15 resultados para Churberg, Fanny,
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Foi avaliada a qualidade dos frutos de 29 acessos de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças (BGH-UFV) e de três cultivares comerciais, Santa Clara, Débora Plus e Fanny. As variáveis avaliadas foram: sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), pH e relação SS/AT. Foi observada, para os acessos, variação significativa das características avaliadas, com exceção do pH. Os acessos BGH700, BGH2000, BGH2008, BGH2013, BGH2014 e BGH2017 destacaram-se no que se refere ao teor de SS, tendo estes sido superiores em 4,2 ºBrix aos dos cultivares comerciais. Com relação à acidez titulável, os acessos BGH2013, BGH2019, BGH2020 e BGH2033 apresentaram os maiores valores, com acidez acima de 0,57%. Os cultivares comerciais foram alocados no grupo de menor acidez, com valores inferiores a 0,46%. Para a relação SS/AT, destacaram-se os acessos BGH700, BGH2000, BGH2008 e o cultivar comercial Débora Plus com valores de 11,1; 11,9; 10,9; e 10,0, respectivamente.
Understanding the genetic variability of a species is crucial for the progress of a genetic breeding program and requires characterization and evaluation of germplasm. This study aimed to characterize and evaluate 101 tomato subsamples of the Salad group (fresh market) and two commercial controls, one of the Salad group (cv. Fanny) and another of the Santa Cruz group (cv. Santa Clara). Four experiments were conducted in a randomized block design with three replications and five plants per plot. The joint analysis of variance was performed and characteristics with significant complex interaction between control and experiment were excluded. Subsequently, the multicollinearity diagnostic test was carried out and characteristics that contributed to severe multicollinearity were excluded. The relative importance of each characteristics for genetic divergence was calculated by the Singh's method (Singh, 1981), and the less important ones were excluded according to Garcia (1998). Results showed large genetic divergence among the subsamples for morphological, agronomic and organoleptic characteristics, indicating potential for genetic improvement. The characteristics total soluble solids, mean number of good fruits per plant, endocarp thickness, mean mass of marketable fruit per plant, total acidity, mean number of unmarketable fruit per plant, internode diameter, internode length, main stem thickness and leaf width contributed little to the genetic divergence between the subsamples and may be excluded in future studies.
Estudou-se uma população de 349 mulheres que deram à luz no período de 01/05/86 a 31/07/86, num Serviço de Obstetrícia da Grande São Paulo. Os resultados revelam que o grupo de gestantes adolescentes (22,2%) teve uma assistência pré-natal deficiente, já que a grande maioria (70,6%) teve a primeira consulta no segundo trimestre, tendo em média duas consultas. Durante a gestação, este grupo apresentou menor incidência de patologias com tratamento ambulatorial (39,3%) e hospitalar (7,9%), em comparação com as gestantes adultas (44,4% e 14,7%, respectivamente). Em relação ao tipo de parto, as adolescentes apresentaram maior proporção de partos operatórios, sendo 25,7% por fórceps e 22,9% cesárea, contra 14,7% e 19,7% nas gestantes adultas, respectivamente. Verificou-se nas gestantes adolescentes maior proporção de intercorrências intraparto (12,9% contra 8,2% nas gestantes adultas), predominando neste período a hemorragia e a toxemia. Quanto as intercorrências no puerpério, estas se verificaram em 15,7% das gestantes adolescentes e era 11,8% das adultas, sendo a anemia pós-parto, a toxemia e a infecção puerperal as patologias mais comuns.
The relationship between the hygienic habits of children who had typhoid fever (TF) who had recently begun attending school and their family group, is assessed. It is supposed that children, independently of their SES, acquired TF because of inadequate habits which facilitated the oral-fecal cycle. The sample was formed of 40 child-mother dyads: 20 of low SES (group A) and 20 of high SES (group B), the child of each of which had had TF. Results showed that the hygienic habits of children with respect to the oral-fecal cycle, their perception of school toilet cleanliness as well as the mothers' explanation of their children's hygienic habits is very similar in the two groups. The importance of these results is that the SES is seem to be irrelevant in the case of TF but that the hygienic habits of the children are of importance. Public health policy should be modified to include the teaching of proper hygienic habits (oral-fecal cycle).
São analisados o conhecimento e a utilização de métodos anticoncepcionais por adolescentes. Foram levantados os dados a partir de prontuários médicos e de entrevistas relativos a 78 adolescentes puérperas (parto ou aborto), atendidas em um serviço de obstetrícia do Município de Cotia, SP (Brasil), no período de 1/5/86 a 31/7/86. Do total de adolescentes estudadas, 61,5% tinham algum tipo de conhecimento sobre métodos anticoncepcionais, conhecimento este influenciado por fatores tais como idade, escolaridade, paridade e estado marital. As fontes de informação mais procuradas foram os amigos, os parentes e os parceiros, nesta ordem; as menos procuradas foram os profissionais de saúde. Somente uma em cada dez adolescentes usava algum tipo de anticoncepcional, sendo os mais prevalentes a pílula, o método Ogino-Knauss, preservativos e o coito interrompido. Em 100% dos casos de utilização destes métodos houve indicação por parte de pessoas do grupo social das adolescentes, sendo os anticoncepcionais adquiridos no comércio, sem nenhum controle de saúde.
The relationship between asymptomatic shedding of bacterial enteropathogens and the hygiene habits of families who have had a child with typhoid fever (TF) are investigated. The sample was made up of 80 families: 40 families in which one child had had TF (Group A) and 40 in which no children or either of the parents had had a history of TF (Group B). In each group 20 families belonged to a low socieconomic status (SES) and 20 to a high SES. A structured interview was used to evaluate the SES and the hygiene habits of the child; observations were made to measure the hygiene habits of the family (toilet, kitchen and food preparation) and bacteriological studies (fecal samples and hand markers). Results show that carriers were more frequent in Group A than in Group B. The bacterial species found were significantly more numerous in Group A than in Group B (fecal samples: E. coli, the classic serotypes, Shigella ssp, and hand markers: E. coli). Families of Group A had higher carriage rates than those of Group B. Finally there exists a significantly higher association between inadequate hygiene habits and carrier families. These results show the need to teach specific habits of proper hygiene to the entire population, because the fact of belonging to the high SES does not in itself preclude inadequate hygiene habits.
The goal this follow-up study was to relate the mother's marital satisfaction to family health status in a low SES. The random sample was made up of 30 families with children under 7 years old: 15 considered as sick (Group A) and 15 as healthy (Group B). Both group had similar demographic characteristics (age of father and mother, persons per family group and age of children) and SES. Results showed that mothers were those mainly in charge of their family groups. Mothers of Group A were significantly less understanding and more dissatisfied than those of Group B ( p < .05 and p < .01). Mothers of Group A had significantly more arguments with their partners than those of Group B (p < .006). Health care was learned less from the child's own mother in group A than in B (p < .05). Health was considered by mothers of Group A as something that "must be taken care of" more than by those of Group B (p < .01). The behaviours of mothers in choosing one of the health systems was similar in both groups. Dissatisfied mothers were associated more with sick family members during the 6 month follow-up. It is suggested that the satisfaction of the mother is a factor that needs further investigation because health is managed by mothers is the large majority of families.
The genus Leishmania includes 30 described species which infect a wide variety of mammalian hosts. The precise identification of leishmanial parasites at the species level is very important in order to determine whether an organism, causing the disease in a given area, is of the same biotype as that found in suspected mammalian reservoirs. The objectives of the present study were (1) to identify leishmanial parasites isolated from humans and wild rodents from the State of Campeche, an endemic focus of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) in southern Mexico, using an indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA) with monoclonal antibodies (Mabs); and (2) to determine if the parasites of the two types of hosts were of the same biotype. All the wild rodents (six Ototylomys phyllotis, eight Oryzomys melanotis, five Peromyscus yucatanicus and two Sigmodon hispidus) and 96% (24/25) of the human isolates were identified as Leishmania (L.) mexicana confirming that this specific LCL focus is a wild zoonosis. The presence of one human isolate of L. (Viannia) braziliensis in the State of Campeche, confirmed the importance of an accurate taxonomic identification at species level.
The malarial GBP 130 protein binds weakly to intact human erythrocytes; the binding sites seem to be located in the repeat region and this region's antibodies block the merozoite invasion. A peptide from this region (residues from 701 to 720) which binds to human erythrocytes was identified. This peptide named 2220 did not bind to sialic acid; the binding site on human erythrocyte was affected by treatment with trypsin but not by chymotrypsin. The peptide was able to inhibit Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion of erythrocytes. The residues F701, K703, L705, T706, E713 (FYKILTNTDPNDEVERDNAD) were found to be critical for peptide binding to erythrocytes.
Alternative, non-microscopic methods for the diagnosis of malaria have recently become available. Among these, rapid dipstick methods stand out. One such test, OptiMAL®, is based on the immunochromatographic detection of Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) and has the capacity to detect and distinguish infections caused by P. falciparum and Plasmodium sp. This capacity is particularly important in countries where different species of Plasmodium co-exist. In this study we evaluated the performance of OptiMAL® in an urban referral center for malaria diagnosis. Two sets of patients were included: one (n = 112) having predetermined infections with P. falciparum or P. vivax and individuals with negative blood smears; and another consisting of all eligible consecutive patients (n = 80) consulting for diagnosis at the referral center during one month. The overall diagnostic efficiency of OptiMAL® for both sets of patients was 96.9%. Efficiency was higher for P. vivax (98.1%) than for P. falciparum (94.9%). These results corroborate the diagnostic utility of OptiMAL® in settings where P. vivax and P. falciparum co-exist and support its implementation where microscopic diagnosis is unavailable and in circumstances that exceed the capacity of the local microscopic diagnosis facility.
Vaccines have had an unquestionable impact on public health during the last century. The most likely reason for the success of vaccines is the robust protective properties of specific antibodies. However, antibodies exert a strong selective pressure and many microorganisms, such as the obligatory intracellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, have been selected to survive in their presence. Although the host develops a strong immune response to T. cruzi, they do not clear the infection and instead progress to the chronic phase of the disease. Parasite persistence during the chronic phase of infection is now considered the main factor contributing to the chronic symptoms of the disease. Based on this finding, containment of parasite growth and survival may be one method to avoid the immunopathology of the chronic phase. In this context, vaccinologists have looked over the past 20 years for other immune effector mechanisms that could eliminate these antibody-resistant pathogens. We and others have tested the hypothesis that non-antibody-mediated cellular immune responses (CD4+ Th1 and CD8+ Tc1 cells) to specific parasite antigens/genes expressed by T. cruzi could indeed be used for the purpose of vaccination. This hypothesis was confirmed in different mouse models, indicating a possible path for vaccine development.
A new trypanosomatid species, Blastocrithidia cyrtomeni, is herein described using morphological and molecular data. It was found parasitising the alimentary tract of the insect host Cyrtomenus bergi, a polyphagous pest. The morphology of B. cyrtomeni was investigated using light and transmission microscopy and molecular phylogeny was inferred from the sequences of spliced leader RNA (SL rRNA) - 5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene. Epimastigotes of variable size with straphanger cysts adhering to the middle of the flagellum were observed in the intestinal tract, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules. Kinetoplasts were always observed anterior to the nucleus. The ultrastructure of longitudinal sections of epimastigotes showed the flagellum arising laterally from a relatively shallow flagellar pocket near the kinetoplast. SL RNA and 5S rRNA gene repeats were positive in all cases, producing a 0.8-kb band. The amplicons were 797-803 bp long with > 98.5% identity, indicating that they originated from the same organism. According to the sequence analysis of the SL-5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S SSU rRNA gene, B. cyrtomeni is different from all other known species or isolates of Trypanosomatidae. Both analyses indicate that among known species, it is most closely related to Blastocrithidia triatomae.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o número de colheitas necessárias à predição do desempenho de genótipos de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) submetidos ao cultivo em ambiente protegido. Os genótipos Empire, Fanny, Floradade e Olympo foram transplantados em 3/10/2002 (primeira época), sendo realizadas 11 colheitas, e os genótipos Empire, Rodas, Floradade e Olympo foram transplantados em 28/2/2003 (segunda época), sendo efetuadas 14 colheitas. As colheitas foram realizadas em intervalos de três a quatro dias. As avaliações foram constituídas por massa de frutos bons (MFB), número de frutos bons (NFB), relação MFB/NFB, massa de frutos danificados (MFD), número de frutos danificados (NFD) e relação MFD/NFD. As estimativas dos coeficientes de repetibilidade foram calculadas por três métodos - análise da variância, componentes principais e análise estrutural. Até sete colheitas, aproximadamente a primeira metade, independentemente da época de cultivo, é possível identificar genótipos superiores em relação às características de produção de tomate, com 90% de exatidão no prognóstico de seu valor real.
A brusone é a principal doença da cultura do arroz irrigado e pode comprometer até 100% da produção de grãos de algumas lavouras isoladas nos casos de ataques epidêmicos. A melhor forma para o controle desta doença é o emprego da resistência genética, por ser mais econômica. O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a herdabilidade, número de genes e ação gênica na herança do caráter da resistência à raça IA-1abd de Pyricularia grisea de genótipos de arroz. A inoculação do fungo foi realizada sobre as populações fixas (P1, P2, e F1) e segregantes (F2, RC1F1 e RC2F1) obtidas entre as cultivares BRS Atalanta, Fanny (suscetíveis), BRS 7 "Taim" e BRS Firmeza (resistentes). Os resultados evidenciaram dominância da ação gênica com base nas seis gerações (P1, P2, F1, F2, RC1F1 e RC2F1), o que confirma a presença de um gene com dois alelos. Nos cruzamentos recíprocos entre os genótipos observou-se que não houve presença do efeito materno. No cruzamento entre parentais resistentes à brusone (BRS 7 "Taim" e BRS Firmeza) não houve segregação nas gerações F2 e retrocruzamentos, sugerindo que ambos os genitores tem a mesma constituição genética para reação de resistência à raça IA-1abd. As gerações segregantes (F2 e RC1F1) de todos os cruzamentos entre genótipos resistentes e suscetíveis apresentaram probabilidades significativas para freqüência esperada de 3:1 e 1:1, respectivamente, o que sugere que estas cultivares, "Taim" e BRS Firmeza, possuem um gene dominante responsável pela expressão do caracter da reação de resistência.
O tomateiro, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., hortaliça de grande importância econômica para o Brasil, apresenta muitos problemas fitossanitários, dentre os quais as viroses. Os vírus associados à cultura no país pertencem aos gêneros Begomovirus, mais frequentemente relatado, Potyvirus, Cucumovirus, Tospovirus e Tobamovirus. No Ceará, apesar de relatos da incidência de viroses em tomateiros na Chapada da Ibiapaba, maior região produtora do estado, há escassez de informações sobre a situação atual da ocorrência de begomovírus, nas diversas lavouras daquele agropólo. Assim, foram objetivos deste trabalho: realizar levantamento da presença de begomovírus nas cultivares e híbridos de tomateiro explorados comercialmente na Ibiapaba; verificar a ocorrência de plantas daninhas infectadas e investigar a transmissão artificial de begomovírus isolados de tomateiro e de plantas daninhas para tomateiro. Os testes sorológicos e a PCR realizados detectaram begomovírus em 'Alambra', 'Densus', 'Monalisa', 'Santa Clara', 'Sheila', 'Sofia', 'Raisa-N' e 'TY- Fanny', cultivares e híbridos mais cultivados nas lavouras. Além de begomovírus, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) e Potato virus Y (PVY) foram também detectados. As plantas daninhas Amaranthus spinosus, A. viridis, Ageratum conyzoides e Bidens pilosa foram identificadas como hospedeiras naturais de begomovírus. A transmissão de begomovírus de tomateiro para tomateiro ocorreu em inoculações por enxertia e via extrato foliar e de plantas daninhas infectadas para tomateiros sadios somente por enxertia. O levantamento revelou que, à semelhança do que ocorre no restante do país, begomovírus são predominantes nas lavouras de tomate da Ibiapaba e que as plantas invasoras ali encontradas podem ser fontes de infecção viral para a cultura.