53 resultados para Dopamine Transporter Gene
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Leishmania (V.) braziliensis M2903 presents a small linear and stable 245 kb chromosome originating from a genomic amplification. Similar amplifications present in other species of Leishmania contain a gene coding for a biopterin transporter. Since Leishmania is auxotrophic for this metabolite, this amplification could result from the need to better capture biotpterin from growth media under specific circumstances. In this paper we show that this gene is also present in L. (V.) braziliensis small chromosome, which shares sequences with other genomic amplifications already described.
Benznidazole (BZ) is one of the two drugs used for Chagas disease treatment. Nevertheless therapeutic failures of BZ have been reported, which were mostly attributed to variable drug susceptibility among Trypanosoma cruzistrains. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are involved in a variety of translocation processes and some members have been implicated in drug resistance. Here we report the characterisation of the first T. cruzi ABCG transporter gene, named TcABCG1, which is over-expressed in parasite strains naturally resistant to BZ. Comparison ofTcABCG1 gene sequence of two TcI BZ-resistant strains with CL Brener BZ-susceptible strain showed several single nucleotide polymorphisms, which determined 11 amino acid changes. CL Brener transfected with TcI transporter genes showed 40-47% increased resistance to BZ, whereas no statistical significant increment in drug resistance was observed when CL Brener was transfected with the homologous gene. Only in the parasites transfected with TcI genes there was 2-2.6-fold increased abundance of TcABCG1transporter protein. The analysis in wild type strains also suggests that the level of TcABCG1transporter is related to BZ natural resistance. The characteristics of untranslated regions of TcABCG1genes of BZ-susceptible and resistant strains were investigated by computational tools.
Sleep disturbances have far-reaching effects on the neuroendocrine and immune systems and may be linked to disease manifestation. Sleep deprivation can accelerate the onset of lupus in NZB/NZWF1 mice, an animal model of severe systemic lupus erythematosus. High prolactin (PRL) concentrations are involved in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus in human beings, as well as in NZB/NZWF1 mice. We hypothesized that PRL could be involved in the earlier onset of the disease in sleep-deprived NZB/NZWF1 mice. We also investigated its binding to dopaminergic receptors, since PRL secretion is mainly controlled by dopamine. Female NZB/NZWF1 mice aged 9 weeks were deprived of sleep using the multiple platform method. Blood samples were taken for the determination of PRL concentrations and quantitative receptor autoradiography was used to map binding of the tritiated dopaminergic receptor ligands [³H]-SCH23390, [³H]-raclopride and [³H]-WIN35,428 to D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors and dopamine transporter sites throughout the brain, respectively. Sleep deprivation induced a significant decrease in plasma PRL secretion (2.58 ± 0.95 ng/mL) compared with the control group (25.25 ± 9.18 ng/mL). The binding to D1 and D2 binding sites was not significantly affected by sleep deprivation; however, dopamine transporter binding was significantly increased in subdivisions of the caudate-putamen - posterior (16.52 ± 0.5 vs 14.44 ± 0.6), dorsolateral (18.84 ± 0.7 vs 15.97 ± 0.7) and ventrolateral (24.99 ± 0.5 vs 22.54 ± 0.7 µCi/g), in the sleep-deprived mice when compared to the control group. These results suggest that PRL is not the main mechanism involved in the earlier onset of the disease observed in sleep-deprived NZB/NZWF1 mice and the reduction of PRL concentrations after sleep deprivation may be mediated by modifications in the dopamine transporter sites of the caudate-putamen.
The objectives of this study were to determine low-P tolerance mechanisms in contrasting wheat genotypes and to evaluate the association of these mechanisms to differential gene expression. Wheat seedlings of cultivars Toropi (tolerant to low-P availability) and Anahuac (sensitive) were evaluated. Seedlings were hydroponically grown in the absence or presence of P (1.0 mmol L-1) during three different time periods: 24, 120 and 240 hours. Free phosphate (Pi) and total P contents were measured in shoots and roots. The experiment's design was in randomized blocks with three replicates, each formed by ten plants. The relative expression of genes encoding the malate transporter TaALMT1 and the transcription factor PTF1 was evaluated. Phosphorus starvation beyond ten days increased the expression of TaALMT1 only in 'Toropi'. PTF1's expression was early induced in both genotypes under P starvation, but remained significant after ten days only in 'Toropi'. Shoot Pi concentration in 'Toropi' was independent from P availability; under starvation, 'Toropi' favored the maintenance of shoot Pi concentration. The low-P tolerance of Toropi cultivar at initial growth stages is mainly due to its ability to maintain constant the Pi shoot level.
PURPOSES: To determine the basic expression of ABC transporters in an epithelial ovarian cancer cell line, and to investigate whether low concentrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen inhibited the growth of this cell line in vitro. METHODS: TOV-21 G cells were exposed to different concentrations of acetaminophen (1.5 to 15 μg/mL) and ibuprofen (2.0 to 20 μg/mL) for 24 to 48 hours. The cellular growth was assessed using a cell viability assay. Cellular morphology was determined by fluorescence microscopy. The gene expression profile of ABC transporters was determined by assessing a panel including 42 genes of the ABC transporter superfamily. RESULTS: We observed a significant decrease in TOV-21 G cell growth after exposure to 15 μg/mL of acetaminophen for 24 (p=0.02) and 48 hours (p=0.01), or to 20 μg/mL of ibuprofen for 48 hours (p=0.04). Assessing the morphology of TOV-21 G cells did not reveal evidence of extensive apoptosis. TOV-21 G cells had a reduced expression of the genes ABCA1, ABCC3, ABCC4, ABCD3, ABCD4 and ABCE1 within the ABC transporter superfamily. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides in vitro evidence of inhibitory effects of growth in therapeutic concentrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on TOV-21 G cells. Additionally, TOV-21 G cells presented a reduced expression of the ABCA1, ABCC3, ABCC4, ABCD3, ABCD4 and ABCE1 transporters.
Sm14 is a 14-kDa vaccine candidate antigen from Schistosoma mansoni that seems to be involved in cytoplasmic trafficking of fatty acids. Although schistosomes have a high requirement for lipids, they are not able to synthesize fatty acids and sterols de novo. Thus, they must acquire host lipids. In order to determine whether Sm14 is present in different stages of the life cycle of the parasite, we performed RT-PCR. Sm14 mRNA was identified in all stages of the life cycle studied, mainly schistosomulum, adult worm and egg. Additionally, we used a rabbit anti-Sm14 polyclonal antibody in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to localize Sm14 in adult worm sections. The basal lamella of the tegument and the gut epithelium were strongly labeled. These tissues have a high flow of and demand for lipids, a finding that supports the putative role of Sm14 as an intracellular transporter of fatty acids from host cells.
Chronic stress is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. The sympathoneural system plays an important role in the regulation of cardiac function both in health and disease. In the present study, the changes in gene expression of the catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) and protein levels in the right and left heart auricles of naive control and long-term (12 weeks) socially isolated rats were investigated by Taqman RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. The response of these animals to additional immobilization stress (2 h) was also examined. Long-term social isolation produced a decrease in TH mRNA level in left auricles (about 70%) compared to the corresponding control. Expression of the DBH gene was markedly decreased both in the right (about 62%) and left (about 81%) auricles compared to the corresponding control, group-maintained rats, whereas PNMT mRNA levels remained unchanged. Exposure of group-housed rats to acute immobilization for 2 h led to a significant increase of mRNA levels of TH (about 267%), DBH (about 37%) and PNMT (about 60%) only in the right auricles. Additional 2-h immobilization of individually housed rats did not affect gene expression of these enzymes in either the right or left auricle. Protein levels of TH, DBH and PNMT in left and right heart auricles were unchanged either in both individually housed and immobilized rats. The unchanged mRNA levels of the enzymes examined after short-term immobilization suggest that the catecholaminergic system of the heart auricles of animals previously exposed to chronic psychosocial stress was adapted to maintain appropriate cardiovascular homeostasis.
Ropinirole (ROP) is a dopamine agonist that has been used as therapy for Parkinson's disease. In the present study, we aimed to detect whether gene expression was modulated by ROP in SH-SY5Y cells. SH-SY5Y cell lines were treated with 10 µM ROP for 2 h, after which total RNA was extracted for whole genome analysis. Gene expression profiling revealed that 113 genes were differentially expressed after ROP treatment compared with control cells. Further pathway analysis revealed modulation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway, with prominent upregulation of PIK3C2B. Moreover, batches of regulated genes, including PIK3C2B, were found to be located on chromosome 1. These findings were validated by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Our study, therefore, revealed that ROP altered gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells, and future investigation of PIK3C2B and other loci on chromosome 1 may provide long-term implications for identifying novel target genes of Parkinson's disease.
OBJETIVO: Estimar o incremento no número adicional de afetados com base na prevalência de síndromes falciformes em familiares de casos-índice. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em familiares de amostra aleatória dos casos-índice identificados por programa de triagem neonatal em Pernambuco, no período de 2001 a 2005. O modelo de triagem familiar ampliado incluiu 463 membros familiares de 21 casos-índice. Os familiares foram categorizados como: núcleo reduzido (NR -pai, mãe e irmãos); de primeiro grau (N1 - avós, tios e primos de primeiro grau); de segundo grau (N2 - filhos dos primos de primeiro grau); ampliado (NA - NR+N1+N2) e ampliado de primeiro grau (NA1 -NR+N1). A confirmação da presença de HBB*S e detecção de hemoglobinas anormais foram realizadas por meio da High Performance Liquid Chromathgraphy. A associação entre a presença de HBB*S e variáveis foi testada pelo cálculo da razão de prevalência e respectivos IC 95% e a diferença entre médias verificadas pelo teste t de Student, ao nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A anemia falciforme era desconhecida por 81% dos familiares; o gene HBB*S esteve presente em 114 familiares. Observou-se que 53,3% da população estudada estava na faixa considerada reprodutiva e 80% das pessoas portadoras do gene HBB*S já tinham gerado filhos. A freqüência foi maior no núcleo NR (69%), mas também elevada no N1 (22,8%). O NA1 resultou na detecção de 69 portadores adicionais (aumento de 172%). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam que a triagem familiar para identificação de portadores de síndrome falciforme deve ser estendida para os familiares até o primeiro grau.
O objetivo desta comunicação foi descrever a detecção de coexistência de variantes HIV-1 com inserções de dois aminoácidos entre os códons 69 e 70 da transcriptase reversa. Tais variantes foram isoladas de paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos de idade, em tratamento no interior do estado de São Paulo. Após confirmação de falha terapêutica, foi realizado teste de resistência a antirretrovirais, a partir do qual foram detectadas duas variantes contendo inserções dos aminoácidos Ser-Gly/Ser-Ala no códon 69 da transcriptase reversa, além da mutação T69S. Tais inserções possuem baixa prevalência, não foram relatadas em caráter de coexistência no Brasil e estão relacionadas com a resistência a múltiplas drogas, tornando o achado relevante do ponto de vista epidemiológico.
Pentamidine (PEN) is an alternative compound to treat antimony-resistant leishmaniasis patients, which cellular target remains unclear. One approach to the identification of prospective targets is to identify genes able to mediate PEN resistance following overexpression. Starting from a genomic library of transfected parasites bearing a multicopy episomal cosmid vector containing wild-type Leishmania major DNA, we isolated one locus capable to render PEN resistance to wild type cells after DNA transfection. In order to map this Leishmania locus, cosmid insert was deleted by two successive sets of partial digestion with restriction enzymes, followed by transfection into wild type cells, overexpression, induction and functional tests in the presence of PEN. To determine the Leishmania gene related to PEN resistance, nucleotide sequencing experiments were done through insertion of the transposon Mariner element of Drosophila melanogaster (mosK) into the deleted insert to work as primer island. Using general molecular techniques, we described here this method that permits a quickly identification of a functional gene facilitating nucleotide sequence experiments from large DNA fragments. Followed experiments revealed the presence of a P-Glycoprotein gene in this locus which role in Leishmania metabolism has now been analyzed.
The var genes of Plasmodium falciparum code for the antigenically variant erythrocyte membrane proteins 1 (PfEMP1), a major factor for cytoadherence and immune escape of the parasite. Herein, we analyzed the var gene transcript turnover in two ongoing, non-symptomatic infections at sequential time points during two weeks. The number of different circulating genomes was estimated by microsatellite analyses. In both infections, we observed a rapid turnover of plasmodial genotypes and var transcripts. The rapidly changing repertoire of var transcripts could have been caused either by swift elimination of circulating var-transcribing parasites stemming from different or identical genetic backgrounds, or by accelerated switching of var gene transcription itself.
INTRODUCTION: The symptoms of Brazilian borreliosis resemble the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease (LD). However, there are differences between the two in terms of epidemiological and laboratory findings. Primers usually employed to diagnose LD have failed to detect Borrelia strains in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify the Brazilian Borrelia using a conserved gene that synthesizes the flagellar hook (flgE) of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. METHOD: Three patients presenting with erythema migrans and positive epidemiological histories were recruited for the study. Blood samples were collected, and the DNA was extracted by commercial kits. RESULTS: The gene flgE was amplified from DNA of all selected patients. Upon sequencing, these positive samples revealed 99% homology to B. burgdorferi flgE. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of borreliosis in Brazil. However, it is unclear whether this borreliosis is caused by a genetically modified B. burgdorferi sensu stricto or by a new species of Borrelia spp.