243 resultados para GB virus C
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Hepatitis G virus/ GB virus C is a novel flavivirus recently detected in hepatitis non A-E cases. In this study, the presence of this virus in chronic non-B, non-C hepatitis patients was evaluated using GBV-C specific PCR and this virus was detected in one out of thirteen patients. This patient has presented a severe liver failure, has lived for a long time in the Western Amazon basin and no other cause for this clinical picture was reported. The impact of the discovery of this new agent is still under evaluation throughout the world. The study of the prevalence of this virus among chronic hepatitis patients and healthy individuals (as blood donors) will furnish subside to evaluate its real pathogenicity.
The identification of the major agents causing human hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Viruses) was achieved during the last 30 years. These viruses are responsible for the vast majority of human viral hepatitis cases, but there are still some cases epidemiologically related to infectious agents without any evidence of infection with known virus, designated as hepatitis non A - E. Those cases are considered to be associated with at least three different viruses: 1 - Hepatitis B Virus mutants expressing its surface antigen (HBsAg) with altered epitopes or in low quantities; 2 - Another virus probably associated with enteral transmitted non A-E hepatitis, called Hepatitis F Virus. Still more studies are necessary to better characterize this agent; 3 - Hepatitis G Virus or GB virus C, recently identified throughout the world (including Brazil) as a Flavivirus responsible for about 10% of parenteral transmitted hepatitis non A-E. Probably still other unknown viruses are responsible for human hepatitis cases without evidence of infection by any of these viruses, that could be called as non A-G hepatitis.
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of the Hepatitis G Virus on a population of blood donors from São Paulo, Brazil and to evaluate its association to sociodemographic variables. Two RT-PCR systems targeting the putative 5'NCR and NS3 regions were employed and the former has shown a higher sensitivity. The observed prevalence of HGV-RNA on 545 blood donors was 9.7% (CI 95% 7.4;12.5). Statistical analysis depicted an association with race/ethnicity, black and mulatto donors being more frequently infected; and also with years of education, less educated donors presenting higher prevalences. No association was observed with other sociodemographic parameters as age, gender, place of birth and of residence. DNA sequencing of nine randomly chosen isolates demonstrated the presence of genotypes 1, 2 and 3 among our population but clustering of these Brazilian isolates was not detected upon phylogenetic analysis.
There has been several studies worldwide on phylogenetics and genotype distribution of the GB-virus C / Hepatitis G virus (GBV-C/HGV). However, in their great majority, those investigations were based on some epidemiologically linked group, rather than on a representative sampling of the general population. The present is a continuation of the first study in Brazil with such a population; it addresses the GBV-C/HGV phylogenetics and genotype distribution based on samples identified among more than 1,000 individuals of the city of São Paulo. For this purpose, a 728 bp fragment of the 5´non-coding region (5´NCR) of the viral genome, from 24 isolates, was sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Genotypes 1, 2a and 2b were found at 8.3% (2/24), 50% (12/24) and 41.7% (10/24), respectively. In conclusion São Paulo displays a genotype distribution similar to the published data for other States and Regions of Brazil, endorsing the notion that types 1 and 2 would have entered the country with African and European people, respectively, since its earliest formation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of GB virus C on laboratory markers and histological parameters among HIV-seropositive patients coinfected with HCV. Lower degrees of hepatic lesions were observed in the triple-infected patients, in comparison with HIV-HCV coinfected patients who were negative for GBV-C RNA.
A survey was conducted in a blood donor population of Central Brazil aiming to investigate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection and also to analyze the virus genotypes distribution. A total of 241 voluntary blood donors were interviewed at the State Blood Bank in Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil. Blood samples were collected and serum samples tested for GBV-C/HGV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Genotypes were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Seventeen samples were GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive, resulting in a prevalence of 7.1% (95% CI: 4.2-11.1). A significant trend of GBV-C/HGV RNA positivity in relation to age was observed, with the highest prevalence in donors between 29-39 years old. Ten infected individuals were characterized by reporting parenteral (30%), sexual (18%), both (6%) and intrafamiliar (6%) transmission. However, 7 (40%) GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive donors did not mention any potential transmission route. RFLP analysis revealed the presence of genotypes 1 and 2 of GBV-C/HGV; more precisely, 10 (58.9%) samples were found belonging to the 2b subtype, 4 (23.5%) to the 2a subtype, and 3 (17.6%) to genotype 1. The present data indicate an intermediate endemicity of GBV-C/HGV infection among this blood donor population, and a predominant circulation of genotype 2 (subtype 2b) in Central Brazil.
In order to investigate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients in Central Brazil and also to analyze the virus genotypes distribution, a total of 123 patients including 98 on hemodialysis, 13 on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment, and 12 who received kidney transplantation were interviewed in one unit of dialysis treatment in Goiânia city. Blood samples were collected and serum samples tested for GBV-C/HGV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Genotypes were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Eighteen samples were GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive, resulting in an overall prevalence of 14.6% (95% CI: 9.2-21.7). A high positivity for GBV-C/HGV RNA was observed in patients who had received kidney transplant (16.7%), followed by those on hemodialysis (15.3%), and peritoneal dialysis (7.7%). RFLP analysis revealed the presence of genotypes 1, 2, and 3 of GBV-C/HGV; more precisely, 9 (50%) samples were found belonging to the 2b subtype, 4 (22%) to the 2a subtype, 3 (17%) to genotype 1, and 2 (11%) to genotype 3. The present data indicate an intermediate prevalence of GBV-C/HGV infection among dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients in Central Brazil. Genotype 2 (subtype 2b) seems to be the most prevalent GBV-C/HGV genotype in our region.
This study was designed to assess the effect of GB virus (GBV)-C on the immune response to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in chronically HIV-infected and HIV- hepatitis C virus (HCV)-co-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy. A cohort of 159 HIV-seropositive patients, of whom 52 were HCV-co-infected, was included. Epidemiological data were collected and virological and immunological markers, including the production of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-2 by CD4, CD8 and Tγδ cells and the expression of the activation marker, CD38, were assessed. A total of 65 patients (40.8%) presented markers of GBV-C infection. The presence of GBV-C did not influence HIV and HCV replication or TCD4 and TCD8 cell counts. Immune responses, defined by IFN-γ and IL-2 production and CD38 expression did not differ among the groups. Our results suggest that neither GBV-C viremia nor the presence of E2 antibodies influence HIV and HCV viral replication or CD4 T cell counts in chronically infected patients. Furthermore, GBV-C did not influence cytokine production or CD38-driven immune activation among these patients. Although our results do not exclude a protective effect of GBV-C in early HIV disease, they demonstrate that this effect may not be present in chronically infected patients, who represent the majority of patients in outpatient clinics.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency and the consequences of the co-infection of hepatitis B and C viruses in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS). METHODS: B and C serologic markers, exposure to risk factors, biochemical assays, upper gastrointestinal endoscopies, and abdominal ultrasonograms were evaluated in 101 patients with HSS from 1994 to 1997. Whenever possible, PCR was tested and histopathological studies were reviewed. RESULTS: At least one HBV virus marker was found in 15.8%, and anti-HCV was detected in 12.9% of the subjects. The seropositive subjects tended to be older than the seronegative ones. A history of blood transfusion was significantly related to the presence of anti-HCV. Three (18.75%) out of 16 subjects exposed to B virus were HBsAg positive. Eleven (84.6%) out of thirteen patients who were anti-HCV positive demonstrated viral activity. Patients with ongoing viral infection presented a higher average level of liver aminotransferases, a higher frequency of cell decompensation and a higher rate of chronic hepatitis. Portal hypertension parameters were not influenced by viral exposure. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of hepatitis B and C viruses serologic markers observed in the patients with HSS was higher than the control group. The co-infection was responsible for a higher frequency of cell decompensation.
Seguimos ambulatorialmente, por no mínimo 180 dias, 111 receptores de transfusões, para avaliarmos a ocorrência de hepatites pós-transfusionais e os agentes etiológicos envolvidos com esta doença, na cidade de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. No final diagnosticamos esta hepatite em 18 (16,2%) receptores. Destes, tivemos 16 (89%) casos devido ao vírus da hepatite C, 1 (5,5%) causado pelo vírus da hepatite B e 1 (5,5%) caso restante, sem etiologia determinada, 15 meses após a transfusão. O período de incubação da hepatite por vírus C (HVC) foi de 71 dias, em média; e 23% dos indivíduos com esta hepatite permaneceram com aumento de AST/ALT por mais de 6 meses. Observou-se soroconversão tardia para o anti-HCV em 71,4% dos receptores, que ocorreu, em média, 135 dias após a transfusão. Uma dosagem de ALT e uma pesquisa do anti-HCV, aos 3 e 6 meses, após a transfusão, diagnosticariam, respectivamente, 71 e 93% dos casos que desenvolveram HVC pós-transfusionais.
Garlic viruses often occur in mixed infections under field conditions. In this study, garlic samples collected in three geographical areas of Brazil were tested by Dot-ELISA for the detection of allexiviruses using monoclonal specific antibodies to detect Garlic virus A (GarV-A), Garlic virus B (GarV-B), Garlic virus C (GarV-C) and a polyclonal antiserum able to detect the three virus species mentioned plus Garlic virus D (GarV-D). The detected viruses were biologically isolated by successive passages through Chenopodium quinoa. Reverse Transcriptase Polimerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) was performed using primers designed from specific regions of the coat protein genes of Japanese allexiviruses available in the Genetic Bank of National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). By these procedures, individual garlic virus genomes were isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence analysis and the one with serological data revealed the presence of three distinct allexiviruses GarV-C, GarV-D and a recently described allexivirus, named Garlic mite-borne filamentous virus (GarMbFV), in Brazil.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados iniciais de um serviço de transplante hepático que utiliza a técnica piggyback como padrão. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva de 19 transplantes de fígado enfatizando as complicações pós-operatórias e a taxa de sobrevida dos pacientes. A indicação mais freqüente de transplante foi cirrose pelo vírus C em nove pacientes (47%). De acordo com a gravidade da doença hepática, nove casos (47,3%) foram classificados como Child C e oito (42%) como B. Os dois casos restantes foram hepatite fulminante e trombose tardia de artéria hepática. RESULTADOS: Foram realizados 19 transplantes em 18 pacientes com doador cadáver empregando a técnica com preservação da veia cava (piggyback) em 100% dos casos. A indicação mais freqüente de transplante foi cirrose pelo virus C em nove pacientes (47%). De acordo com a gravidade da doença hepática nove casos (47,3%) foram classificados como Child C e oito (42%) como B. Os dois casos restantes foram hepatite fulminante e trombose tardia de artéria hepática. A idade média foi de 45,6 anos. O tempo de isquemia fria do enxerto foi em média de 7,8 horas e a permanência hospitalar média de 18 dias. As complicações mais freqüentes foram as biliares (21%), sendo que três pacientes necessitaram de reoperação e um foi tratado por endoscopia. Houve dois casos de trombose tardia de artéria hepática, sendo um deles tratado por retransplante. Houve um óbito (5,2%) no 8o dia de pós-operatório ocasionado por disfunção primária do enxerto. A sobrevida inicial maior que 30 dias foi de 94,7%. CONCLUSÕES: É possível ter bons resultados no início de um programa de transplante de fígado, desde que haja uma técnica padronizada e uma equipe bem treinada e envolvida com as complicações pós-operatórias.
OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Brazil’s inmate population.METHODS Systematic review on hepatitis C virus infection in the inmate population. Brazilian studies published from January 1, 1989 to February 20, 2014 were evaluated. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using a scale of 0 to 8 points.RESULTS Eleven eligible studies were analyzed and provided data on hepatitis C virus infection among 4,375 inmates from seven states of Brazil, with a mean quality classification of 7.4. The overall hepatitis C virus prevalence among Brazilian inmates was 13.6% (ranging from 1.0% to 41.0%, depending on the study). The chances of inmates being seropositive for hepatitis C virus in the states of Minas Gerais (MG), Sergipe (SE), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Goiás (GO) and Espirito Santo (ES) were 84.0% (95%CI 0.06;0.45), 92.0% (95%CI 0.04;0.13), 88.0% (95%CI 0.09;0.18), 74.0% (95%CI 0.16;0.42), 84.0% (95%CI 0.08;0.31) and 89.0% (95%CI 0.01;0.05) respectively, lower than that observed in the Sao Paulo state (seroprevalence of 29.3%). The four studies conducted in the city of Sao Paulo revealed a lower prevalence in more recent studies compared to older ones.CONCLUSIONS The highest prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Brazil’s inmate population was found in Sao Paulo, which may reflect the urban diversity of the country. Despite Brazilian studies having good methodological quality to evaluate the prevalence of the hepatitis C virus, they are scarce and lack data on risk factors associated with this infection, which could support decisions on prevention and implementation of public health policies for Brazilian prisons.
Two groups of patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) maintenance were evaluated for their antibody response to non-structural c100/3 protein and structural core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Forty-six patients (Group 1) never presented liver abnormalities during HD treatment, while 52 patients (Group 2) had either current or prior liver enzyme elevations. Prevalence rates of 32.6% and 41.3% were found for anti-c100/3 and anti-HCV core antibodies, respectively, in patients with silent infections (Group 1). The rate of anti-c100/3 in patients of Group 2 was 71.15% and reached 86.5% for anti-HCV core antibodies. The recognition of anti-c100/3 and anti-core antibodies was significantly higher in Group 2 than in Group 1. A line immunoassay composed of structural and non-structural peptides was used as a confirmation assay. HBV infection, measured by the presence of anti-HBc antibodies, was observed in 39.8% of the patients. Six were HBsAg chronic carriers and 13 had naturally acquired anti-HBs antibodies. The duration of HD treatment was correlated with anti-HCV positivity. A high prevalence of 96.7% (Group 2) was found in patients who underwent more than 5 years of treatment. Our results suggest that anti-HCV core ELISA is more accurate for detecting HCV infection than anti-c100/3. Although the risk associated with the duration of HD treatment and blood transfusion was high, additional factors such as a significant non-transfusional spread of HCV seems to play a role as well. The identification of infective patients by more sensitive methods for HCV genome detection should help to control the transmission of HCV in the unit under study.