190 resultados para Eosinophilic granuloma

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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O granuloma reparativo de células gigantes é um tumor ósseo não-neoplásico incomum que representa menos que 7% dos tumores mandibulares, sua localização mais freqüente. Porém, já foi descrito em seios paranasais, ossos temporais e órbita. O presente trabalho descreve um paciente com granuloma reparativo de células gigantes em seios maxilar e etmoidal, comprometendo também, em menor extensão, os seios esfenoidal e frontal, e um outro paciente com acometimento circunscrito ao seio maxilar. Clinicamente, apresentam-se com proptose acentuada e macromala unilaterais, respectivamente. Os achados clínicos, tomográficos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos são descritos, ao lado de uma revisão da literatura com ênfase no diagnóstico diferencial, sobretudo com o tumor de células gigantes.


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O granuloma de processo vocal é uma doença cuja etiopatogenia não é bem definida. Assim, o tratamento clínico e cirúrgico não é padronizado e os resultados terapêuticos variam de acordo com o serviço. OBJETIVO: Objetivando caracterizar os pacientes com granuloma de processo vocal tratados em nosso serviço, a abordagem terapêutica utilizada e a evolução clínica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: realizamos um estudo retrospectivo pela análise de seus prontuários. Encontramos maior incidência de granuloma de processo vocal em homens, exceto em casos associados à intubação laríngea. RESULTADO: O fator etiopatogênico associado mais freqüente foi o refluxo laringo-faríngeo (RLF), seguido de intubação laríngea e abuso vocal. O tratamento clínico com inibidor de bomba de prótons (IBP), corticosteróide tópico e fonoterapia foi suficiente para remissão da lesão em 48,6% dos casos. A cirurgia para remoção do granuloma associada ao tratamento clínico foi eficaz em cerca de 90% dos casos. Recidivas tardias (após um ano) foram observadas em cinco pacientes, sugerindo que o controle dos fatores etiopatogênicos associados deve ser mantido por tempo prolongado.


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The experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis induced in mice by the intravenous injection of yeast-forms of P. brasiliensis (Bt2 strain; 1 x 10(6) viable fungi/animal) was used to evaluate sequentially 2, 4, 8, 16 and 20 weeks after inoculation: 1. The presence of immunoglobulins and C3 in the pulmonary granuloma-ta, by direct immunofluorescence; 2. The humoral (immunodiffusion test) and the cellular (footpad sweeling test) immune response; 3. The histopathology of lesions. The cell-immune response was positive since week 2, showing a transitory depression at week 16. Specific antibodies were first detected at week 4 and peaked at week 16. At histology, epithelioid granulomas with numerous fungi and polymorphonuclear agreggates were seen. The lungs showed progressive involvement up to week 16, with little decrease at week 20. From week 2 on, there were deposits of IgG and C3 around fungal walls within the granulomas and IgG stained cells among the mononuclear cell peripheral halo. Interstitital immunoglobulins and C3 deposits in the granulomas were not letected. IgG and C3 seen to play an early an important role in. the host defenses against P. brasiliensis by possibly cooperating in the killing of parasites and blocking the antigenic diffusion.


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Granulomatous inflammation is the morphological substrate of a variety of important infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, schistosomiasis and others. Nevertheless, although many aspects of this special type of inflammation are known, fundamental questions concerning granuloma formation, persistence, fate and significance for host-parasite relationships still remain to be elucidated. In this brief review, the basic and more relevant literature related to experimental investigations on granuloma physiopathology is presented. Based on recent investigations performed in our laboratory showing that MDF (Macrophage Deactivating Fator) secreted by epithelioid cells and characterized as the calcium-binding protein protein MRP-14 deactivates activated macrophages, a hypothesis to explain the persistence of granulomatous inflammation is put forward


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A case of mycotic bovine nasal granuloma in a 10 year-old Jersey cow, produced by Drechslera halodes is presented. Histopathological sections showed abundant hyaline and pigmented extra and intracellular fungal structures together with a polymorphic cellular granuloma formed by neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasmocytes, histiocytes and giant cells of the Langhans type. It is the first case of mycotic bovine nasal granuloma recognized in Uruguay although this disease seems to be frequent according to the opinion of veterinarian specialists. Another similar clinical case also in a Jersey cow from the same dairy house with an intense cellular infiltrate rich in eosinophils without granulomatous image, together with extracellular hyaline and fuliginous fungal forms, is also referred for comparative purposes. Geotrichum sp. was isolated. The need of an early diagnosis and treatment of the disease is stressed.


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This report documents the first two Brazilian cases of mediastinal granuloma due to histoplasmosis, presenting selected aspects on the diagnosis. Tissue samples revealing histoplasmosis were obtained from each of the patients by mediastinoscopy and thoracotomy. In the second patient, a subcarinal calcified mass eroded into the bronchial tree, leading to secondary bilateral aspiration pneumonitis one week after thoracotomy. Although rare, histoplasmosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of mediastinal granuloma, specially if there are calcifications greater than 10 mm in dimension.


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Injuries caused by venomous and poisonous aquatic animals may provoke important morbidity in humans. The phylum Echinoderma include more than 6000 species of starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers some of which have been found responsible for injuries to humans. Initial injuries by sea urchins are associated with trauma and envenomation, but later effects can be observed. Sea urchin granuloma is a chronic granulomatous skin disease caused by frequent and successive penetration of sea urchin spines which have not been removed from wounds. The authors report a typical case of sea urchin granuloma in a fisherman and its therapeutic implications.


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A proven case of human infection caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis is reported for the first time in Venezuela. The patient was a 57-year-old female surgically operated because of signs of peritonitis with a palpable mass at the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. WBC count reported 16,600 cells/mm³, with 46% eosinophils. The tumoral aspect of ileocolic area and peritoneal lymph nodes prompted the resection of a large area of the terminal ileum, cecum, part of the ascending colon and a small part of the jejunum, where a small lesion was found. The pathology showed thickened areas of the intestinal wall with areas of hemorrhage and a perforation of the cecum. Histology showed intense eosinophil infiltration of the whole intestinal wall, granulomas with giant cells and eosinophils. Some of the granuloma surrounded round or oval eggs with content characterized by a large empty area, cells or embryo in the center, and sometimes nematode larvae. A cross section of an adult nematode worm was observed inside a branch of mesenteric artery. The intestinal affected area, the characteristics of the lesions, the presence of eggs in the submucosa with nematode larvae inside, and the observation of a nematode inside a mesenteric artery, makes sufficient criteria for the diagnosis of an infection by Angiostrongylus costaricensis.


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Introduction: Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a natural parasite found in lung arteries of rats, which in humans may cause eosinophilic meningitis. Objective: To report the first case of eosinophilic meningitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Case report: A male patient, 11 years old, living in the southern area of São Paulo, was admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Department with ongoing headaches for three days, but no fever or any other complaint. The presence of snails and rodents was reported in the peridomicile. The child was awake, lucid, oriented; muscular strength preserved, isochoric, photo reagent pupils and terminal nuchal rigidity - Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) = 15. The laboratory tests showed a mild leukocytosis with 1736 eosinophils/mm3 and the CSF analysis disclosed 160 leukocytes/mm3 with 36% of eosinophils. The bacterial culture was negative. Computed Cerebral Tomography showed no alterations. The RT-PCR assay for detecting Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae and DNA was negative. ELISA antibodies for IgG anti-A. cantonensis was negative in serum and undetermined in CSF and samples collected five days after the onset of symptoms. Seroconversion was observed in the sample collected 135 days later. Conclusion: the epidemiological and clinical data, the CSF alterations with eosinophilia and the seroconversion strongly suggest Angiostrongylus cantonensis eosinophilic meningitis.


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Introduction: Colonic lesions are predominant in patients with schistosomiasis. However, carbohydrate alterations in colonic schistosomiasis remain unclear. Lectin-ligands allow us to identify changes in the saccharide patterns of cells. Methods: Biopsies of descending and rectosigmoid colon of patients were submitted to WGA and Con A lectin histochemistry. Results: WGA stained stroma and gland cells of descending colon and rectosigmoid tissues in a granular strong cytoplasmatic pattern in schistosomiasis specimens differing from normal control and Con A failing to recognize all samples analyzed. Conclusions: WGA ligands are expressed differently in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and no evidence of egg-granuloma system.


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Os aa. determinaram o diâmetro médio dos granulomas esquistossomóticos em suas várias fases evolutivas (necrótico-exsudativa, produtiva e em cura pór fibrose) em 332 casos de esquistossomose hepática humana: 167 na forma aguda, toxêmica e 165 nas formas crônicas (hepatesplênica, miliar). Foram medidos 286 granulomas em punções biópsias da primeira e 165 em punções biópsias e biópsias cirúrgicas da segunda.


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Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi in mice depresses hepatic granuloma formation around Schistosoma mansoni eggs. This immunodepressive effect occurred in mice with Chagas' disease at the acute and/or chronic phases, granulomas being signijicantly smaller than those in Controls. Data suggest that Chagas ' disease depresses the delayed hypersensitivity immune response directly.


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No presente estudo, avaliou-se a distribuição dos eosinófilos nas diferentes fases da formação do granuloma hepático de camundongos infectados pelo Schistosoma mansoni. A partir dos resultados obtidos sugerimos uma nova classificação para a evolução do granuloma hepático em camundongos montada a partir de fases descritas por outros autores. Em cada fase há um padrão diferente de distribuição dos eosinófilos. Na fase necrótico-exudativa os eosinófilos encontram-se concentrados na periferia e no centro do granuloma e na área de necrose eles são escassos; na "produtiva" os eosinófilos estão ainda distribuídos de maneira difusa por todo o granuloma; na de cura por fibrose se concentram na periferia e no centro do granuloma. Os eosinófilos estavam em contato direto com os ovos em todos os estágios de evolução dos granulomas. Conclui-se então que a dinâmica dos eosinófilos possui papel importante na formação da reação granulomatosa do hospedeiro e resolução do processo inflamatório causado pelo ovo do parasita, além de acrescentar novos dados na classificação dos granulomas hepáticos.


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INTRODUCTION: Authors describe human schistosomal granuloma in late chronic phase, from the morphological and evolutionary viewpoints. METHODS: The study was based on a histological analysis of two fragments obtained from a surgical biopsy of peritoneum and large intestine of a 42-year-old patient, with a pseudotumoral form mimicking a peritoneal carcinomatosis associated to the schistosomiasis hepatointestinal form. RESULTS: Two hundred and three granulomas were identified in the pseudotumor and 27 in the intestinal biopsy, with similar morphological features, most in the late chronic phase, in fibrotic healing. A new structural classification was suggested for granulomas: zone 1 (internal), 2 (intermediate) and 3 (external). CONCLUSIONS: Regarding granuloma as a whole, we may conclude that fibrosis is likely to be controlled by different and independent mechanisms in the three zones of the granuloma. Lamellar fibrosis in zone 3 seems to be controlled by matrix mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts and myoepithelial cells) and by inflammatory exudate cells (lymphocytes, plasmocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils). Annular fibrosis in zone 2, comprising a dense fibrous connective tissue, with few cells in the advanced phase, would be controlled by epithelioid cells involving zone 1 in recent granulomas. In zone 1, replacing periovular necrosis, an initialy loose and tracery connective neoformation, housing stellate cells or with fusiform nuclei, a dense paucicellular nodular connctive tissue emerges, probably induced by fibroblasts. In several granulomas, one of the zones is missing and granuloma is represented by two of them: Z3 and Z2, Z3 and Z1 or Z2 and Z1 and, ultimately, by a scar.