13 resultados para Adhesión a Directriz

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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OBJETIVO: O "Cuestionario para la Evaluación de la Adhesión al Tratamiento Antiretroviral" é um instrumento auto-aplicável para a identificação do grau de adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV. O objetivo do estudo foi de traduzir, adaptar e validar o questionário para seu uso no Brasil. MÉTODOS: O questionário foi traduzido do original em espanhol ao português, utilizando o processo de tradução-retradução (espanhol/português/espanhol), seguido de avaliação verbal da compreensão com um pequeno grupo de pacientes. Foram estudadas as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento em uma amostra de 59 pacientes com infecção pelo HIV em tratamento anti-retroviral. Os pacientes foram avaliados em centro especializado no atendimento de pacientes infectados pelo HIV ou com Aids, em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, entre os meses de junho a novembro de 2005. Para o processo de validação do instrumento foram analisados os indicadores de consistência interna, validez relacionada a um critério externo, sensibilidade e especificidade. RESULTADOS: A análise dos resultados permitiu identificar uma adequada confiabilidade do questionário (alfa=0,64) e validade relacionada a um critério externo (carga viral; r=-0,48; p<0,001). Também observou-se adequada sensibilidade (79,2%) e especificidade (57,1%) do questionário para a detecção entre indivíduos com carga viral indetectável e detectável. CONCLUSÕES: A versão em português do Questionário para Avaliação da Adesão ao Tratamento Anti-retroviral mostrou ser útil, confiável e válida para a avaliação do grau de adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV.


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Stimulation of the mammalian immune system by administration of plasmid DNA has been shown to be an important approach for vaccine development against several pathogens. In the present study we investigated the use of DNA vaccines to induce immune responses against an enteric bacterial pathogen, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Three plasmid vectors encoding colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I), an ETEC fimbrial adhesin, were constructed. Eukaryotic cells transfected with each of these plasmids expressed the heterologous antigen in different compartments: bound to the cytoplasmic membrane (pRECFA), accumulated in the cytoplasm (pPolyCFA) or secreted to the outside medium (pBLCFA). BALB/c mice were intramuscularly (im) inoculated with purified plasmid DNA and the systemic, cellular and secreted CFA/I-specific immune responses were analyzed. The results showed that all three DNA vaccine formulations could elicit CFA/I-specific immune responses. Moreover, cellular location of the plasmid-encoded CFA/I seems to have an important role in the induced immune response. Taken together, these results indicate that DNA vaccines also represent a promising approach against enteric bacterial pathogens.


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Se hace un estudio de la interacción de promastigotes de Leishmania donovani con células de exudado peritoneal de ratón (c e p) mediante la influencia de la quimotripsina. La adhesión de los promastigotes a las c e p fue terminal y marginal, y en observaciones hechas a partir de los 10 minutos de enfrentamiento, esta adhesión fue nula hasta los 30 minutos en el grupo tratado, y sólo a las das horas hubo un pequeño incremento (2.4%) con respecto al control. Se observa marcada disminución en todos los parámetro medidos, tales como enlace, penetración, multiplicación intracelular, división de formas flageladas, en el grupo tratado. La quimotripsina favorece la formación de formas intermedias flageladas, heciendose el parásito piriforme y esférico, apareciendo una forma aberrante de extremo anterior cilindrico que semeja a una forma coanoflagelada. Se sospecha que la enzima reduce efectivamente fragmentos proteicos o péptidos, los cuales pueden haber sido tan pequeños como para esconder a otros ligandos relacionados con la adhesión macrófago-parásito.


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Adhesins (P-fimbriae, S-fimbriae, type 1 fimbriae and afimbrial adhesin), toxins (α-hemolysin and cytotoxic necrotizing factor type 1), iron acquisition systems (aerobactin) and host defense avoidance mechanisms (capsule or lipopolysaccharide) have been shown to be prevalent in Escherichia coli strains associated with urinary tract infections. In this work, 162 Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains from patients with cystitis were genotypically characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. We developed three multiplex PCR assays for virulence-related genes papC, papE/F, papG alleles, fimH, sfa/foc, afaE, hly, cnf-1, usp, cdtB, iucD, and kpsMTII, all of them previously identified in UPEC strains. The PCR assay results identified 158 fimH (97.5%), 86 kpsMTII (53.1%), 53 papC/papEF/papG (32.7%), 45 sfa (27.8%), 42 iucD (25.9%), 41 hly (25.3%), 36 usp (22.2%), 30 cnf-1(18.5%) and 10 afa (6.2%) strains. No strain was positive for cdtB. In this work, we also demonstrated that adhesins may be multiple within a single strain and that several virulence genes can occur combined in association.


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There is a clear need to perform epidemiological studies to find the true prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica around the world. The evaluation of this prevalence has been hindered by the existence of two different species which are morphologically identical, but genetically different, namely E. histolytica, which causes amebiasis, and E. dispar, which is non-pathogenic. In Brazil, the E. dispar has been detected in communities in the Southeastern (SE) and Northeastern (NE) regions with poor sanitation. However, individuals infected with E. histolytica have been identified in other regions. There is an absence of reports on the prevalence of these parasites in the state of Paraíba, which also has areas with poor sanitary conditions where a high prevalence of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex has been detected in children from urban slums. The present study evaluated the prevalence of E. histolytica and E. dispar in 1,195 asymptomatic children between two and 10 years of age, living in a sprawling urban slum in Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba, in Northeastern Brazil. These children were examined and their feces samples were analyzed microscopically. A total of 553 children tested positive for the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, and 456 of the positive samples were tested with the E. histolytica II® ELISA kit. All 456 samples were negative for the presence of the adhesin E. histolytica specific antigen. The evidence suggests that in this community E. histolytica is absent and E. dispar is the dominant species.


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When grown in the presence of exogenous collagen I, Mycobacterium bovis BCG was shown to form clumps. Scanning electron microscopy examination of these clumps revealed the presence of collagen fibres cross-linking the bacilli. Since collagen is a major constituent of the eukaryotic extracellular matrices, we assayed BCG cytoadherence in the presence of exogenous collagen I. Collagen increased the interaction of the bacilli with A549 type II pneumocytes or U937 macrophages, suggesting that BCG is able to recruit collagen to facilitate its attachment to host cells. Using an affinity chromatography approach, we have isolated a BCG collagen-binding protein corresponding to the previously described mycobacterial laminin-binding histone-like protein (LBP/Hlp), a highly conserved protein associated with the mycobacterial cell wall. Moreover, Mycobacterium leprae LBP/Hlp, a well-characterized adhesin, was also able to bind collagen I. Finally, using recombinant fragments of M. leprae LBP/Hlp, we mapped the collagen-binding activity within the C-terminal domain of the adhesin. Since this protein was already shown to be involved in the recognition of laminin and heparan sulphate-containing proteoglycans, the present observations reinforce the adhesive activities of LBP/Hlp, which can be therefore considered as a multifaceted mycobacterial adhesin, playing an important role in both leprosy and tuberculosis pathogenesis.


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Escherichia coli isolates from 24 sick psittacine birds were serogrouped and investigated for the presence of genes encoding the following virulence factors: attaching and effacing (eae), enteropathogenic E. coli EAF plasmid (EAF), pili associated with pyelonephritis (pap), S fimbriae (sfa), afimbrial adhesin (afa), capsule K1 (neu), curli (crl, csgA), temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (tsh), enteroaggregative heat-stable enterotoxin-1 (astA), heat-stable enterotoxin -1 heat labile (LT) and heat stable (STa and STb) enterotoxins, Shiga-like toxins (stx1 and stx2), cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (cnf1), haemolysin (hly), aerobactin production (iuc) and serum resistance (iss). The results showed that the isolates belonged to 12 serogroups: O7; O15; O21; O23; O54; O64; O76; O84; O88; O128; O152 and O166. The virulence genes found were: crl in all isolates, pap in 10 isolates, iss in seven isolates, csgA in five isolates, iuc and tsh in three isolates and eae in two isolates. The combination of virulence genes revealed 11 different genotypic patterns. All strains were negative for genes encoding for EAF, EAEC, K1, sfa, afa, hly, cnf, LT, STa, STb, stx1 and stx2. Our findings showed that some E. coli isolated from psittacine birds present the same virulence factors as avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) pathotypes.


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An expression plasmid (pCFA-1) carrying the cfaB gene that codes for the enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) fimbrial adhesin colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) subunit was constructed and used to transform a derivative of the attenuated Salmonella typhimurium aroA vaccine strain SL3261 carrying an F'lacIq. Treatment of the transformed strain with isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) resulted in elevated in vitro expression of the CFA/I subunit. Although flagellar function and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis were similar in both the parental and the recombinant strains, spleen colonization was reduced in the recombinant strain. All BALB/c mice parenterally inoculated with the recombinant strain developed significant anti-CFA/I and anti-LPS serum antibody titers (P<0.05). Moreover, 2 of 5 mice orally inoculated with the engineered Salmonella strain developed anti-CFA/I intestinal IgA (P>0.05) while 4/5 of the same mice developed anti-LPS IgA (P<0.05). The results indicate that the vaccine strain elicited an antibody response against the bacterial host both after oral and intravenous immunization while the response against the CFA/I antigen was significant only after inoculation by the intravenous route


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It has been demonstrated that the alpha2 chain of laminin-2 present on the surface of Schwann cells is involved in the process of attachment of Mycobacterium leprae to these cells. Searching for M. leprae laminin-binding molecules, in a previous study we isolated and characterized the cationic proteins histone-like protein (Hlp) and ribosomal proteins S4 and S5 as potential adhesins involved in M. leprae-Schwann cell interaction. Hlp was shown to bind alpha2-laminins and to greatly enhance the attachment of mycobacteria to ST88-14 Schwann cells. In the present study, we investigated the laminin-binding capacity of the ribosomal proteins S4 and S5. The genes coding for these proteins were PCR amplified and their recombinant products were shown to bind alpha2-laminins in overlay assays. However, when tested in ELISA-based assays and in adhesion assays with ST88-14 cells, in contrast to Hlp, S4 and S5 failed to bind laminin and act as adhesins. The laminin-binding property and adhesin capacity of two basic host-derived proteins were also tested, and only histones, but not cytochrome c, were able to increase bacterial attachment to ST88-14 cells. Our data suggest that the alanine/lysine-rich sequences shared by Hlp and eukaryotic H1 histones might be involved in the binding of these cationic proteins to laminin.


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Sixty strains of Escherichia coli, isolated by hemoculture, from septicemic Brazilian patients were evaluated to determine their serogroup and invasivity to Vero cells. All 60 patients died within 2 days of hospitalization. Furthermore, the molecular study of the following extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli-associated virulence factor (VF) genes was performed by PCR: i) adhesins: type 1 fimbria (fimH), S fimbria (sfaD/E), P fimbria (papC and papG alleles) and afimbrial adhesin (afaB/C); ii) capsule K1/K5 (kpsMTII); iii) siderophores: aerobactin (iucD), yersiniabactin (fyuA) and salmochelin (iroN); iv) toxins hemolysin (hlyA), necrotizing cytotoxic factor type 1 (cnf1) and secreted autotransporter toxin (sat); v) miscellaneous: brain microvascular endothelial cells invasion (ibeA), serum resistance (traT), colicin V (cvaC) and specific uropathogenic protein (usp). Our results showed that isolates are able to invade Vero cells (96.6%), differing from previous research on uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). The O serogroups associated with UPEC were prevalent in 60% of strains vs 11.7% of other serogroups. The PCR results showed a conserved virulence subgroup profile and a prevalence above 75% for fimH, fyuA, kpsMTII and iucD, and between 35-65% for papC, papG, sat, iroN, usp and traT. The evasion from the immunological system of the host and also iron uptake are essential for the survival of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains. Interestingly, among our isolates, a low prevalence of VF genes appeared. Therefore, the present study contributes to the identification of a bacterial profile for sepsis-associated E. coli.


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Helicobacter pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells constitutes a key step in the establishment of a successful infection of the gastric mucosa. The high representation of outer membrane proteins in the bacterial genome suggests the relevance of those proteins in the establishment of profitable interactions with the host gastric cells. Gastric epithelial cells are protected by a mucous layer gel, mainly consisting of the MUC5AC and MUC6 mucins. In addition to this protective role, mucins harbor glycan-rich domains that constitute preferential binding sites of many pathogens. In this article we review the main players in the process of H. pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells, which contribute decisively to the high prevalence and chronicity of H. pylori infection. The BabA adhesin recognizes both H-type 1 and Lewis b blood-group antigens expressed on normal gastric mucosa of secretor individuals, contributing to the initial steps of infection. Upon colonization, persistent infection induces an inflammatory response with concomitant expression of sialylated antigens. The SabA adhesin mediates H. pylori binding to inflamed gastric mucosa by recognizing sialyl-Lewis a and sialyl-Lewis x antigens. The expression of the BabA and SabA adhesins is tightly regulated, permitting the bacteria to rapidly adapt to the changes of glycosylation of the host gastric mucosa that occur during infection, as well as to escape from the inflammatory response. The growing knowledge of the interactions between the bacterial adhesins and the host receptors will contribute to the design of alternative strategies for eradication of the infection.


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The adhesins of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli are essential for mediating direct interactions between the microbes and the host cell surfaces that they infect. Using fluorescence microscopy and gentamycin protection assays, we observed that 49 sepsis-associated E. coli (SEPEC) strains isolated from human adults adhered to and invaded Vero cells in the presence of D-mannose (100%). In addition, bacteria concentrations of approximately 2 x 10(7) CFU/mL were recovered from Vero cells following an invasion assay. Furthermore, PCR analysis of adhesin genes showed that 98.0% of these SEPEC strains tested positive for fimH, 69.4% for flu, 53.1% for csgA, 38.8% for mat, and 32.7% for iha. Analysis of the invasin genes showed that 16.3% of the SEPEC strains were positive for tia, 12.3% for gimB, and 10.2% for ibeA. Therefore, these data suggest that SEPEC adhesion to cell surfaces occurs through non-fimH mechanisms. Scanning electron microscopy showed the formation of microcolonies on the Vero cell surface. SEPEC invasiveness was also confirmed by the presence of intracellular bacteria, and ultrastructural analysis using electron transmission microscopy revealed bacteria inside the Vero cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that these SEPEC strains had the ability to adhere to and invade Vero cells. Moreover, these data support the theory that renal cells may be the predominant pathway through which SEPEC enters human blood vessels.


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La fortificación de alimentos es importante debido a una creciente población en estado de malnutrición, por las sequías provocadas a nivel mundial y por personas de bajos recursos económicos. La adición de proteínas puede causar problemas tecnológicos. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la adición de proteínas de lactosuero a pan dulce tipo "concha" sobre las propiedades químicas y de texturas de las masas y panes. Se planteó un experimento con diferentes concentraciones de suero comercial y precipitado por calor, se evaluó la adhesividad y el análisis del perfil de textura en masa y panes. Los resultados indicaron que el testigo presentó menor contenido de proteína (17.2 ± 0.01%) con respecto a los panes con 10% (19.8 ± 0.01) y 15% (22.9 ± 0.03) de suero comercial y precipitados por calor, el contenido de grasa fue similar en el testigo (7.01 ± 0.02) y en los panes con suero comercial (7.29 ± 0.04%) y precipitado por calor (7.37 ± 0.01), el mayor trabajo de adhesión se presentó al 10% de suero comercial, mientras que los tratamientos a base de suero tuvieron valores intermedios. La firmeza fue mayor (p < 0.05) en las muestras con proteína de suero comercial, pero menos cohesiva que las fortificadas con suero precipitado por calor. La firmeza del pan mejoró por la presencia de suero lácteo comercial que con el suero precipitado por calor, sin detectar diferencia significativa (p > 0.05) entre los porcentajes de suero. Existe un efecto del tipo y concentración de suero en la adhesividad de las masas. Respecto a la textura de los panes, el suero precipitado por calor tuvo características aceptables en comparación con el suero comercial.