27 resultados para Dirección por misiones

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Until early 1998 the presence of Aedes albopictus had never been detected in Argentina. During April of the same year, few individuals of this species were recorded in 33 breeding sites found in 25 out of 161 inspected houses in the city of Eldorado, Province of Misiones. The homogeneous spatial distribution of the proliferation foci suggests the existence of a generalized infestation in this locality during the study period.


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Children under five years of age, from two communities of different socio-economic strata (97 from Zaiman and 55 from Las Dolores) were examined epidemiologically during 2 years, by means of quarterly visits of the working team, who carried out the collection of faecal samples. During the study, one or more enteropathogens were identified in 73.9% of samples in children from Zaiman and in 58.3% of the samples from Las Dolores, being associated to diarrhoea in 70.5% and to asymptomatic infections in 65.7%. The number of diarrheic episodes was higher in Zaiman (15.45%) than in Las Dolores (12.35%), being more frequent in the spring-summer seasons. In Zaiman, the bacterial enteropathogen proportion was relevantly higher (p< 0.005) in children with diarrhoea, whereas the presence of parasites was more frequent in asymptomatic children (p< 0.01). Rotavirus had an even distribution within diarrheic and asymptomatic children. In Las Dolores, no relevant differences were found in the detection of enteroparasites between diarrheic and asymptomatic children. Mixed infections were detected; enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)-rotavirus and ETEC-parasites being the most frequent ones. ETEC was involved in 85% of these infections. These data, together with the high enteropathogen carriage, suggest an elevated level of environmental contamination. The latter plays an important role in diarrheic diseases, and added to the most extreme poverty, it affects children's lives.


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Diarrheagenics Escherichia coli are the major agents involved in diarrheal disease in developing countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the time of appearance of the first asymptomatic infection by the different categories of diarrheagenic E. coli in 44 children since their birth and during the first 20 months of their lives. In all of the children studied, we detected at least one category of diarrheagenic E. coli through the 20 months of the study. 510 diarrheagenic E. coli (33.5%) were obtained from the 1,524 samples collected from the 44 children during the time of the study (31.4% EAggEC, 28.8% EPEC, 27.1% DAEC, and 12.7% ETEC). Neither EHEC nor EIEC were identified. The median age for diarrheagenic E. coli colonization was 7.5 months. The mean weaning period was 12.8 months and the mean age for introduction of mixed feeding (breast fed supplemented) was 3.8 months. A significantly lower incidence of diarrheal disease and asymptomatic infections was recorded among the exclusively breast-fed rather than in the supplemented and non breast-fed infants. For ETEC, EPEC and EAggEC the introduction of weaning foods and complete termination of breast-feeding were associated with an increase of asymptomatic infections.


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SUMMARY The first Argentinian autochthonous human case of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was confirmed in Posadas (Misiones) in 2006. Since then, the disease has increased its incidence and geographical distribution. In the 2006-2012 period, 107 human cases were detected (11 deaths). The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis was detected in peridomiciles in Puerto Iguazú urban area in 2010; some of these findings were associated with households where cases of canine VL had already been reported. The objective of this study was to ascertain the abundance and spatial distribution of Lu. longipalpis in Puerto Iguazú City, on the Argentina-Brazil-Paraguay border. Lu. longipalpis proved to be exclusively urban and was found in 31% of the households sampled (n = 53), 67% of which belonged to areas of low abundance, 20% to areas of moderate abundance and 13% to areas of high abundance. Nyssomyia whitmani was the only species found both in urban and peri-urban environments, and Migonemyia migonei was registered only on the outskirts of the city. Due to the fact that Puerto Iguazú is considered to be at moderate risk at the moment, it is necessary to intensify human and canine case controls, as well as take integrated prevention and control measures regarding the environment, vectors and reservoirs on the Argentina-Brazil-Paraguay border area.


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A finding of vertical transmission of the DEN 3 virus in male specimens of Aedes aegypti, collected in the 2009 fall-winter period, in Puerto Iguazú city, Misiones, Argentina, using the RT-PCR technique in a 15-specimen pool is reported. This result is analyzed within the context of the epidemiological situation of Argentina's northeast border.


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 The emergence of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL) in Latin America is a growing public health problem. The urbanization of ZVL has been observed in different countries around the world, and there are a growing number of reports drawing attention to the emergence of this infection in new locations, as well as its increase in previously established areas of endemicity. In the city of Posadas, Misiones province, Northeastern Argentina, the transmission of ZVL associated with canines and Lutzomyia longipalpis was first reported in 2006. In the city of Puerto Iguazú, also in Misiones province, the first human case of ZVL was reported in February 2014. From 209 surveyed dogs, 15 (7.17%) were identified as positive by serological and/or parasitological methods. Amplification was observed in 14 samples and in all cases the species implicated was Leishmania infantum. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first molecular characterization of L. infantum from dogs in this area.


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The occurrence of Biomphalaria intermedia (Paraense & Deslandes, 1962) is recorded at Três Lagoas and Dourados (state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), and Parque Nacional Iguazú (province of Misiones, Argentina), west and southwest, respectively, of its known western limit, in the state of São Paulo. The species was also found at Parapuã, a new locality to São Paulo state.


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In this study, a genotypification of Leishmaniawas performed using polimerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorfism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing techniques to identify species of Leishmaniaparasites in phlebotomine sand flies and dogs naturally infected. Between January-February of 2009, CDC light traps were used to collect insect samples from 13 capture sites in the municipality of Posadas, which is located in the province of Misiones of Argentina. Sand flies identified as Lutzomyia longipalpiswere grouped into 28 separate pools for molecular biological analysis. Canine samples were taken from lymph node aspirates of two symptomatic stray animals that had been positively diagnosed with canine visceral leishmaniasis. One vector pool of 10 sand flies (1 out of the 28 pools tested) and both of the canine samples tested positively for Leishmania infantumby PCR and RFLP analysis. PCR products were confirmed by sequencing and showed a maximum identity with L. infantum. Given that infection was detected in one out of the 28 pools and that at least one infected insect was infected, it was possible to infer an infection rate at least of 0.47% for Lu. longipalpisamong the analyzed samples. These results contribute to incriminate Lu. longipalpis as the vector of L. infantumin the municipality of Posadas, where cases of the disease in humans and dogs have been reported since 2005.


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The objective of this work was to assess the soil oribatid mite communities in four sites of the Upper Paraná Bosque Atlántico, in the Iguazú National Park, Argentina and in surrounding areas: bamboo forest, palm forest and two mixed forests. A comparison between each pair of sites, based on the presence-absence of oribatid species, was performed using Jaccard's index. This is the first systematic sampling of oribatid mites in this area. A total of 56 genera and 96 oribatid species were found, 25 and 49 of them, respectively, are new citation for Argentina. The highest similarity was found between mixed forests. Almost 68% and 34% of the genera were cited for similar biotopes in Brazil and Paraguay, respectively.


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RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el papel del carácter familiar en la ambidiestría de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs). Proponemos que las capacidades asociadas al carácter familiar de la empresa y a las características demográficas de sus élites directivas, específicamente su diversidad, afectan a los procesos de toma de decisiones. Dichas características facilitan la percepción de los cambios en el entorno y la respuesta ante ellos con alternativas que, implicando conflictos o tensiones, permiten aprovechar dichos cambios y, además, promueven la habilidad de reconfigurar los recursos para conseguirlo. En una muestra de 132 PyMEs demostramos que la ambidiestría se ve favorecida por el carácter familiar y por la diversidad, en edad y experiencia, de sus equipos directivos. Así, las empresas más ambidiestras serían aquellas en las que coincide propiedad y dirección, y no presentan diversidad generacional, pero cuentan con equipos directivos diversos en términos de edad y experiencia.


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Este artículo analiza las particularidades del "moderno" esquema de regulación de los servicios públicos de infraestructura, que se extendió a partir de los procesos de privatización del último cuarto del siglo XX. Diferenciándose de la arquitectura institucional vigente durante el período de prestación estatal (regulación "endógena"), los entes reguladores emergen como el elemento neurálgico de este nuevo esquema. Sin embargo, como se desprende de la experiencia argentina, estos organismos han sido dotados de ambiguas atribuciones regulatorias e inapropiados diseños institucionales, quedando trunca su capacidad real de regulación. A raíz de la difusa delimitación de misiones y funciones e - incluso - frente a las imprecisiones teóricas en la materia, este artículo precisa el alcance de la intervención de los distintos actores del sistema de prestación y regulación: empresas prestadoras, entes reguladores, poderes del Estado (Ejecutivo y Legislativo) y usuarios y consumidores. En este sentido, trabaja sobre los diseños institucionales más apropiados para que los entes desarrollen efectivas capacidades de regulación. El análisis se ejemplifica a partir de la experiencia privatizadora argentina - nacional y subnacional - en los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento y distribución de electricidad.


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La gestión del valor económico implica que la dirección de la empresa debe preocuparse de forma eficaz en como alcanzar esta eficiencia en la generación del valor y en como lograr su equitativa distribución, ya que la sociedad actual no puede ser concebida solamente como un mercado sino que está constituida por un conjunto de personas que participan de forma cooperativa y competitiva en la comunidad, que tienen determinadas motivaciones y que actúan colectivamente, coordinando sus acciones según los objetivos de sus empresas, en la búsqueda de alcanzar sus propias expectativas, por lo que al centrar nuestro interés en los trabajadores de la empresa surgen dos variables de análisis y que están directamente relacionadas con la motivación, independientes en su génesis, pero que interactúan entre sí, por un lado la falta de insatisfacción laboral, y por otro la satisfacción laboral, aspectos que son analizados en este artículo y su influencia en la creación de valor económico en la empresa. Es fundamental que la empresa identifique y conozca las expectativas de cada uno de sus trabajadores, con lo cual se podrá establecer estrategias que le permitan poder alinear éstas a los objetivos organizacionales y a la creación o incremento de su valor económico, y así tender a reducir la falta de insatisfacción y apuntar a la motivación y satisfacción del personal.


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Este artigo propõe-se descrever as principais ações voltadas ao desenvolvimento regional promovidas pelo Consórcio Intermunicipal da Fronteira (CIF), constituído pelos municípios de Barracão e Bom Jesus do Sul (PR) e Dionísio Cerqueira (SC), localizados no Brasil, e Bernardo de Irigoyen de Misiones, localizado na Argentina, da perspectiva do poder público municipal, representado pelos prefeitos destas cidades e pelo coordenador executivo do CIF. Assim, trata-se de uma pesquisa que utiliza a abordagem qualitativa, realizada por meio de entrevista individual em profundidade aplicada aos quatro prefeitos municipais que compõem o CIF e o coordenador executivo deste. Tais entrevistas se propuseram a examinar, sob a ótica desses agentes, a formação do CIF, bem como as ações planejadas e as ações em implementação desde sua constituição. Neste sentido, os principais resultados apontaram os meios que os municípios encontraram para buscar recursos que viabilizassem a melhoria da infraestrutura, garantindo o progresso e o desenvolvimento social, econômico e cultural da região. Apresentou ainda os resultados positivos da implantação do CIF em âmbito regional e as dificuldades e limitações enfrentadas neste processo.


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Resumen Este artículo analiza los principales factores que condicionan la selección de un directivo público de primer nivel jerárquico en Chile con base en una perspectiva de corte sociológico y el uso del concepto especies de capital. El trabajo realiza un recorrido teórico y descriptivo sobre la modernización del Estado y la profesionalización de la gestión pública en Chile. Posteriormente con una muestra de 45 casos correspondientes a altos directivos nombrados durante el período 2003-13, se trabaja con modelos de regresión logística para determinar los factores que condicionan la selección de estos funcionarios. Se llega a la conclusión que el capital político no es un factor que favorece la selección del actor.