17 resultados para Davel, Jean Daniel Abraham, 1670-1723.

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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A comparação entre a História de Duas Viagens ao Brasil, de Jean de Léry, e Tristes trópicos, de Claude Lévi-Strauss, mostra entre os autores e suas narrativas acerca do Brasil numerosos paralelos. No modo de se relacionar com o Brasil, na descrição dos índios, na própria forma de construir seu texto, Léry aparece como um predecessor de Lévi-Strauss. Mais do que retomar a narrativa de Léry, Lévi-Strauss estabelece com ela um diálogo, no qual se pode também perceber as divergências de ponto de vista entre os autores, envoltas nas lembranças nostálgicas de ambos de suas estadas no Novo Mundo.


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Este trabalho discute os efeitos das mudanças do uso do solo na biogequímica dos rios da bacia de drenagem do rio Ji-Paraná (Rondônia). Nesta região, a distribuição espacial do desmatamento e das propriedades do solo resultam em sinais diferentes, possibilitando a divisão dos sistemas fluviais em três grupos: rios com águas pobres em íons e baixo impacto; rios com conteúdo iônico intermediário e impacto médio e rios com elevados conteúdo iônico e impacto antropogênico. As características biogeoquímicas dos rios têm relação significativa com a área de pasto, melhor parâmetro para prever a condutividade elétrica (r² = 0,87) e as concentrações de sódio (r² = 0,75), cloreto (r² = 0,69), potássio (r² = 0,63), fosfato (r² = 0.78), nitrogênio inorgânico (r² = 0.52), carbono inorgânico (r² = 0.81) e carbono orgânico (rain ² = 0.51) dissolvidos. Cálcio e magnésio tiveram sua variância explicada pelas características do solo e pastagem. Nossos resultados indicam que as mudanças observadas na micro-escala constituem "sinais biogeoquímicos" gerados pelo processamento do material nas margens dos rios. A medida em que os rios evoluem para ordens superiores, os sinais persistentes nos canais fluviais estão mais associdados às características da bacia de drenagem (solos e uso da terra). Apesar dos efeitos das mudanças observadas no uso do solo não serem ainda detectáveis na macro-escala (bacia amazônica), a disrupção da estrutura e funcionamento dos ecossistemas é detectável nas micro e meso escalas, com alterações significativas na ciclagem de nutrientes nos ecossistemas fluviais.


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Females of simuliid black flies are haematophagous insects and vectors of several pathogenic agents of human diseases such as the filarial worms Mansonella ozzardi and Onchocerca volvulus. The genus Cerqueirellum is one of the most important groups of vectors of mansonellosis and onchocerciasis diseases in South America, and the genera Coscaroniellum and Shelleyellum are phylogenetically close to Cerqueirellum. There is not yet an agreement among authors about the generic classification of the species which compose these three genera, being all lumped by some taxonomists within Psaroniocompsa. A cladistic analysis of all species of Coscaroniellum, Cerqueirellum, and Shelleyellum, based on 41 morphological characters were done. Species closely related to Cerqueirellum were included in the analysis. The genera Cerqueirellum, Coscaroniellum and Shelleyellum were demonstrated as consistent basal entities and well-defined monophyletic clades.


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A new species of the genus Cerqueirellum Py-Daniel, 1983 (Diptera: Simuliidae) is described. The adults are similar to the species C. oyapockense (Floch & Abonnenc, 1946) and C. roraimense (Nunes de Mello, 1974), of which the females are similar, and the males present discrete differences. The main differences of this new species to others of the genus Cerqueirellum are the integument of the larva recovered from stout spines and long cephalic trichomes in the pupa. Some females were infected with Mansonella ozzardii (Manson, 1897) (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) and probably transmit mansonelliasis in the Ituxi river, state of Amazonas, Brazil.


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In order to study the kinetics and composition of the polyclonal B-cell activation associated to malaria infection, antigen-specific and non-specific B-cell responses were evaluated in the spleens of mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii 17 XL or injected with lysed erythrocytes or plasma from P. yoelii infected mice or with P. falciparum culture supernatants. Spleen/body weigth ratio, numbers of nucleated spleen cells and Immunoglobulin-containing and Immunoglobulin-secreting cells increased progressively during the course of infection,in parallel to the parasitemia. A different pattern of kinetics was observed when anti-sheep red blood cell and anti-trinitrophenylated-sheep red blood cell plaque forming cells response were studied: maximum values were observed at early stages of infection, whereas the number of total Immunoglobulin-containing and Immunoglobulin-secreting cells were not yet altered. Conversely, at the end of infection, when these latter values reached their maximum, the anti-sheep red blood cell and anti-trinitrophenylated-sheep red blood cell specific responses were normal or even infranormal. In mice injected with Plasmodium-derived material, a higher increase in antigen-specific PFC was observed, as compared to the increase of Immunoglobulin-containing and Immunoglobulin-secreting cell numbers. This suggested a "preferential" (antigen-plus mitogen-induced) stimulation of antigen-specific cells rather than a generalized non-specific (mitogen-induced) triggering of B-lymphocytes. On the basis of these and previous results, it is suggested that polyclonal B-cell activation that takes place during the course of infection appears as a result of successive waves of antigen-specific B-cell activation.


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The PyAG1 gene, identified by the screening of a Plasmodium yoelii genomic DNA library with a rhoptry-specific Mab, encodes a protein with a zinc finger structure immediately followed by the consensus sequence of the Arf GAP catalytic site. The serum of mice immunized with the recombinant protein recognized specifically the rhoptries of the late infected erythrocytic stages. Blast analysis using the Genbank database gave the highest scores with four proteins presenting an Arf1 GAP activity. If presenting also this activity, the PyAG1 protein could be involved in the regulation of the secreted protein vesicular transport and, consequently, in the rhoptry biogenesis.