27 resultados para Diamond (automerkki)
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
This paper provides an up-to-date critical review of methods for diamond synthesis by lasers. A provisional classification of synthesizing methods is carried out, in order to present a varied and heterogeneous experimental work that is as clear as possible. Laser diamond CVD methods involve chemical processes in a carbon-containing system induced by specific absorption of laser radiation, while diamond PVD methods involve physical processes induced by an intense, highly-directed laser beam. Different methods involving coupled, simultaneous action of lasers and classic CVD agents are suggested and discussed as prospective approaches for diamond synthesis.
The Direct Black 22 dye was electrooxidized at 30 mA cm-2 in a flow cell using a BDD or β-PbO2 anode, varying pH (3, 7, 11), temperature (10, 25, 45 °C), and [NaCl] (0 or 1.5 g L-1). In the presence of NaCl, decolorization rates were similar for all conditions investigated, but much higher than predicted through a theoretical model assuming mass-transport control; similar behavior was observed for COD removal (at pH 7, 25 °C), independently of the anode. With no NaCl, COD removals were also higher than predicted with a theoretical model, which suggests the existence of distinct dye degradation pathways.
A simple procedure is described for the determination of scopolamine by square-wave voltammetry using a cathodically pretreated boron-doped diamond electrode. Cyclic voltammetry studies indicate that the oxidation of scopolamine is irreversible at a peak potential of 1.59 V (vs. Ag/AgCl (3.0 mol L-1 KCl)) in a 0.50 mol L-1 sulfuric acid solution. Under optimized conditions, the analytical curve obtained was linear (r = 0.9996) for the scopolamine concentration range of 1.0 to 110 µmol L-1, with a detection limit of 0.84 µmol L-1. The method was successfully applied to the determination of scopolamine in pharmaceutical formulations with minimum sample preparation.
Some material aspects such as grain size, purity and anisotropy exert an important influence on surface quality, especially in single point diamond turning. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some critical factors that can limit the accuracy of ultraprecision machining of non-ferrous metals and to identify the effects of them on the cutting mechanism with single point diamond tools. This will be carried out through observations of machined surfaces and chips produced using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Solutions to reduce the influence of some of these limiting factors related with the mechanism of generation of mirror-like surfaces will be discussed.
This paper discusses the effect of tool wear on surface finish in single-point diamond turning of single crystal silicon. The morphology and topography of the machined surface clearly show the type of cutting edge wear reproduced onto the cutting grooves. Scanning electron microscopy is used in order to correlate the cutting edge damage and microtopography features observed through atomic force microscopy. The possible wear mechanisms affecting tool performance and surface generation during cutting are also discussed. The zero degree rake angle single point diamond tool presented small nicks on the cutting edge. The negative rake angle tools presented more a type of crater wear on the rake face. No wear was detected on flank face of the diamond tools.
Este estudo foi desenvolvido objetivando comparar diferentes critérios de seleção, indicar o método de seleção que propicia maiores estimativas de ganho genético e identificar genótipos superiores de alfafa quanto a características produtivas, morfológicas e bromatológicas. Foram avaliadas a produção de matéria seca, altura de planta, tolerância a doenças, aceitação fenotípica pelos animais, proteína bruta, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, fibra em detergente neutro e relação caule/folha de 92 acessos provenientes do INTA-Argentina, tendo como testemunha o Crioula. Os Índices de Mulamba & Mock, distância do genótipo ao ideótipo e Elston foram os mais adequados a esse tipo de estudo. Os genótipos Sequel, CUF 101, Siriver 2, Florida 77, Diamond, Sequel 2, LE N 2, Medina, Kern, Rio Grande, DK 166, DK 181, Perla SP INTA, WL 516, Rocio, LE Semit 711 e LE N 3 foram os indicados à seleção pelos maiores índices de Mulamba e Mock, distância do genótipo ao ideótipo e índice de Elston.
The Amazon tree boa Corallus hortulanus is known for featuring a wide variation in color pattern and design markings. Although there are studies on its polychromatism, none of them addresses the geographic variation in the color pattern of this species. The aim of this study was to describe the chromatic variation found in the populations of C. hortulanus from the southern Amazon Basin and its relationship with geographic distribution of the species. Analysis of both design markings and color patterns on 112 C. hortulanus specimens from the southern Amazon Basin interfluves resulted in the identification of six distinct morphotypes. Grayish-brown coloration and elongated diamond-shaped patterns were the most frequent patterns. Two morphotypes showed a tendency of correlation with the geographical distribution of those species found in Madeira and Juruá Rivers. The small sample size does not allow for a robust conclusion on the possible cause of geographic variation. The distribution of morphological patterns of C. hortullanus in the Amazon Basin suggest that there is gene flow between populations, regardless of geographical distance and natural barriers. The variation in color pattern and markings may represent a phenotypic response to the characteristics of different habitats occupied by the species.
Os autores estudaram o comportamento "in vitro" do Trypanosoma encontrado nas rãs brasileiras, visando critérios adicionais na caracterização específica deste grupo. Utilizaram diferentes meios de cultura (NNN, Novy e Mac Neal, SNB 9 de Diamond 1954, Boné & Steinert, 1956 Boné & Parent 1963 e Halevy & Gisry 1964) no isolamento do Trypanosoma rotatorium encontrado com certa freqüência na rã Leptodactylus com larga distribuição na região Neotropical. Observamso que o comportamento do T. rotatorium das rãs desta região em meios de cultura mostra características bem diferentes daquelas observadas com tripanosomas de outras regiões, quer seja pela dificuldade de manutenção em subcultura, quer pelas formas de divisão desenvolvidas. Empregamos os mesmos meios de cultura utilizados nos isolamentos dos tripanosomas de rã da Europa e como pode ser visto no Quadro I os resultados obtidos com material da região Neotropical são concordantes, surgerindo, pelo menos uma variação dentro da espécie.
Tetratrichomonas didelphidis (Hegner & Ratcliffe, 1927) Andersen & Reilly, 1965 is a flagellate protozoan found in the intestine, cecum, and colon of Didelphis marsupialis. The parasitic protozoa used in this study was found and isolated in the intestine of opossums in Pavlova starch-containing medium in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, from D. marsupialis and Lutreolina crassicaudata. The strains were cultivated in Diamond medium without maltose and with starch solution, pH 7.5 at 28°C. The specimens were stained by the Giemsa method and Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin. The light microscopy study of the trophozoites revealed the same morphologic characteristics as specimens previously described.
Eighteen clinical isolates of Trichomonas vaginalis were obtained from women who attended health centers of the Goverment of Madrid. A total of 1,848 vaginal specimens recovered during the gynaecological examination were seeded in culture tubes containing liquid Diamond medium. Pathogenicity to mice was determined after intraperitoneal inoculation of mice by quantification of mortality and gross damage to abdominal organs. As could be expected, a broad variability was obtained, being some of the isolates more virulent than the reference strain. Regarding to metronidazole susceptibility, none resistant isolate was found but different degrees of susceptibility were determined.
The anodic voltammetric behavior of 4-chlorophenol (4-CF) in aqueous solution has been studied on a Boron-doped diamond electrode using square wave voltammetry (SWV). After optimization of the experimental conditions, 4-CF was analyzed in pure and natural waters using a Britton-Robinson buffer with pH = 6.0 as the supporting electrolyte. Oxidation occurs at 0.80 V vs Ag/AgCl in a two-electron process controlled by adsorption of the species. The detection limits obtained were 6.4 µg L-1 in pure water and 21.5 µg L-1 for polluted water taken from a local creek, respectively. The combination of square wave voltammetry and diamond electrodes is an interesting and desirable alternative for analytical determinations.
After an introductory discussion emphasising the importance of electrochemistry for the so-called Green Chemical Processes, the article presents a short discussion of the classical ozone generation technologies. Next a revision of the electrochemical ozone production technology focusing on such aspects as: fundamentals, latest advances, advantages and limitations of this technology is presented. Recent results about fundamentals of electrochemical ozone production obtained in our laboratory, using different electrode materials (e.g. boron doped diamond electrodes, lead dioxide and DSAÒ-based electrodes) also are presented. Different chemical processes of interest to the solution of environmental problems involving ozone are discussed.
This review presents a brief account concerning the production, characterization and evolution of the knowledge in the area of diamond and boron-doped diamond films. The most important methods used for the growth of these films, such as chemical vapor deposition and high pressure/high temperature systems, as well as the several kinds of reactors which can be employed are reviewed. However, larger emphasis is given to the CVD method. Morphological, structural and electric properties of these films, as well as their role in the performance of voltammetric electrodes for electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry are also discussed.
A boron-doped diamond electrode is used for determination of Mn(II) in atmospheric particulate matter by square wave cathodic stripping voltammetry. The analytical curve was linear for Mn(II) concentrations between 5.0 and 37.5 µg L-1, with quantification limit of 3.6 µg L-1. The precision was evaluated by the relative standard deviation, with values between 5.1% and 9.3%. The electrode is free of adsorption, minimizing memory effects. Samples collected in the workplace atmosphere of a foundry had Mn(II) concentrations between 0.4 and 4 µg m-3. No significant differences were observed between the proposed method and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy.
The goal of this work is to show the use of undoped nanodiamond films as a new material for electrochemical and aerospace applications. Correlation between the applications and physico-chemical features of nano and conventional CVD polycrystalline diamond films are presented. An important and innovative application of these nanodiamonds is organic electrosynthesis, including pharmaceutical and water disinfection products, as well as electroanalytical applications, for example, development of biosensors for detection of glucose, glutamate and dopamine. In aeronautics and space developments, these nanodiamonds could be used as electrodes in rechargable batteries and in tribological investigations.