on discover the nature of the stimulus produced by males that triggers and controls this process. Although the nature of the stimulus (physical or chemical) is a source of controversy, there is agreement that mating is a necessary requirement for maturation to occur and for migration of the female to a definitive final site of residence in the vascular system of the vertebrate host. It has also been proposed that the stimulus is not species-specific and, in some cases, not even genus-specific. Despite a vast literature on the subject, the process or processes underlying the meeting of males and females in the circulatory system have not been determined and as yet no consensus exists about the nature of the stimulus that triggers and maintains female development. In the studies about their role, Schistosoma males have been considered, at times pejoratively, the brother, the muscles or even the liver of females. Indeed, it still remains to be determined whether the stimulus responsible for female maturation involves the transfer of hormones, nutrients, neuromediators, mere tactile stimulation or a combination of chemotactic and thigmotactic factors


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From January, 1984 to December, 1996, 422 patients (ages 9 m-99 y, median 29 y) were admitted after being bitten by spiders which were brought and identified as Phoneutria spp. Most of the bites occurred at March and April months (29.2%), in the houses (54.5%), during the day (76.5%), and in the limbs (feet 40.9%, hands 34.3%). Upon hospital admission, most patients presented only local complaints, mainly pain (92.1%) and edema (33.1%) and were classified as presenting mild (89.8%), moderate (8.5%) and severe (0.5%) envenomation. Few patients (1.2%) did not present signs of envenomation. Severe accidents were only confirmed in two children (9 m, 3 y). Both developed acute pulmonary edema, and the older died 9 h after the accident. Patients more than 70 year-old had a significantly greater (p<0.05) frequency of moderate envenomations compared to the 10-70-year-old individuals. Proceedings to relief local pain were frequently performed (local anesthesia alone 32.0%, local anesthesia plus analgesics 20.6% and oral analgesics alone 25.1%). Only 2.3% of the patients (two cases classified as severe and eight as moderate, eight of them in children) were treated with i.v. antiarachnid antivenom. No antivenom early reaction was observed. In conclusion, accidents involving the genus Phoneutria are common in the region of Campinas, with the highest risk groups being children under 10 years of age and adults over 70 years of age. Cases of serious envenomation are rare (0.5%).


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The importance of hydroelectric dams beside the human interchange in the maintenance of malarious foci and the occurrence of the Anopheles genus on the Binational Itaipu Reservoir were the main points of this retrospective study. Data were collected from existing registrations at National, State and Municipal Health Departments and literature systematic overview, from January 1984 to December 2003. The occurrence of some outbreak of malaria, mainly by Plasmodium vivax, and the prevalence of species of the Anopheles genus different from Anopheles darlingi in the region are discussed. The malaria in the left bank of Paraná River is a focal problem, which must be approached locally through health, educational and social actions to prevent the continuity of outbreaks in the area. Concomitantly, it is necessary to plan and apply effective surveillance measures in the influence area of the Itaipu Reservoir.


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Platelet function and plasma fibrinogen levels were evaluated in 14 patients, 10 males and 4females, aged 13-59years bitten by Bothrops genus snakes. There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) among plasma fibrinogen levels evaluated 24 and 48 hours after envenomation. There was a tendency towards normalization after 48 hours of treatment. The low platelet number was clear in 24-48 hour evaluations with a tendency towards normalization after 48 hours of treatment (p<0.05). Fibrinogen levels and fibrin degradation product (FDP) levels appeared to be altered in 83.33% of patients evaluated. The authors suggest that platelet hypoaggregation is related to decreased fibrinogen and increased FDP levels.


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A direct immunofluorescent antibody (DIFMA) test using a Leishmania genus- specific monoclonal antibody was evaluated in the routine diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Ecuador. This test was compared with the standard diagnostic techniques of scrapings, culture and histology. Diagnostic samples were taken from a total of 90 active dermal ulcers from patients from areas of Ecuador known to be endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis. DIFMA was positive in all lesions. It was shown to be significantly superior to standard diagnostic methods either alone or in combination. The sensitivity of DIFMA did not diminish with chronicity of lesions. This test proved to be extremely useful in the routine diagnosis of CL because it is highly sensitive, is easy to use and produces rapid results.


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Veronicellid slugs are the main intermediate hosts for Angiostrongylus costaricencis. In a rural locality in Nova Itaberaba (SC, southern Brazil) Sarasinula linguaeformis was identified as a crop pest. The parasitological examination revealed A. costaricencis infection in 43 out ot 50 slugs. The prevalence of 86% and the individual parasitic burdens are the highest sofar reported in Brazil and S. linguaeformis is the first species from the genus Sarasinula to be identified as intermediate host for A. costaricencis in southern Brazil.


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Clinical and experimental studies have consistently incriminated the medicinal plant germander (Teucrium chamaedrys L.) in epidemic and sporadic cases of liver diseases. The sacaca (Croton cajucara Benth), a common plant in Brazilian Amazon region also comes being incriminated in similar clinical cases. Of both plants were isolated diterpenoid coumpounds with similar chemical structures.


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This work had the objective of listing the sand fly species that occur in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Data relating to entomological surveys conducted between 1996 and 2004 were obtained from the National Health Foundation and the State Health Department, and this was supplemented with information from research carried out in the state and from the specialized literature. There were records of 106 sand fly species belonging to the genus Lutzomyia. This is a rich and diversified fauna, with some species restricted to forested areas and others recorded throughout the state, independent of the vegetation type, and in areas modified by human action, with predominance of Lutzomyia whitmani.


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The taxonomic histort of the genus Capirona is presented. Complete synonymies, descriptions, common names, distributions and discussions are given for Capirona and its two species C. descorticans and C. leiophloea. The generic distribution is the Amazon valley and eastern Guianas and coincides with that of the genus Hevea. C. descorticans is know from the western and southeastern Amazon valley; C. leiophloea is reported from the eastern Guianas and the northeastern Amazon valley. The zone of contact between the two species is along the southern edge oh the Amazon River and the lower drainage of the Rio Tapajoz in Pará, Brazil.