7 resultados para Charpentier, Sari
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Parasitic infection is highly prevalent throughout the developing countries of the world. Food handlers are a potential source of infection for many intestinal parasites and other enteropathogenic infections as well. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasite carriers among food handlers attending the public health center laboratory in Sari, Northern Iran for annual check-up. The study was performed from August 2011 through February 2012. Stool samples were collected from 1041 male and female food handlers of different jobs aged between 18 to 63 years and were examined following standard procedures. Sociodemographic, environmental and behavioral data analysis of the food handlers were recorded in a separate questionnaire. Intestinal parasites were found in 161 (15.5%) of the studied samples. Seven species of protozoan or helminth infections were detected. Most of the participants were infected with Giardia lamblia (53.9%) followed by Blastocystis hominis (18%), Entamoeba coli (15.5%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (5.5%), Cryptosporidium sp. (3.1%), Iodamoeba butschlii (3.1%) and Hymenolepis nana (1.9%) as the only helminth infection. The findings emphasized that food handlers with different pathogenic organisms may predispose consumers to significant health risks. Routine screening and treatment of food handlers is a proper tool in preventing food-borne infections.
Abstract Background: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are inflammatory markers used as prognostic factors in various diseases. The aims of this study were to compare the PLR and the NLR of heart failure (HF) patients with those of age-sex matched controls, to evaluate the predictive value of those markers in detecting HF, and to demonstrate the effect of NLR and PLR on mortality in HF patients during follow-up. Methods: This study included 56 HF patients and 40 controls without HF. All subjects underwent transthoracic echocardiography to evaluate cardiac functions. The NLR and the PLR were calculated as the ratio of neutrophil count to lymphocyte count and as the ratio of platelet count to lymphocyte count, respectively. All HF patients were followed after their discharge from the hospital to evaluate mortality, cerebrovascular events, and re-hospitalization. Results: The NLR and the PLR of HF patients were significantly higher compared to those of the controls (p < 0.01). There was an inverse correlation between the NLR and the left ventricular ejection fraction of the study population (r: -0.409, p < 0.001). The best cut-off value of NLR to predict HF was 3.0, with 86.3% sensitivity and 77.5% specificity, and the best cut-off value of PLR to predict HF was 137.3, with 70% sensitivity and 60% specificity. Only NLR was an independent predictor of mortality in HF patients. A cut-off value of 5.1 for NLR can predict death in HF patients with 75% sensitivity and 62% specificity during a 12.8-month follow-up period on average. Conclusion: NLR and PLR were higher in HF patients than in age-sex matched controls. However, NLR and PLR were not sufficient to establish a diagnosis of HF. NLR can be used to predict mortality during the follow-up of HF patients.
Zabrotes subfasciatus is a serious pest of common beans, P. vulgaris L.. In Brazil there are several studies dealing with resistance of bean genotypes to this insect, while other studies have emphasized the utilization of oils and powders from plants to repel their attack. In this paper, fecundity, fertility, pattern of oviposition, life cycle and longevity were evaluated for a Brazilian stock from the Goiás State on P. vulgaris cv. Carioca, at 30ºC and 70% R.H. The mean fecundity was 38 eggs per female and 73% of viability. Egg laying showed an aggregated pattern. Males and females lived an average of 13 and 9 days, respectively. The total life cycle lasted for about 28 days.
Objective To identify and analyze the prevalence of cranial computed tomography findings in patients admitted to the emergency unit of Hospital Universitário Cajuru. Materials and Methods Cross-sectional study analyzing 200 consecutive non contrast-enhanced cranial computed tomography reports of patients admitted to the emergency unit of Hospital Universitário Cajuru. Results Alterations were observed in 76.5% of the patients. Among them, the following findings were most frequently observed: extracranial soft tissue swelling (22%), bone fracture (16.5%), subarachnoid hemorrhage (15%), nonspecific hypodensity (14.5%), paranasal sinuses opacification (11.5%), diffuse cerebral edema (10.5%), subdural hematoma (9.5%), cerebral contusion (8.5%), hydrocephalus (8%), retractable hypodensity /gliosis/ encephalomalacia (8%). Conclusion The authors recognize that the most common findings in emergency departments reported in the literature are similar to the ones described in the present study. This information is important for professionals to recognize the main changes to be identified at cranial computed tomography, and for future planning and hospital screening aiming at achieving efficiency and improvement in services.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características de pulverização de pontas hidráulicas e atomizadores rotativos de discos, utilizando diferentes volumes de calda, na cultura do trigo, bem como seus rendimentos operacionais. Foram realizados dois experimentos, nas safras agrícolas de 2009 e 2010. No primeiro ano, utilizou-se da cultivar Fundacep 30, e no segundo das cultivares Pampeano e Nova Era. As pontas testadas foram do tipo leque e cone vazio, ambas com volume de calda de 120 L ha-1, e atomizadores rotativos de discos utilizando baixo volume oleoso (BVO®), com volumes de calda de 24 e 34 L ha-1. Os parâmetros avaliados foram densidade de gotas (DG) e diâmetro mediano volumétrico (DMV) nos terços superior, médio e inferior, através da análise de cartões hidrossensíveis. Também foi calculada a capacidade operacional para os tratamentos. Os resultados mostraram que os atomizadores rotativos de disco com 24 L ha-1 apresentaram a maior DG no terço superior; entretanto, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para os demais terços avaliados. Atomizadores rotativos de disco apresentaram gotas de menor DMV em comparação com as pontas hidráulicas, sendo que estas apresentaram grande heterogeneidade de gotas. A maior capacidade de campo operacional foi obtida com uso de atomizadores rotativos de disco, devido ao menor volume de calda utilizado por este equipamento.
Magonia pubescens é uma espécie arbórea típica do cerrado com grande potencial de utilização tanto pelas suas características econômicas quanto ecológicas. O objetivo do trabalho foi o de avaliar as características biométricas de frutos e sementes dessa espécie e seu potencial germinativo. Para as avaliações de biometria, foram utilizados 28 frutos e 293 sementes provenientes de matrizes localizadas em Aquidauana - MS. O estudo foi realizado no laboratório de Fisiologia Vegetal e em viveiro pertencentes à Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias (FCA) da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD). Os frutos apresentam grande variação no tamanho, peso e no número de sementes, tendo em média 6,66 cm de comprimento; 8,14 cm de diâmetro; 248,21g de massa fresca e 13,14 sementes As sementes apresentam pequena variação no tamanho quando comparadas aos frutos, tendo em média 4,81 cm de comprimento; 8,44 cm de largura e 3,5g de massa fresca. Para o estudo da germinação as sementes receberam os seguintes tratamentos: 1) KNO3 1% 24h; 2) KNO3 2% 24h; 3) GA 500 mg. L -1 24h; 4) GA 250 mg. L -1 24h; 5) Água 24h; 6) Controle. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 6 tratamentos e 3 repetições de 30 sementes. O tratamento de imersão em água por 24 horas proporcionou os maiores valores de emergência (80%). As giberelinas promoveram os maiores valores de altura da parte aérea (média 14,7cm). Os maiores valores de massa fresca e seca da parte aérea foram observadas em plântulas originadas de sementes tratadas com GA 500 mg L-1 24h (1,26 e 0,24g respectivamente). Os maiores valores de massa fresca e massa seca dos cotilédones foram observados em plântulas oriundas de sementes tratadas com KNO3 1% 24h (7,63 e 1,81g respectivamente). Recomenda-se a pré-embebição das sementes em água ou GA por 24 horas para obtenção de maior número de plântulas.