em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Autotransplantation of spleen tissue has been done, in the past ten years, in children with schistosomiasis mansoni with bleeding varices. The purposes of this investigation were: (1) to study the morphology and function of the remnant spleen tissue; (2) to quantify the production of tuftsin; and (3) to assess the immune response to pneomococcal vaccine of these patients. Twenty three children, who underwent splenectomy and autologous implantation of spleen tissue into the greater omentum were included in this investigation. The average postoperative follow-up is five years. Splenosis was proved by colloid liver-spleen scans. Search for Howell-Jolly bodies assessed the filtration function. Tuftsin and the titer of pneumococcal antibodies were quantified by ELISA. Splenosis was evident in all children; however, it was insufficient in two. Howell-Jolly bodies were found only in these two patients. The mean tuftsin serum concentration (335.0 ± 29.8 ng/ml) was inside the normal range. The immune response to pneumococcal vaccination was adequate in 15 patients; intermediate in four; and inadequate in four. From the results the following conclusions can be drawn: splenosis was efficient in maintaining the filtration splenic function in more than 90% and produced tuftsin inside the range of normality. It also provided the immunologic splenic response to pneumococcal vaccination in 65% of the patients of this series.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most frequent entities worldwide and partial hepatectomy has been the preferred option for treatment. We report the case of a 28-year-old Jehovah's Witness who came to us complaining about an abdominal mass. Angio-MRI showed a large heterogeneous mass in the left hepatic lobe. Ex situ liver resection followed by right hepatic lobe autotransplantation was performed, using extra-corporeal venous-venous bypass. He had an uneventful postoperative outcome and was discharged on the 10th postoperative day. The histology revealed hepatocellular carcinoma.