16 resultados para Companion to the almanac, or, Year-book of general information
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
We evaluated the in vitro phagocytic function and the production of microbicidal oxygen radicals by monocytes and neutrophils of 9 Chagas' heart disease subjects with heart failure and 9 without the syndrome in comparison with 11 healthy subjects, by assessing phagocytosis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and NBT reduction by peripheral blood phagocytes. Phagocytic index of monocytes of chagasics without heart failure was significantly 6.7 and 10.6 times lower than those of controls and chagasics with the congestive syndrome, respectively, due to a lesser engagement in phagocytosis and to an inability of these cells to ingest particles. Neutrophils also show in chagasics without heart failure PI 11.2 and 19.8 times lower than that of controls and chagasics with heart failure, respectively. The percent of NBT reduction was normal and similar for the three groups. Balanced opposite effects of cardiovascular and immune disturbances may be acting in Chagas' disease subjects with heart failure paradoxically recovering the altered phagocytic function.
ABSTRACT The successful in the implementation of wind turbines depends on several factors, including: the wind resource at the installation site, the equipment used, project acquisition and operational costs. In this paper, the production of electricity from two small wind turbines was compared through simulation using the computer software HOMER - a national model of 6kW and an imported one of 5kW. The wind resources in three different cities were considered: Campinas (SP/BR), Cubatão (São Paulo/BR) and Roscoe (Texas/ USA). A wind power system connected to the grid and a wind isolated system - batteries were evaluated. The results showed that the energy cost ($/kWh) is strongly dependent on the windmill characteristics and local wind resource. Regarding the isolated wind system – batteries, the full supply guarantee to the simulated electrical load is only achieved with a battery bank with many units and high number of wind turbines, due to the intermittency of wind power.
OBJECTIVE: Detect of cardiac alterations in children with AIDS and compare their evolution with the administration of only one anti-retroviral and the recent cases who received drugs in combination. METHODS: We prospectively studied 47 children in 3 groups: group 1, 20 cases treated only with zidovudine; group 2, 10 patients treated initially with zidovudine and later with a combination of drugs and in group 3, 17 patients, who receiced two or three since the beginning. In all patients it was done chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography every 6 months and after death complete pathological study. RESULTS: Among the 45 patients cases 26 (57%) were index cases. Malnutrition, diarrhea tachycardia, signs of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, abnormal ventricular repolarization and arrhythmias were more frequent in group 1. Echocardiographic abnormalities were present in 10 (50%) children of group 1. They were less frequent in the others two groups. In regard to the outcome in group 1, two patients had worsening of sings of cardiomyopaty and 4 died. Cardiac dysfunction in all cases of group 2 and 3 improved with the medication. CONCLUSION:- The children who received combination and their cardiac alterations had more favorable outcome than those who received only one drug.
This study explores the impact of Turkey's likely entry in the European Union (EU) in terms of the EU's foreign, security and defense policies. It reviews Turkish capabilities, namely its military capabilities, which could provide the EU with valuable defense assets. There are differences related to Turkey's relations with the EU, which have increasingly spilled over into the NATO, hindering the development of cooperation over crisis management operations. The article then delves in the implications of Turkey's strategic geographical location to EU policies. It reviews how far the EU and Turkey may have convergent interests in some of the neighboring regions, especially in the Middle East.
An isoenzymatic comparative analysis of the variability and genetics differentiation among Anopheles species was done in populations of An. (Nys.) intermedius and An. (Ano.) mattogrossensis of the Anopheles subgenus, and of An. darlingi, An. albitarsis and An. triannulatus of the Nyssorhynchus subgenus, with the aim of detecting differences between both subgenera and of estimating the degree of genetic intere specific divergence. Samples from Macapá, State of Amapá and Janauari Lake, near Manaus, State of Amazonas, were analyzed for eight isoenzymatic loci. Analysis revealed differences in the average number of alleles per locus (1.6-2.3) and heterozygosity (0.060-0.284). However, the proportion of polymorphic loci was the same for An. (Nys.) darlingi, An. (Nys.) triannulatus and An. (Ano.) mattogrossensis (50%), but differed for An. (Nys.) albitarsis (62.5%) and An. (Ano.) intermedius (25%). Only the IDH1 (P > 0.5) locus in all species studied was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The fixation index demonstrated elevated genetic structuring among species, based on values of Fst = 0.644 and genetic distance (0.344-0.989). Genetic difference was higher between An. (Nys.) triannulatus and An. (Ano.) intermedius (0.989) and smaller between An. (Nys.) albitarsis sensu lato and An. (Nys.) darlingi (0.344). The data show interspecific genetic divergence which differs from the phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological characters.
A key to 51 Australasian and Oceanian genera of Muscidae is given. The Catalogue of Australasian and Oceanian Diptera and its on line version last reviewed in May 2007 were used as taxonomic guides. Some more recently synonyms and taxonomic changes were updated. For each genus, a brief diagnosis, number of valid species in these regions and comments, when pertinent, are also included. Some morphological diagnostic characteres are illustrated in order to help the use of the key.
This study investigated the colour, proximate composition, bioactive compounds (phenolic and carotenoid contents), and antioxidant activity of the pulp of pequi from different regions of the Brazilian Savanna. The colour parameters and the lipid and carotenoid contents of the pulp were significantly different between the samples. The lipid content ranged from 135.4 to 322.5 g/kg. The pequi pulp showed high total phenolic content (1.8 to 3.3 mg GAE/g). The carotenoid amount ranged from 37 to 187 µg/g. The carotenoid content was significantly correlated with the colour and lipid content of the pequi pulp. The antioxidant activity showed a mean IC50 value of 197.9 µg/mL. The pequi pulp is rich in phenolic compounds and carotenoids and has a good antioxidant activity. Its colour is influenced by the carotenoid content, which can be predicted by regression models using routine colour parameters.
The objective of this research was to study the influence of factors related to the proper management of pig manure (lower dilution) and the season of the year in the progress of the co-composting of pig manure with wood shavings and in the final quality of the compost resulting from the treatments. In the first experiment, two types of swine manure were used: a diluted one (2% Dry Matter - DM), typical from the management usually used in Brazil, and a more concentrated one (6% DM). The manures were incorporated into the wood shavings (6L:1kg) over the course of four weeks. The development of composting was accompanied by monitoring of temperatures inside the piles and the emission of CO2 and CH4 gases during 65 days, including the period of incorporation. The results showed that the diluted manure does not provide the minimum conditions for starting the process. After the incorporation period, any biomass heating was observed and neither the aerobic or anaerobic respiration of the microorganisms, resulting in a compost with low quality. In the second experiment, which evaluated composting in winter and summer during 85 days, it was found that the heat exchange with the environment influences the temperature generated within the piles. The lower temperatures significantly reduced the methanogenesis on the biomass.
Risk factor surveillance is a complementary tool of morbidity and mortality surveillance that improves the likelihood that public health interventions are implemented in a timely fashion. The aim of this study was to identify population predictors of malaria outbreaks in endemic municipalities of Colombia with the goal of developing an early warning system for malaria outbreaks. We conducted a multiple-group, exploratory, ecological study at the municipal level. Each of the 290 municipalities with endemic malaria that we studied was classified according to the presence or absence of outbreaks. The measurement of variables was based on historic registries and logistic regression was performed to analyse the data. Altitude above sea level [odds ratio (OR) 3.65, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.34-9.98], variability in rainfall (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.40-2.44) and the proportion of inhabitants over 45 years of age (OR 0.17, 95% CI 0.08-0.38) were factors associated with malaria outbreaks in Colombian municipalities. The results suggest that environmental and demographic factors could have a significant ability to predict malaria outbreaks on the municipal level in Colombia. To advance the development of an early warning system, it will be necessary to adjust and standardise the collection of required data and to evaluate the accuracy of the forecast models.
The pathogenic potential of Blastocystis sp. in experimental models requires further investigation. In this work, the pathogenicity of this parasite in the gastrointestinal tract of male Swiss mice was evaluated according to the inoculum size and period of infection. Animals were infected intragastrically, with 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 Blastocystis sp. vacuolar forms obtained from a mixture of eight human isolates cultured axenically in Jones' medium. After seven, 14, 21, 28 and 60 days of infection, the animals were sacrificed and fragments of the small intestine (duodenum), large intestine, and cecum were subjected to histopathological analysis. Blastocystis sp. triggered an inflammatory response in the different tissues analyzed, with a predominance of mononuclear cells. The parasite was found in the muscular layer of the cecum, showing its invasive character. Larger inocula triggered inflammatory processes earlier (seven days) than smaller ones (from 21 days). We conclude that, in the proposed model, the pathogenicity of Blastocystis sp. isolates that were studied is related to inoculum size and period of infection.
To a large extent, control of malaria vectors relies on the elimination of breeding sites and the application of chemical agents. There are increasing problems associated with the use of synthetic insecticides for vector control, including the evolution of resistance, the high cost of developing and registering new insecticides and an awareness of pollution from insecticide residues. These factors have stimulated interest in the application of molecular biology to the study of mosquito vectors of malaria; focussing primarily on two aspects. First, the improvement of existing control measures through the development of simplified DNA probe systems suitable for identification of vectors of malaria. The development of synthetic, non-radioactive DNA probes suitable for identification of species in the Anopheles gambiae complex is described with the aim of defining a simplified methodology wich is suitable for entomologist in the field. The second aspect to be considered is the development of completely novel strategies through the development of completely novel strategies through the genetic manipulation of insect vectors of malaria in order to alter their ability to transmit the disease. The major requirements for producing transgenic mosquitoes are outlined together with the progress wich has been made to date and discussed in relation to the prospects which this type of approach has for the future control of malaria.
Soybean target leaf spot, caused by the fungus Corynespora cassiicola, is controlled especially by leaf application of fungicides. In the last seasons, in the central-west region of Brazil, the disease chemical control efficiency has been low. This led to the hypothesis that the control failure could be due to the reduction or loss of the fungus sensitivity to fungicides. To clarify this fact, in vitro experiments were conducted to determine mycelial sensitivity of five C. cassiicola isolates to fungicides. Mycelial growth was assessed based on the growth of the mycelium on the culture medium, in Petri dishes. The medium potato-dextrose-agar was supplemented with the concentrations 0; 0.01; 0.1; 1; 10; 20 and 40 mg/L of the active ingredients carbendazim, cyproconazole, epoxiconazole, flutriafol and tebuconazole. The experiment was conducted and repeated twice in a controlled environment, temperature of 25±2ºC and photoperiod of 12 hours. Data on the percentage of mycelial inhibition were subjected to logarithmic regression analysis and the concentration that inhibits 50% of the mycelial growth (IC50) was calculated. Loss of sensitivity to carbendazim was observed for three fungal isolates, IC50 > 40 mg/L. Considering all five isolates, the IC50 for tebuconazole ranged from 1.89 to 2.80 mg/L, for epoxiconazol from 2.25 to 2.91, for cyproconazole from 9.21 to 20.32 mg/L, and for flutriafol from 0.77 to 2.18 mg/L. In the absence of information on the reference IC50 determined for wild isolates, the lowest values generated in our study can be used as standard to monitor the fungus sensitivity.
Ryegrass is the main weed in wheat crop, causing yield loss due to competition by environmental resources. The objectives of this study were to estimate the fitness cost of ryegrass biotypes with low-level resistance and susceptible to fluazifop and to investigate the relative competitive ability of these biotypes between themselves and against the crop. Thus, fitness cost and competitive ability experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions. For the fitness cost experiments, the low-level resistant ryegrass biotypes and those susceptible to fluazifop were used. For competitive ability, the treatments were arranged in a replacement series, with five proportions of the wheat cultivar FUNDACEP Horizonte and the low-level resistant and susceptible ryegrass biotypes 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100. Competitive analysis was carried out through diagrams applied to the replacement experiments and use of relative competitiveness indices. Variables evaluated were plant height, in the fitness cost experiment, and leaf area and shoot dry biomass in both experiments. The ryegrass biotypes show overall similar fitness cost and competitive ability. The wheat cultivar FUNDACEP Horizonte is superior in competitive ability to the ryegrass biotype with low-level resistance and equivalent to the susceptible biotype.
Sorghum, pearl millet, and Brachiaria ruziziensis have similar characteristics which have led to their use for mulch formation in no-till systems. This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of these three species as straw suppliers to suppress weed emergence. Initial findings led to the conclusion that both pearl millet and Brachiaria ruziziensis have similar or superior potential as weed suppressors, compared to sorghum straw, a species with recognized allelopathic potential. Subsequently, new trials were conducted under greenhouse conditions by sowing weed species in pots, followed by covering of the soil with the straw under evaluation. Independent experiments were conducted for Euphorbia heterophylla and Bidens pilosa. In each experiment, the factors analyzed were type of straw (pearl millet and B. ruziziensis), amount of straw (equivalent to 4 and 8 t ha-1 dry mass) and irrigation method (surface and subsurface). Both pearl millet and B. ruziziensis have shown to be species that can be cultivated to produce straw with allelopathic potential. These effects were effective in suppressing the emergence or early growth of E. heterophylla and B. pilosa. There was no difference in the suppression of emergence of these species when the soil cover level was alternated between 4 and 8 t ha-1 dry mass.
Six wheat genotypes and their F1 and F2 generations were exposed to the action of Helminthosporium sativum culture filtrates to examine the genetics of hexaploid wheat resistance. The objective was to improve the efficiency of breeding programs by identifying the action and number of genes involved in the resistance. The varied response of the tested genotypes to the culture filtrates allowed division of the genotypes into four groups: resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible. This variability was detected in the progeny, suggesting that the parents have distinct genetic constitutions. Additive gene action predominated and genetic gain was shown to be possible through selection. The genetic control of the resistance trait seems to be complex because of the presence of gene interaction and the difficulty of eliminating the environmental effects. The inheritance seems to be oligogenic