9 resultados para Cheverus, Jean-Louis-Anne-Madeleine Lefebvre de, 1768-1836.

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Na Reserva Florestal Walter Egler, localizada a 64 km de Manaus, no município de Rio Preto da Eva, foi investigada a ocorrência de Pteridófitas ao longo de uma toposseqüência. O grupo ocorre nos três ambientes observados na área (baixio, vertente e platô) com diferença tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativa. Foram registrados 375 indivíduos, distribuídos em oito famílias, 10 gêneros e 17 espécies; entre epífitas, hemiepífitas, herbáceas e arbóreas. Das 8 famílias, 4 ocorrem em todos os ambientes: Dennstaedtiaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Dryopteridaceae e Lomariopsidaceae, enquanto, Cyatheaceae e Vittariaceae ocorrem apenas no baixio. Das 17 espécies encontradas, sete ocorrem apenas no baixio, três na vertente e cinco são comuns em todos os ambientes.


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The most unique characteristic of a parasite when it is in its normal host is the ability to make itself tolerated, which clearly indicates that it has sophisticated means to ensure the neutrality of its host. This is true also in the case of Plasmodium falciparum, since after numerous malaria attacks an equilibrium is reached with a chronic stage of infection, characterized by a relatively low parasitemia, and low or no disease (Sergent & Parrot 1935). We shall briefly review the main characteristics of this state of "premunition", and present data suggesting that the underlying mechanisms of defense rely on the cooperation between cell and antibodies, leading to an antibody dependent cellular inhibition of the intra-erythrocytic growth of the parasite.


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O leite de búfala foi fermentado por Lactobacillus casei, com diferentes concentrações de açúcar e tempos de fermentação, e estocado durante 30 dias a 5 e 10°C. Avaliaram-se a acidez, o pH e a viabilidade de L. casei nos diferentes tratamentos. O leite fermentado por 18 horas não apresentou os parâmetros requeridos para o produto, enquanto os fermentados por 22 e 24 horas apresentaram acidez e pH adequados. O tempo e a temperatura de estocagem influenciaram esses parâmetros. A viabilidade de L. casei inicial foi maior que 9 log UFC mL-1 e a final, maior que 8 log UFC mL-1, com influência da acidez.


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The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of cotton blue disease resistance by cotton plants. Populations derived from the CD 401 and Delta Opal resistant varieties were evaluated, through a greenhouse test with artificial inoculation by viruliferous aphids. Cotton blue disease resistance is conditioned by one dominant gene, both in CD 401 and Delta Opal varieties.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of pasture composition and regrowth age on the relationship between feeding behavior and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass with or without white clover. The experiment was carried out in a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with two sward types and two ages of regrowth. Swards of perennial ryegrass sown alone (PRG) and of perennial ryegrass mixed with white clover (GC) were evaluated. Twelve late-lactation Holstein cows, fistulated at the rumen, were distributed in a 4x4 latin square experimental design with four 12-day periods. Daily distribution of grazing was similar in the PRG and the GC swards, but the concentration of rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) was higher and the proportion of propionate was lower on mixed swards during the day. Daily distribution of grazing was similar in pastures of different ages. However, in the oldest swards, rumen fluid pH increased and VFA concentration decreased after evening milking. Time spent grazing does not influence ruminal fermentation, which depends on the changes that occur as different sward layers are grazed.


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Initially, all major factors that affect the rate of the AldH-catalyzed reaction (enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, temperature and pH) were investigated. Optimal activity was observed between pH values of 7.5 and 9.5 in the temperature range of 25 to 50 ºC. Kinetic parameters, such as Km (2.92 µmol L-1) and Vmax (1.33 10-2 µmol min-1) demonstrate a strong enzyme-substrate affinity. The sensors were based on screen-printed electrodes modified with the Meldola Blue-Reinecke salt (MBRS) combination. Operational conditions (NAD+ and substrate contents, enzyme loading and response time) were optimized. Also, two enzyme immobilization procedures were tested: entrapment in poly(vinyl alcohol) bearing styrylpyridinium groups (PVA-SbQ) and crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. Chronoamperometry was employed to observe the biosensor responses during enzymatic hydrolysis of propionaldehyde and also to construct inhibition curves with maneb and zineb fungicides. Best results were found with the following conditions: [NAD+] = 0.25 mmol L-1; [propionaldehyde] = 80 µmol L-1; enzyme loading = 0.8 U per electrode; response time = 10 min, and inhibition time = 10 min. Current intensities around 103 ± 13 nA with the sensors and good stability was obtained for both immobilization procedures. Detection limits, calculated using 10% inhibition were 31.5 µg L-1 and 35 µg L-1 for maneb and zineb, respectively. Results obtained with other MBRS-modified electrodes consisting of mono and bi-enzymic sensors were compared. The ability to catalyze NADH oxidation by MB was also highlighted.


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A method to detect Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) based on reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed using primers ASGV4F-ASGV4R targeting the viral replicase gene, followed by a sandwich hybridisation, in microtiter plates, for colorimetric detection of the PCR products. The RT-PCR was performed with the Titan™ RT-PCR system, using AMV and diluted crude extracts of apple (Malus domestica) leaf or bark for the first strand synthesis and a mixture of Taq and PWO DNA polymerase for the PCR step. The RT-PCR products is hybridised with both a biotin-labelled capture probe linked to a streptavidin-coated microtiter plate and a digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled detection probe. The complex was detected with an anti-DIG conjugate labelled with alkaline phosphatase. When purified ASGV was added to extracts of plant tissue, as little as 400 fg of the virus was detected with this method. The assay with ASGV4F-ASGV4R primers specifically detected the virus in ASGV-infected apple trees from different origins, whereas no signal was observed with amplification products obtained with primers targeting the coat protein region of the ASGV genome or with primers specific for Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV). The technique combines the power of PCR to increase the number of copies of the targeted gene, the specificity of DNA hybridization, and the ease of colorimetric detection and sample handling in microplates.


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Neste estudo foi determinado a cobertura vegetal e a composição florística em 38 parcelas de 3,75 ha (250 m x 150 m), distribuídas por 30.000 ha na savana de Alter do Chão, Município de Santarém, Pará. Nas 38 parcelas foram registradas 130 espécies em 45 famílias. As únicas espécies de dicotiledôneas que cobriram 1% ou mais da área no estrato herbáceo-arbustivo foram Dioclea bicolor Benth. e Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil. A maior parte da área foi coberta pelas gramíneas Paspalum carinatum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Flügge (16%) e Trachypogon plumosus (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Nees (22%). A gramínea Axonopus canescens (Nees ex Trin.) Pilg. e a ciperácea Rhyncospora hirsuta Vahl também cobriram mais que 1% da área. Apenas oito espécies, Anacardium occidentale L., Himatanthus fallax (Müll. Arg.) M. M. Plumel, Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil., Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth, Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth, Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk., Qualea grandiflora Mart. e Salvertia convallariodora A. St.-Hil. tinham copas no estrato arbóreo que projetaram sobre mais que 1% da área. Destas, somente B. crassifolia (5,7%), S. convallariodora (6,0%) e P. ramiflora (2,1%) projetaram sobre mais que 2% da área. Cinqüenta e três por cento da área não tinha cobertura de arbustos, gramíneas ou ciperáceas, e 45% também não tinha cobertura de copas de árvores. Gramíneas e ciperáceas cobriram em média 39,2% das parcelas, e arbustos 11,0%. As correlações entre matrizes de similaridade para as espécies em diferentes estratos e grupos taxonômicos da vegetação foram geralmente baixas e houve pouca correlação entre matrizes baseadas em dados quantitativos e matrizes baseadas em dados de presença/ausência. Portanto, deve-se ter cautela em comparações entre áreas de savana baseadas somente em um estrato vegetativo ou em um grupo taxonômico.


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In this paper, we analyze the relationship between the land market failures and the economic growth in Brazil, starting from an overlapping model including two sectors: agricultural and industrial. The land is both a specific factor for agriculture and an asset that can be substituted to the capital used in industry. The trade-off between land and capital holding depends, among other factors, on the transaction costs on the land market. These costs result from land insecurity and generate a decrease in the land price that favors capital accumulation. Two assumptions follow from our model: one the one hand, land insecurity has a negative effect on the land price; one the other hand it has a positive effect on economic growth. These two hypotheses are tested on panel data for Brazilian Federation. The econometric results do not reject our hypothesis.