38 resultados para Bloch, Eugénie
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Brasergasilus guaporensissp. n. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) é proposta. Os espécimens foram coletados dos filamentos branquiais de Leporinus fasciatus(BLOCH, 1890) do Rio Guaporé, próximo a Pimenteiras, Rondônia, Brasil. A nova espécie difere das outras conhecidas do gênero no formato da garra da antena e na presença de ornamentações no somito genital duplo e abdômen.
Pindapixaragen. n. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidac) é proposto para uma nova espécie, Ρ tarira,coletada dos filamentos branquiais de Hoplias malabaricus(Bloch, 1794) do Rio Guaporé, próximo a Surprêsa, Rondônia, Brasil. A espécie do novo gênero é caracterizada, principalmente, por apresentar um tamanho pequeno (382 a 577 μm), antena com uma grande garra e o terceiro segmento extremamente reduzido.
Gamidactylus hopliussp, n. foi coletada nas fossas nasais de Hoplias maiabaricus.A nova espécie é semelhante a Gamidactylus jaraquensise a Gamidactylus bryconis,por possuir antena com uma garra terminal e um espinho móvel subterminal no terceiro segmento, além de um par de fortes retroestiletes laterais móveis, no primeiro somito toracico. Difere das duas espécies conhecidas na forma e posição dos retroestiletes e na ornamentação das pernas.
Ergasilus turucuyussp. n. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) é proposta. Os espécimens foram coletados dos filamentos branquiais de Acestrorhynchus falcatuse A. falcirostrisdo Rio Pacaás Novos, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. A nova espécie tem uma seta forte, pectinada e falciforme no primeiro exopodito, indicando uma relação com outras cinco espécies amazônicas. Esta espécie difere das outras na ornamentação das pernas, antenas, somitos abdominais e pela maior largura do cefalossomo.
Como os peixes vem sendo indicados como alimentos com um certo grau de excelência quanto à composição protéica, mineral e vitamínica, os autores pretenderam com o presente trabalho, verificar parte do valor nutritivo, do mandi, analisando: proteína, lípides, cinza, cálcio, fósforo total, fósforo inorgânico, ferro e vitamina A. Com a finalidade ainda de comparar os resultados obtidos para peixes "in natura" com as conservas, procedeu-se às determinações também de umidade, pH e cloreto de sódio. Cada 100 g dessa espécie de peixe pode suplementar cerca de 28% das necessidades calóricas diárias, 12% de fósforo, 69% de ferro e 22% de vitamina A.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a variação, com a época de captura, na composição em umidade, proteína, lípides e cinza da carne do peixe, a fim de se conhecer quais os meses em que o mandi se presta melhor ao aproveitamento tecnológico. Foi verificado que a composição centesimal varia durante o ano e como média para os 12 meses encontrou-se: 65,15 g/100 g de umidade, 17,92 g/100 g de proteína, 15,51 g/100 g de lípides e 1,34 g/100 g de cinza. O mandi é peixe gordo e os meses escolhidos para a captura dos peixes destinados ao processamento foram os de junho e julho.
The aim of this paper was to present a simple and fast way of simulating Nuclear Magnetic Resonance signals using the Bloch equations. These phenomenological equations describe the classical behavior of macroscopic magnetization and are easily simulated using rotation matrices. Many NMR pulse sequences can be simulated with this formalism, allowing a quantitative description of the influence of many experimental parameters. Finally, the paper presents simulations of conventional sequences such as Single Pulse, Inversion Recovery, Spin Echo and CPMG.
Adult Channa punctatus murrels of both sexes (60-80 g) were collected locally from Ramgarh Lake during the second week of every month (10 individuals of each sex/month) throughout the year. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for serum calcium and phosphate levels by the methods of Trinder (1960) and Fiske and Subbarow (1925), respectively. Gonads were fixed to judge the state of maturation of the fish. Males exhibited no change in serum calcium levels throughout the year in correlation with testicular maturation. However, serum phosphate levels exhibited a rise in correlation with the increased gonadosomatic index. Females showed marked seasonal changes in serum calcium and phosphate levels which were associated with ovarian maturation (vitellogenesis).
O objetivo desse texto é recuperar, a partir de dois textos específicos de Lévi-Strauss, o debate que esse autor trava com a História. Tratam-se mais exatamente de dois ensaios que, apesar de apresentarem título idêntico - "História e etnologia" -, foram redigidos em momentos diferentes e, mais interessante, não se remetem um ao outro. O primeiro deles, e o mais conhecido, é parte da famosa coletânea de artigos escritos por Lévi-Strauss durante os anos 40 e 50, intitulada Antropologia Estrutural. O artigo em questão fora publicado originalmente com o mesmo título na Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, número 54, no ano de 1949. Já o segundo artigo, é o resultado de uma palestra apresentada por Lévi-Strauss, em 2 de julho de 1983, na Sorbonne, por ocasião do quinto ciclo de conferências em homenagem a Marc Bloch e editado na revista dos Annales, no mesmo ano. A intenção é, portanto, tomar as análises de Lévi-Strauss, entendido nessas searas como o mais radical dos antropólogos em seu método sincrônico e sem sujeito, e perceber como na delimitação disciplinar, sobretudo no campo da Antropologia, pareceu necessária a contraposição com a História.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the length of exposure to screens and the prevalence of consumption of meals and snacks by Brazilian adolescents in front of screens. METHODS We evaluated 74,589 12 to 17-year old adolescents from 1,247 schools in 124 Brazilian municipalities. A self-administered questionnaire was used. Its segment regarding nutrition contained questions about using TV, computers, and video game systems, having meals while watching TV, and consuming snacks in front of screens. Consumption of meals and snacks in front of screens was analyzed according to the following variables: geographical region, gender, age range, type of school (public or private), and school shift. The prevalences and their respective 95% confidence intervals were estimated under a complex sampling design. RESULTS A great deal of the adolescents (73.5%, 95%CI 72.3-74.7) reported spending two or more hours a day in front of screens. That habit was more frequent among male adolescents, private school students, morning shift students, and students from Brazil’s South region. More than half of the adolescents (56.6%, 95%CI 55.4-57.8) reported almost always or always having meals in front of TV, and 39.6% (95%CI 38.8-40.5) of them said they consumed snacks in front of screens exactly as often. Both situations were the most prevalent ones among the girls, who attended public schools and were from Brazil’s Midwest region. CONCLUSIONS Length of exposure to screens and consumption of meals and snacks almost always or always in front of screens are high among Brazilian adolescents. It is necessary to develop strategies aiming to reduce the length of screen use, considering the media reality that children and adolescents have been experiencing from earlier and earlier ages. That context must therefore be analyzed in an indissociable way.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents and their association with geographical and sociodemographic variables. METHODS The sample was composed by 74,589 adolescents participating in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). This cross-sectional study of school basis with national scope involved adolescents aged from 12 to 17 years in Brazilian cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants. The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity was categorized according to the volume of weekly practice (< 300; 0 min). The prevalences were estimated for the total sample and by sex. Poisson regression models were used to assess associated factors. RESULTS The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity was 54.3% (95%CI 53.4-55.2), and higher for the female sex (70.7%, 95%CI 69.5-71.9) compared to the male (38.0%, 95%CI 36.7-39.4). More than a quarter of adolescents (26.5%, 95%CI 25.8-27.3) reported not practicing physical activity in the leisure time, a condition more prevalent for girls (39.8%, 95%CI 38.8-40.9) than boys (13.4%, 95%CI 12.4-14.4). For girls, the variables that were associated with physical inactivity were: reside in the Northeast (RP = 1.13, 95%CI 1.08-1.19), Southeast (RP = 1.16, 95%CI 1.11-1.22) and South (RP = 1.12, 95%CI 1.06-1.18); have 16-17 years (RP = 1.06, 95%CI 1.12-1.15); and belong to the lower economic class (RP = 1.33, 95%CI 1.20-1.48). The same factors, except reside in the Southeast and South, were also associated with not practicing physical activity in the leisure time for the same group. In males, as well as the region, being older (p < 0.001) and declaring to be indigenous (RP = 0.37, 95%CI 0.19-0.73) were also associated with not practicing physical activities in the leisure time. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents is high. It presents regional variations and is associated with age and low socioeconomic status. Special attention should be given to girls and to those who do not engage in any physical activity during the leisure time, so that they can adopt a more active lifestyle.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the patterns of alcohol consumption in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS We investigated adolescents who participated in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). This is a cross-sectional, national and school-based study, which surveyed adolescents of 1,247 schools from 124 Brazilian municipalities. Participants answered a self-administered questionnaire with a section on alcoholic beverages consumption. Measures of relative frequency (prevalence), and their 95% confidence intervals, were estimated for the following variables: use of alcohol beverages in the last 30 days, frequency of use, number of glasses or doses consumed in the period, age of the first use of alcohol, and most consumed type of drink. Data were estimated for country and macro-region, sex, and age group. The module survey of the Stata program was used for data analysis of complex sample. RESULTS We evaluated 74,589 adolescents, who accounted for 72.9% of eligible students. About 1/5 of adolescents consumed alcohol at least once in the last 30 days and about 2/3 in one or two occasions during this period. Among the adolescents who consumed alcoholic beverages, 24.1% drank it for the first time before being 12 years old, and the most common type of alcoholic beverages consumed by them were drinks based on vodka, rum or tequila, and beer. CONCLUSIONS There is a high prevalence of alcohol consumption among adolescents, as well as their early onset of alcohol use. We also identified a possible change in the preferred type of alcoholic beverages compared with previous research.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of arterial hypertension and obesity and the population attributable fraction of hypertension that is due to obesity in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS Data from participants in the Brazilian Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), which was the first national school-based, cross-section study performed in Brazil were evaluated. The sample was divided into 32 geographical strata and clusters from 32 schools and classes, with regional and national representation. Obesity was classified using the body mass index according to age and sex. Arterial hypertension was defined when the average systolic or diastolic blood pressure was greater than or equal to the 95th percentile of the reference curve. Prevalences and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) of arterial hypertension and obesity, both on a national basis and in the macro-regions of Brazil, were estimated by sex and age group, as were the fractions of hypertension attributable to obesity in the population. RESULTS We evaluated 73,399 students, 55.4% female, with an average age of 14.7 years (SD = 1.6). The prevalence of hypertension was 9.6% (95%CI 9.0-10.3); with the lowest being in the North, 8.4% (95%CI 7.7-9.2) and Northeast regions, 8.4% (95%CI 7.6-9.2), and the highest being in the South, 12.5% (95%CI 11.0-14.2). The prevalence of obesity was 8.4% (95%CI 7.9-8.9), which was lower in the North region and higher in the South region. The prevalences of arterial hypertension and obesity were higher in males. Obese adolescents presented a higher prevalence of hypertension, 28.4% (95%CI 25.5-31.2), than overweight adolescents, 15.4% (95%CI 17.0-13.8), or eutrophic adolescents, 6.3% (95%CI 5.6-7.0). The fraction of hypertension attributable to obesity was 17.8%. CONCLUSIONS ERICA was the first nationally representative Brazilian study providing prevalence estimates of hypertension in adolescents. Regional and sex differences were observed. The study indicates that the control of obesity would lower the prevalence of hypertension among Brazilian adolescents by 1/5.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of common mental disorders in Brazilian adolescent students, according to geographical macro-regions, school type, sex, and age. METHODS We evaluated 74,589 adolescents who participated in the Cardiovascular Risk Study in Adolescents (ERICA), a cross-sectional, national, school-based study conducted in 2013-2014 in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. A self-administered questionnaire and an electronic data collector were employed. The presence of common mental disorders was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). We estimated prevalence and 95% confidence intervals of common mental disorders by sex, age, and school type, in Brazil and in the macro-regions, considering the sample design. RESULTS The prevalence of common mental disorders was of 30.0% (95%CI 29.2-30.8), being higher among girls (38.4%; 95%CI 37.1-39.7) when compared to boys (21.6%; 95%CI 20.5-22.8), and among adolescents who were from 15 to 17 years old (33.6%; 95%CI 32.2-35.0) compared to those aged between 12 and 14 years (26.7%; 95%CI 25.8-27.6). The prevalence of common mental disorders increased with age for both sexes, always higher in girls (ranging from 28.1% at 12 years to 44.1% at 17 years) than in boys (ranging from 18.5% at 12 years to 27.7% at 17 years). We did not observe any significant difference by macro-region or school type. Stratified analyses showed higher prevalence of common mental disorders among girls aged from 15 to 17 years of private schools in the North region (53.1; 95%CI 46.8-59.4). CONCLUSIONS The high prevalence of common mental disorders among adolescents and the fact that the symptoms are often vague mean these disorders are not so easily identified by school administrators or even by health services. The results of this study can help the proposition of more specific prevention and control measures, focused on highest risk subgroups.