20 resultados para BP-102
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was carried out on 44 hypertensive type 2 diabetic subjects previously treated by diet associated or not with sulfonylurea to assess the effects of acarbose-induced glycemic control on blood pressure (BP) and hormonal parameters. Before randomization and after a 22-week treatment period (100 to 300 mg/day), the subjects were submitted to a standard meal test and to 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) and had plasma glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, lipid profile, insulin, proinsulin and leptin levels determined. Weight loss was found only in the acarbose-treated group (75.1 ± 11.6 to 73.1 ± 11.6 kg, P<0.01). Glycosylated hemoglobin decreased only in the acarbose group (6.4 ± 1.7 to 5.6 ± 1.9%, P<0.05). Fasting proinsulin decreased only in the acarbose group (23.4 ± 19.3 to 14.3 ± 13.6 pmol/l, P<0.05), while leptin decreased in both (placebo group: 26.3 ± 6.1 to 23.3 ± 9.4 and acarbose group: 25.0 ± 5.5 to 22.7 ± 7.9 ng/ml, P<0.05). When the subset of acarbose-treated patients who improved glycemic control was considered, significant reductions in diurnal systolic, diastolic and mean BP (102.3 ± 6.0 to 99.0 ± 6.6 mmHg, P<0.05) were found. Acarbose monotherapy or combined with sulfonylurea was effective in improving glycemic control in hypertensive diabetic patients. Acarbose-induced improvement in metabolic control may reduce BP in these patients. Our data did not suggest a direct action of acarbose on insulin resistance or leptin levels.
A eficácia e segurança do antimoniato de meglumina e do estibogluconato de sódio BP 88R foram comparadas no tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea em Corte de Pedra, Bahia, área endêmica de leishmaniose causada por Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Realizou-se um estudo quase-experimental que incluiu 127 pacientes cujo diagnóstico baseou-se na observação clínica e a intradermorreação de Montenegro. Cinqüenta e oito pacientes receberam antimoniato de meglumina e 69 estibogluconato de sódio. Utilizou-se a dose de 20 mg/Sb v/kg/dia por 20 dias, em ambos os grupos. Os pacientes foram acompanhados a cada dez dias durante o tratamento e mensalmente por três meses. Observou-se a cura em 62% dos pacientes tratados com antimoniato de meglumina e em 55% daqueles tratados com estibogluconato de sódio (p = 0,42). A cefaléia foi mais freqüente na primeira metade do tratamento no grupo tratado com estibogluconato de sódio (p = 0,026). Na segunda metade do tratamento, os pacientes tratados com estibogluconato de sódio apresentaram maior freqüencia de mialgia/artralgia (p = 0,004) e dor abdominal/anorexia (p = 0,004). Três pacientes tratados com o estibogluconato de sódio apresentaram efeitos colaterais graves.
Foi avaliada a toxicidade de dois antimoniais pentavalentes em 111 pacientes com leishmaniose cutânea. Quarenta e sete pacientes receberam antimoniato de meglumina (Grupo I) e 64 pacientes, estibogluconato de sódio BP 88® (Grupo II), 20mg SbV/kg/dia por 20 dias. Realizou-se a avaliação de aminotransferases, fosfatase alcalina, amilase, creatinina, uréia, exame de urina e eletrocardiograma, antes do tratamento e no décimo e vigésimo dias. Observou-se maior freqüência de valores anormais de aminotransferases no décimo e vigésimo dias de tratamento no grupo II (p < 0,001) e maior proporção de valores anormais de amilase no décimo dia no mesmo grupo (p < 0,001). Houve maior variação dos níveis de aminotransferases, fosfatase alcalina e amilase nos primeiros dez dias no grupo II (p < 0,01). No vigésimo dia observou-se maior variação nos níveis de aminotransferases no grupo II (p = 0,02 e p = 0,03, respectivamente). Quarenta e três porcento dos pacientes do grupo I e 54% dos pacientes do grupo II apresentaram alterações eletrocardiográficas (p = 0,30).
Os autores relatam a ocorrência de óbito em paciente portador da forma cutânea da LTA no município de Caxias-MA. Trata-se de paciente do sexo masculino, 22 anos, gari, portador de lesão ulcerada no membro inferior (perna esquerda), diagnosticado, após encontro do parasita (Leishmania) na lesão, tratado com stibogluconato de sódio BP88® (Shandong Xinhua) na dose de 10mg/Sb+5/kg/dia/20 dias. Após a 3ª dose apresentou dores articulares, naúseas, mal estar geral. Com a continuação da medicação houve agravamento do quadro com dor epigástrica e no hipocôndrio direito irradiando-se para o hemitórax homolateral. Após a 7ª dose apresentou dispnéia associado à dor torácica de leve intensidade. Na 9ª dose houve piora do quadro, mesmo assim continuou a usar o medicamento até a 11ª dose quando seu estado agravou-se. Foi internado, necessitando de tratamento intensivo. Nos exames realizados apresentou: 4,4 milhões de eritócitos, 10,6% de hemoglobina, 35% de hematócrito, 26.400 de leucócitos, basófilos e mielócitos (0), 59% de segmentados, 30% de linfócitos, 2% de monócitos, plaquetas (normais), glicose 42mg%, uréia 73mg%, creatinina (2,4mg%), eletrocardiograma (bloqueio de ramo direito). Veio a falecer tendo como causa do óbito, insuficiência cárdio respiratória. O relato atual mostra a necessidade de esclarecimento das equipes de saúde quanto ao uso dos Sb+5 e também lembrar o Ministério da Saúde quando da aquisição de novos produtos, preocupar-se com a qualidade e procedência do mesmo.
INTRODUCTION: The study investigated the incidence of disease and death events among patients with paracoccidioidomycosis who were residents in the Itaipu Lake region from 2008 to 2009. METHODS: A review of patient records was conducted at the Department of Tuberculosis of the Epidemiology Center of the City of Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná. RESULTS: The results identified 102 new cases of paracoccidioidomycosis in the period described, 72 men and 30 women, and 15 deaths were recorded during the study. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that the Itaipu Lake region is an endemic region.
Background:The applicability of international risk scores in heart surgery (HS) is not well defined in centers outside of North America and Europe.Objective:To evaluate the capacity of the Parsonnet Bernstein 2000 (BP) and EuroSCORE (ES) in predicting in-hospital mortality (IHM) in patients undergoing HS at a reference hospital in Brazil and to identify risk predictors (RP).Methods:Retrospective cohort study of 1,065 patients, with 60.3% patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), 32.7%, valve surgery and 7.0%, CABG combined with valve surgery. Additive and logistic scores models, the area under the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve (AUC) and the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) were calculated. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to identify the RP.Results:Overall mortality was 7.8%. The baseline characteristics of the patients were significantly different in relation to BP and ES. AUCs of the logistic and additive BP were 0.72 (95% CI, from 0.66 to 0.78 p = 0.74), and of ES they were 0.73 (95% CI; 0.67 to 0.79 p = 0.80). The calculation of the SMR in BP was 1.59 (95% CI; 1.27 to 1.99) and in ES, 1.43 (95% CI; 1.14 to 1.79). Seven RP of IHM were identified: age, serum creatinine > 2.26 mg/dL, active endocarditis, systolic pulmonary arterial pressure > 60 mmHg, one or more previous HS, CABG combined with valve surgery and diabetes mellitus.Conclusion:Local scores, based on the real situation of local populations, must be developed for better assessment of risk in cardiac surgery.
Background:Systemic hypertension is highly prevalent and an important risk factor for cardiovascular events. Blood pressure control in hypertensive patients enrolled in the Hiperdia Program, a program of the Single Health System for the follow-up and monitoring of hypertensive patients, is still far below the desired level.Objective:To describe the epidemiological profile and to assess blood pressure control of patients enrolled in Hiperdia, in the city of Novo Hamburgo (State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).Methods:Cross-sectional study with a stratified cluster random sample, including 383 adults enrolled in the Hiperdia Program of the 15 Basic Health Units of the city of Porto Alegre, conducted between 2010 and 2011. Controlled blood pressure was defined as ≤140 mmHg × 90 mmHg. The hypertensive patients were interviewed and their blood pressure was measured using a calibrated aneroid device. Prevalence ratios (PR) with 95% confidence interval, Wald's χ2 test, and simple and multiple Poisson regression were used in the statistical analysis.Results:The mean age was 63 ± 10 years, and most of the patients were females belonging to social class C, with a low level of education, a sedentary lifestyle, and family history positive for systemic hypertension. Diabetes mellitus (DM) was observed in 31%; adherence to the antihypertensive treatment in 54.3%; and 33.7% had their blood pressure controlled. DM was strongly associated with inadequate BP control, with only 15.7% of the diabetics showing BP considered as controlled.Conclusion:Even for hypertensive patients enrolled in the Hiperdia Program, BP control is not satisfactorily reached or sustained. Diabetic hypertensive patients show the most inappropriate BP control.
Background:Sudden death is the leading cause of death in Chagas disease (CD), even in patients with preserved ejection fraction (EF), suggesting that destabilizing factors of the arrhythmogenic substrate (autonomic modulation) contribute to its occurrence.Objective:To determine baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) in patients with undetermined CD (GI), arrhythmogenic CD with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) (GII) and CD with spontaneous sustained ventricular tachycardia (STV) (GIII), to evaluate its association with the occurrence and complexity of arrhythmias.Method:Forty-two patients with CD underwent ECG and continuous and noninvasive BP monitoring (TASK force monitor). The following were determined: BRS (phenylephrine method); heart rate variability (HRV) on 24-h Holter; and EF (echocardiogram).Results:GIII had lower BRS (6.09 ms/mm Hg) as compared to GII (11.84) and GI (15.23). The difference was significant between GI and GIII (p = 0.01). Correlating BRS with the density of ventricular extrasystoles (VE), low VE density (<10/h) was associated with preserved BRS. Only 59% of the patients with high VE density (> 10/h) had preserved BRS (p = 0.003). Patients with depressed BRS had higher VE density (p = 0.01), regardless of the EF. The BRS was the only variable related to the occurrence of SVT (p = 0.028).Conclusion:The BRS is preserved in undetermined CD. The BRS impairment increases as disease progresses, being more severe in patients with more complex ventricular arrhythmias. The degree of autonomic dysfunction did not correlate with EF, but with the density and complexity of ventricular arrhythmias.
Eggs and larvae of Strongyloides ferreirai Rodrigues, Vicente & Gomes, 1985 are identified in Kerodon rupestris (Wied.) coprolites dated from 8.000-2.000 years BP (Before Present), collected from archaeological sites from the northeast of Brazil.
The restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 195 bp repeated DNA sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi was analyzed among 23 T. cruzi stocks giving a reliable picture of the whole phylogenetic variability of the species. The profiles observed with the enzymes Hinf I and Hae III were linked together and supported the existence of two groups. Group 1 shows a 195 bp repeated unit (Hinf I) and high molecular weight DNA (Hae III), while group 2 presents a ladder profile for each enzyme, which is a characteristic of tandemly repeated DNA. The two groups, respectively, clustered stocks pertaining to the two principal lineages evidenced by isoenzyme and RAPD markers. The congruence among these three independent genomic markers corroborates the existence of two real phylogenetic lineages in T. cruzi. The specific monomorphic profiles for each major phylogenetic lineage suggest the existence of ancient sexuality and cryptic biological speciation.