58 resultados para Estuarine cyanobacteria

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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At the coastal zone sediments, water and organisms interact intensely. At equatorial tidal-dominated coast mangroves are abundant. These areas are well-known for their ecological importance. Considering the mangroves of Atlantic South America, the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus has ecological and economic prominence. High densities of this crab are found on the Amazon coast. This study investigates the sediment distribution of the Bragança mangrove area (Amazon coast, Brazil) and its correlations with vegetation and mangrove crab distribution. Sediments of 47 sites, as well as crabs from sites with different sediment and vegetation, were sampled. Results show that surface sediment of the area is mainly composed by silt (59%), with 21% sand and 20% clay. Variations in sorting and skewness are the product of local variations in clay and sand content. The vegetation type was significantly correlated to mangrove crab characteristics, abundance and weight/size. Sediment characteristics are also substantially different according to the vegetation type. Areas where Avicennia germinans prevails have more sand and clay than areas of Rizophora mangle, in which silt is dominant and crabs were significantly heavier. The present results have showed that the distribution of sediments, crabs and vegetation at mangrove areas are strongly correlated. Thus, they should be studied in conjunction.


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The aim of this work was to gain knowledge about reproductive biology of the crab Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897) from an estuarine area of the Sepetiba Bay. Samples were taken monthly from February 2003 to January 2004 in the Sahy River estuary (22º56'S; 44º01'W), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The crabs were collected by hand during 15-minute catch-effort sessions conducted by two people. In the laboratory, the specimens were separated by sex, carapace width was measured and gonadal stage was checked macroscopically. A total of 830 individuals were caught - 304 males, 373 females (60 ovigerous females) and 153 juveniles. The ovigerous females were found almost year-round, except in November and April, showing a continuous reproductive period. They presented a size range from 8.2 to 15.0 mm carapace width (12.1 ± 1.7 mm). Color and macroscopical aspects determined five gonadal stages for males and females (immature, rudimentary, intermediary, developed and resting). First sexual maturity was estimated at 6.5 mm of carapace width for males and 8.1 mm for females. Individual fecundity varied from 200 to 11,460 eggs (4,458 ± 2,739 eggs). Mean egg size was 0.248 ± 0.026 mm, varying from 0.213 to 0.333 mm, while the volume ranged from 0.0051 to 0.0188 mm³ (0.0082 ± 0.0029 mm³).


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The ostracode assemblages from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system (southernmost State of São Paulo) are here discussed in detail for the first time. Thirty-four sites, approximately 1 km equidistant, were sampled along the system, including the Cananéia Sea, Pequeno Sea, Cubatão Sea, Ribeira de Iguape River and Itapitangui River. The ostracodes throughout this area have poor assemblages, with a total of 662 specimens of dead and living organisms. The majority of the ostracode fauna is composed of euryhaline species, as follows: Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955 (174 specimens), Minicythere heinii Ornellas, 1974 (54 specimens), Tanella gracilis Kingma, 1948 (96 specimens) and Whatleyella sanguinettiae Coimbra, Carreño & Ferron, 1994 (226 specimens). Although there are few studies on the Brazilian mixohaline ostracode faunas, including the euryhaline marginal marine taxa, the published data show that the group is best known in the south and southeast regions. Based on this review and with the new data presented in this paper, the geographical distribution of eight mixohaline key species in southern and southeastern Brazil is also discussed.


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The present study provides information about the diet of sympatric populations of small cetaceans in the Babitonga Bay estuary. This is the first study on the diet of these species in direct sympatry. The stomach contents of seven Guiana dolphins Sotalia guianensis and eight franciscanas Pontoporia blainvillei were analyzed. The prey of both cetaceans was mostly teleost fishes, followed by cephalopods. We identified 13 teleost fishes as part of the diet of the franciscanas, and 20 as part of the diet of Guiana dolphins. Lolliguncula brevis was the only cephalopod recorded, and was the most important prey for both cetaceans. Stellifer rastrifer and Gobionellus oceanicus were also important for franciscana, so as Mugil curema and Micropogonias furnieri were important for Guiana dolphins. Stellifer rastrifer and Cetengraulis edentulus were the fishes with the highest frequency of occurrence for franciscana (50%), while Achirus lineatus, C. edentulus, S. brasiliensis, Cynoscion leiarchus, M. furnieri, M. curema, Diapterus rhombeus, Eugerres brasilianus and G. oceanicus showed 28.6% of frequency of occurrence for Guiana dolphins. Franciscanas captured greater cephalopods than the Guiana dolphins in both total length (z= -3.38; n= 40; p< 0.05) and biomass (z = -2.46; n = 40; p<0.05). All of the prey species identified occur inside the estuary, which represents a safe habitat against predators and food availability, reinforcing the importance of the Babitonga Bay for these cetacean populations.


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The condition factor is a parameter which acts as a general indicator of the "well-being" of a species, and it can be obtained through the analysis of width vs. weight relationships. The present work aims to investigate size vs. weight relationship and the condition factor of the crab Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803). The study area was the Mundaú/Manguaba estuarine complex, Maceió, state of Alagoas, Northeast Brazil. Samplings were monthly accomplished from August 2007 to July 2008. A total of 626 individuals were analyzed, being 309 males and 317 females. Males were larger and heavier than females, what is expected in many brachyuran. The growth was positive allometric to both males (b = 3.42) and females (b = 3.30), not obeying the "cube law". The condition factor of female was higher than that of male crabs, probably due to the gonad weight of females. It also varied seasonally for both sexes, being higher in the autumn and winter in males, and in the autumn and spring in females, and related to the molt and period of spawning intensification.


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Despite its wide range and abundance on certain habitats, the crab-eating raccoon Procyon cancrivorus (G. Cuvier, 1798) is considered one of the less known Neotropical carnivore species. In the present study we analyzed the diet of P. cancrivorus in a peat forest and in an estuarine island in southernmost Brazil. Fruits of the gerivá palm tree Syagrus romanzoffiana were the most consumed item in the peat forest, followed by insects and mollusks. Small mammals, followed by Bromelia antiacantha (Bromeliaceae) fruits and brachyuran crustaceans were the most frequent items in the estuarine island. Other items found in lower frequencies were Solanum sp., Psidium sp., Smilax sp. and Dyospiros sp. fruits, diplopods, scorpions, fishes, anuran amphibians, reptiles (black tegu lizard and snakes), birds and medium-sized mammals (white-eared opossum, armadillo and coypu). Levin’s index values (peat forest: 0.38; estuarine island: 0.45) indicate an approximation to a median position between a specialist and a well distributed diet. Pianka’s index (0.80) showed a considerable diet similarity between the two systems. Procyon cancrivorus presented a varied diet in the studied areas and may play an important role as seed disperser on coastal environments in southernmost Brazil.


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Neste trabalho foram descritos 28 táxons de algas planctônicas pertencentes às divisões Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta, Pyrrophyta e Cyanobacteria, encontradas no reservatório da Pampulha, estado de Minas Gerais. Foram analisadas amostras no período de maio/1992 a fevereiro/1997. Em número de espécies, Euglenophyta foi a que apresentou maior número (13 espécies em uma família), seguidas de Cyanobacteria (oito espécies), Pyrrophyta (cinco espécies) e Chrysophyta (duas espécies). Vinte e três táxons são primeiras citações para o estado de Minas Gerais.


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Florações de Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii têm sido cada vez mais freqüentes em reservatórios brasileiros em virtude da sua alta competitividade em ambientes tropicais eutrofizados. Esta espécie é produtora de toxinas extremamente agressivas, as quais podem causar problemas de saúde pública e danos ao meio ambiente. Nosso objetivo foi acompanhar a variação temporal da densidade desta população relacionando-a com variáveis ambientais e detectando os possíveis fatores que interferem no seu desenvolvimento. O lago estudado localiza-se na zona sul do Município de São Paulo (23º39' S e 46º37' W). É um corpo d'água eutrofizado e vem apresentando florações freqüentes de C. raciborskii. Amostras de água foram coletadas semanalmente, na parte mais profunda do lago, durante o período de setembro/97 a setembro/98. Foram analisados o perfil térmico, zona de mistura, transparência, zona eufótica, turbidez, pH, alcalinidade, condutividade, oxigênio dissolvido, nutrientes, clorofila a, densidade da população e densidade total da comunidade fitoplanctônica. A ordenação dos dados abióticos e bióticos foi feita através da análise de componentes principais (PCA) e análise de correspondência canônica (CCA). Durante os meses de novembro e dezembro/97 foram registrados os mais altos valores de densidade de C. raciborskii. Entre 10/12 e 17/12, a espécie contribuiu com 50% para a densidade total da comunidade. Nesse período foram registradas estratificações térmicas, elevados valores de temperatura da água e de turbidez e baixos valores de transparência da água. Os meses de outono e inverno de 1998 foram caracterizados pela ausência da espécie estudada, desestratificação térmica da coluna d'água, baixas temperaturas da água, altos valores de transparência (os maiores já registrados para o ambiente) e pelo aumento considerável dos bancos da macrófita aquática flutuante Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. Tais interrelações são discutidas no presente trabalho.


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The biodiversity studies of planktic cyanobacteria started in 1997 with intensive collecting in different water bodies of São Paulo State. Due to the problems brougth by eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms, the samplings were concentrated in reservoirs of Alto Tietê region that supply drinking water to millions of people. The samples were collected with 20 µm plankton net or Van Dorn's bottle. Part of each one was preserved in formaldehyde or lugol solution and part was isolated. The culture strains were kept in BG11 and/or AMS1 media. Based on natural and culture material, 26 species were identified belonging to the families Chroococcaceae (2 taxa), Merismopediaceae (12), Microcystaceae (7) and Synechococcaceae (5). Among these species, six are potentialy toxic: Aphanocapsa incerta (Lemmerm.) Cronberg & Komárek, Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz., M. botrys Teiling, M. panniformis Komárek et al., M. wesenbergii (Komárek) Komárek, and Radiocystis fernandoi Komárek & Komár.-Legn. Bacularia and Coelosphaeriopsis are genera reported for the first time in Brazil.


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Cyanobacteria are a very important group in aquatic systems, particularly in eutrophic waters. Therefore studies about their success in the environment are essential. Many hypotheses have tried to explain the dominance of Cyanobacteria, and several emphasized the importance of various nitrogen sources for the success of the group. In this study, we measured the effect of ammonium and nitrate on the growth and protein concentration of Microcystis viridis (Cyanobacteria). This species is well-known because bloom formation in eutrophic waters. The study was carried out, in experimental batch cultures, using the WC medium with different nitrogen sources: ammonium, nitrate, ammonium + nitrate (50% ammonium + 50% nitrate) and ammonium at different concentrations (to test for possible NH4+ toxicity). Protein, ammonium and nitrate concentrations were measured at end of each experiment, whereas samples for cell counts were taken daily. Results showed that Microcystis viridis grew faster with ammonium (µ = 0.393 day-1) than with nitrate (µ = 0.263 day-1) and ammonium + nitrate (µ = 0.325 day-1). This pattern is explained by the metabolism of ammonium that presents higher uptake and assimilation rates than nitrate. Maximum cell concentration, however, was higher in the ammonium + nitrate treatment, followed by nitrate treatment. Higher protein concentration were observed in the treatment with nitrate. In the ammonium toxicity test, no difference between the control and NH4+ at 50% was found. Thus, the ammonium concentrations used in these experiments were not toxic. Our results suggest that Cyanobacteria is able to grow on both nitrogen sources even if ammonium may allow faster growth and bloom development.


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The paper records the first occurrence of the genus Microcrocis P. Richter (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria), represented by M. pulchella (Buell) Geitler, in Brazil. The species was found in two zones, one with freshwater and the other with brackish water, of a coastal lagoon of Rio Grande do Sul State (31°15’-31°30’ S and 50°54’-51°09’ W). Comparison between M. pulchella and its most closely related species is presented. Up to now this species had occurrence records limited to freshwater systems in temperate regions. Its presence in a subtropical coastal lagoon from southernmost Brazil, either in fresh or in brackish water, broadened the knowledge of the distribution area of M. pulchella.


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Considering the great ecological and sanitary importance of the cyanobacteria and the need of detailed information about these organisms in Brazilian water bodies, the present study aims at contributing towards the knowledge of the cyanobacterial flora of five reservoirs belonging to the upper Tietê Basin, São Paulo: Billings, Guarapiranga, Jundiaí, Pirapora, Ponte Nova and Taiaçupeba. In the past several years, these reservoirs have been submitted to severe environmental deterioration and have repeatedly presented cyanobacterial blooms, including those of toxic species. The samples were collected between 1997 and 2003 either with plankton net (20 µm mesh) or van Dorn's bottle, and preserved with lugol solution or formaldehyde. Some species were isolated and maintained in culture. Forty-eight species of cyanobacteria were identified, with predominance of the order Chroococcales (58%), followed by the orders Oscillatoriales (21%) and Nostocales (21%). Among the 48 studied species, 17 (35%) were considered potentially toxic. The occurrence and biodiversity of the cyanobacteria in each reservoir depend on the environmental conditions. Among the five water bodies, Billings Reservoir presented the most adequate situation for the development of a greater number of species (34), probably due to its high pH values (around 8). Pirapora Reservoir on the other hand, with highest conductivity (445.0 µS cm-1) and lowest Secchi depth values (0.2 m), presented the lowest cyanobacterial biodiversity (14 species).


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The paper proposed Cyanoaggregatum brasiliense, a new genus and species from the plankton of a subtropical brackish coastal lagoon from Rio Grande do Sul State, South Brazil. It differs from all other members of Chroococcales by its characteristic arrangement of cells in irregular groups distributed in a single, flat or slightly curved layer, on irregular rows, slightly distant from each other, forming a mosaic-like pattern slightly below the surface of the mucilaginous colonial envelope. The cell division in one plane perpendicular to the long axis and the lack of pseudo-filaments indicate its classification in the family Synechococcaceae, sub-family Aphanothecoideae. The general characteristics, the diagnostic criteria and the taxonomic position are discussed, and a comparison between Cyanoaggregatum and its most closely related genera is presented. Physical and chemical data on the studied lagoon and geographical distribution are presented.


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The recently described scytonematoid cyanobacterial genus Brasilonema is known mainly from tropical and subtropical rain forests (Mata Atlântica) of southeastern Brazil, where it occurs in aerophytic wooden, stony and iron substrates. This genus was defined according to both molecular and morphological criteria. The type species B. bromeliae was described from the specialized habitat: it grows in phytothelmes, epiphytic on both living and died leaves within the rosettes of large bromeliad plants slightly above or in the zone of the water level. The genus Brasilonema is evidently widely distributed in coastal forests of São Paulo State, where it occurs also in remarkable diversity. According to our results, this genus currently comprises seven taxa, which are distinct by different morphology and ecological characteristics.


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Considering the great ecological importance of the cyanobacteria and the need for more detailed information about these organisms in Brazilian waters, this paper provides taxonomic information about the unicellular cyanobacteria flora in lagoon systems along the coastal plains of Rio Grande do Sul State. Sampling was performed in different freshwater bodies along the eastern (Casamento Lake area) and western (near the city of Tapes) banks of the Patos Lagoon (30º40' S-30º10' S and 50º30' W-51º30' W). The samples were collected once in the rainy season and once in the dry season (from May 2003 to December 2003) using a plankton net (25 µm mesh) in pelagic and littoral zones, and by squeezing the submerged parts of aquatic macrophytes. Thirty one species belonging to the families Synechoccocaceae (7 taxa), Merismopediaceae (12 taxa), Chamaesiphonaceae (1 taxon), Microcystaceae (4) and Chroococcaceae (7 taxa) were identified. Among these species, five are reported for the first time in Rio Grande do Sul State: Chamaesiphon amethystinus (Rostafinski) Lemmermann, Chroococcus minimus (Keissler) Lemmermann, Coelomoron pusillum (Van Goor) Komárek, Coelosphaerium kuetzingeanum Naegeli, and Cyanodictyon tubiforme Cronberg.