10 resultados para Fusional complementarity
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The lack of immunogenicity of most malaria antigens and the complex immune responses required for achieving protective immunity against this infectious disease have traditionally hampered the development of an efficient human malaria vaccine. The current boom in development of recombinant viral vectors and their use in prime-boost protocols that result in enhanced immune outcomes have increased the number of malaria vaccine candidates that access pre-clinical and clinical trials. In the frontline, adenoviruses and poxviruses seem to be giving the best immunization results in experimental animals and their mutual combination, or their combination with recombinant proteins (formulated in adjuvants and given in sequence or being given as protein/virus admixtures), has been shown to reach unprecedented levels of anti-malaria immunity that predictably will be somehow reproduced in the human setting. However, all this optimism was previously seen in the malaria vaccine development field without many real applicable results to date. We describe here the current state-of-the-art in the field of recombinant adenovirus research for malaria vaccine development, in particular referring to their use in combination with other immunogens in heterologous prime-boost protocols, while trying to simultaneously show our contributions and point of view on this subject.
To assess relationships between neuropeptide-binding sites and receptor proteins in rat brain, the distribution of radioautographically labeled somatostatin and neurotensin-binding sites was compared to that of immunolabeled sst2A and NTRH receptor subtypes, respectively. By light microscopy, immunoreactive sst2A receptors were either confined to neuronal perikarya and dendrites or diffusely distributed in tissue. By electron microscopy, areas expressing somatodendritic sst2A receptors displayed only low proportions of membrane-associated, as compared to intracellular, receptors. Conversely, regions displaying diffuse sst2A labeling exhibited higher proportions of membrane-associated than intracellular receptors. Furthermore, the former showed only low levels of radioautographically labeled somatostatin-binding sites whereas the latter contained high densities of somatostatin-binding suggesting that membrane-associated receptors are preferentially recognized by the radioligand. In the case of NTRH receptors, there was a close correspondence between the light microscopic distribution of NTRH immunoreactivity and that of labeled neurotensin-binding sites. Within the substantia nigra, the bulk of immuno- and autoradiographically labeled receptors were associated with the cell bodies and dendrites of presumptive DA neurons. By electron microscopy, both markers were detected inside as well as on the surface of labeled neurons. At the level of the plasma membrane, their distribution was highly correlated and characterized by a lack of enrichment at the level of synaptic junctions and by a homogeneous distribution along the remaining neuronal surface, in conformity with the hypothesis of an extra-synaptic action of this neuropeptide. Inside labeled dendrites, there was a proportionally higher content of immunoreactive than radiolabeled receptors. Some of the immunolabeled receptors not recognized by the radioligand were found in endosome-like organelles suggesting that, as in the case of sst2A receptors, they may have undergone endocytosis subsequent to binding to the endogenous peptide
The taxonomic composition, observed and estimated species richness, and patterns of community structure of arboreal spider assemblages in eleven sites surrounding the "Banhado Grande" wet plain in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are presented. These sites represent three different vegetational types: hillside (four sites), riparian (five sites) and flooded forests (two sites). The spiders were captured by beating on foliage and "aerial litter". A sample was defined as the result of beating on twenty bushes, tree branches or "aerial litter" clusters, which roughly corresponds to one-hour search effort per sample. Fifty five samples (five per site) were obtained, resulting in an observed richness of 212 species present as adult or identifiable juveniles. The total richness for all samples was estimated to be between 250 (Bootstrap) to 354 species (Jackknife 2). Confidence intervals of both sample and individual-based rarefaction curves for each vegetation type clearly indicated that flooded forest is the poorest vegetation type with respect to spider species richness, with hillside and riparian forests having a similar number of species. The percentage complementarity between the eleven sites indicated that all sites contain a distinct set of species, irrespective of their vegetation types. Nevertheless, the spider assemblages in riparian and hillside forests are more similar with respect to each other than when compared to flooded forest. Both cluster and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses showed no strong correspondence between the spider arboreal fauna and the three vegetation types. Moreover, a Mantel test revealed no significant association between species composition and geographic distance among sites.
ABSTRACT The interorganizational cooperation, through joint efforts with various actors, allows the high-tech companies to complement resources, especially in R&D projects. Collaborative projects have been identified in many studies as an important strategy to produce complex products and services in uncertain and competitive environments. Thus, this research aims at deepening the understanding of how the development dynamics of a collaborative R&D project in an industry of high technology occur. In order to achieve the proposed objective, the R&D project of the first microcontroller in the Brazilian semiconductor industry was defined as the object of analysis. The empirical choice is justified by the uniqueness of the case, besides bringing a diversity of actors and a level of complementarity of resources that were significant to the success of the project. Given the motivation to know who the actors were and what the main forms of interorganizational coordination were used in this project, interviews were carried out and a questionnaire was also made, besides other documents related to the project. The results presented show a network of nine actors and their roles in the interorganizational collaboration process, as well as the forms of social and temporal overlapping, used in the coordination of collective efforts. Focusing on the mechanisms of temporal and social integration highlighted throughout the study, the inclusion of R&D projects in the typology for interorganizational projects is proposed in this paper, which was also proposed by Jones and Lichtenstein (2008).
Biochar has a relatively long half-life in soil and can fundamentally alter soil properties, processes, and ecosystem services. The prospect of global-scale biochar application to soils highlights the importance of a sophisticated and rigorous certification procedure. The objective of this work was to discuss the concept of integrating biochar properties with environmental and socioeconomic factors, in a sustainable biochar certification procedure that optimizes complementarity and compatibility between these factors over relevant time periods. Biochar effects and behavior should also be modelled at temporal scales similar to its expected functional lifetime in soils. Finally, when existing soil data are insufficient, soil sampling and analysis procedures need to be described as part of a biochar certification procedure.
The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic diversity of elite genotypes of irrigated barley in the Brazilian savanna. Thirty elite barley genotypes from Embrapa Cerrados' collection were evaluated using 160 RAPD markers, 12 agronomic traits related to yield components, and 10 malting quality parameters. The genetic dissimilarity matrices based on molecular markers, quantitative traits, and malting quality characters were calculated and a cluster analysis was performed using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) as grouping criterion. High genetic diversity among accessions were observed. The estimated genetic dissimilarities were weakly correlated, showing the complementarity of the different character groups. Selection indices and graphical dispersion analysis allowed the selection of promising genotypes and the indication of suitable crosses for maximizing the heterotic effects in breeding programs for irrigated barley in the Brazilian savanna.
The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as fusões carunculares em gestações de conceptos não clonados (CNC) e conceptos clonados (CC). Os CNC foram divididos segundo o período de gestação em Grupo I (2-3 meses, n=9), Grupo II (4-6 meses, n=9), Grupo III (7-8 meses, n=10) e Grupo IV (9 meses, n=7). Os CC formaram o Grupo V (9 meses, n=4). As carúnculas foram observadas macroscopicamente (número e dimensões: comprimento, largura e altura), microscopicamente e submetidas à análise estatística (5% de significância). Observaram-se três tipos de fusões carunculares macroscópicas: ovais (morfologicamente normais); duas carúnculas adjacentes unidas e do tipo lobuladas, caracterizadas por regiões com várias carúnculas unidas apresentando falsa fusão ou deformação do parênquima caruncular. O comprimento das carúnculas foi de 1,55±0,57; 2,45±0,55; 4,66±2,00 e 5,72±1,90cm para os Grupos I, II, III e IV, respectivamente. Quanto à altura, as carúnculas apresentaram um crescimento linear durante a gestação e foram de 0,40±0,15; 0;57±0,21; 1,00±0,48 e 1,80±0,91cm, para os respectivos Grupos I, II, III e IV. A largura das carúnculas foi semelhante entre os Grupos I e II (0,97±0,30 e 1,42±0,71cm) e os Grupos III e IV (2,68±1,22 e 3,52±1,16cm). Quando o Grupo V foi comparado ao Grupo IV, as carúnculas do Grupo V apresentaram maior comprimento (5,72±1,90 vs. 7,88±2,13cm) e largura (3,52±1,16 vs. 4,93±1,46cm), porém foram semelhantes em altura (1,80±0,91 e 2,25±0,67cm). Verificou-se que em gestações de CC, as carúnculas apresentaram maior desenvolvimento que em gestações de CNC. As carúnculas fusionadas apresentaram medidas estatisticamente semelhantes às isoladas em todos os parâmetros e grupos. Sob microscopia de luz, observou-se a formação de um eixo estromal, da base da carúncula ao ápice da fissura fusional, de constituição histológica semelhante ao estroma endometrial. Também foram ineditamente definidos três formatos microscópicos: fusão propriamente dita com eixo único, evidente abaixo da fissura fusional; pseudofusão com eixo duplo em forma de "H" e a falsa fusão com ausência do eixo. Os dois primeiros formatos referem-se às carúnculas ovais e lobuladas e o último à falsa fusão com deformação do parênquima caruncular. O eixo fusional aumentou de tamanho durante a gestação entre os Grupos I, II, III e IV. O Grupo V apresentou maior comprimento e largura de eixo quando comparado ao Grupo IV. Sendo assim, em gestações de CC a destruição do epitélio lateral das carúnculas está associada a uma incompetência na interdigitação materno-fetal, que comprometem a fusão cotiledonária. Sugere-se que, em gestações provenientes de CC, o aumento do tamanho das fusões carunculares possivelmente associa-se a um mecanismo compensatório para as trocas metabólicas entre mãe e feto, em razão do menor número de carúnculas isoladas.
This study compared the effectiveness of the multifocal visual evoked cortical potentials (mfVEP) elicited by pattern pulse stimulation with that of pattern reversal in producing reliable responses (signal-to-noise ratio >1.359). Participants were 14 healthy subjects. Visual stimulation was obtained using a 60-sector dartboard display consisting of 6 concentric rings presented in either pulse or reversal mode. Each sector, consisting of 16 checks at 99% Michelson contrast and 80 cd/m² mean luminance, was controlled by a binary m-sequence in the time domain. The signal-to-noise ratio was generally larger in the pattern reversal than in the pattern pulse mode. The number of reliable responses was similar in the central sectors for the two stimulation modes. At the periphery, pattern reversal showed a larger number of reliable responses. Pattern pulse stimuli performed similarly to pattern reversal stimuli to generate reliable waveforms in R1 and R2. The advantage of using both protocols to study mfVEP responses is their complementarity: in some patients, reliable waveforms in specific sectors may be obtained with only one of the two methods. The joint analysis of pattern reversal and pattern pulse stimuli increased the rate of reliability for central sectors by 7.14% in R1, 5.35% in R2, 4.76% in R3, 3.57% in R4, 2.97% in R5, and 1.78% in R6. From R1 to R4 the reliability to generate mfVEPs was above 70% when using both protocols. Thus, for a very high reliability and thorough examination of visual performance, it is recommended to use both stimulation protocols.
Complementarity of trade between Brazil and Japan with a view to a free trade agreement. Japan has signed free trade agreements as trade policy since 2002 and three countries have already signed in Latin American. Considering the intention to carry out an agreement with Mercosur, this article aims to analyze the complementarities between Brazil and Japan trade structure by revealed comparative advantages indexes, with World Bank data for the period between 2006 and 2008. The results show a comparative advantage in primary commodities to Brazil and in industrial products to Japan, as well as indicating sectors that may oppose to trade liberalization.