em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos por adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 972 adultos (20 a 69 anos) do município de Pelotas, RS, realizado em 2006. A freqüência de consumo nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa foi medida por meio da pergunta: "em geral desde o regular de refrigerante não dietético a freqüência de cinco ou mais vezes por semana. A associação entre o desfecho e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e nutricionais foi analisada pelo teste qui-quadrado para heterogeneidade e tendência linear e a análise multivariável foi realizada por meio de regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta. RESULTADOS: Cerca de um quinto da população adulta de Pelotas (20,4%) ingeria regularmente refrigerante não dietético. Indivíduos do sexo masculino (RP 1,50; IC95%: 1,20;2,00), fumantes atuais (RP 1,60; IC95%: 1,20;2,10) e que consumiam semanalmente lanches (RP 2,10; IC95%: 1,60;2,70) apresentaram maior prevalência de consumo de refrigerantes não dietéticos na análise ajustada. A análise estratificada por sexo mostrou que o consumo regular de frutas, legumes e verduras foi fator protetor ao consumo de refrigerantes entre mulheres (RP 0,50; IC95%: 0,30;0,90). CONCLUSÕES: A freqüência do consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos na população adulta foi elevada, particularmente entre homens, jovens e fumantes.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do uso regular de serviços odontológicos por adultos e idosos em comunidade vulnerável e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 3.391 adultos e idosos de áreas de vulnerabilidade social de Porto Alegre, RS, de julho a dezembro de 2009. Foi utilizada amostragem sistemática com probabilidade proporcional ao tamanho de cada um dos 121 setores censitários. O desfecho "utilização regular de serviços odontológicos" foi definido consultar com o dentista regularmente, tendo ou não problemas de saúde bucal. Foi aplicado questionário padronizado, que incluiu variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, tipo de local procurado, autopercepção de saúde bucal e necessidades autopercebidas. Utilizou-se teste qui-quadrado para heterogeneidade na análise bivariada e na análise ajustada regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta e teste de heterogeneidade de Wald. RESULTADOS: A prevalência do uso regular de serviços odontológicos foi de 25,7%. A prevalência foi maior entre os indivíduos com escolaridade > 12 anos (RP 2,48 [IC95% 1,96;3,15]), mais ricos (RP: 1,95 [IC95% 1,03;1,53]), que utilizaram serviços privados de saúde (RP1,43 [IC95% 1,20;1,71]), com ótima autopercepção de saúde bucal (RP 4,44 [IC95% 3,07;6,42]) e autopercepção de necessidade de consultas para fins de revisão (RP 2,13 [IC95% 1,54;2,96]). CONCLUSÕES: Observam-se desigualdades na utilização regular de serviços odontológicos. Ações que contribuam para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a saúde bucal e melhoria do autocuidado, além de acesso a serviços odontológicos que visem à integralidade da atenção, podem contribuir para o aumento do uso regular dos serviços odontológicos.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective was to identify space and space-time risk clusters for the occurrence of deaths in a priority city for the control of tuberculosis (TB) in the Brazilian Northeast. METHODS: Ecological research was undertaken in the City of São Luis/Maranhão. Cases were considered that resulted in deaths in the population living in the urban region of the city with pulmonary TB as the basic cause, between 2008 and 2012. To detect space and space-time clusters of deaths due to pulmonary TB in the census sectors, the spatial analysis scan technique was used. RESULTS: In total, 221 deaths by TB occurred, 193 of which were due to pulmonary TB. Approximately 95% of the cases (n=183) were geocoded. Two significant spatial clusters were identified, the first of which showed a mortality rate of 5.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a high relative risk of 3.87. The second spatial cluster showed a mortality rate of 0.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a low relative risk of 0.10. A significant cluster was observed in the space-time analysis between 11/01/2008 and 04/30/2011, with a mortality rate of 8.10 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a high relative risk (3.0). CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of priority sites for the occurrence of deaths can support public management to reduce inequities in the access to health services and permit an optimization of the resources and teams in the control of pulmonary TB, providing support for specific strategies focused on the most vulnerable populations.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION This study presents two decades of epidemiological data on tuberculosis (TB), in order to understanding the disease profile and its spatiotemporal dynamics. METHODS This descriptive study was performed in the City of Olinda/Pernambuco, Brazil, from 1991-2010, and it analyzed new patients with TB living in the city. We used the χ²-test with a p-value <0.05 to identify differences in trends. Incidence and cluster distribution were identified using spatial scan statistics. RESULTS In total, 6202 new cases were recorded during the two decades. The highest incidence occurred in 1995 (110 cases/100,000 inhabitants), and the lowest occurred in 2009 (65 cases/100,000 inhabitants) (β=-1.44; R²=0.43; p=0.0018). The highest mortality occurred in 1998 (16 deaths/100,000 inhabitants), and the lowest occurred in 2008 (5 deaths/100,000 inhabitants) (β=-0.19; R²=0.17; p=0.07). There was a male predominance (65%), and ages ranged from 20-49 years (65%). There was a substantial increase in the number of patients that were cured after treatment (60% to 67%; p<0.001) as well as those tested for HIV (1.9% to 58.5%; p<0.001). During the first decade, clusters with p-values <0.05 included 29% of the total notified cases, and in the second decade, that percentage was 12%. CONCLUSIONS We observed a decreasing trend in incidence, which was significant, and mortality rates, which was not significant. The increased number of laboratory tests performed reflects advances in surveillance, and a reduction in the proportion of cases in primary clusters suggests, among other things, that the disease is spreading across the region.


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The authors report the magnetic resonance imaging diagnostic features in two cases with respectively lumbar epidural hematoma and cavernous hemangioma of the lumbar epidural space. Enhanced MRI T1-weighted scans show a hyperintense signal rim surrounding the vascular lesion. Non-enhanced T2-weighted scans showed hyperintense signal.


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FUNDAMENTO: Fibrilação atrial é uma complicação frequente no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. O uso prévio de estatinas pode reduzir a incidência dessa arritmia. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o uso crônico e regular de estatina, por um período de seis meses, previne fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca eletiva. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado em 107 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca, 66% do sexo masculino e com idade média de 60,4 anos (25 a 84). Avaliou-se a presença de fibrilação atrial entre os pacientes que usavam ou não estatina de forma regular no pré-operatório. Foram excluídos pacientes com cirurgia cardíaca de urgência, insuficiência renal, doenças inflamatórias, fibrilação atrial prévia, portadores de tireoidopatia e aqueles em uso de marca-passo definitivo. RESULTADOS: No período pós-operatório, fibrilação atrial esteve presente em 42 pacientes (39%) da amostra, sendo 11 (26%) em uso regular de estatina no período pré-operatório e 31 (74%) não. Observou-se que, em 22% do total de pacientes em uso de estatina, não houve desenvolvimento de fibrilação atrial, enquanto 45% dos que não usavam estatina apresentaram arritmia (ρ=0,02). Na revascularização miocárdica isolada, 47% dos pacientes que não usavam estatina e 23% dos que usavam desenvolveram fibrilação atrial (ρ =0,02). Não houve diferença estatística significativa na análise dos grupos com ou sem estatina quanto à presença dos fatores de risco para desenvolvimento de fibrilação atrial ( ρ=0,34). CONCLUSÃO: O uso regular de estatina, por seis meses ou mais no período pré-operatório, reduziu a incidência de fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca eletiva.


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Background: Studies have shown sodium restriction to have a beneficial effect on blood pressure (BP) of hypertensive patients. Objective: To evaluate the impact of light salt substitution for regular salt on BP of hypertensive patients. Methods: Uncontrolled hypertensive patients of both sexes, 20 to 65 years-old, on stable doses of antihypertensive drugs were randomized into Intervention Group (IG - receiving light salt) and Control Group (CG - receiving regular salt). Systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) were analyzed by using casual BP measurements and Home Blood Pressure Monitoring (HBPM), and sodium and potassium excretion was assessed on 24-hour urine samples. The patients received 3 g of salt for daily consumption for 4 weeks. Results: The study evaluated 35 patients (65.7% women), 19 allocated to the IG and 16 to the CG. The mean age was 55.5 ± 7.4 years. Most participants had completed the Brazilian middle school (up to the 8th grade; n = 28; 80.0%), had a family income of up to US$ 600 (n = 17; 48.6%) and practiced regular physical activity (n = 19; 54.3%). Two patients (5.7%) were smokers and 40.0% consumed alcohol regularly (n = 14). The IG showed a significant reduction in both SBP and DBP on the casual measurements and HBPM (p < 0.05) and in sodium excretion (p = 0.016). The CG showed a significant reduction only in casual SBP (p = 0.032). Conclusions: The light salt substitution for regular salt significantly reduced BP of hypertensive patients.


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This work describes the spatial-temporal variation of the relative abundance and size of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) collected in São Gonçalo Channel through bottom trawl with a 0.5 cm mesh, at depths between 3 and 6 m. The estimative of mean relative abundance (CPUE) ranged from 2,425.3 individuals per drag (ind./drag) in the spring to 21,715.0 ind./drag in the fall, with an average of 9,515.3 ind./drag throughout the year. The estimated mean density of L. fortunei for the deep region of São Gonçalo Channel ranged from 1.2 to 10.3 ind./m², and it was recorded a maximum density of 84.9 ind./m² in the fall of 2008. The method of sampling using bottom trawl enabled the capture of L. fortunei under the soft muddy bottom of the channel, in different sizes ranging from 0.4 to 3.2 cm. This shows that the structure of the L. fortunei adult population under the bottom of the São Gonçalo Channel is composed mostly of small individuals (<1.4 cm), which represent up to 74% of the population collected.


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Experiences with population-based chemotherapy and other methods for the control of schistosomiasis mansoni in two subsaharan foci are described. In the forest area of Maniema (Zaire), intense transmission of Schistosoma mansoni, high prevalences and intensities of infection, and important morbidity have been documental. Taking into account the limited financial means and the poor logistic conditions, the control strategy has been based mainly on targeted chemotherapy of heavily infected people (>600 epg). After ten years of intervention, prevalences and intensities have hardly been affected, but the initial severe hepatosplenic morbidity has almost disappeared. In Burundi, a national research and control programme has been initiated in 1982. Prevalences, intensities and morbidity were moderate, transmission was focal and erratic in time and space. A more structural control strategy was developed, based on screening and selective therapy, health education, sanitation and domestic water supply. Prevalences and intensities have been considerably reduced, though the results show focal and unpredicatable variations. Transmission and reinfection were not signifcantly affected by chemotherapy alone, and eventual outcome of repeated selective treatment appears to be limited by the sensitivity of the screening method. Intestinal morbidity was strongly reduced by community-based selective treatment, but hepatosplenic enlargement was hardly affected; this is possibly due to the confounding impact of increasing malaria morbidity. The experiences show the importance of local structures and conditions for the development of an adapted control strategy. It is further concluded that population-based chemotherapy is a highly valid tool for the rapid control of morbidity, but should in most operational conditions not be considered as a tool for transmission control. Integration of planning, execution and surveillance in regular health services...


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We live in a "Demon-Haunted World". Human health care requires the ever increasing resistance of pathogens to be confronted by a correspondingly fast rate of discovery of novel antibiotics. One of the possible strategies towards this objective involves the rational localization of bioactive phytochemicals. The conceptual basis of the method consists in the surprisingly little known gearings of natural products with morphology, ecology and evolution of their plant source, i. e. an introspection into the general mechanisms of nature.


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In visceral leishmaniasis, phlebotomine vectors are targets for control measures. Understanding the ecosystem of the vectors is a prerequisite for creating these control measures. This study endeavours to delineate the suitable locations of Phlebotomus argentipes with relation to environmental characteristics between endemic and non-endemic districts in India. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 25 villages in each district. Environmental data were obtained through remote sensing images and vector density was measured using a CDC light trap. Simple linear regression analysis was used to measure the association between climatic parameters and vector density. Using factor analysis, the relationship between land cover classes and P. argentipes density among the villages in both districts was investigated. The results of the regression analysis indicated that indoor temperature and relative humidity are the best predictors for P. argentipes distribution. Factor analysis confirmed breeding preferences for P. argentipes by landscape element. Minimum Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, marshy land and orchard/settlement produced high loading in an endemic region, whereas water bodies and dense forest were preferred in non-endemic sites. Soil properties between the two districts were studied and indicated that soil pH and moisture content is higher in endemic sites compared to non-endemic sites. The present study should be utilised to make critical decisions for vector surveillance and controlling Kala-azar disease vectors.


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Geographical Information Systems (GIS) facilitate access to epidemiological data through visualization and may be consulted for the development of mathematical models and analysis by spatial statistics. Variables such as land-cover, land-use, elevations, surface temperatures, rainfall etc. emanating from earth-observing satellites, complement GIS as this information allows the analysis of disease distribution based on environmental characteristics. The strength of this approach issues from the specific environmental requirements of those causative infectious agents, which depend on intermediate hosts for their transmission. The distribution of these diseases is restricted, both by the environmental requirements of their intermediate hosts/vectors and by the ambient temperature inside these hosts, which effectively govern the speed of maturation of the parasite. This paper discusses the current capabilities with regard to satellite data collection in terms of resolution (spatial, temporal and spectral) of the sensor instruments on board drawing attention to the utility of computer-based models of the Earth for epidemiological research. Virtual globes, available from Google and other commercial firms, are superior to conventional maps as they do not only show geographical and man-made features, but also allow instant import of data-sets of specific interest, e.g. environmental parameters, demographic information etc., from the Internet.


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The state-space approach is used to evaluate the relation between soil physical and chemical properties in an area cultivated with sugarcane. The experiment was carried out on a Rhodic Kandiudalf in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Sugarcane was planted on an area of 0.21 ha i.e., in 15 rows 100 m long, spaced 1.4 m. Soil water content, soil organic matter, clay content and aggregate stability were sampled along a transect of 84 points, meter by meter. The state-space approach is used to evaluate how the soil water content is affected by itself and by soil organic matter, clay content, and aggregate stability of neighboring locations, in different combinations, aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the relation among these variables in the soil. Results show that soil water contents were successfully estimated by this approach. Best performances were found when the estimate of soil water content at locations i was related to soil water content, clay content and aggregate stability at locations i-1. Results also indicate that this state-space model using all series describes the soil water content better than any equivalent multiple regression equation.


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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the most important non-CO2 greenhouse gas and soil management systems should be evaluated for their N2O mitigation potential. This research evaluated a long-term (22 years) experiment testing the effect of soil management systems on N2O emissions in the postharvest period (autumn) from a subtropical Rhodic Hapludox at the research center FUNDACEP, in Cruz Alta, state of Rio Grande do Sul. Three treatments were evaluated, one under conventional tillage with soybean residues (CTsoybean) and two under no-tillage with soybean (NTsoybean) and maize residues (NTmaize). N2O emissions were measured eight times within 24 days (May 2007) using closed static chambers. Gas flows were obtained based on the relations between gas concentrations in the chamber at regular intervals (0, 15, 30, 45 min) analyzed by gas chromatography. After soybean harvest, accumulated N2O emissions in the period were approximately three times higher in the untilled soil (164 mg m-2 N) than under CT (51 mg m-2 N), with a short-lived N2O peak of 670 mg m-2 h-1 N. In contrast, soil N2O emissions in NT were lower after maize than after soybean, with a N2O peak of 127 g m-2 h-1 N. The multivariate analysis of N2O fluxes and soil variables, which were determined simultaneously with air sampling, demonstrated that the main driving variables of soil N2O emissions were soil microbial activity, temperature, water-filled pore space, and NO3- content. To replace soybean monoculture, crop rotation including maize must be considered as a strategy to decrease soil N2O emissions from NT soils in Southern Brazil in a Autumn.