32 resultados para Creepers (Birds)
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
We report data related to arbovirus antibodies detected in wild birds periodically captured from January 1978 to December 1990 in the counties of Salesópolis (Casa Grande Station), Itapetininga and Ribeira Valley, considering the different capture environments. Plasmas were examined using hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) tests. Only monotypic reactions were considered, except for two heterotypic reactions in which a significant difference in titer was observed for a determined virus of the same antigenic group. Among a total of 39,911 birds, 269 birds (0.7%) belonging to 66 species and 22 families were found to have a monotypic reaction for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), Western equine encephalitis (WEE), Ilheus (ILH), Rocio (ROC), St. Louis encephalitis (SLE), SP An 71686, or Caraparu (CAR) viruses. Analysis of the data provided information of epidemiologic interest with respect to these agents. Birds with positive serology were distributed among different habitats, with a predominance of unforested habitats. The greatest diversity of positive reactions was observed among species which concentrate in culture fields.
The prevalence of thermotolerant Campylobacter in diarrhoeic and healthy children as well as in dogs, hens, ducks and pigeons was determined in Southern Chile. Campylobacter were found in 34.5% of the faecal samples examined. The isolation rate of Campylobacter in diarrhoeic and healthy children was 16.3% and 6.4% respectively. Despite C.jejuni was always more frequent than C. coli, the latter was isolated with a high frequency (29%) from patients with diarrhoea. C.jejuni and C. coli biotypes I and II were found in healthy and diarrhoeic children and were predominant in all the animals species studied. This may point out towards the possible origin of strains infecting children.
The identification of the fungal species belonging to the healthy microflora in animals is a precondition for the recognition of pathological processes causing them. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of potentially pathogenic fungi in the feces of wild birds collected in Screening Centers. Samples were collected from the feces of 50 cages with different species of birds. The samples were processed according to the modified method STAIB and the plates incubated at 32 °C for up to ten days with daily observation for detection of fungal growth. The isolation of the following species was observed: Malassezia pachydermatis, Candida albicans, C. famata, C. guilliermondii, C. sphaerica, C. globosa, C. catenulata, C. ciferri, C. intermedia, Cryptococcus laurentii, Trichosporon asahii, Geotrichum klebahnii, Aspergillus spp., A. niger and Penicillium spp. Knowing the character of some opportunistic fungi is important in identifying them, facilitating the adoption of preventive measures, such as proper cleaning of cages, since the accumulation of excreta may indicate a risk for both health professionals and centers for screening public health.
SUMMARYMist-net captures of army ant-following bird were monitored during the isolation of central Amazonian forest fragments of 1 ha (n = 5), 10 ha (n = 4) and 100 ha (n = 1). Post-isolation captures of the three obligate ant-following birds Dendrocinela merula, Pithys albifrons, and Gymnopithys rufigula decreased significantly in all fragments. post-isolation captures of four facultative ant-following species were not significantly different in forest fragments of 1 ha and 10 ha, although two species decreased significantly in the 100 ha fragment. Experimental introductions of obligate species into small forest fragments in the absence and presence of introduced Eciton burchelli army ant colonies resulted in significantly greater recaptures of introduced birds when active army ant colonies were present. Of the 105 birds introduced, 58 ' 55%) crossed 100-320 m od dedorested area an were recaptured in continuous forest.
Modeling clays have been used in several ecological experiments and have proved to be an important tool to variables control. The objective of our study was to determine if fruit color in isolated and grouped displays influences the fruit selection by birds in the field using artificial fruits. Data were collected in six plots distributed homogeneously in 3 km long trails with a minimum distance of 0.5 km. We used a paired experimental design to establish our experiments, so that all treatments were available to the local bird community in each plot. Overall, red was more pecked than brown and white. Isolated red and brown displays were significantly more pecked than others display. Even though our study was conducted in small spatial scales, artificial fruits appeared to be efficient in register fruit consumption attempts by bird. Although inconclusive about selective forces that sharp the dynamics of fruit color polymorphisms and choice by frugivorous birds, our findings corroborate recent studies wherein birds showed preferences by high- over low-contrast fruit signals.
Schefflera morototoni fruits are important food source for neotropical frugivorous birds. The objectives of the present study were to record bird species that consumed fruits of S. morototoni in a forest in the transition Cerrado-Amazon Forest, Mato Grosso, Brazil and evaluate the potential of these bird species as seed dispersers of this plant species. During 31 observation hours, from November 1 to 5, 2011, 23 bird species were recorded consuming S. morototoni fruits. Out of these, 20 bird species were considered potential seed dispersers, as they swallow the fruits whole. The species consuming the greatest number of fruits were Aburria cujubi (24% of total consumed fruits), Pteroglossus castanotis (18%), Tangara palmarum (12%), Patagioenas speciosa (11%), Ramphastos toco (8%), and Dacnis lineata (5%). The species T. palmarum showed the highest visit frequency (VF = 1.51), followed by P. castanotis (VF = 0.80), and D. lineata (VF = 0.77). All bird species employed picking foraging method for removal of fruits and in 11 species (48%) this method was the only one used. Agonistic interactions represented 13% of the total number of visits. Dacnis lineata received the highest number of attacks and P. castanotis and Pitangus sulphuratus were the more aggressive species. The high bird richness and the great number of consumed fruits indicated that the fruits of S. morototoni may be an important food resource for birds in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition
A collection of chewing lice was studied from the Natural History Museum of the Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Twenty three samples from 16 bird species were examined. Included therein was a new species of the genus Plegadiphilus Bedford, 1939 which is described, illustrated and compared to P. cayennensis Emerson & Price, 1969. An updated list of chewing lice species recorded from birds of that state is presented.
Information on the breeding biology of birds is essential for improving avian life-history theory and implementing sound management and conservation actions for these organisms. Comprehensive reviews of this kind of information are lacking for most Neotropical regions, including Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost Brazilian state. Aiming to update the knowledge on the reproductive status of birds in Rio Grande do Sul, we reviewed breeding records of all potential breeding species recorded in the state using a set of predefined, restrictive criteria for accepting breeding evidences as effective. Data satisfying our criteria were available for 165 species in the literature. We also collected novel breeding information obtained in the state for an additional 126 species, including observations for several species whose reproductive biology is poorly known. Among these are birds previously unknown to breed in Brazil. This new data and the critical review of the previous information resulted in a total of 291 species for which breeding evidences are accepted as effective. This corresponds to 54.7% of the 532 species considered either confirmed or potential breeders in the state. In addition to providing information on nesting dates, clutch size, nest architecture and breeding behavior of south Brazilian birds, our review serves as a benchmark for the adequate assessment of avian breeding records elsewhere. We hope to stimulate observers to rigorously document breeding events, especially for taxa for which basic information is lacking.
A total of 3.449 birds, representing 195 species of 33 families from three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil, were examined for hematozoa during the period 1967-1972. Only 268 birds (7.8%) of 21 families harbored a blood parasite, which represented by species of Haemoproteus (3.5%), microfilaria (2.6%), Plasmodium (1.8%), Trypanosoma (0.8%) and Leucocytozoon (0.06%). The prevalence was similar in each of the six years of the study but a marked decrease in prevalence was noted in February and June of each year. The prevalence of parasitism was significantly different in each of the three areas sampled.
Brief comments are made on five species of nematodes: Skrjabinoclava tupacincai Freitas, Vicente & Ibáñez, 1970, Deliria gomesae Vicente, Pinto & Noronha, 1980, Ornithofilaria pitangi Vicente, Pinto & Noronha, 1980, Diplotriaena delirae Pinto & Noronha, 1970, Thelazia sp.; three species of trematodes: Lutztrema transversum (Travassos, 1917) Travassos, 1941, Lophosicyadiplostomum nephrocystis (Lutz, 1928) Dubois, 1937, Gynaecotyla jägerskiöldi (Travassos, 1920) Yamaguti, 1939; one species of cestode: Biuterina campanulata (Rudolphi, 1819) and one species of acanthocephala: Centrorhynchus opimus Travassos, 1921, that were studied in order to provide some data concerning the examined samples.
During recent studies of the parasites of birds from the Amazonian Regio, the following nematodes were recovered: Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp. from Opisthocomus hoazin (Muller, 1776); Ascaridia columbae (Gmel., 1790) Travassos, 1913, from Leptotila r. rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard, 1712) representing a new host record; Inglisakis ibanezi Freitas, Vicente & Santos, 1969, Cyrnea (C.) semilunaris (Molin, 1860) Seurat, 1914 and Thelazia digitata Travassos, 1918. A compelte description is restrained to the new genus and new species here proposed. The other known and well described species are listed and accounted.
Nematodes representing five species of the genus Heterakis, namely: H. inglisi n. sp., H. alata, H. gallinarum, H. spiculatus and one species of the genus Odontoterakis, O. multidentata, were studied. Heterakis inglisi n. sp. closely resembles H. spiculatus, differing from it by smaller size of spicules, precloacal sucker and terminal spike of the tail in the males. Heterakis arquata and H. brasiliana are only listed, for they were not found during the present study. Odontoterakis multidentata is reported in Brazil for the first time. New host records are estabilished for most of the species. These species are fully illustrated.
In the present paper, some species of nematodes from Brazilian parrots are studied: Aproctapyrrhurae. Ascaridia hermaphrodita, A. sergiomeirai, Pelecitus circularis and P. helicinus. Single female specimens of Pelecitus sp. and Thelazia sp. are presented. The male of P. circularis is fully illustrated, for the first time, since 1884. Ascaridia sergiomeirai is also restudied 59 years after proposition. New host records are estabilished. Remarks on other species of nematodes occuring in psittacid birds are included.