63 resultados para Ace-inhibitors
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
This report outlines the discovery, the design and development of new compounds, and, structure-activity relationships for this drug category. Updated approaches to planned syntheses of new worthy ACE-inhibitors are also exploited.
Cardiac dysfunction in heart failure is widely recognized as a progressive process, regardless of the clinical signs and symptoms. An increase in cardiac sympathetic drive is one of the earliest neurohormonal responses occurring in patients with heart failure and may be one of the major causes of the progressive remodeling leading to the decline in myocardial function, and responsible for the poor prognosis of patients with heart failure. Therefore, recent data provided by several appropriately designed clinical trials clearly indicate the benefits of beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents, combined with diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and digoxin in chronic heart failure class II to IV due to systolic ventricular dysfunction. The benefits are related to symptoms, functional capacity, remodeling, and improvement in left ventricular function, reduction in cardiovascular hospitalization, a decrease in the overall and sudden cardiac death rate, and are similar in patients with ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy, independent of age, gender, or functional class. In this review we describe the cardiovascular effects of the increase in sympathetic drive, the pharmacological properties of the beta-blockers most evaluated in heart failure therapy (metoprolol, bisoprolol, and carvedilol), the major clinical trials related to these agents in heart failure, the recommendations for their appropriate use in clinical practice, the precautions to be adopted, and how to handle the more common adverse reactions.
OBJECTIVE: To study the factors associated with the risk of in-hospital death in acute myocardial infarction in the Brazilian public health system in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: Sectional study of a sample with 391 randomly drawn medical records of the hospitalizations due to acute myocardial infarction recorded in the hospital information system in 1997. RESULTS: The diagnosis was confirmed in 91.7% of the cases; 61.5% males; age = 60.2 ± 2.4 years; delta time until hospitalization of 11 hours; 25.3% were diabetic; 58.1% were hypertensive; 82.6% were in Killip I class. In-hospital mortality was 20.6%. Thrombolysis was used in 19.5%; acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) 86.5%; beta-blockers 49%; angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors 63.3%; calcium channel blockers 30.5%. Factors associated with increased death: age (61-80 years: OR=2.5; > 80 years: OR=9.6); Killip class (II: OR=1.9; III: OR=6; IV: OR=26.5); diabetes (OR=2.4); ventricular tachycardia (OR=8.5); ventricular fibrillation (OR=34); recurrent ischemia (OR=2.7). The use of ASA (OR=0.3), beta-blockers (OR=0.3), and ACE inhibitors (OR=0.4) was associated with a reduction in the chance of death. CONCLUSION: General lethality was high and some interventions of confirmed efficacy were underutilizated. The logistic model showed the beneficial effect of beta-blockers, and ACE inhibitors on the risk of in-hospital death.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of blood pressure (BP) control and other cardiovascular risk factors in patients with diabetes mellitus in a referral service for the treatment of hypertension. METHODS: A retrospective study where diabetic patients (at least 2 fasting glucose levels above 126 mg/dL, use of hypoglycemic agents or insulin, or both of these) were included. They were evaluated at the first appointment (M1) and at the last appointment (M2), regarding blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), use of hypertensive drugs, glycemia, total cholesterol (TC), creatinine, and potassium. RESULTS: Of 1,032 patients studied, 146 patients with a mean age of 61.6 years had diabetes, and 27 were men (18.5%). Mean follow-up was 5.5 years. BP values were 161.6 x 99.9 mmHg in M1 and 146.3 x 89.5 mmHg in M2. In M1, 10.4% of the patients did not use medications, 50.6% used just 1 drug, 30.8% used 2 drugs, and 8.2% used 3 or more drugs. In M2, these values were 10.9%, 39%, 39.7%, and 10.4%, respectively. Diuretics were the most commonly used medication, whereas angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) were those drugs which presented greater increase when comparing M1 to M2 (24.6% and 41.7%, respectively). Only 17,1% reached the recommended goal (BP<130x85 mmhg). The other cardiovascular risk factors did not change significantly. CONCLUSION: Our data reinforce the necessity of a more aggressive approach in the treatment of these patients, despite the social and economic difficulties in adhering to treatment.
Teaching classes and events regarding the molecular aspects of drug-receptor interactions is not an easy task. The ligand stereochemistry and the spatial arrangement of the macromolecular targets highly increase the complexity of the process. In this context, the use of alternative and more playful approaches could allow students to gain a more thorough understanding of this important topic in medicinal chemistry. Herein, we describe a practical teaching approach that uses computational strategies as a tool for drug-receptor interaction studies performed for angiotencsin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi). Firstly, the students learn how to find the crystallographic structure (enzyme-ligand complex). Then, they proceed to the treatment of crude crystallographic data. Thereafter, they learn how to analyze the positioning of the drug on the active site of the enzyme, looking for regions related to the molecular recognition. At the end of the study, students can summarize the molecular requirements for the interaction and the structure-activity relationships of the studied drugs.
Bradykinin has been reported to act as a growth factor for fibroblasts, mesangial cells and keratinocytes. Recently, we reported that bradykinin augments liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is also a powerful bradykinin-degrading enzyme. We have investigated the effect of ACE inhibition by lisinopril on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Adult male Wistar rats underwent 70% partial hepatectomy (PH). The animals received lisinopril at a dose of 1 mg kg body weight-1 day-1, or saline solution, intraperitoneally, for 5 days before hepatectomy, and daily after surgery. Four to six animals from the lisinopril and saline groups were sacrificed at 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 120 h after PH. Liver regeneration was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen using the PC-10 monoclonal antibody. The value for the lisinopril-treated group was three-fold above the corresponding control at 12 h after PH (P<0.001), remaining elevated at approximately two-fold above control values at 24, 36, 48 (P<0.001), and at 72 h (P<0.01) after PH, but values did not reach statistical difference at 120 h after PH. Plasma ACE activity measured by radioenzymatic assay was significantly higher in the saline group than in the lisinopril-treated group (P<0.001), with 81% ACE inhibition. The present study shows that plasma ACE inhibition enhances liver regeneration after PH in rats. Since it was reported that bradykinin also augments liver regeneration after PH, this may explain the liver growth stimulating effect of ACE inhibitors.
Drug management of hypertension has been a noticeable example of the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on prescription practices. The worldwide leading brands of blood pressure-lowering agents are angiotensin receptor-blocking agents, although they are considered to be simply substitutes of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Commercial strategies have been based on the results of clinical trials sponsored by drug companies. Most of them presented distortions in their planning, presentation or interpretation that favored the drugs from the sponsor, i.e., corporate bias. Atenolol, an ineffective blood pressure agent in elderly individuals, was the comparator drug in several trials. In a re-analysis of the INSIGHT trial, deaths appeared to have been counted twice. The LIFE trial appears in the title of more than 120 reproductions of the main and flawed trial, as a massive strategy of scientific marketing. Most guidelines have incorporated the corporate bias from the original studies, and the evidence from better designed studies, such as the ALLHAT trial, have been largely ignored. In trials published recently corporate influences have touched on ethical limits. In the ADVANCE trial, elderly patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease or risk factors, allocated to placebo, were not allowed to use diuretic and full doses of an ACE inhibitor, despite the sound evidence of benefit demonstrated in previous trials. As a consequence, they had a 14% higher mortality rate than the participants allocated to the active treatment arm. This reality should be modified immediately, and a greater independence of the academy from the pharmaceutical industry is necessary.
The classical renin-angiotensin system (RAS) consists of enzymes and peptides that regulate blood pressure and electrolyte and fluid homeostasis. Angiotensin II (Ang II) is one of the most important and extensively studied components of the RAS. The beneficial effects of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure, among other diseases, are well known. However, it has been reported that patients chronically treated with effective doses of these inhibitors do not show suppression of Ang II formation, suggesting the involvement of pathways alternative to ACE in the generation of Ang II. Moreover, the finding that the concentration of Ang II is preserved in the kidney, heart and lungs of mice with an ACE deletion indicates the important role of alternative pathways under basal conditions to maintain the levels of Ang II. Our group has characterized the serine protease elastase-2 as an alternative pathway for Ang II generation from Ang I in rats. A role for elastase-2 in the cardiovascular system was suggested by studies performed in heart and conductance and resistance vessels of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. This mini-review will highlight the pharmacological aspects of the RAS, emphasizing the role of elastase-2, an alternative pathway for Ang II generation.
Hypertension is characterized by a pro-inflammatory status, including redox imbalance and increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which may be exacerbated after heat exposure. However, the effects of heat exposure, specifically in individuals with inflammatory chronic diseases such as hypertension, are complex and not well understood. This study compared the effects of heat exposure on plasma cytokine levels and redox status parameters in 8 hypertensive (H) and 8 normotensive (N) subjects (age: 46.5±1.3 and 45.6±1.4 years old, body mass index: 25.8±0.8 and 25.6±0.6 kg/m2, mean arterial pressure: 98.0±2.8 and 86.0±2.3 mmHg, respectively). They remained at rest in a sitting position for 10 min in a thermoneutral environment (22°C) followed by 30 min in a heated environmental chamber (38°C and 60% relative humidity). Blood samples were collected before and after heat exposure. Plasma cytokine levels were measured using sandwich ELISA kits. Plasma redox status was determined by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels and ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP). Hypertensive subjects showed higher plasma levels of IL-10 at baseline (P<0.05), although levels of this cytokine were similar between groups after heat exposure. Moreover, after heat exposure, hypertensive individuals showed higher plasma levels of soluble TNF receptor (sTNFR1) and lower TBARS (P<0.01) and FRAP (P<0.05) levels. Controlled hypertensive subjects, who use angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitors), present an anti-inflammatory status and balanced redox status. Nevertheless, exposure to a heat stress condition seems to cause an imbalance in the redox status and an unregulated inflammatory response.
Soybean genotypes grown in sub-tropical climate may exhibit lodging. The plant lodging is influenced by soil type and fertility level, sowing date, latitude and altitude of the location, plant population and conditions of crop development. Plant regulators and herbicides are able to avoid or reduce plant lodging. This study aimed to verify the effects of the growth regulators TIBA and daminozide on vegetative growth and yield of soybean cultivar CD 214 RR. The experiment was carried out at a field in randomized block design with four replications in a factorial scheme. The A factor was represented by the combination of regulators TIBA and daminozide and its concentrations, and the Factor B was seven times of evaluation of injury and plant height or eight times of evaluation of lodging. In the range of doses used, the application of daminozide resulted in greater injury to soybean plants than TIBA. The smaller plant height was achieved by the application of 6 g ha-1 of TIBA and 1200 g ha-¹ of daminozide. Treatments with daminozide (100 g ha-¹) and TIBA (10 g ha-1) stood out due to the reduced lodging of soybean plants. Grain weight increased linearly when the levels of TIBA increased. There was a negative correlation between lodging and grain yield and a positive correlation between plant height and lodging. There was also a negative correlation between injury caused by the application of plant regulators and lodging.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características de desempenho da versão brasileira do questionário Tolerance, Annoyed, Cut down e Eye-opener (T-ACE), para rastreamento do consumo de álcool na gestação. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, em amostra seqüencial de 450 mulheres no terceiro trimestre de gestação, assistidas em maternidade no município de Ribeirão Preto, estado de São Paulo, em 2001. Foram aplicados: questionário para coleta de dados sociodemográficos, T-ACE, questionário para levantamento da história de consumo de álcool ao longo da gestação e entrevista clínica para identificação de uso nocivo e dependência ao álcool, segundo critérios diagnósticos da CID-10. Foram feitos testes de concordância entre diferentes entrevistadores e de confiabilidade teste/re-teste. RESULTADOS: Do total, 100 gestantes (22,1%) foram consideradas positivas pelo T-ACE. Os índices kappa para concordância e confiabilidade foram 0,95, com 97% de respostas concordantes. Quando comparado aos parâmetros da CID-10 e ao padrão de consumo, o T-ACE com ponto de corte igual ou acima de dois pontos, apresentou coeficientes de sensibilidade e especificidade de 100% e 85% e de 97,9% e 86,6% respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A versão brasileira do T-ACE mostrou preencher adequadamente os critérios de desempenho que a qualificam ao papel de instrumento básico para o rastreamento do consumo de álcool durante a gravidez. Sua utilização é recomendável nas rotinas e práticas dos serviços obstétricos devido à tendência de aumento do consumo alcoólico feminino, dificuldades para identificação do abuso de álcool pela gestante e riscos de problemas de desenvolvimento nos filhos.
The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has caused a marked reduction in the occurrence and severity of parasitic infections, including the toxoplasmic encephalitis (TE). These changes have been attributed to the restoration of cell-mediated immunity. This study was developed to examine the activity of six antiretroviral protease inhibitors (API) on Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. The six API showed anti-Toxoplasma activity, with IC50 value between 1.4 and 6.6 µg/mL. Further studies at the molecular level should be performed to clarify if the use of API could be beneficial or not for AIDS patients with TE.
OBJECTIVE: To compare blood pressure response to dynamic exercise in hypertensive patients taking trandolapril or captopril. METHODS: We carried out a prospective, randomized, blinded study with 40 patients with primary hypertension and no other associated disease. The patients were divided into 2 groups (n=20), paired by age, sex, race, and body mass index, and underwent 2 symptom-limited exercise tests on a treadmill before and after 30 days of treatment with captopril (75 to 150 mg/day) or trandolapril (2 to 4 mg/day). RESULTS: The groups were similar prior to treatment (p<0.05), and both drugs reduced blood pressure at rest (p<0.001). During treatment, trandolapril caused a greater increase in functional capacity (+31%) than captopril (+17%; p=0.01) did, and provided better blood pressure control during exercise, observed as a reduction in the variation of systolic blood pressure/MET (trandolapril: 10.7±1.9 mmHg/U vs 7.4±1.2 mmHg/U, p=0.02; captopril: 9.1±1.4 mmHg/U vs 11.4±2.5 mmHg/U, p=0.35), a reduction in peak diastolic blood pressure (trandolapril: 116.8±3.1 mmHg vs 108.1±2.5 mmHg, p=0.003; captopril: 118.2±3.1 mmHg vs 115.8±3.3 mmHg, p=0.35), and a reduction in the interruption of the tests due to excessive elevation in blood pressure (trandolapril: 50% vs 15%, p=0.009; captopril: 50% vs 45%, p=0.32). CONCLUSION: Monotherapy with trandolapril is more effective than that with captopril to control blood pressure during exercise in hypertensive patients.
OBJECTIVE: To study the differences between fluvastatin and pravastatin regarding LDL susceptibility to oxidation, plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) in hypercholesterolemic patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: A double-blind randomized parallel study was conducted that included 41 hypercholesterolemic outpatients with CHD treated at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. The inclusion criteria were LDL-C above 100 mg/dL and triglycerides below 400 mg/dL based on 2 measures. After 4 weeks on a low cholesterol diet, those patients that fullfilled the inclusion criteria were randomized into 2 groups: the fluvastatin group (fluvastatin 40 mg/day) and the pravastatin group (pravastatin 20 mg/day), for 24 weeks of treatment. LDL susceptibility to oxidation was analyzed with copper-induced production of conjugated dienes (Cu2+) and water-soluble free radical initiator azo-bis (2'-2'amidinopropanil) HCl (AAPH). Spectroscopy nuclear magnetic resonance was used for determination of lipids. RESULTS: After 24 weeks of drug therapy, fluvastatin and pravastatin significantly reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation as demonstrated by the reduced rate of oxidation (azo and Cu) and by prolonged azo-induced lag time (azo lag). The TC, LDL-C, and TG reduced significantly and HDL-C increased significantly. No differences between the drugs were observed. CONCLUSION: In hypercholesterolemic patients with CHD, both fluvastatin and pravastatin reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation.