12 resultados para Damour, Maurice (1873-1953)
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
A Revista de Antropologia, especialmente em sua primeira fase, publicou predominantemente estudos de etnologia. Faço aqui um rápido levantamento desse período inicial, sugerindo que esses estudos apresentam boas pistas para se escrever uma história da etnologia no Brasil. Lembro também que o jubileu da Revista coincidiria com o 90º aniversário de seu criador, Egon Schaden.
Estudou-se em laboratório a influência de duas diferentes fontes de alimentação sobre oviposição, eclosão dos ovos e tempo de vida de casais de Triatoma matogrossensis. Foram observados 68 casais separados em quatro diferentes grupos, com 20, 12, 20 e 16 casais, respectivamente. Os grupos A1 e A 2 foram alimentados em pombos e os grupos C1 e C 2 em coelhos. Os casais foram mantidos em estufa a 26o ± 2oC e UR de 60-80%, com fotoperíodo de 14 horas. O maior número de ovos postos foi encontrado no grupo A1. Não houve diferença na proporção de ovos eclodidos dos grupos alimentados em coelhos ou pombos. Não foram observadas diferenças de tempo de vida entre machos e fêmeas dos quatro grupos, entretanto o grupo A1 apresentou o maior tempo de sobrevivência e o grupo C2 o menor.
En la presente investigación se estima la edad y creecimiento de la pacora (Plagiosclon surinamensis), por medio de la comparación de los métodoe de distribución de frecuencias, marcas en las escamas y marcae en los otolitos; de esta comparación se concluye que la pacora forma tres anillos en las escamas por año y con base en este método, estableciendo los grupos de edad anuales, se calcula la ecuación de crecimiento de Von Bertalanffy, la cual se expressa de la siguiente manera:Lt (ram) = 775.1 * {1 - e -0.362 * (t - 0.0978)}. La relación talla-peso se calculó ordenando las tallas en intervalos de 10 ram y corresponde a la ecuación:Peso (gr) = 1.1 * 10-5 * L. E.(3.08), no encontrándose diferencias significativas entre el crecimiento de hembras y el de machos. Se complementa la investigación con información sobre tallas mínimas y medias de madurez sexual y espectro trófico de la especie en la parte baja de la cuenca del Río Magdalena y su plano inundable.
The present paper discusses the data obtained in shade and unshaded coffee plots at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The results, analysed statistically, can be summarized as follows: a) unshaded plots produced 17% more than shaded ones; b) the percentage of coffee berry borer infestation was higher in shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; c) the percentage of green (not ripened fruits) depends of the harvest time. When the harvest was retarded, the percentage of green fruits was higher in the shaded plots. When the percentage of green fruits was the same, both in shaded and unshaded plots, the percentage of ripened was higher and the percentage of dried fruits was lesser in the shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; d) other comparisons as production of dried grains by the field fruits, relation between dried fruits and dried grains and cup-test by expert coffee-taster, did not show differences among shaded and unshaded plots.
Se siguieron seis cohortes de Rhodnius neivai en el laboratorio a fin de evaluar estadisticamente su dinámica poblacional. Utilizamos dos fuentes alimentarias: gallina y conejo. Determinamos percentaje e eclosión de huevos, mortalidad y tiempo de desarrollo ninfal, longevidad y mortalidad edad-específica de adultos, fecundidad y fertilidad edad-especifica de hembras. Igualmente, evaluamos algunos parámetros poblacionales, como expectativa de vida, tasa intínseca de crecimiento natural, tasa neta de reporducción, tasa finita de crecimiento, valor reproductivo y distribución estable de edades. La duración del ciclo de vida fue mayor en los animales alimentados en conejo, la supervivencia ninfal fue ligeramente mayor en los individuos alimentados en gallina. La reproducción se inició antes en los ejemplares alimentados en gallina, pero el rendimiento reproductivo y la duración de la ovoposición fueron mayores en los alimentados en conejo. Las tasas intrínseca y finita de crecimientofueron mayores en los triatominos alimentados en gallina. El tiempo generacional fue ligeramente mayor en las cohortes alimentadas en conejo. La tasa neta de reproducción fue muy similar con ambas fuentes alimentarias, aunque ligeramente mayor en los ejemplares alimentados en conejo. El valor reproductivo en los alimentados en conejo fue el doble que en los insectos alimentados en gallina.
Biomphalaria prona from Lake Valencia, Venezuela (type locality) has a polymorphic shell wich in the great majority of specimens is wider, with fewer rapidly expanding whorls, the outer one subcarinate on the left side and more or less strongly deflected leftward. Besides those modal forms there are little frequent variants characterized by narrower shell with less rapidly expanding, regularly curved whorls directed forward. Recent studies have shown that such variants constitute the predominant shell phenotype in extralacustrine populations, but are anatomically and biochemically indistinguishable from the modal class of the Lake. In the present paper it is demonstrated that the nominal species Planorbis meridaensis Preston, 1907, from Mérida, Venezuela, is identical with B. prona (Martens, 1873) of wich it must be considered a junior synonym.
Changes in life tables of Rhodnius neivai due to variations of environmental temperature were studied, based on nine cohorts. Three cohorts were kept at 22°C, three at 27°C and three at 32°C. Cohorts were censused daily during nymphal instars and weekly in adults. Nine complete horizontal life tables were built. A high negative correlation between temperature and age at first laying was registered (r=-0,84). Age at maximum reproduction was significantly lower at 32°C. Average number of eggs/female/week and total eggs/female on its life time were significantly lower at 22°C. Total number of egg by cohort and total number of reproductive weeks were significantly higher at 27°C. At 32°C, generational time was significantly lower. At 27°C net reproductive rate and total reproductive value were significantly higher. At 22°C, intrinsic growth, finite growth and finite birth rates were significantly lower. At 22°C, death instantaneous rate was significantly higher.
The period of resistance to starvation and the loss of weight until death of Rhodnius neivai in all stages of development were studied. Work was based on experiments conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. One hundred specimens of each nymphal instar were observed: 50 were fed on chicken and 50 on rabbit. Adult females and males were kept together and fed on each host. All bugs were weighed weekly until death. Laid eggs were collected weekly and observed during five weeks to obtain hatchability. Resistance to starvation was similar with both hosts and increased with the evolutionary stage, excepting the 5th nymphal instar and adults. With both hosts, loss of weight was abrupt in the first week and steady in the following weeks. In adults, on the first weeks after eating, there was little or no mortality, after which mortality increased rapidly with the starving time. Reproductive output was higher in the bugs fed on rabbit. R. neivai is among the least resistant triatomine species.
This first of two papers allusive to the 200th birthday of Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) deals with the origins, life, education, ideas and influence of one of the great 19th century chemists. The principal characteristics of his "Giessen model of teaching research in chemistry" are presented, as well as the role played by many of his students in the evolution of chemical research in various countries. Liebig's strong personality, his controversies, his contribution to the chemical scene in Giessen and Munich are presented. Although few, the connections with Latin-American chemistry are focused.