83 resultados para Attentional visual fields

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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We present a case of central nervous system (CNS) infection by a member of the Penicillium genera in a HIV-negative man in Brazil. The patient was admitted complaining of loss of visual fields and speech disturbances. CT scan revealed multiple brain abscesses. Stereothacic biopsies revealed fungal infection and amphotericin B treatment begun with initial improvement. The patient died few days later as a consequence of massive gastrointestinal bleeding due to ruptured esophageal varices. The necropsy and final microbiologic analyses disclosed infection by Penicillium sp. There are thousands of fungal species of the Penicillium genera. Systemic penicilliosis is caused by the P. marneffei and was formerly a rare disease, but now is one of the most common opportunistic infection of AIDS patients in Southeast Asia. The clinical presentation usually involves the respiratory system and the skin, besides general symptoms like fever and weight loss. Penicillium spp infection caused by species other than P. marneffei normally cause only superficial or allergic disease but rare cases of invasive disease do occur. We report the fourth case of Penicillium spp CNS infection.


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If a dot is flashed in perfect alignment with a pair of dots rotating around the visual fixation point, most observers perceive the rotating dots as being ahead of the flashing dot (flash-lag effect). This perceptual effect has been interpreted to result from the perceptual extrapolation of the moving dots, the differential visual latencies between flashing and moving stimuli, as well as the modulation of attentional mechanisms. Here we attempted to uncouple the attentional effects brought about by the spatial predictability of the flashing dot from the sensory effects dependent on its visual eccentricity. The stimulus was a pair of dots rotating clockwise around the fixation point. Another dot was flashed at either the upper right or the lower left of the visual field according to three separate blocked situations: fixed, alternate and random positions. Twenty-four participants had to judge, in all three situations, the location of the rotating dots in relation to the imaginary line connecting the flashing dot and the fixation point at the moment the dot was flashed. The flash-lag effect was observed in all three situations, and a clear influence of the spatial predictability of the flashing dot on the magnitude of the perceptual phenomenon was revealed, independently of sensory effects related to the eccentricity of the stimulus in the visual field. These findings are consistent with our proposal that, in addition to sensory factors, the attentional set modulates the magnitude of the differential latencies that give rise to the flash-lag phenomenon.


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When two stimuli are presented simultaneously to an observer, the perceived temporal order does not always correspond to the actual one. In three experiments we examined how the location and spatial predictability of visual stimuli modulate the perception of temporal order. Thirty-two participants had to report the temporal order of appearance of two visual stimuli. In Experiment 1, both stimuli were presented at the same eccentricity and no perceptual asynchrony between them was found. In Experiment 2, one stimulus was presented close to the fixation point and the other, peripheral, stimulus was presented in separate blocks in two eccentricities (4.8º and 9.6º). We found that the peripheral stimulus was perceived to be delayed in relation to the central one, with no significant difference between the delays obtained in the two eccentricities. In Experiment 3, using three eccentricities (2.5º, 7.3º and 12.1º) for the presentation of the peripheral stimulus, we compared a condition in which its location was highly predictable with two other conditions in which its location was progressively less predictable. Here, the perception of the peripheral stimulus was also delayed in relation to the central one, with this delay depending on both the eccentricity and predictability of the stimulus. We argue that attentional deployment, manipulated by the spatial predictability of the stimulus, seems to play an important role in the temporal order perception of visual stimuli. Yet, under whichever condition of spatial predictability, basic sensory and attentional processes are unavoidably entangled and both factors must concur to the perception of temporal order.


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In this paper, the topology of cortical visuotopic maps in adult primates is reviewed, with emphasis on recent studies. The observed visuotopic organisation can be summarised with reference to two basic rules. First, adjacent radial columns in the cortex represent partially overlapping regions of the visual field, irrespective of whether these columns are part of the same or different cortical areas. This primary rule is seldom, if ever, violated. Second, adjacent regions of the visual field tend to be represented in adjacent radial columns of a same area. This rule is not as rigid as the first, as many cortical areas form discontinuous, second-order representations of the visual field. A developmental model based on these physiological observations, and on comparative studies of cortical organisation, is then proposed, in order to explain how a combination of molecular specification steps and activity-driven processes can generate the variety of visuotopic organisations observed in adult cortex.


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The early facilitatory effect of a peripheral spatially visual prime stimulus described in the literature for simple reaction time tasks has been usually smaller than that described for complex (go/no-go, choice) reaction time tasks. In the present study we investigated the reason for this difference. In a first and a second experiment we tested the participants in both a simple task and a go/no-go task, half of them beginning with one of these tasks and half with the other one. We observed that the prime stimulus had an early effect, inhibitory for the simple task and facilitatory for the go/no-go task, when the task was performed first. No early effect appeared when the task was performed second. In a third and a fourth experiment the participants were, respectively, tested in the simple task and in the go/no-go task for four sessions (the prime stimulus was presented in the second, third and fourth sessions). The early effects of the prime stimulus did not change across the sessions, suggesting that a habituatory process was not the cause for the disappearance of these effects in the first two experiments. Our findings are compatible with the idea that different attentional strategies are adopted in simple and complex reaction time tasks. In the former tasks the gain of automatic attention mechanisms may be adjusted to a low level and in the latter tasks, to a high level. The attentional influence of the prime stimulus may be antagonized by another influence, possibly a masking one.


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The influence of a peripheral cue represented by a gray ring on responsivity to a subsequent target varies. When a vertical line inside a ring was a go target and a white small ring inside a ring was a no-go target, reaction time was shorter at the same location relative to a different location. However, no reaction time difference between the two locations occurred when a white cross inside the ring, instead of the white vertical line inside the ring, was the go target. We investigated whether this last finding was due to a forward masking influence of the cue, a requirement of low attention for the discrimination or a lack of attention mobilization by the cue. In Experiment 1, the intensity of the cue was reduced in an attempt to reduce forward masking. In Experiment 2, the vertical line and the cross were presented in the same block of trials so as to be dealt with a common attentional strategy. In Experiments 3 and 4, the no-go target was a 45º rotated cross inside a ring to increase the difficulty of the discrimination. No evidence was obtained that the cross was forward masked by the cue nor that it demanded less attention to be discriminated from the small ring. There was a facilitation of responsivity by the cue when the small ring was replaced by the rotated cross. The results suggest that when the discrimination to be performed is too easy the cue does not mobilize attention.


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Um dos tópicos mais questionado nos estudos clínicos sobre zumbido é o método de mensuração do mesmo. As Escalas Visual-Análogas (EVAs) e o Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) são freqüentemente utilizados para este fim. OBJETIVO: Verificar a correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial através de um estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 43 pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial quantificaram o zumbido pelos dois métodos, sendo os escores comparados através do Coeficiente de Relação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Foi observada correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com zumbido neurossensorial existe correlação entre os escores da EVA e do THI.


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Sistemas sustentáveis de produção agropecuária demandam solos com boa estrutura, por isso, são necessários métodos eficientes para avaliação dessa estrutura. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, aplicar a metodologia de avaliação visual da estrutura do solo, em áreas previamente cobertas por Floresta com Araucária, em longo período de uso após o desmatamento. Selecionaram-se áreas sob três tipos de usos: floresta nativa, pastagem e cultivo agrícola, considerados como tratamento, sendo realizadas dez amostragens por tipo de uso. Nas amostras coletadas, procedeu-se à avaliação da qualidade da estrutura do solo, seguida da análise estatística dos dados, por meio da análise de variância e do teste de separação de médias. Observaram-se diferenças significativas nos valores médios de escore entre as áreas avaliadas. Os solos da área com floresta apresentaram Qe (Qualidade visual) médio = 1.68, estatisticamente semelhante ao dos solos sob pastagem (Qe médio = 2.25) e inferior ao dos solos cultivados, Qe médio = 2.40. Os valores de Qe obtidos por avaliação visual da qualidade da estrutura do solo mostraram-se eficientes para identificar diferenças entre os sistemas de uso do solo.


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ABSTRACT In this study, we demonstrate that the art infusion effect, in which the presence of visual art causes a positive impact on consumers' perceptions of products and advertising messages, might have a moderation effect on regulatory fit and non-fit messages. We investigate the impact of visual art on advertisement evaluations in regulatory (non-) fit conditions. Regulatory focus theory suggests that consumers rely on their motivational focus (prevention vs. promotion) for their evaluations and decisions. Usually, consumers prefer products that fit with their personal motivational focus. In the present study, the results of three experiments indicate that using visual art with a promotion or prevention fit message is recommended, while non-art images increase message persuasiveness when non-fit messages are presented. Therefore, not all information compatible with the consumer's motivational focus are best evaluated. When non-art images are presented, non-fit messages might be more persuasive.


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A antropologia visual nasceu em meados do século XIX com a "era da reprodutibilidade técnica" e da expansão industrial. Como se reformula hoje, na era da globalização e da transformação digital, essa disciplina ou convergência disciplinar? Voltada inicialmente para a documentação e preservação de práticas culturais ameaçadas, a antropologia de urgência, como se transformou ao longo do tempo em formas narrativas visuais, sonoras, audiovisuais e, mais recentemente, digitais? Orientada em primeiros passos para alimentar e enriquecer as coleções dos museus, como passa hoje por meio de múltiplas formas e suportes para o espaço público à procura de novos espectadores/atores (ou públicos)? Inicialmente instrumentação que pareceria garantir a objetividade, atribuindo-se-lhe o estatuto de tecnologia de pesquisa ou mesmo de auxiliar de pesquisa, como se confrontou com novos paradigmas epistemológicos ou se antecipou a eles? Voltada sobretudo para o registo das técnicas materiais e rituais e depois para as palavras e as sonoridades, como se orienta hoje no âmbito de novos objetos de estudo como a antropologia da arte, a antropologia do design, a cultura visual em contextos de processos acelerados de transformação social e cultural? Acrescentamos ainda mais duas perguntas às inquietações que nos fazem refletir sobre essa temática: como se repensa atualmente a antropologia visual no âmbito da antropologia? O que fazer com a antropologia visual hoje? Procuraremos traçar algumas formas de práticas antigas que adquirem nova e maior pertinência na era atual (trabalho com os arquivos, a memória, a relação entre o passado e o projeto, os objetos, a cultura material) e perspectivar novas oportunidades, novas práticas, novos objetos de estudo.


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Trata-se de avaliação da medida da acuidade visual pelo professor, comparativamente àquela efetuada pelo médico-oftalmologista, utilizando-se ambos da tabela optométrica de Snellen. Éste estudo foi realizado em decorrência do Plano de Oftalmologia Sanitária Escolar (POSE), em desenvolvimento no Estado de São Paulo, que atinge escolares de 1ª série, classe especial e pré-primário das escolas estaduais de 1º grau, onde a atuação dos professores constitui fator básico da programação, principalmente no seu aspecto educativo e na verificação da acuidade visual. Foram testados 1.352 escolares de 1ª a 4ª série de 1º grau de um estabelecimento de ensino do município de São Paulo (SP) em 1975. Encontrou-se uma concordância de resultados em 80,86% dos casos. Com a diferença de 2 linhas entre os resultados do professor e do médico, constataram-se 122 casos (9,02%) e, com a diferença de 3 linhas, 54 casos (3,99%). À medida em que se consideravam diferenças maiores, decrescia progressivamente o número de casos discordantes encontrados. Observou-se que, à medida em que aumentava a desigualdade de aferição entre o professor e o oftalmologista, isto se verificava em ambos os olhos, o que evidencia uma dificuldade de interpretação daquelas crianças para responder o teste. Considerou-se altamente válida a aplicação do teste de acuidade visual pelo professor devidamente treinado, com a finalidade de triagem a nível de escola, como um dos aspectos para identificar alunos necessitados de exame médico-oftalmológico.


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Foram avaliados os resultados de triagem visual realizado por professores em alunos de primeira série do primeiro grau de uma escola estadual, considerando os critérios de encaminhamento a exame especializado preconizados no Plano de Oftalmologia Sanitária Escolar do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Entre 411 escolares examinados verificou-se a existência de 48 casos de falsos positivos (encaminhamentos desnecessários) e de 5 casos de falsos negativos (erroneamente não encaminhados). Evidenciaram-se 36 casos (75%) de falsos positivos ocorridos em alunos com acuidade visual acima do limite considerado para encaminhamento, concluindo-se que se faz necessário um reforço periódico na orientação desses aplicadores, visando à diminuição desse número. Foi analisado o critério de encaminhar crianças com acuidade visual igual ou menor do que 0,7, concluindo-se que dentro das limitações de recursos assistenciais, este é um critério conveniente, em se tratando de oftalmologia sanitária.


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Studies on breeding Anopheles albitarsis and association with rice growth in irrigated paddy fields were carried out during the rice cultivation cycle from December 1993 to March 1994. This period corresponded to the length of time of permanent paddy flooding. Breeding occurred in the early stage up until five weeks after transplantation when rice plant height was small. That inverse correlation may give potential direction to control measures.


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Studies on culicid breeding in empty rice fields were carried out during the cultivation cycle from May to November 1993. This period corresponded to stages 1 and 2, when empty conditions prevailed. Breeding occurred in stage 1 and the first part of stage 2, corresponding respectively to fallow uncultivated and ploughing situations. No breeding was found to take place during the second part of stage 2 when transient floods and harrowing occurred. The predominant species were Aedes scapularis, Culex nigripalpus and Cx. mollis. The Pilosus Group of Culex (Melanoconion) was found at lower densities. Some epidemiological considerations are presented.


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