19 resultados para Canopy Orientation
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Fungal diseases are important factors limiting common bean yield. White mold is one of the main diseases caused by soil pathogens. The objective of this study was to quantify the distribution of a fungicide solution sprayed into the canopy of bean plants by spectrophotometry, using a boom sprayer with and without air assistance. The experiment was arranged in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial (two types of nozzles, two application rates, and air assistance on and off) randomized block design with four replications. Air assistance influenced the deposition of solution on the bean plant and yield increased significantly with the increased rate of application and air assistance in the boom sprayer.
Two canopies of a widely distributed Amazonian tree species, Goupia glabra Aubl. (Celastraceae, height 38 and 45m) were fogged several times with 1% natural pyrethrum during the rainy and dry seasons (1991-1994) in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve near Manaus/Brazil. Between 50 and 158 ind./m2 of arthropods were obtained per tree and fogging event. Hymenoptera, mostly Formicidae, and Diptcra dominated. A total of 95 ant species occurred on a single tree. Most ants were permanently foraging in the canopy and their recolonization after fogging seems to follow stochastic pathways. Data indicated an interaction between - 1) predating Formicidae and gall building Cecidomyiidae and - 2) Cecidomyiidae and the parasitic Hymenoptera.
Canopies of the locally occurring Amazonian tree species Calophyllum brasiliense. Camb. (Guttiferae, height 10 m) were fogged after dawn on the same day at five adjacent localities in a 20-year-old plantation at the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve near Manaus/Brazil, using natural pyrethrum (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%), Baythroid (0.3%) and diesel oil, respectively. The 1152 ants collected represented 52 species, 17 genera and five subfamilies. The highest number of ant species was obtained with the synthetic pyrethrum Baythroid 0.3% and with natural pyrethrum 1.5%. About 46% of the total ant species were only collected in the first hour after fogging, and 17% only during the second hour, after trees had been heavily shaken. About 73% of the total ant specimens dropped in the first hour. Data on alpha-diversity, eveness and frequency of ants indicated a rapidly decreasing knock-down effect of both the synthetic and natural pyrethrum after application. The ant fauna in the canopy of C. brasiliense is somewhat distinct compared with that of Goupia glabra Aubl. (Celastraceae, height 45 m) from the primary forest of the reserve.
In this study, we concentrate on modelling gross primary productivity using two simple approaches to simulate canopy photosynthesis: "big leaf" and "sun/shade" models. Two approaches for calibration are used: scaling up of canopy photosynthetic parameters from the leaf to the canopy level and fitting canopy biochemistry to eddy covariance fluxes. Validation of the models is achieved by using eddy covariance data from the LBA site C14. Comparing the performance of both models we conclude that numerically (in terms of goodness of fit) and qualitatively, (in terms of residual response to different environmental variables) sun/shade does a better job. Compared to the sun/shade model, the big leaf model shows a lower goodness of fit and fails to respond to variations in the diffuse fraction, also having skewed responses to temperature and VPD. The separate treatment of sun and shade leaves in combination with the separation of the incoming light into direct beam and diffuse make sun/shade a strong modelling tool that catches more of the observed variability in canopy fluxes as measured by eddy covariance. In conclusion, the sun/shade approach is a relatively simple and effective tool for modelling photosynthetic carbon uptake that could be easily included in many terrestrial carbon models.
Fine litter dynamics within the canopy differ from litter dynamics on the forest floor for reasons such as differences in microclimate, substrate, disturbance level, stratum influence and decomposition rates. This study is the first attempt to quantify the fine litter accumulated in the canopy of Central Amazonian forests. We compared the canopy litter accumulation to fine litter-layer on forest floor and to other forests and also investigated which were the mostly accumulated litter omponents. We found that Central Amazonian Rainforest intercepts greater fine litter in the canopy (294 g.m-2) compared to other forest formations with higher winds speed as in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest (170 g.m-2). The mean canopy fine litter accumulated at the end of the dry season was less than a half of that on soil surface (833 g.m-2) and the fine wood component dominates the canopy samplings (174 g.m-2) while leafy component predominate on soil surface litter (353 g.m-2).
The Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus) is one of the most common bird species in Brazil. Anecdotal information indicates that nest opening orientation in this species is contrary to wind or rainfall direction. To check for the existence of such a pattern, F. rufus nests were randomly sampled within an urban area in central Brazil to assess whether factors such as wind and vegetation cover influence nest opening orientation. Using circular statistics, no evidence was found that nest-opening orientation was important for the species. These results refuse the expected pattern for tree hollow or enclosed nests. The results suggest that factors such as nesting architecture, nest material, nest microclimate or a combination of these, instead of local climate, must be conditioning nesting behavior in this species.
The process of light orientation by the snail Biomphalaria glabrata was studied using the selection technique in a Y-shaped aquarium under vertical or horizontal lighting schemes. Snail behavior was measured on the basis of distance (cm) covered per hour, direction of locomotion, and localization of the animal in the aquarium. A comparison was made of the action of the light stimulus on young and adult animals of albino populations from Santa Luzia (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) and of a melanic population from Touros (State of Rio Grande do Norte) studied in groups and separately. All groups studied were attracted to light. Analysis of the data suggests the exitence of two orientation mechanisms with respect to light in these animals, i.e. high photo-orthokinesia and positive phototaxis, which influence their motion in the environment. This evidence permitted us to discuss features of the distribution dynamics of these mollusks in the environment and their relationship with the larval phases of Schistosoma mansoni, for which they act as intermediated hosts.
The behavioral response of Biomphalaria straminea to light was evaluted in terms of location of the snail in a Y-shaped aquarium in a situation of selection and of the rate (cm/hour) and direction of locomotion under homogeneous 9vertical) or differential (horizontal) lighting upon only one arm of the aquarium. The light source consisted of daylight fluorescent lamps with a spectrum close to that of natural light, with illumination varying from 28 to 350 lux. Analysis of the data showed that all animals, whether in groups or isolated, were attracted to light, although the time needed to approach the light source was 50% shorter for the former than for the latter. The rate of locomotion of B. straminea was 35% higher than observed in B. glabrata and 51% higher than that observed in B. tenagophila studied under similar conditions. The results are discussed in terms of social factors and geographical distribution of the three species.
Adult triatomines occasionally fly into artificially lit premises in Amazonia. This can result in Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to humans either by direct contact or via foodstuff contamination, but the frequency of such behaviour has not been quantified. To address this issue, a light-trap was set 45 m above ground in primary rainforest near Manaus, state of Amazonas, Brazil and operated monthly for three consecutive nights over the course of one year (432 trap-hours). The most commonly caught reduviids were triatomines, including 38 Panstrongylus geniculatus, nine Panstrongylus lignarius, three Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus, five Rhodnius robustus, two Rhodnius pictipes, one Rhodnius amazonicus and 17 Eratyrus mucronatus. Males were collected more frequently than females. The only month without any catches was May. Attraction of most of the known local T. cruzi vectors to artificial light sources is common and year-round in the Amazon rainforest, implying that they may often invade premises built near forest edges and thus become involved in disease transmission. Consequently, effective Chagas disease prevention in Amazonia will require integrating entomological surveillance with the currently used epidemiological surveillance.
O trauma crânio-encefálico contuso (TCEC) é freqüentemente seguido pela amnésia pós-traumática (APT), caracterizada como um estado transitório de confusão e desorientação. Sua duração tem sido utilizada para quantificar a gravidade do TCEC e prever distúrbios nas funções cognitivas, assim como para antever as alterações na capacidade funcional das vítimas pós-trauma. O Galveston Orientation Amnesia Test (GOAT) é o primeiro instrumento sistematizado criado e o mais amplamente utilizado para avaliar a APT. Este artigo apresenta esse instrumento, as bases conceituais para seu desenvolvimento e a adaptação e validação do GOAT para cultura brasileira. Além disso, descreve sua aplicação e comenta as restrições do seu uso. Resultados de pesquisas realizadas em nosso meio contribuíram para as evidências sobre a validade do GOAT. Também apontaram os indicadores do momento pós-trauma em que o GOAT deve ser aplicado e destacaram as dificuldades no uso desse instrumento.
Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate whether a canopy sensor is capable of estimating sugarcane response to N, as well as to propose strategies for handling the data generated by this device during the decision-making process for crop N fertilization. Four N rate-response experiments were carried out, with N rates varying from 0 to 240 kg ha-1. Two evaluations with the canopy sensor were performed when the plants reached average stalk height of 0.3 and 0.5 m. Only two experiments showed stalk yield response to N rates. The canopy sensor was able to identify the crop response to different N rates and the relationship of the nutrient with sugarcane yield. The response index values obtained from the canopy sensor readings were useful in assessing sugarcane response to the applied N rate. Canopy reflectance sensors can help to identify areas responsive to N fertilization and, therefore, improve sugarcane fertilizer management.
A martensitic single crystal Cu-23.95Zn-3.62(wt.%)Al alloy was obtained melting pure Cu, Zn and Al using Bridgman's method. The martensitic phase (monoclinic) can present up to 24 variants, and orienting the surface according to a certain plane is a very hard task. The single crystal was submitted to 8 tons of tension (stress) along the longitudinal direction to reduce the number of variants and facilitate the surface orientation according to the desired plane. This single crystal was oriented using the Laüe back-reflection method to give surfaces with the following oriented crystallographic planes: (010), (120) and (130). It was observed that the tension stress was applied along the [010] direction.
Patches of seasonally dry tropical forests occur on limestone outcrops in Central Brazil surrounded by the dominant savanna vegetation. They contain valuable timber species but are threatened by farming and mining activities. The objective of this study was to describe canopy opening and light relations in two seasonally deciduous dry forests on slopes and limestone outcrops, in the Paranã valley at the northeastern region of the Goiás state, Brazil. The studied forests were in the Fazenda Sabonete in Iaciara-Go and Fazenda Forquilha in Guarani-GO. Woody plants were sampled in 25 (20 x 20 m) plots in each forest. In the Sabonete forest 40 species, 705 ind./ha-1 with a basal area of 15.78 m²/ha-1 were found, while in Forquilha there were 55 species, 956 ind./ha-1 with a basal area of 24.76 m²/ha-1. Using hemispherical photographic techniques, 25 black and white photographs were taken at each site, during the dry season, totaling 50 photographs. These were taken at the beginning of each vegetation-sampling plot. The photographs were scanned in grey tones and saved as 'Bitmap'. The canopy opening and leaf area index (LAI) were calculated using the software Winphot. The mean canopy opening was 54.0% (±9.36) for Fazenda Sabonete and 64.6% (±11.8) in Fazenda Forquilha, with both sites presenting significant differences in the opening estimates (P < 0.05). Their floristic richness and structure also differed with the more open canopy forest, Forquilha, being richer and denser, suggesting the need for further studies on species-environment relationships in these forests.
The purpose of this study was to examine if germination is a critical phase on Enterolobium glaziovii regeneration. Hence, the germinative response of E. glaziovii seeds was investigated in relation to some of the main environmental factors (temperature, light and water stress) to which its seeds are subjected in the forest, as well as its dormancy and the longevity of its burial seeds. According to our results, its seeds may be regarded as photoblastic neutral. They do not need alternating temperatures to germinate and can germinate under a broad range of water stress. However, only about 10% of E. glaziovii seeds remain viable after one year. In other words, the annual fruiting, instead seed longevity, seems to maintain the long-term seed availability of this species. Consequently, the seed longevity could be a critical phase of E. glaziovii germination.