14 resultados para David, Gérard, approximately 1460-1523.

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Este artigo busca uma compreensão da trajetória do antropólogo britânico, radicado nos EUA, David Maybury-Lewis. Aborda aspectos de sua formação intelectual, que envolveram uma longa pesquisa entre os Xavante e um estudo comparativo sobre os povos de língua jê e bororo do Brasil Central. Maybury-Lewis é um nome central para o desenvolvimento de um "americanismo tropical". Entre suas contribuições etnográficas e teóricas, pode-se citar a elaboração de um modelo analítico jê e bororo, a renovação dos estudos de parentesco e a reflexão sobre a relação entre povos indígenas e o Estado. Um tema parece, com efeito, permear a sua obra: o das organizações dualistas. Não por menos, esse foi o motivo de um longo debate com a obra de Lévi-Strauss, que será aqui destacado.


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To establish the relationships of the lizard- and mammal-infecting Leishmania, we characterized the intergenic spacer region of ribosomal RNA genes from L. tarentolae and L. hoogstraali. The organization of these regions is similar to those of other eukaryotes. The intergenic spacer region was approximately 4 kb in L. tarentolae and 5.5 kb in L. hoogstraali. The size difference was due to a greater number of 63-bp repetitive elements in the latter species. This region also contained another element, repeated twice, that had an inverted octanucleotide with the potential to form a stem-loop structure that could be involved in transcription termination or processing events. The ribosomal RNA gene localization showed a distinct pattern with one chromosomal band (2.2 Mb) for L. tarentolae and two (1.5 and 1.3 Mb) for L. hoogstraali. The study also showed sequence differences in the external transcribed region that could be used to distinguish lizard Leishmania from the mammalian Leishmania. The intergenic spacer region structure features found among Leishmania species indicated that lizard and mammalian Leishmania are closely related and support the inclusion of lizard-infecting species into the subgenus Sauroleishmania proposed by Saf'janova in 1982.


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Based on the results of comparative analyses of 1,039 specimens of several progenies of Anopheles nuneztovarifrom three localities in Colombia, eight costal wing spot patterns were observed. Patterns I and III were the most frequent: 77.96% and 11.36%, respectively. Using the diagnostic characters ratio of the length of the basal dark area of hind tarsomere II/length of hind tarsomere II, ratio of the length of the humeral pale spot/length of the pre-humeral dark spot, and the ratio of the length of the subcostal pale spot/length of the distal sector dark spot (DS-III2/Ta-III2, HP/PHD, SCP/DSD) approximately 5% of the adult females were misidentified as a species of Nyssorhynchus, different from An. nuneztovari. Approximately 5% of the specimens showed DS-III2/Ta-III2 ratio less than 0.25 (range 0.21 - 0.24), and among them 3.34% shared a HP/PHD ratio less than 1.50. Consequently, 1.52% of An. nuneztovari individuals can be misidentified as Anopheles oswaldoi. In those specimens with the DS-III2/Ta-III2 ratios higher than 0.25, 34.45% displayed SCP/DSD values greater than 0.50 and of these, 3.65% displayed HP/PHD values greater than 1.8. This combination of characters could lead one to misidentify samples of An. nuneztovari as Anopheles rangeli. Similarly, 2.43% of the females could be identified erroneously as either Anopheles aquasalis or Anopheles benarrochi. Individuals with a HP/PHD ratio greater than 2.0, could be misidentified as Anopheles trinkae, Anopheles strodei or Anopheles evansae. A distinct combination of diagnostic characters for An. nuneztovari from Colombia is proposed.


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CA88 is the first long nuclear repetitive DNA sequence identified in the blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni. The assembled S. mansoni sequence, which contains the CA88 repeat, has 8,887 nucleotides and at least three repeat units of approximately 360 bp. In addition, CA88 also possesses an internal CA microsatellite, identified as SmBr18. Both PCR and BLAST analysis have been used to analyse and confirm the CA88 sequence in other S. mansoni sequences in the public database. PCR-acquired nuclear repetitive DNA sequence profiles from nine Schistosoma species were used to classify this organism into four genotypes. Included among the nine species analysed were five sequences of both African and Asian lineages that are known to infect humans. Within these genotypes, three of them refer to recognised species groups. A panel of four microsatellite loci, including SmBr18 and three previously published loci, has been used to characterise the nine Schistosoma species. Each species has been identified and classified based on its CA88 DNA fingerprint profile. Furthermore, microsatellite sequences and intra-specific variation have also been observed within the nine Schistosoma species sequences. Taken together, these results support the use of these markers in studying the population dynamics of Schistosoma isolates from endemic areas and also provide new methods for investigating the relationships between different populations of parasites. In addition, these data also indicate that Schistosoma magrebowiei is not a sister taxon to Schistosoma mattheei, prompting a new designation to a basal clade.


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Trypanosoma cruziis the aetiological agent of Chagas disease, which affects approximately eight million people in the Americas. This parasite exhibits genetic variability, with at least six discrete typing units broadly distributed in the American continent. T. cruziI (TcI) shows remarkable genetic diversity; a genotype linked to human infections and a domestic cycle of transmission have recently been identified, hence, this strain was named TcIDom. The aim of this work was to describe the spatiotemporal distribution of TcI subpopulations across humans, insect vectors and mammalian reservoirs in Colombia by means of molecular typing targeting the spliced leader intergenic region of mini-exon gene. We analysed 101 TcI isolates and observed a distribution of sylvatic TcI in 70% and TcIDom in 30%. In humans, the ratio was sylvatic TcI in 60% and TcIDom in 40%. In mammal reservoirs, the distribution corresponded to sylvatic TcI in 96% and TcIDom in 4%. Among insect vectors, sylvatic TcI was observed in 48% and TcIDom in 52%. In conclusion, the circulation of TcIDom is emerging in Colombia and this genotype is still adapting to the domestic cycle of transmission. The epidemiological and clinical implications of these findings are discussed herein.


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Ultramorphological features of the egg of Telmatoscopus albipunctatus (Williston) (Diptera, Psychodidae). Psychodidae flies, also known as sewage, sand and filter flies are important for medical and veterinary purposes. General information about life cycle and adult habits is available, but few species are known about the egg morphology. Therefore, in this study, the egg ultramorphology of Telmatoscopus albipunctatus (Williston, 1893) was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy to describe its structure, generating data for further comparison between different fly species and genera. General aspects of T. albipunctatus egg are similar to other Psychodidae; egg measuring approximately 0.4 mm in length and 0.1 mm in width. However, based on the continuous and discontinuous longitudinal ridge sculptures observed on the exochorion, which can be species-specific, we can infer that T. albipunctatus eggs can survive under dry or moist conditions, making their control much more difficult. Our data emphasize the advantages of the electron microscope approach in the study of the exochorion patterns. Eggshell morphology of T. albipunctatus can be used as basis for further studies and as a tool to compare different species of Psychodidae flies.


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The Brazilian East coast was intensely affected by deforestation, which drastically cut back the original biome. The possible impacts of this process on water resources are still unknown. The purpose of this study was an evaluation of the impacts of deforestation on the main water balance components of the Galo creek watershed, in the State of Espírito Santo, on the East coast of Brazil. Considering the real conditions of the watershed, the SWAT model was calibrated with data from 1997 to 2000 and validated for the period between 2001 and 2003. The calibration and validation processes were evaluated by the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient and by the statistical parameters (determination coefficient, slope coefficient and F test) of the regression model adjusted for estimated and measured flow data. After calibration and validation of the model, new simulations were carried out for three different land use scenarios: a scenario in compliance with the law (C1), assuming the preservation of PPAs (permanent preservation areas); an optimistic scenario (C2), which considers the watershed to be almost entirely covered by native vegetation; and a pessimistic scenario (C3), in which the watershed would be almost entirely covered by pasture. The scenarios C1, C2 and C3 represent a soil cover of native forest of 76, 97 and 0 %, respectively. The results were compared with the simulation, considering the real scenario (C0) with 54 % forest cover. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients were 0.65 and 0.70 for calibration and validation, respectively, indicating satisfactory results in the flow simulation. A mean reduction of 10 % of the native forest cover would cause a mean annual increase of approximately 11.5 mm in total runoff at the watershed outlet. Reforestation would ensure minimum flows in the dry period and regulate the maximum flow of the main watercourse of the watershed.


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O objetivo do texto é propor uma interpretação da obra de Hume que permita uma outra maneira de refutação ao contratualismo, diversa da refutação "oficial", baseada, aquela interpretação, no conceito de artifício, significativamente diferente do artifício criado pelos contratualistas, oposição esta a que a tradição de comentaristas da filosofia política humeana, de maneira geral, não faz referência, quando se trata da refutação ao contratualismo.


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O presente artigo analisa o uso abundante por Hume de ficções que relatam o que significaria para nós a ausência de experiência - ou porque esta ainda não existiria, ou porque, por algum motivo, ela não existira mais. Sugerimos que essas ficções, além de seu objetivo mais imediato de prestar o devido reconhecimento à experiência e ao hábito como únicos fundamentos possíveis de nossas inferências de causa e efeito, revelam a tensão permanente de nossa existência entre duas forças de atração: uma força que nos puxa em direção à regularidade e uniformidade das leis da natureza e da natureza humana, afastando-nos da singularidade, da pura diferença entre percepções atômicas e da indiferença original da imaginação; e uma outra, que apenas entrevemos, mas que se mantém como uma ameaça constante por trás de todas as associações, inferências, crenças e mecanismos de paixões: o reino da pura singularidade, a recaída na indiferença, a ruína da natureza humana.


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O processo de aprendizagem tem motivado, desde a Antigüidade, intensos debates. Dentre as diferentes teorias propostas tem ganho relevância, nos séculos XX e XXI, a concepção cognitivista de David Ausubel, na qual se assume que os mecanismos do aprender são mais eficientes em situações nas quais o estudante consegue, utilizando conhecimentos prévios, agregar e incorporar significado aos novos conteúdos, evitando-se, assim, que esse conhecimento recém-incorporado seja armazenado, por meio de associações ineptas, à estrutura cognitiva. No âmbito da educação médica, diante das imperiosas mudanças necessárias para a formação de um profissional que aprenda a aprender, a aprendizagem significativa permite uma genuína contextualização dos conhecimentos necessários à prática médica, facultando, portanto, um aprendizado mais efetivo e permitindo a atuação em um contexto complexo e interdisciplinar. Em conformidade com o exposto, o presente manuscrito objetiva apresentar a teoria da aprendizagem significativa, discutindo elementos da incorporação deste conceito à educação médica.


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El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar la figura del Pastor Protestante David Trumbull en la configuración del Frente anticlerical chileno de fines del siglo XIX. Se analizan los planteamientos fundamentales de Trumbull, respecto a la vinculación Política-Religión en temáticas críticas de época, como lo fueron la búsqueda de la Libertad de Culto y la participación de lo protestante en la construcción del Chile republicano. Es considerada la interrelación entre Masonería y Protestantismo a través de la figura de Trumbull, como un articulador de perspectivas doctrinalmente contradictorias, pero instrumentalmente posibles de ser ensambladas por causa de un objetivo común, la implementación del ideario liberal.


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This article critically resumes Ricardo's principle of comparative advantages pointing out internal coherence problems that have been neglected by the specialized literature. First, long-lasting disequilibria observed in the balance of trade seem incompatible with the idea that these disequilibria are caused by technical advances that change relative prices. Second, comparative advantages do not seem to work in an economy with a universally accepted commodity-money. Finally, the contradiction between the gold standard mechanisms, ruled by Smith's "Law of Reflux", and the quantitative theory of money, which is a necessary condition for the "second way" of the theory of comparative advantages.


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RESUMOEste artigo examina a análise de David Hume realizada em seu livro História da Inglaterra, da luta entre o parlamento e o rei James I sobre as finanças da coroa durante o primeiro trimestre do século XVII. Inicialmente, são apresentados os principais elementos políticos por trás da briga no coração do poder político da Inglaterra, seguidos por comentários do escritor escocês sobre as finanças reais, com ênfase nos seus pontos de vista sobre as receitas e despesas da Coroa durante o reinado de James I. No final são recuperados os fatores de longo prazo elencados como determinantes da nova postura parlamentar.