23 resultados para Chateaubriand, François-René, Vicomte de, 1768-1848

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Assinala-se o encontro de anomalias em conchas de 90 espécimens de Biomphalaria straminea, traduzidas por acentuada deformação da última espiral. Os exemplares pertencem à população criada em laboratório e procedente de Curvelo, Minas Gerais, Brasil.


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A suscetibilidade de exemplares de B. straminea descendentes de uma amostra originária do município de Piripiri (Piauí, Brasil), foi testada face a duas cepas de Schistosoma mansoni: "LE" (Belo Horizonte) e "SJ" (São José dos Campos). Verificou-se que a cepa "SJ" infectou 12,5 (8) dos exemplares sobreviventes de B. straminea e 63,6% (14) de B. glabrata usadas como controle. Quando exposta à cepa "LE" do trematódeo, B. straminea mostrou-se refratária, enquanto 84,0% (42) dos exemplares de B. glabrata utilizadas como controle encontravam-se positivas para o S. mansoni. Foram discutidos aspectos relacionados a suscetibilidade de B. straminea e a importância dos resultados obtidos.


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The first register of Biomphalaria straminea, vector species of schistosomiasis, in Santa Catarina State, South Brazil is described. The specimens were obtained from two ornamental aquaria of private residences. In both cases the ornamental plants and/or fishes were bought from the same supplier. The presence of this species was later confirmed in the farm where these plants and fishes are cultivated, in the city of Governador Celso Ramos, also in Santa Catarina State. The occurrence in natural environments was later detected in two different places of the Island of Santa Catarina.


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Thirty-two patients bitten by venomous snakes sixteen by Bothrops spp. and sixteen by Crotalus durissus terrificus were studied. The group comprised thirty males and two females, aged eight to sixty-three years (mean 33±15). Bromsulphalein tests were increased in the majority of patients bitten by Crotalus durissus terrificus. The correlation coefficient of Spearman was positive between bromsulphalein tests and alanine aminotransferase levels, and between alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels only in the Crotalus group. The only patient who died was bitten by Crotalus durissus terrificus and showed hydropic degeneration and mitochondrial injury in the liver. It was concluded that the hepatic damage might have been caused by at least two possible mechanisms: venom effect on liver mitochondria and cytokine effects on hepatocyte, specially interleukin-6.


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The aim of this study was to compare the fecundity and fertility of B. glabrata and B. straminea by cross- and self-fertilization. To attain this objective, laboratory-raised strains of B. glabrata and B. straminea were used. The former originated from natural breeding grounds in the municipality Paulista, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The latter originated from irrigation ditches in the municipality of Petrolândia, in the same state. Snail populations of B. glabrata and B. straminea were maintained for 240 days in laboratory. Their fecundity was evaluated by noting the number of egg-masses, eggs and eggs per mass. Their fertility was evaluated by the number of viable eggs and the hatching rate. B. straminea was markedly more fecund than B. glabrata through cross- and self-fertilization, namely: greater egg-mass; higher egg production and more eggs per mass. Regarding fertility, there seemed to be no preferential period for occlusion to occur or a trend in the rhythm of producing viable eggs.


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O reconhecimento das espécies Triatoma maculata (Erichson, 1848) e Triatoma pseudomaculata (Correia e Espínola, 1964), tem sido e continua sendo objeto de muita controvérsia. Essas espécies foram também confundidas pelo autor durante algum tempo. Possivelmente, a razão dessa confusão está na precária descrição de certas estruturas dessas espécies, de modo que não se pode ter certeza de sua distribuição no Brasil. Um estudo comparativo cuidadoso envolvendo ambas as espécies está aqui relatado e concluiu-se que é o T. pseudomaculata e não o T. maculata que está sendo encontrado nos Estados do Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Goiás e Distrito Federal - Brasília.


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O autor comparou a capacidade ovipositora de 3 espécies de Planorbidae, Biomphalaria glabrata, B. tenagophila e B. straminea, durante um período de 30 dias, compreendidos entre os meses de Março e Abril de 1978. Registrou-se diariamente o número de ovos e desovas, referentes a 20 exemplares de cada espécie em questão. A análise estatística dos dados obtidos revelou que os exemplares de B. glabrata apresentaram maior capacidade ovipositora que as outras duas espécies em questão. A menor capacidade ovipositora foi atribuída à espécie B. tenagophila.


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Calyptothecium planifrons (Ren. & Par.) Argent is reported new to the Western Hemisphere based on two recent collections from Brazilian Amazonia, in Pará and Rondônia; C. planifrons was originally described from Madagascar. Forteen Other species of mosses with apparently disjunct distributions between tropical Africa and tropical America are also discussed. It is likely that mos or all of this species discussed will prove to have wider distributions in the tropics when world-wide revisions are carried out.


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Utilizando a microscopia ótica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV) procurou-se fornecer dados a taxionomia através da estrutura dos ovos e morfologia das ninfas, destes vetores da doença de Chagas. Os ovos em MO apresentam a superfície exocorial do opérculo e do corpo dividida em áreas poligonais com ornamentação própria; em T. maculata o exocório do corpo tem áreas indefinidas. Em MEV o exocório dos opérculos apresenta áreas poligonais de superfície estofada com pequena sulcos irregulares e perfurações distribuídas aleatoriamente nas duas espécies. O exocório do corpo apresenta: em T. maculata áreas acolchoadas com perfurações mais numerosas nos bordos, visualizando-se a borda corial, goteira espermática, aerópilas e micrópilas; em T. pseudomaculata as áreas são planas com numerosas perfurações. Nas ninfas o sulco estridulatório e o rostro apresentam diferenças significativas. O sulco estridulatórios em MO possibilitou diferenciar ninfas de 1º, 2º e 3º estádios, os 4º e 5º estádios apresentam-se semelhantes. Em MEV a diferenciação é acentuada. O rostro em MO apresenta pilosidade característica a partir do 3º estádio. T. maculata apresenta pêlos curtos e esparsos no 1º e 2º artículos e longos e numerosos no 3º, em T. pseudo-maculata semelhantes, porém mais curtos no 3º artículo.


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The behavioral response of Biomphalaria straminea to light was evaluted in terms of location of the snail in a Y-shaped aquarium in a situation of selection and of the rate (cm/hour) and direction of locomotion under homogeneous 9vertical) or differential (horizontal) lighting upon only one arm of the aquarium. The light source consisted of daylight fluorescent lamps with a spectrum close to that of natural light, with illumination varying from 28 to 350 lux. Analysis of the data showed that all animals, whether in groups or isolated, were attracted to light, although the time needed to approach the light source was 50% shorter for the former than for the latter. The rate of locomotion of B. straminea was 35% higher than observed in B. glabrata and 51% higher than that observed in B. tenagophila studied under similar conditions. The results are discussed in terms of social factors and geographical distribution of the three species.


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The different climatic regions determine the zoogeographic distribution of various animal species depending on their particular conditions and ecological preferences. The host schistosomiasis planorbid is one of these species. This paper deals with the distribution of Biomphalaria straminea in northeast Brazil. It starts from the analysis of different climatic peculiarities in this region, associated to limnological observation done by the author in three different hydric collections in the state of Sergipe. It has been concluded that this is an "eurióioca" species. Its broad ecological valence permits this species to survive in regions where climate asperties are evident, requiring behavior and physiological adaptations. The species survives in all northeast region, from "zona da mata", in the coast, to the semi-arid "sertão".


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The finding in 1985 of a well-established population of Biomphalaria straminea in a pond in Grande Terre of Guadeloupe constitutes a new species record for the freshwater molluscan fauna of that island. The following years a rapid extension of the species was documented on Grande Terre and Marie Galante. However, it was never found in the neighboring island of Basse Terre. The invasion of the whole hydrographic system of this island by Melanoides tuberculata during the last decade and the current presence of well-established and dense populations of this snail may explain the failure of the colonization by B. straminea.