5 resultados para Dump trucks

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Acts of Corporate Social Responsibility are more often than not portrayed as success-story narratives. A quasi-ethnographic study in Senegal shatters the underlying assumptions of these accounts. First a computer donation from a Northern country is described with all the usual incidents and related vocabulary. Later, during a visit to a Senegalese rubbish dump, the story starts to falter, as countless questions arise about what is actually going on there, and how we can know and represent it (both as a portrayal and as a voice). A tipping point in an interview serves to reveal the ambiguities of the position adopted and the difficulties of expressing oneself in a different language. The CSR language is described as a kind of monolingualism, which employs a particular vocabulary and grammar for what is said or thought. This is the monolingualism of the other. Some of the implications of this monolingualism are examined, and this leads to the conclusion that there is a need to take measures with regard to the CSR language and that more than one language is needed to speak about CSR.


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The author studies, with the aid of Mitscherlich's law, two experiments of sugar cane fertilization with vinasse. The first one, carried out in Piracicaba, State of S. Paulo, by ARRUDA, gave the following yields. No vinasse 47.0 tons/ha. 76.0 tons/ha. 250 c.m./ha. of vinasse 75.0 do. 112.0 do. 500 do. 90.0 do. 112.0 do. 1000 do. 98.0 do. 107.0 do. Data without NPK were appropriate for the fitting of the law, the equation of which was found to be: y = 100.8 [1 - 10 -0.00132 (x + 206) ], where y is measured in metric tons/hectare, and x in cubic meters/hectare. The optimum amount of vinasse to be used is given by the formula x* = 117.2 + 1 log w u , ______ ____ 0.00132 250 t being u the response to the standard dressing of 250 cubic meters/hectare of vinasse, w the price per ton of sugar cane, and t the price per cubic meter for the transportation of vinasse. In Pernambuco, a 3(4) NPK vinasse experiment gave the following mean yields: No vinasse 41.0 tons/hectare 250 cm./ha. of vinasse 108.3 do. 500 do. 134.3 do. The equation obtained was now y = 150.7 [1 - 10 -000165 (x + 84)], being the most profitable level of vinasse x* = 115.2 + 1 log w u , _______ ____ 0.00165 250 t One should notice the close agreement of the coefficients c (0.00132 in S. Paulo and 0.00165 in Pernambuco). Given the prices of Cr$ 20.00 per cubic meter for the transportation of vinasse (in trucks) and Cr$ 250.00 per ton of sugar cane (uncut, in the fields) the most profitable dressings are: 236 c.m./ha. of vinasse in S. Paulo, and 434 c.m./ha. in Pernambuco.


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ABSTRACT The possibility to vary the energy matrix, thus reducing the dependency on fossil fuels, has amplified the acceptance of biomass as an alternative fuel. Despite being a cheap and renewable option and the fact that Brazil is a major producer of waste from agriculture and forestry activities, the use of these materials has barriers due to its low density and low energetic efficiency, which can raise the costs of its utilization. Biomass densification has drawn attention due to its advantage in comparison to in natura biomass due to its better physical and combustion characteristics. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of biomass densification in distribution and transport costs. To reach this objective, a mathematical model was used to represent decisions at a supply chain that coordinates the purchase and sale of forestry and wood waste. The model can evaluate the options to deliver biomass through the supply chain combining demand meeting and low cost. Results point to the possibility of an economy of 60% in transport cost and a reduction of 63% in the required quantity of trucks when densified waste is used. However, costs related to the densifying process lead to an increase of total supply costs of at least 37,8% in comparison to in natura waste. Summing up, the viability of biomass briquettes industry requires a cheaper densification process.


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The management of composting may influence the characteristics of the produced compounds. The experiment used three frequencies of plowing, combined with the conditions: with and without coverage of the composting patio, with and without the use of commercial inoculant, resulting in 12 furrows, installed on the Experimental Center of Agricultural Engineering (NEEA), of the STATE UNIVERSITY OF WEST PARANÁ (UNIOESTE), Campus of Cascavel city - state of Paraná (PR), in Brazil. The waste and quantities used in kg were: corn cob (7.5); hatchery residue (5); floater sludge (31); ash (1); wheat cleaning residue (120); wheat pre-cleaning residue (120); corn peel (7.5); solid fraction of wash trucks used to transport chickens (2); solid fraction of pig manure (1) and coal (5), totaling 300kg of natural matter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of plowings, patio coverage and inoculation in losses of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe. The furrows plowed three times a week in the first month showed significant higher losses of N (p<0.05). The coverage of the composting patio influenced significantly the losses of N, K, Mg and Na (p<0.05). The produced compounds had a high agronomic value in relation to macro and micronutrients. It is recommended the use of patio coverage and plowing twice a week in the first month and once a week in the subsequent months for a compound with higher concentrations of nutrients.


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The objective of this study was to characterize the microclimatic profile of broiler transport trucks under commercial conditions, in the summer, by continuous monitoring of environmental variables (temperature and air relative humidity). Three loads were monitored from farm to slaughterhouse, considering factors such as distance and day periods (morning, afternoon, and night). To obtain the profile of the environmental variables during journey, data loggers, that determined the microclimate to which birds were submitted, were installed in the trucks; data loggers also allowed visualization of the Enthalpy Comfort Index (ECI) so that load regions could be classified according to heat comfort limits for 6-week old poultries. Temperature, relative humidity, and ECI in the truck were analyzed, using geostatistics, by the ordinary kriging method. The afternoon was the most critical period, and truck central and rear regions were most problematic for chickens, thus most susceptible to losses.