32 resultados para Gás amoníaco

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Este artigo mensura os custos econômicos ao longo do período compreendido entre 2004 e 2008, através de uma abordagem exploratória com a utilização do Economic Value Added - EVA®, aplicando os procedimentos de Nam e colaboradores (2009) ao caso da Comgás. Os resultados oferecem indícios de que a companhia está em uma situação de deseconomia de escala, o que ressalta a importância de o órgão regulador avaliar se os investimentos realizados pela companhia e o custo de capital estarão alinhados à obtenção de economias de escala, cujos benefícios possam ser transmitidos aos consumidores no próximo ciclo tarifário.


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Utilizando cromatografia gás-espectrometria de massa (CG/EM) com computador, descreve-se os constituintes voláteis do óleo essencial das sementes de puxuri (Licaria puchury-major). Identificaram-se nove monoterpenos na mistura, além de safrol, eugenol, metileugenol e ácido dodecanóico, citados previamente.


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Neste trabalho descrevemos experiencias destinadas a mostrar a influência do pH nas crises convulsivas por resfriamento da medula espinhal da rã e estudar o mecanismo da ação inibidora do gás carbonico sobre estas conculsões. Verificamos que o CO² não age atravez um abaixamento do pH do sangue ou do meio intercelular. O gás carbonico teria uma ação específica que estaria ligada á sua grande difusibilidade. Essa sua propriedade permitiria que penetrasse ràpidamente no interior de neurônio, abaixando sensìvelmente o pH intracelular, sem que houvesse nítida variação do pH do sangue.


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da temperatura de armazenamento e condições de atmosfera controlada sobre a manutenção da qualidade da maçã cv. Royal Gala. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, arranjado em um esquema bifatorial, com 4 repetições e a amostra composta por 25 frutos. Os oito tratamentos originaram-se da combinação de dois níveis do fator temperatura (-0.5ºC e 0ºC) com quatro níveis do fator condição de atmosfera controlada (1kPa O2/2kPa CO2, 1,2kPa O2/2kPa CO2, 1kPa de O2/3kPa CO2 e 1,2kPa O2/3kPa CO2). As avaliações foram realizadas após nove meses de armazenamento, na abertura das câmaras, e após sete dias de exposição dos frutos à temperatura de 20ºC. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, as temperaturas testadas não diferiram estatisticamente com relação à acidez titulável na saída da câmara, sendo que a melhor combinação de gases foi 1,2 kPa de O2 e 2 kPa de CO2. Já após sete dias de armazenamento a 0ºC, não houve diferença estatística com relação à concentração de gases. A temperatura de 0ºC apresentou maior firmeza de polpa, menor incidência de frutos com polpa farinhenta e degenerescência da polpa após sete dias a 20ºC. A combinação de gases 1,0kPa de O2 e 2 e 3 kPa de CO2 apresentou melhor manutenção da acidez titulável e menores valores de ocorrência de podridões e distúrbios fisiológicos. Concluiu-se que a melhor temperatura de armazenamento para a cv. Royal Gala é de 0(0)C e a melhor combinação de gases é de 1kPa de O2 e 2 e 3 kPa de CO2.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem por finalidade obter um método diagnóstico angiográfico alternativo que possa ser utilizado em doentes com alto risco ao uso de meio de contraste iodado. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 26 doentes com insuficiência renal crônica, que tiveram suas fístulas analisadas, submetidos à angiografia digital - na primeira fase, utilizando o meio de contraste iodado e, na segunda fase, gás carbônico como meio de contraste, com registro em filme angiográfico. A angiografia foi avaliada por dois médicos independentes, que analisaram a opacificação, o diagnóstico radiológico e o calibre dos vasos; a análise comparativa das medidas da artéria, da veia e da freqüência respiratória antes e após a injeção de contraste foi realizada pelo autor. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos pela analise estatística utilizando coeficiente kappa apresentaram concordância entre os dois médicos, referente à opacificação, de 0,3217, referente ao diagnóstico radiológico, de 0,5583, e referente à analise de calibre dos vasos, de 0,4298. A análise das medidas da artéria e da veia não apresentou diferença significativa pela medida de posição e dispersão, mostrando concordância na regressão linear, com p-valor de 0,3657 e de 0,2041; para a freqüência respiratória, as análises das medidas de posição e dispersão não apresentaram diferença significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos ser este método uma alternativa no estudo angiográfico em pacientes com antecedente alérgico ou com risco nefrotóxico.


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Hexafluoroacetylaceton derivatives of some synthesized components of the guazatine fungicide were prepared, and their separation and identification performed through gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chromatogram obtained from hexafluoroacetylacetone derivative of the commercial guazatine presented 14 major peaks, and 9 of them were identified through both techniques mentioned above.


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A piezoelectric detector based on a commercial quartz crystal of 3.57MHz is shown. A PTFE cell attached to the GC-column outlet holds the polymer-coated crystal, whose terminals were removed. Two TTL oscillators (reference and sensor) are used and the beating of their frequencies is monitored through a home-made counter card inserted in a microcomputer. The original thermal conductivity detector was also interfaced, but through a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. In spite of the well-known fact that QCM has low sensitivity at high temperatures, results show significant peak deformation for low temperatures. In addition, the phenomenon is also dependent on the chemical composition of the absorbent film besides instantaneous partial pressure and chemical composition of the analyte.


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The word gas was coined by the "chemical philosopher" Joan Baptista Van Helmont (1579 -- 1644) to name a very broad concept in his chemico-medical system. Eventually, some physicians who followed Helmontian ideas adopted the concept. The present paper aims to analyze the reception of the original idea of gas by an English Helmontian physician, George Thomson (1619 -- 1677). Thomson wrote that the "material cause" of the plague was a gas, and compared it to the "Gas of sulphur". He also related the human archeus to a gas, and explained some observations in the laboratory in terms of production of gases. We observe, however, that Thomson was not as interested as Van Helmont in discussing details about the structure of the matter. Thus, gas did not have the same relevance in Thomson's work as it had in Van Helmont's.


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This paper focuses on the early interpretations of the concept of gas, originally created by J. B. Van Helmont (1579 ¾ 1644). Our main interest is on the ideas of English physicians and chemical philosophers of the seventeenth century. Gas was usually associated with the material cause of diseases, with the vital spirit, or with a volatile spirit produced in some kinds of material transformations. As a general trend, however, the authors who did not want to embrace the details of the medico-chemical system proposed by Van Helmont preferred to use more well-known words (such as vapours, exhalations, effluvia, odours, spirits), avoiding the use of the neologism.


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This note has as objective to present the advantages of the use of syringe-type pumps for the feeding of liquid reactants, together with mass flow controllers for gases, instead of the saturators, as it is generally accomplished. Among the advantages, the system with syringe pumps presents a greater flexibility in flow control as well as in composition compared with the system that uses saturator. In addition, the flow of the liquid reactants is known with precision in the syringe pump system.


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A new extraction method for sterols was tested in fruits of Ottonia martiana Miq., a shrub belonging to the family Piperaceae, popularly known as "anestésica" due to the use of its roots and aerial parts, in alcoholic preparations, in treatment of odontological problems. For this purpose, a portable extraction equipment was developed, to operate with liquified gases, which showed to be practical, fast and effective, besides being economical and ecological. In the chromatographic analysis of the extracts obtained in this equipment, it was demonstrated the presence of two sterols, isomers of b-sitosterol and stigmasterol.


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Nitrogen content in natural gas was studied in experimental and computational investigations to identify its influence on the emission level of exhaust gases from combustion facilities. Changes in natural gas composition with different N2 concentrations may result from introducing a new source gas into the system. An industrial burner fired at 75 kW, housed in a laboratory-scale furnace, was employed for runs where the natural gas/N2 proportion was varied. The exhaust and in-furnace measurements of temperature and gas concentrations were performed for different combustion scenarios, varying N2 content from 1-10 %v. Results have shown that the contamination of natural gas with nitrogen reduced the peak flame temperature, the concentration of unstable species, the NO X emission level and the heat transfer rate to the furnace walls, resulting from the recombination reactions.


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LaNiO3 perovskite was modified by partial substitution of nickel by cobalt in order to increase the stability and resistance to carbon deposition during the methane CO2 reforming. The results showed that a suitable combination of precipitation and calcination steps resulted in oxides with the desired structure and with important properties for application in heterogeneous catalysis. The partial substitution of Ni by Co resulted in lower rates of conversion of both the reactants, but the catalyst stability was highly increased. The LaNi0.3Co0.7O3 catalyst, calcined at 800 ºC, was the most active under the reaction conditions.


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Increasing natural gas use in Brazil triggered a discussion of its role as a Hg source. We show that Hg emissions to the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion for power generation in Brazil contribute with 6.2% (4.2 t yr-1) to the total anthropogenic Hg atmospheric emissions, with coal combustion and biomass burning as major sources. Natural gas contributes with 0.04 t yr-1, mostly from electricity generation (88%) and industrial uses (7.6%). Preliminary results on Hg concentrations in natural gas suggest that a large fraction of it is trapped during refining and transport, which may create Hg point sources between extraction and consumption.