15 resultados para Froilán Carvajal
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
É descrita uma nova espécie de Trypanorhyncha, Progrillotia dollfusi sp. n., de pescadas do gênero Cynoscion (Sciaenidae). Os peixes mostraram-se intensamente parasitados. As características principais desta espécie são os dois botrídios, a armadura tipo pecilacanto dos ganchos e a armadura basal da probóscide.
Otodistomum cestoides (van Beneden, 1871) (Azygiidae: Digenea) is reported for the first time from Psammobatis scobina and Raja flavirostris. The skates were caught off the coast of San Antonio, Chile.
The presence of three aspidocotyleans trematodes in marine fishes from Perú and Chile is reported. One of them, Lobatostoma veranoi from the intestine of Menticirrhus ophicephalu (Sciaenidae) is considered a new species. Distinct characteristcs of the new species are:a cirrus sac smaller than the pharynx; tail overlapping posteriorly the ventral disk; testis in the last third of the body and the presence of 64-66 marginal alveoli. The two other species are Lobatostoma pacificum Manter, 1940 found in Trachinotus paitensis Cuvier, 1830 from Perú and Chile and Lobatostoma Anisotremum Oliva & Carvajal, 1984 from the intestine of Anisotremus scapularis (Tschudi, 1844) from Perú.
Alternative, non-microscopic methods for the diagnosis of malaria have recently become available. Among these, rapid dipstick methods stand out. One such test, OptiMAL®, is based on the immunochromatographic detection of Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) and has the capacity to detect and distinguish infections caused by P. falciparum and Plasmodium sp. This capacity is particularly important in countries where different species of Plasmodium co-exist. In this study we evaluated the performance of OptiMAL® in an urban referral center for malaria diagnosis. Two sets of patients were included: one (n = 112) having predetermined infections with P. falciparum or P. vivax and individuals with negative blood smears; and another consisting of all eligible consecutive patients (n = 80) consulting for diagnosis at the referral center during one month. The overall diagnostic efficiency of OptiMAL® for both sets of patients was 96.9%. Efficiency was higher for P. vivax (98.1%) than for P. falciparum (94.9%). These results corroborate the diagnostic utility of OptiMAL® in settings where P. vivax and P. falciparum co-exist and support its implementation where microscopic diagnosis is unavailable and in circumstances that exceed the capacity of the local microscopic diagnosis facility.
Specimens of elasmobranch fishes, captured in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, of the southern coast off Brazil, represented by three families, four genera, and four species, were parasitized with otobothrioid trypanorhynch cestodes: Heptranchias perlo (Bonnaterre, 1788), Squalus sp. and Carcharhinus signatus (Poey, 1868) were parasitized with Progrillotia dollfusi Carvajal & Rego,1987; Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) with Molicola horridus (Goodsir, 1841) Dollfus, 1942. Details of internal morphology and/or scolex and/or proglottids surface ultrastructure, that expanded the description of M. horridus, through observations with lightfield, and/or scanning eletronic microscopy, are provided. The known geographical distribution for the species M. horridus is enlarged. P. dollfusi is reported for the first time in elasmobranchs.
A new trypanosomatid species, Blastocrithidia cyrtomeni, is herein described using morphological and molecular data. It was found parasitising the alimentary tract of the insect host Cyrtomenus bergi, a polyphagous pest. The morphology of B. cyrtomeni was investigated using light and transmission microscopy and molecular phylogeny was inferred from the sequences of spliced leader RNA (SL rRNA) - 5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene. Epimastigotes of variable size with straphanger cysts adhering to the middle of the flagellum were observed in the intestinal tract, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules. Kinetoplasts were always observed anterior to the nucleus. The ultrastructure of longitudinal sections of epimastigotes showed the flagellum arising laterally from a relatively shallow flagellar pocket near the kinetoplast. SL RNA and 5S rRNA gene repeats were positive in all cases, producing a 0.8-kb band. The amplicons were 797-803 bp long with > 98.5% identity, indicating that they originated from the same organism. According to the sequence analysis of the SL-5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S SSU rRNA gene, B. cyrtomeni is different from all other known species or isolates of Trypanosomatidae. Both analyses indicate that among known species, it is most closely related to Blastocrithidia triatomae.
Triatoma infestans (Klug) is the main vector of Chagas disease, which is a public health concern in most Latin American countries. The prevention of Chagas disease is based on the chemical control of the vector using pyrethroid insecticides. In the last decade, different levels of deltamethrin resistance have been detected in certain areas of Argentina and Bolivia. Because of this, alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides from different chemical groups were evaluated against two T. infestans populations, NFS and El Malá, with the objective of finding new insecticides to control resistant insect populations. Toxicity to different insecticides was evaluated in a deltamethrin-susceptible and a deltamethrin-resistant population. Topical application of the insecticides fenitrothion and imidacloprid to first nymphs had lethal effects on both populations, producing 50% lethal dose (LD50) values that ranged from 5.2-28 ng/insect. However, amitraz, flubendiamide, ivermectin, indoxacarb and spinosad showed no insecticidal activity in first instars at the applied doses (LD50 > 200 ng/insect). Fenitrothion and imidacloprid were effective against both deltamethrin-susceptible and deltamethrin-resistant populations of T. infestans. Therefore, they may be considered alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides for the control of Chagas disease.
To increase our knowledge of the natural susceptibility of Triatoma infestans to an organophosphate insecticide, we performed toxicological and biochemical studies on three sylvatic populations from Bolivia and two populations from domestic dwellings from Bolivia and Argentina. Fifty-per-cent lethal doses (LD50) were determined based on the topical application of fenitrothion on first instar nymphs and mortality was assessed at 24 h. Both type of populations exhibited LD50ratios significantly higher than 1 with a range of the values (1.42-2.47); the maximum value were found in a sylvatic (-S) population, Veinte de Octubre-S. Samples were biochemically analysed using a glutathione S-transferase activity assay. The highest significant activity was obtained for Veinte de Octubre-S and the lowest activity was obtained for the reference population (102.69 and 54.23 pmol per minute per mg of protein respectively). Two out of the three sylvatic populations (Veinte de Octubre-S and Kirus Mayu-S) exhibited significantly higher glutathione S-transferase activity than that of the reference population. Based on this analysis of the natural susceptibility of this organism to organophosphate insecticides, continental and focal surveys of organophosphate susceptibility should be conducted to evaluate the evolution and distribution of this phenomenon.
The aim of the present work was to study the deltamethrin susceptibility of eggs from Triatoma infestans populations and the contribution of pyrethroid esterases to deltamethrin degradation. Insects were collected from sylvatic areas, including Veinte de Octubre and Kirus-Mayu (Bolivia) and from domiciliary areas, including El Palmar (Bolivia) and La Pista (Argentina). Deltamethrin susceptibility was determined by dose-response bioassays. Serial dilutions of deltamethrin (0.0005-1 mg/mL) were topically applied to 12-day-old eggs. Samples from El Palmar had the highest lethal dose ratio (LDR) value (44.90) compared to the susceptible reference strain (NFS), whereas the Veinte de Octubre samples had the lowest value (0.50). Pyrethroid esterases were evaluated using 7-coumaryl permethrate (7-CP) on individually homogenised eggs from each population and from NFS. The El Palmar and La Pista samples contained 40.11 and 36.64 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively, and these values were statistically similar to NFS (34.92 pmol/min/mg protein) and different from Kirus-Mayu and Veinte de Octubre (27.49 and 22.69 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively). The toxicological data indicate that the domestic populations were resistant to deltamethrin, but no statistical contribution of 7-CP esterases was observed. The sylvatic populations had similar LDR values to NFS, but lower 7-CP esterase activities. Moreover, this is the first study of the pyrethroid esterases on T. infestans eggs employing a specific substrate (7-CP).
The prevention of Chagas disease is based primarily on the chemical control of Triatoma infestans (Klug) using pyrethroid insecticides. However, high resistance levels, correlated with control failures, have been detected in Argentina and Bolivia. A previous study at our laboratory found that imidacloprid could serve as an alternative to pyrethroid insecticides. We studied the delayed toxicity of imidacloprid and the influence of the blood feeding condition of the insect on the toxicity of this insecticide; we also studied the effectiveness of various commercial imidacloprid formulations against a pyrethroid-resistant T. infestans population from the Gran Chaco ecoregion. Variations in the toxic effects of imidacloprid were not observed up to 72 h after exposure and were not found to depend on the blood feeding condition of susceptible and resistant individuals. Of the three different studied formulations of imidacloprid on glass and filter paper, only the spot-on formulation was effective. This formulation was applied to pigeons at doses of 1, 5, 20 and 40 mg/bird. The nymphs that fed on pigeons treated with 20 mg or 40 mg of the formulation showed a higher mortality rate than the control group one day and seven days post-treatment (p < 0.01). A spot-on formulation of imidacloprid was effective against pyrethroid-resistant T. infestans populations at the laboratory level.
Un sueño se volvió realidad. La tarea gratificadora de colocar a disposición de los usuarios de recursos tecnológicos de información en el ámbito interno e foráneo, emprendida por la Universidad de Colima, en uno de los estados de México. En 1983, la Universidad de Colima creó la Dirección General de Desarrollo Bibliotecario con el objetivo fundamental de estructurar el sistema de bibliotecas universitárias para dar apoyo a la enseñanza e a la investigación. Fue un proyecto que envolvia un arduo trabajo de capacitación de personal, sistematización de información y captación de recursos financieros. La automatización de las bibliotecas posibilitó sistematizar el acervo de las bibliotecas de Colima, además de servir como base para la organización de la primera biblioteca electrónica de America Latina. La biblioteca electrónica de ciencia fué inagurada el día 1° de Junio de 1995. Ofrece servicio on-line de información sobre documentos de su propia biblioteca así como de otras extranjeras. El edifício fué proyectado para acomodar equipos modernos e rápidos, conectados a la Internet. Ocupando un área de 3000 metros, el complejo abriga áreas de consulta automatizada, espacio destinado a textos electrónicos; CD-ROMs, colecciones, fonoteca para 20 usuários; 44 cabinas individuales y 10 colectivas, equipadas con Internet y um auditório con capacidad de 250 persoas para congresos. La biblioteca electrónica despertó un gran interés en los usuários, aumentando los servicios con que atiende desde a una ama de casa como a pesquisadores universitários. Los desafios y las perspectivas de esta nueva experiencia son los de cómo contar con recursos inovadores, personal y usuários capacitados y equipo adecuado.
The purple passionfruit plant, Passifloraedulis Sims, ranks second in fruit exportation in Colombia, and its main destination is the European market. However, its production is affected by several diseases, including fusariosis. This paper presents the histopathological features of different tissues affected by the pathogens Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani. Both microorganisms produce similar responses on the plant: colonization of xylem vessels by hyphae and microconidia, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the cambium, xylem and phloem; destruction of xylem fibers and amyloplasts in parenchymatous cells; and production of gels by the plant. However, there are differences in the colonization mechanism, F. solani penetrates and is concentrated especially at the collar zone, while F. oxysporum penetrates the roots and moves through the vascular system to colonize the plant.
The aim of the present paper is to study the relationship between the fracture modes in hydrogen-assisted cracking (HAC) in microalloied steel and the emission of acoustic signals during the fracturing process. For this reason, a flux-cored arc weld (FCAW) was used in a high-strength low-alloy steel. The consumable used were the commercially available AWS E120T5-K4 and had a diameter of 1.6 mm. Two different shielding gases were used (CO2 and CO2+5% H2) to obtain complete phenomenon characterization. The implant test was applied with three levels of restriction stresses. An acoustic emission measurement system (AEMS) was coupled to the implant test apparatus. The output signal from the acoustic emission sensor was passed through an electronic amplifier and processed by a root mean square (RMS) voltage converter. Fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and image analysis. Fracture modes were related with the intensity, the energy and the number of the peaks of the acoustic emission signal. The shielding gas CO2+5% H2 proved to be very useful in the experiments. Basically, three different fracture modes were identified in terms of fracture appearance: microvoid coalescence (MVC), intergranular (IG) and quasi-cleavage (QC). The results show that each mode of fracture presents a characteristic acoustic signal.
A faveleira possui amêndoas com potencial em óleos e proteínas alimentares e é encontrada em todos os estados do nordeste brasileiro, principalmente nas regiões do sertão e caatinga. Objetivando a sua aplicação em formulações alimentícias, as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de amêndoas da faveleira com espinhos (FCE), e sem espinhos (FSE) foram estudadas. As amêndoas apresentaram, elevado conteúdo de lipídio (40,56 e 40,21%) e proteína (33,00 e 35,77%) e depois de desengordurada, apresentou 57,55 e 63,00% respectivamente. Na obtenção dos isolados proteicos, os índices em proteínas extraídas foram de 83,51% para a FCE e 80,57% para a FSE em pH 10,5. Os índices de proteínas recuperadas através da precipitação isoelétrica foram de 72,84 e 72,11% em pH 4,5. Os índices de proteínas solúveis e as propriedades de emulsificação mostraram-se dependentes do pH, com valores mínimos no ponto isoelétrico e mais elevados em pH ácido e básico ao pI. O isolado proteico da FSE apresentou melhor capacidade de absorção de água e de óleo em relação à FCE. Quando avaliadas através da atividade e da estabilidade de emulsão os isolados apresentaram performance apropriada tanto na região ácida quanto alcalina do pI.