22 resultados para Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Objetivou-se identificar o enfermeiro na força de trabalho de Enfermagem em Saúde Pública, no Departamento Regional de Saúde - 6 de Ribeirão Preto da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, destacando e analisando alguns aspectos que o caracterizam. Utilizou-se, como fonte primária e direta de coleta de dados, questionário contendo dados de identificação, nível de formação, progressão funcional, funções, expectativas futuras quanto ao exercício profissional e filiação a órgãos de classe. O total do grupo estudado foi de 35 indivíduos do sexo feminino, predominando: grupo etário de 20 a 30 anos (40,0%); casados (51,5%); tempo de serviço entre zero e 15 anos (77,2%). Com referência à sua interproporcionalidade com as demais categorias, as enfermeiras se distribuíam nas seguintes relações: 1 enfermeira/13,5 pessoal auxiliar e 1 enfermeira/9,1 médicos. Quanto à formação profissional, 71,5% realizaram habilitação em Enfermagem em Saúde Pública e 8,6% Especialização em Saúde Pública. Não havia para as enfermeiras carreira nem quadro e seus vencimentos estavam entre 2 e 7 salários mínimos e apenas uma com 10. A função administrativa é exercida por todas as enfermeiras com predomínio de freqüência entre as inspetoras e de CS, 68,5%. As enfermeiras sentem-se preparadas para participar dos programas de assistência primária e 84,3% delas pretendem permanecer em exercício até sua aposentadoria.
OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue investigar la colonización por triatominos en ambientes domésticos y peridomésticos y evaluar la seroprevalencia de infectados chagásicos en localidades rurales. MÉTODOS: La investigación se realizó en General Paz, Corrientes, Argentina. Las viviendas y peridomicilios se seleccionaron mediante un muestreo simple al azar. La búsqueda de triatominos se efectuó por el método captura/hora/hombre. Los insectos se identificaron taxonómicamente y se clasificaron según sexo y edad. La infección por Trypanosoma cruzi se detectó por observación directa de las heces al microscopio y por la técnica de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Se evaluaron serológicamente a pobladores voluntarios mediante las técnicas de hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI) y ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA). Se hallaron los índices de infestación, densidad, colonización, infección natural y dispersión. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 42 viviendas y 50 peridomicilios. En el domicilio los índices de infestación e infección de Triatoma infestans fueron 23,8 y 19,4 respectivamente. Los índices de densidad, colonización y dispersión fueron 2,1; 47,0 y 50,0 respectivamente. La infestación del peridomicilio por T. infestans fue 5,9% y por T. sordida 11,8%. T. sordida resultó infectada por Trypanosoma cruzi en un 2,0%. La seroprevalencia al T. cruzi de los 85 pacientes fue del 22,3%. CONCLUSIONES: Se estima que en el área investigada la transmisión del T. cruzi está interrumpida. Sin embargo, la presencia de infectados humanos y de T. infestans parasitadas posibilitan el reinicio del ciclo de transmisión. Se proponen acciones de rociado con insecticidas con el objeto de eliminar las poblaciones del vector.
As autoras apresentam as perspectivas para o ensino do Departamento de Enfermagem Materno-Infantil e Psiquiátrica da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, a partir de considerações sobre a estrutura e características do trabalho desenvolvido. Analisando o conceito vocação, apresentam a tendência humanística que norteia todo o processo de trabalho do Departamento.
A rotina de uma biblioteca universitária de médio para grande porte pode perder de vista os interesses de seus clientes: os usuários. Diante de um aporte de verba, enviam-se memorandos pedindo aos departamentos da instituição listas de itens que gostariam de ver adquiridos. Muitas vezes, os membros do departamento são pegos de surpresa e suas listas são feitas às pressas. Este trabalho apresenta uma medotologia para um sistema interativo de sugestões aos usuários para facilitar a aquisição. Tais sugestões se basearão nos indicativos de necessidades dos próprios usuários, em seus trabalhos científicos. Para a validação inicial, realizou-se experimento em um departamento universitário utilizando a metodologia proposta, na qual acertamos mais de 41% dos itens desejados pelos membros do departamento em estudo.
This paper analyses the scientific contribution of chemists and of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) and its publications to the development of Oceanography in Brazil, as well as major drivers of this participation. A total of 528 articles were analyzed. Most articles (72%) originated in research groups not associated with graduate programs in oceanography. Nearly 50% dealt with the contamination of the marine environment, followed by chemical process studies (32%) and analytical methods development (15%). SBQ journals contributed with 78 articles (14.7% of the total), and rank 1st (QN) and 2nd (JBCS) among scientific journals publishing the analyzed articles.
The marine environment is certainly one of the most complex systems to study, not only because of the challenges posed by the nature of the waters, but especially due to the interactions of physical, chemical and biological processes that control the cycles of the elements. Together with analytical chemists, oceanographers have been making a great effort in the advancement of knowledge of the distribution patterns of trace elements and processes that determine their biogeochemical cycles and influences on the climate of the planet. The international academic community is now in prime position to perform the first study on a global scale for observation of trace elements and their isotopes in the marine environment (GEOTRACES) and to evaluate the effects of major global changes associated with the influences of megacities distributed around the globe. This action can only be performed due to the development of highly sensitive detection methods and the use of clean sampling and handling techniques, together with a joint international program working toward the clear objective of expanding the frontiers of the biogeochemistry of the oceans and related topics, including climate change issues and ocean acidification associated with alterations in the carbon cycle. It is expected that the oceanographic data produced this coming decade will allow a better understanding of biogeochemical cycles, and especially the assessment of changes in trace elements and contaminants in the oceans due to anthropogenic influences, as well as its effects on ecosystems and climate. Computational models are to be constructed to simulate the conditions and processes of the modern oceans and to allow predictions. The environmental changes arising from human activity since the 18th century (also called the Anthropocene) have made the Earth System even more complex. Anthropogenic activities have altered both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and the legacy of these impacts in the oceans include: a) pollution of the marine environment by solid waste, including plastics; b) pollution by chemical and medical (including those for veterinary use) substances such as hormones, antibiotics, legal and illegal drugs, leading to possible endocrine disruption of marine organisms; and c) ocean acidification, the collateral effect of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, irreversible in the human life time scale. Unfortunately, the anthropogenic alteration of the hydrosphere due to inputs of plastics, metal, hydrocarbons, contaminants of emerging concern and even with formerly "exotic" trace elements, such us rare earth elements is likely to accelerate in the near future. These emerging contaminants would likely soon present difficulties for studies in pristine environments. All this knowledge brings with it a great responsibility: helping to envisage viable adaptation and mitigation solutions to the problems identified. The greatest challenge faced by Brazil is currently to create a framework project to develop education, science and technology applied to oceanography and related areas. This framework would strengthen the present working groups and enhance capacity building, allowing a broader Brazilian participation in joint international actions and scientific programs. Recently, the establishment of the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs) for marine science, and the creation of the National Institute of Oceanographic and Hydrological Research represent an exemplary start. However, the participation of the Brazilian academic community in the latest assaults on the frontier of chemical oceanography is extremely limited, largely due to: i. absence of physical infrastructure for the preparation and processing of field samples at ultra-trace level; ii. limited access to oceanographic cruises, due to the small number of Brazilian vessels and/or absence of "clean" laboratories on board; iii. restricted international cooperation; iv. limited analytical capacity of Brazilian institutions for the analysis of trace elements in seawater; v. high cost of ultrapure reagents associated with processing a large number of samples, and vi. lack of qualified technical staff. Advances in knowledge, analytic capabilities and the increasing availability of analytical resources available today offer favorable conditions for chemical oceanography to grow. The Brazilian academic community is maturing and willing to play a role in strengthening the marine science research programs by connecting them with educational and technological initiatives in order to preserve the oceans and to promote the development of society.