23 resultados para Digitization Copyright, Legislation, International Conventions, Costa Rica

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Se determinó el grado de infección de los crustáceos Ptychophallus tristani presentes en una área endémica de Paragonimus mexicanus, encontrándose que de un total de 182 cangrejos, 161 resultaron positivos (88,5%) por metacercarias. Al comparar la infección entre machos y hembras no se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas y en relación a su tamaño se observó una relación directa entre tamaño y porcentaje y grado de infección. Se estableció que no existen diferencias significativas en relación a la época del año en que los cangrejos fueron capturados lo que epidemiológicamente es importante pues indica que las fuentes de infección permanecen potencialmente activas durante todo el año.


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Seroprevalence of HCMV in Costa Rica is greater than 95% in adults; primary infections occur early in life and is the most frequent congenital infection in newborns. The objectives of this study were to determine the genetic variability and genotypes of HCMV gB gene in Costa Rica. Samples were collected from alcoholics, pregnant women, blood donors, AIDS patients, hematology-oncology (HO) children and HCMV isolates from neonates with cytomegalic inclusion disease. A semi-nested PCR system was used to obtain a product of 293-296 bp of the gB gene to be analyzed by Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing to determine the genetic polymorphic pattern and genotypes, respectively. AIDS patients showed the highest polymorphic diversity with 14 different patterns while fifty-six percent of HO children samples showed the same polymorphic pattern, suggesting in this group a possible nosocomial infection. In neonates three genotypes (gB1, gB2 and gB3), were determined while AIDS patients and blood donors only showed one (gB2). Of all samples analyzed only genotypes gB1, 2 and 3 were determined, genotype gB2 was the most frequent (73%) and mixed infections were not detected. The results of the study indicate that SSCP could be an important tool to detect HCMV intra-hospital infections and suggests a need to include additional study populations to better determine the genotype diversity and prevalence.


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Desde 1986 se han llevado acabo evaluaciones sobre el estado poblacional de Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758) en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Caño Negro. Sin embargo, solo se conoce información sobre la abundancia y el tamaño poblacional. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la estructura poblacional y proporción de sexos de C. crocodilus en Caño Negro. Se capturó un total de 145 caimanes mediante 22 conteos nocturnos desde Mayo 2004 a Mayo 2005. La mayoría de los individuos presentaron longitudes menores a 60 cm y entre 150 a 180 cm. La proporción de sexos promedio fue de 1: 6.06 hembra/machos, siendo una de las mayores diferencias reportadas para la especie; de mantenerse la proporción de sexos, es de esperar una disminución en la viabilidad poblacional a corto y mediano plazo.


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The freshwater sponges Trochospongilla variabilis Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago (1973), Radiospongilla crateriformis (Potts, 1882), Spongilla cenota Penney & Racek (1968) and Corvoheteromeyenia heterosclera (Ezcurra de Drago, 1974) compose with the sphaerid bivalve Eupera cubensis (Prime, 1865) and several Phylactolaemata bryozoans a benthic filter feeding community living in seasonal lentic and lotic habitats with high Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), low conductivity and acid pH within the Costa Rica Dry Forest biome. The sponge specimens gathered led to the re-description of the four species.


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Se describe un área semiárida del noroeste de Costa Rica en donde Lutzomyia longipalpis es abundante en los corrales alrededor de los domicilios. Las capturas mensuales durante dos anõs consecutivos sobre diversos cebos, mostraron que las hembras se alimentan ávidamente de vacuno, caballo, cerdo, perro y humano. De un de 14.215 ejemplares capturados el 90.5% eran machos y la abundancia de la especie fue mayor en los meses más secos, disminuyendo la población notablemente en la época lluviosa. Se discute la posibilidad de que las leishmaniasis visceral pueda establecerse en la zona en el futuro, em forma similar a como sucede en otros países centroamericanos, aunque la enfermedad es aún desconocida en Costa Rica.


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Neopolystoma fentoni n. sp. is described from the conjunctival sac of Kinosternon leucostomum (Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril 1851) and Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima (Gray 1855) from the Guanacaste Conservation Area in Costa Rica. The new species differs from all other species of Neopolystoma, except N. elizabethae Platt 2000 in possessing a circle of eight genital spines that are recurved and possess a crescent-shaped base. N. fentoni n. sp. differs from N. elizabethae in lacking cecal diverticula and in a number of morphometric criteria.


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Triatoma dimidiata adults have been frequently found, during the last five years, in a dog kennel and a chicken coop, in the back yard of a well-built house, 15 km from San José, the capital of Costa Rica. In the chicken coop nymphs were also found. Two of the 11 dogs from the kennel were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The inhabitants of the house, three adults and two children, were negative. This type of colonization by the insect, which is attracted to lights, is becoming common in old and new settlements, with different degrees of success, a fact with epidemiological implications and great relevance in the control strategies that can be applied.


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A total of 797 specimens of wild adult triatomines, belonging to six species from the entomological collections of the Costa Rican National Biodiversity Institute, was studied from the standpoint of their relative abundance, as reflected by light traps, distribution in the country, seasonal variations and climatic and altitudinal preferences. Triatoma dimidiata was the most abundant species (32.9% of the total specimens), with a very extensive distribution in different ecological zones, being more common between 100 to 400 m above sea level mainly at the end of the dry season. T. dispar was the third in frequency (21.5%), with narrower distribution, more abundant between 600 to 800 m and scarce during the dry season. Panstrongylus geniculatus and P. rufotuberculatus, second and fourth in frequency (22.1% and 15.1%, respectively), were widely distributed on both the Pacific and Caribbean basins, the former being more common between 80 to 270 m all year round and the latter below 800 m mainly during the first semester. Eratyrus cuspidatus which represented only 4.9% of the insects, was also present on both basins mainly below 200 m with a tendency to be scarce during certain months of the year, and was found in all types of ecological zones. Finally, Rhodnius pallescens, the least abundant species (3.6%) was restricted to very humid areas below 20 m, on the north side and Caribbean basin. With the exception of R. pallescens, males were more commonly found than females. Some epidemiological implications related to the six species are discussed.


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Dogs with the presumptive diagnosis of Chagas disease are commonly sent to our School of Veterinary Medicine by independent veterinarians. This prompted us to evaluate the prevalence of canine trypanosomiasis in some villages of the Central Valley of Costa Rica. A total of 54 dogs (21 males and 33 females) from five rural villages, with ages between 3 months and 10 years old, were bled and submitted to three serological tests: indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination and ELISA. Among all animals, 15 (27.7%) revealed antibodies (6 pure bred and 9 mongrels) and in 3 of them the parasite was also demonstrated by xenodiagnosis. All positive animals except 1, and 9 negative animals (control group) were examined by X-rays and electrocardiography, revealing different degrees of cardiomegaly and ECG alteration, consistent with Chagas disease pathology in one dog (SA-11) of the infected ones. Examination of 50 inhabitants living in the houses where dogs and Triatoma dimidiata were found, yielded negative serological reactions. This was assumed to support the hypothesis that dogs are commonly infected by the oral route, a more effective means of infection compared with the vector transmission mechanism that occurs in humans.


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Triatoma dimidiata has been found in several cities and towns of those countries where the insect is a domestic or peridomestic pest. In Central America, urban infestations occur in the capitals of at least five countries. During 2001 and 2002 a survey was carried out in the county of San Rafael, Heredia province, located 15 km northwest of San José, capital of Costa Rica, in order to determine the degree of infestation by T. dimidiata in an entire city block. Six peridomestic colonies of the insect were detected in the backyards of eight households. The ecotopes occupied by the insects consisted of store rooms with old objects, wood piles or firewood, and chicken coops. A total of 1917 insects were found in the six foci, during two sampling periods, and a mean infection rate by Trypanosoma cruzi of 28.4% was found in 1718 insects examined. The largest colony found in one of the households yielded 872 insects that were thriving mainly at the expenses of two dogs. Opossums and adult insects were common visitors of the houses and it became evident that this marsupial is closely related to the peridomestic cycle of the Chagas disease agent. Lack of colonization of the insect inside the human dwellings is explained by the type of construction and good sanitary conditions of the houses, in contrast to the situation in most peridomiciliary areas. Stomach blood samples from the insects showed that the main hosts were, in order of decreasing frequency: rodents, dogs, fowl, humans, opossums, and cats. The fact that no indication of infection with Chagas disease could be detected in the human occupants of the infested houses, vis a vis the high infection rate in dogs, is discussed.


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In light of the Central American Initiative for the control of Chagas disease, efforts were made on the part of Costa Rican and Nicaraguan teams, working separately, to determine the present status of Rhodnius pallescens in areas close to the common border of the two countries, where the insect has appeared within the last few years. The opportunity was also used to establish whether R. prolixus, a vector present in some areas of Nicaragua, has been introduced in recent years into Costa Rica with Nicaraguan immigrants. It became evident that wild adults of R. pallescens are common visitors to houses in different towns of a wide area characterized as a humid, warm lowland, on both sides of the frontier. Up to the present, this bug has been able to colonize a small proportion of human dwellings only on the Nicaraguan side. There was strong evidence that the visitation of the adult bug to houses is related to the attraction of this species to electric lights. There were no indications of the presence of R. prolixus either in Nicaragua or in Costa Rica in this area of the Caribbean basin. Triatoma dimidiata, a widespread domestic species in both countries, was totally absent in the explored areas of Costa Rica but occasionally occurs on the Nicaraguan side. Serological surveys in children of both areas showed that transmission of Chagas disease takes place in a rather small degree in Costa Rica and more commonly in Nicaragua, indicating that R. pallescens could be a potential threat as a vector in this particular region.


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An ecological control method, using environmental management operations, based on biological and behavioral characteristics of Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811), was implemented as a pilot project in an area of Costa Rica where the bug is prevalent. The sample was represented by 20 houses with peridomestic colonies (two also had indoor infestation), divided in two equivalent groups of 10 each. In one group we intervened the houses, i.e. all objects or materials that were serving as artificial ecotopes for the bugs were removed, and the second group was used as control houses. After a year of periodic follow up, it became evident that in those houses with a modified environment the number of insects had decreased notoriously even after the first visits and this was more evident after a period of 12.5 to 13.5 months in which no insects were detected in eight of the houses. It also became clear that in this group of houses, recolonization by wild bugs from the surrounding areas, became more difficult, probably due to the absence of protection from bug predators. In the control houses, with the exception of three in which the inhabitants decided to intervene on their own, and another house with a peculiar situation, the insect populations remained the same or even showed a tendency to increase, as confirmed at the end of the experiment. We believe that the method is feasible, low costing and non contaminating. It could be used successfully in other places where T. dimidiata is common and also in countries where other species colonize peridomestic areas of homes. Environmental management of this kind should seek the participation of the members of the communities, in order to make it a more permanent control measure.


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Novos registros: Sphallonycha irundisa Galileo & Martins, 2001 para o Ecuador; Hilaroleopsis icuapira Martins & Galileo, 1992, para a Costa Rica. Novos táxons descritos da Costa Rica: Apebusu gen. nov., espécie-tipo A. rubriventris sp. nov.; Esamirim gen. nov., espécie-tipo E. fasciatus sp. nov.; E. carinatus sp. nov.; Kuatinga gen. nov. espécie-tipo, K.. bicolor sp. nov.: Hilaroleopsis theurgus sp. nov.; Abanycha pectoralis sp. nov.; do Panamá: Esamirim divisus sp. nov. Nova combinação: Esamirim chionides (Bates,1885) comb. nov. (anteriormente em Adesmus). Chaves para gêneros de Hemilophini com garras tarsais internas reduzidas e para as espécies de Esamirim são fornecidas.


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Três espécies novas de abelhas do gênero Lestrimelitta são descritas: L. danuncia sp. nov. (da Costa Rica e Panamá), L. mourei sp. nov. (da Costa Rica) e L. glaberrima sp. nov. (da Guiana Francesa). Todas essas espécies foram identificadas anteriormente como Lestrimelitta limao Smith.


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Cordiluroides Albuquerque is a genus of Neotropical Coenosiinae (Muscidae), known from six species. The genus is here recorded for the first time from Costa Rica, on the basis of three species: C. listrata Albuquerque, 1954, C. insularis (Willliston, 1896) and C. bistriata (Wulp, 1896) sp. rev.. We provide a key for the identification of these Costa Rican species, redescribe and illustrate their external morphological characters and terminalia. C. bistriata and C. vittifera (Stein, 1904) are both considered to be good species and are re-instated from the synonymy of C. insularis. The type material of C. listrata (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro), of C. insularis and C. bistriata (The Natural History Museum, London) and of C. vittifera (Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) has been examined.