43 resultados para CCD PHOTOMETRY

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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extracts of the regional plants Annona squamosa and Annona muricata were analysed by silica gel thin-layer chromatography using adequate systems of solvents and spray reagents. Carbohydrates, amino acids, alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenoids were detected in both species. These data agree with those on the literature about phytochemistry of the Annonaceae.


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A new electroanalytical method coupling TLC-DPV in solid state was developed for quantitative determination of phytoantioxidants with medicinal purpose, e.g. rosmarinic acid (RA) in samples of phytopharmaceuticals, e.g. rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). The method showed to be feasible, presenting linearity in concentrations ranging from 0.694 x 10-3 to 9.526 x 10-3 mol L-1 (r = 0.9945), good sensibility, selectivity, reproducibility, repeatability, agility and affordable cost. The concentrations of RA in different extracts of rosemary ranged from 0.05 to 0.52 (% w/w), presenting high recovery levels when compared to HPLC.


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This study validated a simple and applied method for determining mycotoxins aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, ochratoxin A, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol, in water from the rice production chain. Five solvent combinations for extraction were tested, with quantification performed by TLC/HPTLC and confirmation by LC-MS/MS. Mycotoxins in water from field and rice industries were evaluated. Mycotoxin recovery levels were around 90%. Two samples from rice parboiling waste were contaminated (deoxynivalenol/aflatoxin B1, 110/9 ng mL-1; and deoxynivalenol, 100 ng mL-1). Zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A (36, 30 and 28%) were carried to soaking water during parboiling.


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Imagens CCD/CBERS-2, nas bandas espectrais CCD2, CCD3 e CCD4, dos anos de 2004 e 2005, de Mirante do Paranapanema - SP, foram transformadas em reflectância de superfície usando o modelo 5S de correção atmosférica e normalizadas radiometricamente. O objetivo principal foi caracterizar espectralmente áreas de pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha em fase de florescimento, isentas e infectadas com a doença "mela-das-sementes da braquiária", possibilitando a sua detecção por meio da comparação entre os valores de reflectância de superfície denominada de Fator de Reflectância Bidirecional de Superfície (FRBS). Teve-se, também, o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia das imagens CCD/CBERS-2 para a obtenção de respostas espectrais de pastagens. Os dosséis sadios e doentes da Brachiaria brizantha foram identificados por meio da análise dos valores de reflectância e dos dados observados no Índice de Estresse Hídrico Acumulativo Relativo da Cultura (ACWSI) obtidos na área de estudo. Os resultados indicaram que as principais diferenças foram a diminuição da reflectância na banda CCD3 e o aumento da reflectância na banda CCD4 nas áreas doentes. A metodologia empregada com o uso de dados do sensor CCD/CBERS-2, associados ao ACWSI, mostrou-se eficaz para discriminar dosséis infectados com a "mela-das-sementes da braquiária".


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Neste trabalho, bancos de dados públicos e gratuitos disponíveis na World Wide Web (WEB) foram utilizados para avaliar as áreas das superfícies dos espelhos d'água das represas de Furnas e do Funil, no Estado de Minas Gerais. O objetivo foi comparar as informações obtidas nos bancos da WEB com os valores das áreas calculadas a partir de imagens do sensor CCD a bordo dos satélites CBERS2 e CBERS2B. A área da represa de Furnas obtida a partir das imagens CCD/CBERS2B, ano 2008, foi de 1.138 km², mas nos bancos de dados consultados esta área estava entre 1.182 e 1.503 km². A represa do Funil, construída em 2003, com superfície de espelho d'água de 29,37 km² e uma ilha com área de 1,93 km² não aparecem nos bancos Atlas, Geominas, IGAM e IBGE. Os resultados mostraram algumas discrepâncias nos bancos de dados publicados na WEB, tais como diferenças em áreas e supressão ou extrapolação de limites do espelho d'água. Concluiu-se que, até o momento, os responsáveis por algumas publicações de bancos de dados no Estado de Minas Gerais não tiveram rigor suficiente com as atualizações. As imagens CCD/CBERS, que também são dados públicos disponíveis na WEB, mostraram ser produtos adequados para verificar, atualizar e melhorar as informações publicadas.


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Medium-resolution satellite images have been widely used for the identification and quantification of irrigated areas by center pivot. These areas, which present predominantly circular forms, can be easily identified by visual analyses of these images. In addition to identifying and quantifying areas irrigated by center pivot, other information that is associated to these areas is fundamental for producing cadastral maps. The goal of this work was to generate cadastral mapping of areas irrigated by center pivots in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with the purpose of supplying information on irrigated agriculture. Using the satellite CBERS2B/CCD, images were used to identify and quantify irrigated areas and then associate these areas with a database containing information about: irrigated area, perimeter, municipality, path row, basin in which the pivot is located, and the date of image acquisition.3,781 center pivots systems were identified. The smallest area irrigated was 4.6 hectares and the largest one was 192.6 hectares. The total estimated value of irrigated area was 254,875 hectares. The largest number of center pivots appeared in the municipalities of Unaí and Paracatu, with 495 and 459 systems, respectively. Cadastral mapping is a very useful tool to assist and enhance information on irrigated agriculture in the State of Minas Gerais.


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Forest cover of the Maringá municipality, located in northern Parana State, was mapped in this study. Mapping was carried out by using high-resolution HRC sensor imagery and medium resolution CCD sensor imagery from the CBERS satellite. Images were georeferenced and forest vegetation patches (TOFs - trees outside forests) were classified using two methods of digital classification: reflectance-based or the digital number of each pixel, and object-oriented. The areas of each polygon were calculated, which allowed each polygon to be segregated into size classes. Thematic maps were built from the resulting polygon size classes and summary statistics generated from each size class for each area. It was found that most forest fragments in Maringá were smaller than 500 m². There was also a difference of 58.44% in the amount of vegetation between the high-resolution imagery and medium resolution imagery due to the distinct spatial resolution of the sensors. It was concluded that high-resolution geotechnology is essential to provide reliable information on urban greens and forest cover under highly human-perturbed landscapes.


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Para eliminar divergências na interpretação dos resultados e agilizar os atuais métodos de detecção de fraudes em café torrado e moído, foi estabelecido um método baseado na análise por imagem e fundamentado no princípio de que diferentes materiais de origem orgânica, como o pó de café, podem apresentar reflectâncias distintas em diferentes comprimentos de onda do espectro eletromagnético. Partiu-se da hipótese de que o pó de café adulterado, quando submetido a uma fonte artificial de iluminação, apresenta uma reflectância, nos canais vermelho (R), verde (G) e azul (B), diferente em relação à do pó de café não-adulterado. Após as etapas de limpeza, secagem e homogeneização, foram geradas imagens multiespectrais das amostras de café, por meio de uma lupa acoplada a uma câmara CCD (Charge Coupled Device). A quantificação das impurezas na amostra foi obtida utilizando-se curvas de calibração entre a área relativa obtida pela classificação supervisionada de imagens e a porcentagem de impurezas presentes nas amostras. Esse novo método permite agilidade da resposta, ausência de subjetividade nos resultados e não-destruição das amostras analisadas, e assegura um patamar mínimo de detecção de 95% das impurezas do produto.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the application of the spectral-temporal response surface (STRS) classification method on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 250 m) sensor images in order to estimate soybean areas in Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The classification was carried out using the maximum likelihood algorithm (MLA) adapted to the STRS method. Thirty segments of 30x30 km were chosen along the main agricultural regions of Mato Grosso state, using data from the summer season of 2005/2006 (from October to March), and were mapped based on fieldwork data, TM/Landsat-5 and CCD/CBERS-2 images. Five thematic classes were considered: Soybean, Forest, Cerrado, Pasture and Bare Soil. The classification by the STRS method was done over an area intersected with a subset of 30x30-km segments. In regions with soybean predominance, STRS classification overestimated in 21.31% of the reference values. In regions where soybean fields were less prevalent, the classifier overestimated 132.37% in the acreage of the reference. The overall classification accuracy was 80%. MODIS sensor images and the STRS algorithm showed to be promising for the classification of soybean areas in regions with the predominance of large farms. However, the results for fragmented areas and smaller farms were less efficient, overestimating soybean areas.


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The objective of this work was to investigate possible maternal effects on potassium content of common bean seeds, as well as to estimate the heritability and selection gains in early hybrid generations for this character and to evaluate the efficiency of genetic selection to improve the nutritional quality of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Crosses with four cultivars from the Mesoamerican gene pool yielded the reciprocal F1 and F2 generations and the backcrossed populations (BCP1 and BCP2). The potassium content of the progenies was measured via nitric‑perchloric digestion and flame photometry. The potassium content in the tested progenies varied from 6.0 to 14.9 g kg-1 dry matter, and no significant maternal effect was observed. The narrow-sense heritability ranged from low (33.26%) to intermediate (43.05%). Partial dominance was observed for low potassium content in the seeds. No increase in potassium content was obtained through selection. Breeding common bean plants for increasing potassium content in seeds may be difficult because the local environment strongly influences the character.


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Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do caldo de cana desidratado (CCD) no desempenho, na qualidade de carcaça e no índice econômico de codornas ( Coturnix coturnix) europeias, no período de 22 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizadas 192 codornas de corte com 22 dias de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições de oito aves. Foram adicionados 0, 1,5, 3,0 e 4,5% de CCD na ração. Avaliou-se a viabilidade econômica da inclusão dos níveis de CCD nas rações por meio da margem bruta relativa das dietas. No período de 29 a 35 dias de idade, houve efeito linear crescente para o consumo de ração com o aumento de CCD na ração. No entanto, houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de CCD sobre o peso da carcaça, da coxa+sobrecoxa e da gordura abdominal, e os níveis ótimos estimados foram de 1,69, 2,50 e 2,34%, respectivamente. Houve efeito linear decrescente dos níveis de CCD sobre o peso de peito com e sem pele. A análise econômica indicou maior lucro ao produtor com uso da ração convencional. Entretanto, entre os níveis de inclusão de CCD, o de 1,5% apresentou os melhores resultados, com uma diferença de 0,47% na margem de lucro em relação à ração convencional. A adição de 1,69 e 2,50% de caldo de cana desidratado na ração é recomendada para atingir maior peso de carcaça e coxa+sobrecoxa em codornas de corte, respectivamente.


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A capillary electrophoresis system using laser induced fluorescence detection is described. A Raman system equipped with a microscope has been used to focus the laser beam on the capillary giving a lateral resolution of 1.5 mm. The fluorescence signal of the analyte (ZnPcTS - tetrasulfonated zinc-phthalocyanine) was collected by the microscope objectives and analysed by a monochromator with confocal characteristics equipped with a CCD detector. Electropherograms obtained with this system were compared to those obtained on a commercial instrument, showing that the described system presents a lower detection limit and better resolution.


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The purpose of this paper is the development of simple strategies to teach basic concepts of atomic spectrometry. Metals present in samples found in the daily lives of students are determined by flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES). FAES is an accurate, precise, and inexpensive analytical method often used for determining sodium, potassium, lithium, and calcium. Historical aspects and their contextualization for students are also presented and experiments with samples that do not require pre-treatment are described.


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Solid phase extraction (SPE) in C18 disks has been optimized and validated for extraction of 5 organophosphorus (OP) pesticides in water. Extraction has been followed by separation and detection by gas chromatography/flame photometry. Excellent linearity was obtained for all compounds (r greater than 0.99), with CVs between 1.0-6.9%, recoveries between 73-95% and quantification limits between 2.5-5.0 µg L-1. Samples from Furnas dam were analyzed monthly during one year and 10% showed OP pesticide residues.


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The supply of drinking water in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo City has been a great and serious challenge in the latest years. This work demonstrates the viability of the evaluation of the degree of contamination of the water reservoirs using analytical procedures, which allow the analysis of several compounds at relatively low cost: stripping square wave voltammetry (SSWV) and capillary zone electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (CZE-CCD). The results of ionic composition indicated significant contamination of the Guarapiranga water system by human activities on the reservoir banks. In fact, the Guavirutuba and Itupu streams presented high concentrations of phosphate and ammonium ions. This can be directly related to misuse and unruled occupation of the soil and precarious sanitary infrastructure.