27 resultados para ER TRESS
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Complexes with the composition Ln(NO3)3.2DTPO.4H2O (Ln = Nd and Er) were synthesized and characterized by infrared and visible absorption spectra (solid state and solution). The results of the absorption spectra in the solid state suggest that metal-ligand bonds are essentially electrostatic in all complexes. The absorption spectra of the nitrate salt solution presented smaller values of the oscillator strength when compared to the spectra of the complexes in the same solvent.
Variations in the estrogenic activity of the phytoestrogen-rich plant, Pueraria mirifica, were determined with yeast estrogen screen (YES) consisting of human estrogen receptors (hER) hERα and hERβ and human transcriptional intermediary factor 2 (hTIF2) or human steroid receptor coactivator 1 (hSRC1), respectively, together with the β-galactosidase expression cassette. Relative estrogenic potency was expressed by determining the β-galactosidase activity (EC50) of the tuber extracts in relation to 17β-estradiol. Twenty-four and 22 of the plant tuber ethanolic extracts interacted with hERα and hERβ, respectively, with a higher relative estrogenic potency with hERβ than with hERα. Antiestrogenic activity of the plant extracts was also determined by incubation of plant extracts with 17β-estradiol prior to YES assay. The plant extracts tested exhibited antiestrogenic activity. Both the estrogenic and the antiestrogenic activity of the tuber extracts were metabolically activated with the rat liver S9-fraction prior to the assay indicating the positive influence of liver enzymes. Correlation analysis between estrogenic potency and the five major isoflavonoid contents within the previously HPLC-analyzed tuberous samples namely puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, and genistein revealed a negative result.
Polymorphisms of hormone receptor genes have been linked to modifications in reproductive factors and to an increased risk of breast cancer (BC). In the present study, we have determined the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the ERα-397 PvuII C/T, ERα-351 XbaI A/G and PGR PROGINS polymorphisms and investigated their relationship with mammographic density, body mass index (BMI) and other risk factors for BC. A consecutive and unselected sample of 750 Brazilian BC-unaffected women enrolled in a mammography screening program was recruited. The distribution of PGR PROGINS genotypic frequencies was 72.5, 25.5 and 2.0% for A1A1, A1A2 and A2A2, respectively, which was equivalent to that encountered in other studies with healthy women. The distribution of ERα genotypes was: ERα-397 PvuII C/T: 32.3% TT, 47.5% TC, and 20.2% CC; ERα-351 XbaI A/G: 46.3% AA, 41.7% AG and 12.0% GG. ERα haplotypes were 53.5% PX, 14.3% Px, 0.3% pX, and 32.0% px. These were significantly different from most previously published reports worldwide (P < 0.05). Overall, the PGR PROGINS genotypes A2A2 and A1A2 were associated with fatty and moderately fatty breast tissue. The same genotypes were also associated with a high BMI in postmenopausal women. In addition, the ERα-351 XbaI GG genotype was associated with menarche ≥12 years (P = 0.02). ERα and PGR polymorphisms have a phenotypic effect and may play an important role in BC risk determination. Finally, if confirmed in BC patients, these associations could have important implications for mammographic screening and strategies and may be helpful to identify women at higher risk for the disease.
n plant breeding programs that aim to obtain cultivars with nitrogen (N) use efficiency, the focus is on methods of selection and experimental procedures that present low cost, fast response, high repeatability, and can be applied to a large number of cultivars. Thus, the objectives of this study were to classify maize cultivars regarding their use efficiency and response to N in a breeding program, and to validate the methodology with contrasting doses of the nutrient. The experimental design was a randomized block with the treatments arranged in a split-plot scheme with three replicates and five N doses (0, 30, 60, 120 and 200 kg ha-1) in the plots, and six cultivars in subplots. We compared a method examining the efficiency and response (ER) with two contrasting doses of N. After that, the analysis of variance, mean comparison and regression analysis were performed. In conclusion, the method of the use efficiency and response based on two N levels classifies the cultivars in the same way as the regression analysis, and it is appropriate in plant breeding routine. Thus, it is necessary to identify the levels of N required to discriminate maize cultivars in conditions of low and high N availability in plant breeding programs that aim to obtain efficient and responsive cultivars. Moreover, the analysis of the interaction genotype x environment at experiments with contrasting doses is always required, even when the interaction is not significant.
O dever constitucional de prestar contas é uma das principais obrigações a que está sujeito o agente público e, para sua fiscalização e controle, destaca-se a tomada de contas especial (TCE), com objetivo de resguardar o erário e responsabilizar os agentes malversadores de recursos públicos. Referenciado no conceito de accountability pública, o artigo examina a adoção da TCE aplicada a convênios celebrados pelo Executivo de Minas Gerais com municípios, por meio de levantamento, sistematização e análise de dados de processos distribuídos no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais (TCEMG), entre 2002 e 2011. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam intempestividade no processamento do instrumento e reduzido alcance das decisões no tocante à responsabilização dos agentes causadores de danos ao erário, indicando que este não tem sido capaz de atender aos propósitos de sua instituição.
São relatadas observações acumuladas nos períodos pré-epidêmico e epidêmico (1973-1975) do atual surto de meningoencefalite meningocócica na área do Grande Rio, e realizados estudos bacteriológicos baseados em 1.000 casos suspeitos de meningoencefalite e submetidos à punção lombar, no Hospital Estadual São Sebastião. É proposto e discutido esquema simples e eficaz para processamento bacteriológico dos LCR suspeitos, a partir da colheita e pronta semeadura do material. É também discutida a real contribuição da bacterioscopia no diagnóstico presuntivo das meningoencefalites, definindo-se as limitações da técnica. Foi obtido elevado grau de isolamento de microorganismos, variando de 3%, para líquores entre zero e 10 células/mm' e 72%, para líquores acima de 1000 células/mm³. No decorrer do estudo, foram isoladas e caracterizadas 356 amostras bacterianas, assim discriminadas: N. meningitidis, 281; Haemophilus sp., 22; Enterobacteriaceae, 15; D. pneumoniae, 26; bastonetes gram negativos oxidattvos, 3; estreptococo beta hemolitico, 1 e enterococo, 1. As amostras de meningococos eram, em 15% dos casos, do grupo sorológico A, em 2% do grupo B e em 14%, do grupo sorológico C. Os testes de sensibilidade, em disco, aos agentes antimicrobianos principalmente utilizados na quimioprofilaxia e tratamento da doença meningocócica revelaram alto grau de sensibilidade das amostras ensaiadas a todos os agentes testados. A resistência à sulfadiazina sódica, em testes realizados segundo as normas preconizadas pela Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.), revelaram elevado grau de resistência, particularmente dos meningococos do grupo C.
No período de 8 anos (1982-1990) foi avaliada a evolução da cardiopatia chagásica crônica (CCC),pelo estudo eletrocardiográfico de repouso, edaparasitemiapeloxenodiagnóstico em 279pacientes, 85 homens e 194mulheres, com idades de 7a 76 anos (média = 42,6 anos), todos do municípios de Virgem da Lapa, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. De acordo com os resultados dos eletrocardiogramas classificamos a evolução da CCC em inalterada (El) - quando não havia mudança no padrão inicial do traçado, progressiva (EP) - quando havia mudança de normal para alterado ou pelo agravamento das alterações € regressiva (ER) - quando havia normalização ou redução da gravidade das alterações. De acordo com os resultados dosxenodiagnósticos (mínimo de 3 e máximo de 8 por paciente), 120 pacientes foram considerados com parasitemia positiva - um ou mais exames positivos e 159 com parasitemia negativa - todos os exames negativos. Os resultados mostraram: a) EI em 172 (61,6%) pacientes, EP em 99 (35,5%) e ER em 8 (2,9%), sem diferença significativa entre o tipo de evolução e o tipo de parasitemia; b)a EP foi crescente com a idade tanto no grupo com parasitemia positiva como no grupo com parasitemia negativa e significativamente maior nos homens emrelação ásmulheres, independentemente do tipode parasitemia. Com estes achados podemos afirmar que o aparecimento ou a progressão da CCC não se mostraram associadas ao tipo de parasitemia, mas sim ao sexo masculino e ao aumento da idade dos pacientes, sugerindo que a parasitemia não está relacionada com o agravamento da cardiopatia chagásica crônica.
Foi estudada a suscetibilidade de Dipetalogaster maximus, Rhodnius neglectus, R. prolixus, R. robustus, Triatoma infestans e T. rubrovaria ao Trypanosoma cruzi, através do xenodiagnóstico, em dois pacientes na fase aguda da doença de Chagas. Usaram-se como parâmetros o número de triatomíneos infectados e o número de tripanosomas excretados. A leitura do xenodiagnóstico foi realizada pelos métodos da compressão abdominal e o das dejeções espontâneas. Este foi mais eficiente que aquele, em relação ao número de T. cruzi por lâmina pelo teste de Wilcoxon. Em um dos pacientes, tendo como parâmetro o número de triatomíneos infectados, a suscetibilidade das espécies obedeceu a seguinte ordem: D. maximus e R. neglectus (100%), R. robustus (95%), R. prolixus e T. rubrovaria (90%) e T. infestans (857c). Nesse mesmo paciente, a suscetibilidade das espécies de triatomíneos, avaliada pelo número de T. cruzi excretados, usando-se a compressão abdominal, encontra-se na seguinte ordem: R. neglectus, R. prolixus, D. maximus eR. robustus, T. infestans eT. rubrovaria. Pelo método das dejeções espontâneas, a ordem foi: D. maximus e R. prolixus, T. rubrovaria, R. robustus,T. infestans e R. neglectus. No outro paciente, esse parâmetro, em ambas as técnicas de leitura, mostrou a mesma ordem de suscetibilidade (R. neglectus, T. rubrovaria e T. infestans), porém, o número de tripanosomas excretados foi significativamente maior pelo método das dejeções espontâneas.
Chemical therapy for the treatment of leishmaniasis is still inadequate, and a number of drugs and therapeutic programs are being tested. Besides treatment, the ultimate goal is an effective cure, and histopathological analyses of the lesion cicatrices constitute an important measure of treatment success, or otherwise, in this respect. In this paper, we describe histopathological patterns in cases of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in 32 patients from the municipality of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, before and after treatment with the following therapeutic methodos: l) leishvacin + glucantime; 2) leishvacin + BCG associated with glucantime; 3) glucantime; 4) leishvacin + BCG. Lesion fragments were collected from all patients by biopsy prior to, and approximately 30 days after, each treatment which resulted in a clinical diagnosis of cure. Following the analysis of slides, the preparations were described from a histopathological point of view and grouped taking into account the prevalence or significance of the characteristic elements. This process resulted in the following classification: 1. exsudative reaction (ER); 2. exsudative giant cell reaction (EGCR); 3. exsudative productive reaction (EPR); 4. exsudative productive giant cell reaction (EPGCR); 5. exsudative productive necrotic reaction (EPNR); 6. necrotic exsudative reaction (NER); 7. productive exsudative reaction (PER), 8. productive giant cell reaction (PGCR); 9. productive exsudative giant cell reaction (PEGCR); 10. productive exsudative giant cell granulomatous reaction (PEGCGR); 11. productive reaction (PR) and 12. productive cicatricial (cure) reaction (PCR). After this analysis, it was noted that clinical cure did not always coincide with histopathological cure.
INTRODUCTION: The responsibility of Schistosoma mansoni in female infertility is still controversial. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of acute and chronic schistosomiasis mansoni infection on the endometrium using immunohistochemical analysis of uterine hormone receptor expression. METHODS: Twenty-four nonpregnant swiss albino mice were divided into three groups: control, noninfected; acute; and chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection. Histological sections of uterine specimens were examined by light microscope with an image analyzing system to detect structural histological, estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression in the endometrium. RESULTS: No secretory phase was detected in the endometrium in acute and chronic Schistosoma infection. Hormone receptor expression (ER and PR) showed statistically significant differences among the groups (p< 0.05), with significant low ER hormone expression in chronic infection, compared to control proliferative, control secretory and acute infection cases, and statistically significant high PR expression in both acute and chronic infection cases compared to the control secretory cases (p< 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Schistosomiasis mansoni seems to have an important impact on the hormone expression of affected women. Further studies to explore the mechanism of such changes are recommended.
IntroductionInfections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have become common in hospitals and the community environment, and this wide resistance has limited patient treatment. Clindamycin (CL) represents an important alternative therapy for infections caused by S. aureus. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing using standard methods may not detect inducible CL resistance. This study was performed to detect the phenotypes of resistance to macrolides-lincosamides-streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics, including CL, in clinical samples of S. aureusfrom patients at a tertiary hospital in Santa Maria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.MethodsOne hundred and forty clinical isolates were submitted to the disk diffusion induction test (D-test) with an erythromycin (ER) disk positioned at a distance of 20mm from a CL disk. The results were interpreted according to the recommendations of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).ResultsIn this study, 29 (20.7%) of the 140 S. aureus samples were resistant to methicillin (MRSA), and 111 (79.3%) were susceptible to methicillin (MSSA). The constitutive resistance phenotype (cMLSB) was observed in 20 (14.3%) MRSA samples and in 5 (3.6%) MSSA samples, whereas the inducible resistance phenotype (iMLSB) was observed in 3 (2.1%) MRSA samples and in 8 (5.8%) MSSA samples.ConclusionsThe D-test is essential for detecting the iMLSBphenotype because the early identification of this phenotype allows clinicians to choose an appropriate treatment for patients. Furthermore, this test is simple, easy to perform and inexpensive.
Considerando a magnitude da hipovitaminose A como problema de saúde pública no mundo e a disponibilidade de frutos ricos em pró-vitamina A na região Amazônica, determinou-se a biodisponibilidade dos carotenóides do Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) em ratos. Quarenta e oito ratos machos da linhagem Wistar (Rattus novergicus, var. albinus, Rodentia: Mammalia) recém-desmamados, com peso médio inicial de 33,8 ± 1,7g, foram distribuídos em cinco grupos, ou seja, Grupos: Deficiente, Controle 1200, Controle 2400, Buriti 1200 e Buriti 2400. As rações foram elaboradas de acordo com a recomendação do Committee on Laboratory Animal Diets (1993). Após o período experimental de 28 dias, todos os animais foram sacrificados para a determinação de vitamina A e caroteno no plasma e no fígado. A menor concentração de vitamina A hepática e plasmática foi observada no Grupo Deficiente. Por sua vez, as reservas hepáticas de vitamina A dos animais dos grupos Buriti 1200 e 2400 foram significativamente superiores quando comparados com os grupos Controle 1200 e 2400, respectivamente. Os resultados desse estudo demonstraram ser o buriti uma fonte de pró-vitamina A altamente biodisponível, com eficiência relativa de 254,6% (1200ER/Kg ração) e 179,4% (2400 ER/Kg ração) quando comparado com os respectivos grupos controle, indicando a maior biodisponibilidade dos carotenóides em doses próximas à recomendada.
OBJECTIVE: Describe suicide attempts assisted in an emergency room (ER) and acute substance consumption or dependence on these individuals. METHODS: Descriptive epidemiologic study was carried out during one year, evaluating suicide attempts assisted at Embu das Artes ER, São Paulo, Brazil. Patients were scheduled to a non structured psychiatric interview. Main outcomes measures were: socio demographic data, suicide attempt method, drugs or alcohol acute use in the six hours prior to attempt, patients with ICD-10 substance dependence diagnosis. The descriptive analyses and chi-square test (p < 0.05) were used to verify associations between the variables studied. RESULTS: sample was formed of 80 patients, mean age of 26.9 years (SD = 8.91), predominantly female (72.5%) and 21.2% adolescents. Most suicide attempts were made through medicine ingestion (62.5%). Approximately 21.2% and 7.5% related to have used alcohol and an illicit drug respectively within 6 hours prior to attempt and 10% were found to be substance dependent. All substance dependents had attempted suicide previously (p-value = 0.4). There was a significant association between suicide attempt through medicine ingestion and psychiatric treatment history (p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: More national studies are necessary to consider the role of alcohol and drug in suicide attempts assisted in ER, especially in chemical dependents whose suicidal behavior is relevant.
INTRODUCTION: Thyroid dysfunction has often been associated with several psychiatric manifestations. Previous case reports/series suggest the possible role played by acute alteration of thyroid status in the onset of psychotic symptoms. METHODS: Case report and literature review. RESULTS: A 45-year-old woman with no psychiatric antecedents was brought to the ER with a full-blown psychotic episode, marked by paranoid delusions, which developed gradually over two months. She had been treated elsewhere for hyperthyroidism for five years with methimazole 40 mg/d, with poor compliance. One month before the beginning of the psychotic symptoms, methimazole was raised to 60 mg/d and she started taking it correctly. Five months earlier she had TSH: 0.074 uUI/ml and free T4: 1.3 ng/dl. At admission we found a diffuse thyroid goiter, TSH: 70.9 uUI/ml and free T4: 0.03 ng/dl. Brain CT was normal. We hospitalized her with the diagnosis of a psychosis secondary to hypothyroidism, suspended methimazole, and gave her levothyroxine (up to 75 µg/d) and risperidone (2 mg/d). The patient had a quick remission and was discharged after 15 days. Within one month she had TSH: 0.7 uUI/ml and was completely recovered psychiatrically. She has been well since then, with risperidone in the first 8 months, and without it for 10 months now. CONCLUSION: This case report is a reminder of the necessity of checking thyroid status as part of clinical assessment of psychoses. It also supports the hypothesis that antithyroid drugs may have severe psychiatric consequences, especially when they lead to an acute change of thyroid status.