12 resultados para Boulez, Pierre, 1925- -- Crítica i interpretació
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The male of Fidena longipalpis End., 1925 is described, and femme femme that were referred to Pangonia incisuralis Macq., 1847 by Lutz in 1909 are now identified as belonging to Enderlein's species. It is emphasised that in his addenda to Macquart's description Lutz gave a characterization which though short is diagnostic for F. longipalpis.
Modelagem Quantitativa para Apoio às Decisões teve um grande desenvolvimento a partir da década de 60. Chegou-se a um processo normativo, dentro da tradição da Pesquisa Operacional. Dentro desta mesma tradição, os resultados foram cuidadosamente analisados por meio de análises de sensibilidade que criaram as condições para as suas implementações práticas. A evolução natural e necessária para Decisões com multicritérios tem sido substancialmente mais controvertida. O processo "teoricamente correto" se revelou de difícil implementação prática. Surgiram "desafiantes" norte-americanos e europeus que, abandonando a estrutura normativa, procuram servir de Apoio às Decisões. O presente artigo apresenta e comenta este panorama com seus contrastes.
Realizou-se revisão bibliográfica crítica, com o propósito de estimar o impacto dos efeitos da ocupação sobre a morbidade de trabalhadores para, a partir de tal exercício, inferir as implicações sobre o setor saúde. As repercussões sobre a morbidade foram medidas através dos dados sobre acidentes do trabalho, intoxicações agudas profissionais e doenças profissionais. Foram ainda incluídas outras "doenças relacionadas com o trabalho", exemplificadas com a hipertensão arterial, doenças respiratórias crônicas, doenças do aparelho locomotor, distúrbios mentais e estresse.
A study of the Adolpho Lutz Collection of Tabanidae at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and of additional Lutz material at the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo is reported. Of the ninety-four species of Tabanidae validly described by Lutz, type material of eighty-four was recognized, either holotypes, allotypes or syntypes. Lectotypes were selected from among syntype series or remaining specimens and all type material was labelled. Of the ten species of which no type material could be found, neotypes were designated in the case of two species, Erephosis nigricans and Erephosis pseudo-aurimaculata. Types of three species, Chrysops ecuadoriensis, Dichelacera salvadorensis and Esenbeckia nigricorpus are believed to have been in Hamburg and destroyed during the last war. Types of two species, Esenbeckia biscutellata and E. dubia, and additional type material of several others are believed to have been in Montevideo. A request for information about them remains unanswered. Types of the remaining three species, Dichelacera intermedia, Dichelacera laceriascia and Esenbeckia distinguenda could not be found, and it is believed that at least the type of the last species was accidentally destroyed. Three specific of subspecific names proposed by Lutz but palaced by others in synonymy have been revalidated, Acanthocera intermedia, Erephosis brevistria and Esenbeckia fenestrata. Generic placement of two names has been changed, Esenbeckia arcuata ricardoae to Proboscoides, and Selasoma giganteum to Stibasoma. Seven specific names proposed by Lutz appear to be synonyms of earlier names, as follows: Bombylopsis juxtaleonina Lutz and Castro, 1936 = B. leonina Lutz, 1909. Bombylopsis pseudoanalis Lutz, 1909 = B. erythronotata (Bigot, 1892). Esenbeckia fuscipennis var. flavescens Lutz, 1909 = Esenbeckia fuscipennis Wied., 1828. Fidena chrysopyga Lutz and Castro, 1936 = F. atra Lutz and Castro, 1936. Laphriomyia longipalpis Lutz and Castro, 1937 = L. mirabilis Lutz, 1911. Stibasoma semiflavum Lutz, 1915 = St. bicolor Bigot, 1892. Tabanus hesperus Lutz, 1912 = Chlorotabanus (Cryptolylus) innotescens (Walker, 1854). Four Lutz names appear to antedate names proposed by others, viz.: Diachlorus angustifrons Kröber, 1930 and D. ochraceus Kröb., 1928 not Macquart, 1850 = Diachlorus fuscistigma Lutz, 1913. Psalidia fairchildi Barretto, 1950 = dicladocera conspicua Lutz and Neiva, 1914. Fidena pseudo-fulvithorax Kröb., 1931 = Erephopsis flavicrinis Lutz, 1909. Esenbeckia lemniscata Enderlein, 1925 = Esenbeckia clari Lutz, 1909. Some comments on Lutz' system of classification are given together with notes on the genotypes and included species of his genera as revaled by his collection and notes.
Infusions of Aspidosperma nitidum (Apocynaceae) wood bark are used to treat fever and malaria in the Amazon Region. Several species of this family are known to possess indole alkaloids and other classes of secondary metabolites, whereas terpenoids, an inositol and the indole alkaloids harmane-3 acid and braznitidumine have been described in A. nitidum . In the present study, extracts from the wood bark, leaves and branches of this species were prepared for assays against malaria parasites and cytotoxicity testing using human hepatoma and normal monkey kidney cells. The wood bark extracts were active against Plasmodium falciparum and showed a low cytotoxicity in vitro, whereas the leaf and branch extracts and the pure alkaloid braznitidumine were inactive. A crude methanol extract was subjected to acid-base fractionation aimed at obtaining alkaloid-rich fractions, which were active at low concentrations against P. falciparum and in mice infected with and sensitive Plasmodium berghei parasites. Our data validate the antimalarial usefulness of A. nitidum wood bark, a remedy that can most likely help to control malaria. However, the molecules responsible for this antimalarial activity have not yet been identified. Considering their high selectivity index, the alkaloid-rich fractions from the plant bark might be useful in the development of new antimalarials.
ABSTRACT The external morphology of immature stages of Zaretis strigosus (Gmelin, [1790]) and Siderone galanthis catarina Dottax and Pierre, 2009 comb. nov. from southern Brazil are described. Additionally, morphology of the adults and sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase, subunit I, were analyzed in order to evaluate the taxonomy of Siderone galanthis Hübner, [1823]. Immatures were collected on Casearia sylvestris (Salicaceae) in Curitiba, Paraná, and Balneário Barra do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and reared at the laboratory. Morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided, based on observations through stereoscopic and optic microscopes attached to camera lucida; results are compared and discussed and immature stages of some other species of Charaxinae. The results indicates that the morphology of the immature stages of the studied species differ greatly from other Anaeini, representing a distinct lineage of leafwings butterflies. Morphology and molecular evidence indicate that S. nemesis mexicana Dottax and Pierre, 2009 and S. nemesis catarina Dottax and Pierre, 2009 are conspecific with S. galanthis (Cramer, 1775); additionally, S. thebais C. Felder and R. Felder 1862, S. nemesis var. confluens Staudinger, 1887, S. nemesis f. leonora Bargmann, 1928 and S. nemesis f. exacta Bargmann, 1929 are synonymized with S. galanthis galanthis (Cramer, 1775).
Niacin (nicotinamide, nicotinic acid) interferes on homeostasis, DNA regulation, signaling and longevity. Nicotinic acid reduces synthesis of lipoproteins-apo-B and increases HDL. Its antilipemic action in liver produces: 1) inhibition of DGAT2, with decreased triacylglycerol synthesis, 2) downregulation of the b-chain of adenosine triphosphate synthase, leading to reduced HDL-apo-A-I catabolism. Nicotinic acid could increase redox potential in vascular endothelium. HM74A receptor activation in macrophages would be responsible for the release of prostaglandins, causing flushing in epidermis. HM74A agonists could assist in identifying antilipemic agents. Extended release niacin in combination with statin appears to protect cardiovascular system of patients with low HDL.
En base a los resultados obtenidos en una unidad piloto cuyo diseño, montaje y puesta en operación fueron realizados con la finalidad de poder producir el cambio de escala, se dio inicio al proyecto de una planta de producción con características modulares por su flexibilidad operativa en cuanto a capacidad de producción y tipo de materia prima. Se desarrolló la ingeniería conceptual, consistente en la definición de las bases de diseño; las diferentes etapas del proceso, la capacidad de producción a instalar, los rangos de trabajo de las variables operativas, el régimen, la especificación de los materiales de construcción, características de la carga, materiales auxiliares y tipo de instrumentación y control. La ingeniería básica, especificación de equipos y componentes auxiliares, para: alimentación de CO2, bombeo y presurización, acondicionamiento térmico, extracción, separación fluido/extracto, medida y control del caudal, temperatura y presión, se encuentra en una etapa avanzada de ejecución. Se ha comenzado con la ingeniería de detalle de extractores con diferente capacidad.
The adventure of the critic. The aim of this paper is to reply the critical observations made by Fernandes, Rego and Gala in this number of Revista de Economia Política about a paper of mine, also published in this same journal in January 2006, which deals with the relationship between Economics and Rethoric and its unfolding in Brazil. Answering these critical observations I have tried to show that: a) it is not easy, as they do, to associate Habermass project to the defense of the approach of Rethoric in Economics; Habermas himself has a lot of objections to the association of his project with Rortys pragmatism which seems to be the strongest McCloskeys influence; b) it is not true that my considerations have a kind of epistemological immunity and that they are not liable to contestations; if it seems so it is because the nature of the materialistic approach itself. At the end I observe that my carpers didnt reply my observations about the unfolding of the rethorical project in Brazil and that this is, at some measure, surprising, because they are central personages in it.
Theory of functional finance and the role of fiscal policy: A post-keynesian critique to the new consensus macroeconomics. This paper presents the critical approaches and elaborates the arguments that oppose those of the New Consensus Macroeconomics regarding the conduct of fiscal policy. Those criticisms and arguments are based in the post-Keynesian thought and the theory of Functional Finance. The theory of Functional Finance is an extension of the Keynesian approach, particularly with regard to discussions on public finances. As supports the theory of Functional Finance, the objectives to be pursued by fiscal policy should suggest the improvement of social welfare as a whole, i.e., the performance of inflation, employment and output should be taken into account by policymakers.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo dar cuenta del escepticismo radical de Pierre Gassendi propuesto en el Exercitationes paradoxicae Adversus Aristoteleos (Disertaciones paradójicas contra los aristotélicos). Para dar cuenta de ello nuestro artículo se divide en tres momentos: Primero, damos cuenta de la estructura de la obra; segundo, se presentan los argumentos centrales propuestos por Gassendi para comprender su actitud crítica al escolasticismo. Y tercero, se muestra la crítica que realiza a la lógica aristotélica. La idea fundamental que sostenemos en este trabajo es que la actitud crítica y de libre pensador que caracterizó a Gassendi tuvo su origen directo en la actitud escéptica. Además, revisar su obra de juventud y su actitud filosófica nos permite comprender una parte importante del alcance del escepticismo en la reforma de la filosofía natural del siglo XVII.