18 resultados para Bridges, Thomas

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Foram constituídos quatro grupos de roedores silvestres para a contagem de células sangüíneas periféricas, da seguinte forma: Grupo I - formado de animais normais, nascidos em biotério, com 30 dias de vida; Grupo II - formado de animais que foram capturados no campo e considerados não infectados com S. mansoni, após ovohelmintoscopia das fezes, realizada durante 30 dias de observação; Grupo III - animáis capturados no campo, nautralmente infectados com o esquistossomo, e o Grupo IV - de animais nascidos em biotério, com 30 dias de vida, e infectados com 150 cercárias de S. mansoni, oriundas da Região da Baixada Maranhense. Semanalmente, a partir da data da infecção, estes animais foram sangrados e tiveram suas células sangüíneas periféricas contadas global e especificamente. Os resultados mostraram que o número de hemácias e leucócitos por mm³ não variou nos animais normais, tanto de campo como de biotério. No grupo de animais experimentalmente infectados, foi observado decréscimo do número de hemácias à proporção que a infecção evoluia. Comportamento oposto foi verificado com os leucócitos. Elevados níveis de eosinófilos só foram observados nos animais com infecção natural. Estes resultados foram discutidos com dados da literatura e considerados importantes para complementar as informações sobre este hospedeiro natural do trematódeo, oferecido como modelo experimental do verme, e para sua própria história natural.


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Roedores silvestres, nascidos em biotério, descendentes de Holochilus b. nanus, capturados na região da Baixada Maranhense, localizada na Pré-Amazônia, foram infectados experimentalmente com Schistosoma mansoni, procedente da mesma Região, com o objetivo de verificar a influência da infecção sobre os níveis glicêmicos. Um grupo de roedores não infectados tiveram, também, seus níveis glicêmicos determinados, para o conhecimento da concentração normal de glicose. O estudo procedeu distinguindo os animais, tanto os normais quanto os infectados, por sexo, regime alimentar e idade de infecção. A quantificação da glicose sérica foi feita pelo método da Orto-Toluidina, após sangrias semanais pelo plexo oftálmico, sempre no mesmo horário. Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu elevação de pesos corporais de todos os animais normais, durante suas maturações, ao passo que, os animais infectados, tiveram seus pesos em decréscimo, durante a evolução da infecção. Os níveis glicêmicos estudados nos animais normais mostraram que as fêmeas possuem nível mais baixo e estável do que os machos, independente de terem sido alimentados ou não. Os animais infectados aos 30 dias de vida tiveram seus níveis glicêmicos em declínio à proporção que a infecção evoluía, provavelmente, devido ao acometimento dos órgãos, como baço, fígado e pâncreas; enquanto que, os animais infectados aos 40 dias de vida, tiveram seus níveis de glicose, durante as 8 semanas de infecção, sem diferença significativa entre eles. O número de vermes adultos recuperados nos animais infectados com 30 dias de vida foi maior do que o número encontrado nos roedores do outro grupo. Os dados informaram, também, que, a idade ideal para a infecção deste novo modelo experimental, deva ser a de 30 dias de vida, semelhante a outros, como camundongos.


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Roedores silvestres, classificados como Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas,1897, foram capturados na cidade de São Bento, pertencente à Região da Baixada, do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, naturalmente infectados com formas adultas de filaria, na cavidade peritoneal, e microfilárias sangüíneas, assim como, com esquistossoma mansoni (vermes adultos e granulomas peri-ovulares hepáticos; intestinais; pulmonares; esplênicos e pancreáticos). Animais nascidos em Biotério, descendentes de Holochilus da Região da Baixada, foram infectados experimentalmente com Leishmania m. amazonensis e Schistosoma mansoni. Em observações semanais, foram encontradas lesões teciduais, semelhantes às que se desenvolvem em hamsters infectados com Leishmania, e hipergamaglobulinemia. Nos esquistossomóticos, foram constatadas hipergamaglobulinemia e reações granulomatosas similares às encontradas nos animais infectados naturalmente. Foram observadas, também, lesões hepática graves, semelhantes às encontradas na esquistossomose humana. Estes achados sugerem a utilização do Holochilus b. nanus como modelo experimental destas três doenças tropicais.


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We sought to describe the bone bridge technique in adults, and present a variation for use in children, as well as to present its applicability as an option in elective transtibial amputations. This paper presents a prospective study of 15 transtibial amputations performed between 1992 and 1995 in which the bone bridge technique was employed. The patients' ages ranged from 8 to 48 years, with an average of 22.5 years. This technique consisted of the preparation of a cylinder of periosteum extracted from the tibia and with cortical bone fragments attached to it to promote a tibiofibular synostosis on the distal extremity of the amputation stump. We noted that the cortical bone fragments were dispensable when the technique was employed in children, due to the increased osteogenic capacity of the periosteum. This led to a variation of the original technique, a bone bridge without the use of the cortical bone fragments. RESULTS: The average time spent with this procedure, without any significant variation between adults and children, was 171 minutes. The adaptation to the definitive prosthesis was accomplished between 20 and 576 days, with an average of 180 days. Revision of the procedure was necessary in 3 amputations. CONCLUSIONS: This technique may be employed in transtibial amputations in which the final length of the stump lies next to the musculotendinous transition of the gastrocnemius muscle, as well as in the revision of amputation stumps in children, where the procedure has been shown to be effective in the prevention of lesions due to excessive bone growth.


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Uma cantin-2,6-diona (1) foi isolada do extrato etanólico da madeira de Simaba polyphylla (Cavale.) Thomas coletada próximo a Manaus. O composto 1 foi previamente isolado de S. multiflora, S. guianensis e S. cedron, sendo essa a primeira citação de ocorrência em S. polyphylla.


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A new record of a very rarely observed mammal, the bushy-tailed opossum, Glironia venusta (Didelphimorphia), was obtained for the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil. Only 17 other records existed of this species, most from the 1980s. There were only three previous records of the species from Brazil (in the states of Pará, Amazonas and Rondônia). This new record supports the notion that G. venusta is a locally rare species throughout its range, but widely distributed in Brazilian Amazonia.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between myocardial bridges and the anterior interventricular branch (anterior descending) of the left coronary artery. METHODS: The study was carried out with postmortem material, and methods of dissection and observation were used. We assessed the perimeter of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery using a pachymeter, calculated its proximal and distal diameters in relation to the myocardial bridge, and also its diameter under the myocardial bridge in 30 hearts. We also observed the position of the myocardial bridge in relation to the origin of the anterior interventricular branch. RESULTS: The diameters of the anterior interventricular branch were as follows: the mean proximal diameter was 2.76±0.76 mm; the mean diameter under the myocardial bridge was 2.08±0.54 mm; and the mean distal diameter was 1.98±0.59 mm. In 33.33% (10/30) of the cases, the diameter of the anterior interventricular branch under the myocardial bridge was lower than the diameter of the anterior interventricular branch distal to the myocardial bridge. In 3.33% (1/30) of the cases, an atherosclerotic plaque was found in the segment under the myocardial bridge. The myocardial bridge was located in the middle third of the anterior interventricular branch in 86.66% (26/30) of the cases. CONCLUSION: Myocardial bridges are more frequently found in the middle third of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery. The diameter of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery under the myocardial bridge may be smaller than after the bridge. Myocardial bridges may not provide protection against the formation of atherosclerotic plaque inside the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.


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É registrada a infecção natural do Holochilus brasiliensis nanus, um pequeno roedor semi-aquático da Baixada Ocidental do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, por Litomosoides carinii.


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Neohilgertia gen. n. proposed for Oxyuridae nematodes from Thylamys venustus cinderellus (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) is described. The hypothesis about the possibility of a secondary parasitism for marsupials and the origin of the genus in the African Sciuridae parasite ancestors is discussed.


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Searching and handling time of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) larvae fed on Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The objective of this research was to determine the searching and handling times of three larval instars of C. externa fed on U. ambrosiae at densities of 30, 40 and 50 per vial, with the feeding of the larvae at the preceding instars being U. ambrosiae nymphs or Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1819) eggs. The larvae were maintained at 25 ± 2 ºC, 70 ± 10% RH and a 14-h photophase. A completely randomized design in a 6 x 3 factorial scheme with 12 replicates was adopted. The shortest searching time was found for the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of C. externa, and this parameter was variable depending on the feeding given to the larvae previously. The handling time was similar for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. The longest searching time was found at an aphid density of 30, as compared to densities of 40 and 50 prey, with which there were no significant differences. Prey density did not have any influence on handling time.


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Feeding potential of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) in different densities of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The feeding potential of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) in relation to different densities of 30, 40 and 50 nymphs of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) at 3rd and 4th instars was evaluated. The treatments were individualized into 2.5 cm in diameter and 8.5 cm tall flat bottom glass vials and maintained in a controlled environmental chamber at 25±2 ºC temperature, 70±10% RH and 14 h photophase. A completely randomized experimental design with 10 replications was used. The consumption of the prey nymphs by the predator larvae was evaluated after 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h from the beginning of the experiment and at every subsequent 24 h period until 2nd instar larvae molted or 3rd instar larvae pupated. Results have shown that for 2nd instar larvae, during the 1 h to 24 h period, there was a decreasing prey consumption at the 30 and 40 prey densities. However an increase in the consumption at the 50 prey density was observed. After this period, C. externa larvae presented a progressive increase on nymphs consumption as a function of the prey density. The same occurred with de 3rd instar predator larvae in all treatments. When daily mean consumption was evaluated the predator/prey ratio was 1:23, 1:27 and 1:33 for 2nd instar larvae and 1:27, 1:33 and 1:41 for 3rd instar larvae at 30, 40 and 50 nymph densities, respectively.


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Contributions to the knowledge of Banasa Stål (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae): Banasa chaca Thomas. The male of Banasa chaca Thomas is described with emphasis on external and internal genitalia and the female internal genitalia is described. Banasa chaca is newly recorded from Buenos Aires Province (Argentina).


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Simaba polyphylla is a small tree found in the Amazon region, known by the common names "marupazinho" or "serve para tudo". It is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of fevers. This work describes the phytochemical study of the hexane extract and chloroform fraction obtained by partitioning the methanol extract of stems, which led to isolation and identification of the triterpenes niloticin, dyhidroniloticin, taraxerone and of the cytotoxic alkaloid 9-methoxy-canthin-6-one. These compounds are described for the first time in S. polyphylla.


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Resumen Se discuten algunas divergencias entre La revolución copernicana (1957) y La estructura de las revoluciones científicas (1962), de Thomas Kuhn. Se muestra que presentan una consideración diferente de los factores extracientíficos, que tienen en la primera un peso explicativo mayor. Se propone que en 1957 Kuhn maneja una historiografía casuística, centrada en la revolución copernicana, y en 1962 una historiografía estructural, centrada en los rasgos invariantes de las revoluciones científicas. Se concluye que las diferencias entre las dos obras son lo suficientemente profundas como para no considerarlas expresión de una misma visión de la ciencia.