62 resultados para ATOMIZATION ENERGIES
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The problem of convenient access to quantitative Hückel-level descriptions of Möbius and Hückel annulenes for undergraduate lectures about aromaticity is discussed. Frost circle, Zimmerman circle, double circle and Langler semicircular mnemonics are described. The relationship between spectra (complete sets of secular equation roots) for an isoconjugate pair of Hückel and Möbius annulenes and the corresponding acyclic polyene with one less carbon is fully developed. In addition to providing an alternative path to exact spectrum roots, this relationship provides immediate access to almost half of the eigenfunctions for an isoconjugate annulene pair. The remaining eigenfunctions may be obtained very easily.
Resonance energies are shown to be quasithermodynamic in character. Hence, they are generally unsuitable as bases for anticipating kinetic stabilities. Examples are provided, leading to the conclusion that those who intend the word 'aromatic' to mean chemically unreactive, need to carry out full Hückel calculations in order to rank hydrocarbons using the frontier orbital energies.
Angle-resolved electron energy-loss spectra have been measured for the methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene molecules in the 0 - 50 eV energy range. The spectra have been obtained at 1 keV incident energy, with an energy resolution of 0.8 eV and covering an angular range of 2.0 to 7.0 degrees. Within our knowledge, this is the first gas-phase excitation spectrum for MMA and styrene in this energy range. The spectra of MMA at small scattering angles are dominated by an intense peak at 6.7 eV followed by a broad band centered at about 16 eV. In the case of styrene, six bands can be observed in the spectra. Based on the angular behaviour of the excitation spectra of these molecules, the low-lying peaks observed are considered to be associated predominantly with dipole-allowed processes. In both cases, new bands can be observed for excitation energies greater than 20 eV. This could be associated with dipole-forbidden transitions to shake-up and doubly-excited states.
This article introduces a simplified model for the theoretical study of the physical adsorption process of gaseous He on the planes (100) and (111) of the solid Xe matrix, whose crystalline structure is face centered cubic (fcc). The Ab initio calculations were carried out at the MP2 level of theory employing basis sets obtained through the Generator Coordinate Method, where the core electrons were represented by a pseudopotential. The calculated adsorption energies for the (100) and (111) faces are 5,39 and 4,18 kJ/mol, respectively. This simplified model is expected to be suitable for treating complex systems of applied interest.
The interface and software for synchronous control of an autosampler and an electrothermal tungsten coil atomizer in atomic absorption spectrophotometry were developed. The control of the power supply, the trigger of the Read function of the spectrophotometer and the automatic operation of the autosampler was performed by software written in "TurboBasic". The system was evaluated by comparison of the repeatability of peak-height absorbances obtained in the atomization of lead by consecutive 10-µl injections of solutions (prepared in 0.2% v/v HNO3) using autosampler and manual sample introduction, and also by long term operation.
A fast and direct method for the determination of Cr in milk and cane sugar suspensions using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman-effect background correction is described. No sample pre-treatment was necessary, minimizing the risk of contamination. The concentration of chromium in cane sugar was evaluated using Cr reference solutions prepared in 1% v/v HNO3 solution. The milk samples were introduced into the furnace with a mixture of amines for avoiding the autosampler blockage and foaming of milk. Chromium determination in milk was based on the standard additions method (SAM). The limit of detection and characteristic mass for cane sugar sample (30 muL) were 0,13 ng/ml and 4,3 pg, and for milk sample (10 muL) were 0,23 ng/ml and 7,8 pg, respectively. The graphite tube lifetime was 300 firings for sugar-cane sample and 100 firings for milk sample. The heating program was implemented in 68 s.
Selenium is both essential and toxic to man and animals, depending on the concentration and the ingested form. Most fruits and vegetables are poor sources of selenium, but coconut can be a good selenium source. Samples were suspended (1 + 4 v/v) in a mixture of tertiary amines soluble in water (10% v/v CFA-C). This simple sample treatment avoided contamination and decreased the analysis time. The standard additions method was adopted for quantification. The action of the autosampler was improved by the presence of the amines mixture in the suspension. A Varian model AA-800 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a graphite furnace and a GTA 100 autosampler was used for selenium determination in coconut water and coconut milk. Background correction was performed by means of the Zeeman effect. Pyrolytically coated graphite tubes were employed. Using Pd as chemical modifier, the pyrolysis and the atomization temperatures were set at 1400 and 2200ºC, respectively. For six samples, the selenium concentration in coconut water varied from 6.5 to 21.0 mug L-1 and in coconut milk from 24.2 to 25.1 mug L-1. The accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and all recovered values are in the 99.5-102.3% range. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be directly applied without sample decomposition.
A tungsten coil atomizer was used to investigate the effect of heating programs with constant or variable drying temperatures on the atomization of Al, Cd, Cr and Pb. The variation of the surface temperature in the tungsten coil furnace can occur during each heating step due to the design of the power supply, that may apply constant voltages during a programmed time. For volatile elements (Cd), losses in sensitivity were observed when the program with a variable temperature was used. On the other hand, these effects are negligible for less volatile elements (Al and Cr) and any tested program, in different acidic media, could be used without appreciable changes in sensitivities. The results allow the establishment of proper heating programs for elements with different thermochemical behavior in the tungsten coil atomizer.
This work describes a factorial design for the optimization of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures in ETAAS. As examples, Cd and Pb were determined using lower pyrolysis and atomization temperatures and Al and Mo with higher pyrolysis and atomization temperatures. Good results were obtained for Cd employing Rh (m o = 1.4 pg) as a permanent modifier with pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of 640 and 1500 °C, respectively. For Zr, W or Zr+W, the Cd pyrolysis and atomization temperatures were 500 and 1500 °C, respectively, with m o = 1.4 pg using Zr or W and 1.5 pg using Zr+W. The best results for Pb were those using Rh, Zr, W and Zr+Rh, obtaining characteristic masses of 42, 37, 34 and 36 pg, respectively. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of 910 and 1850 °C, respectively, were achieved for this metal. For Al, the best results were obtained when Zr or Zr+W were used. Mo was also tested as a possible permanent modifier for Al, but the results were not satisfactory. The results obtained for Mo without modifier were similar to those with conventional modifiers (Mg or Pd+Mg) and the results obtained using permanent chemical modifiers were not satisfactory. In all situations, the experiments were performed faster than those using the univariate procedure.
A study was carried out on the urea geometries using ab initio calculation and Monte Carlo computational simulation of liquids. The ab initio calculated results showed that urea has a non-planar conformation in the gas phase in which the hydrogen atoms are out of the plane formed by the heavy atoms. Free energies associated to the rotation of the amino groups of urea in water were obtained using the Monte Carlo method in which the thermodynamic perturbation theory is implemented. The magnitude of the free energy obtained from this simulation did not permit us to conclude that urea is non-planar in water.
The aim of this work was to compare the performances of the L'vov and integrated platforms in order to overcome the interferences found on lead determination in zidovudine by ET AAS. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures found with integrated platform were 700 and 1400°C, respectively. The characteristic masses were 12.7 ± 1.2 pg with integrated platform and 11.1 ± 1.3 pg with grooved platform. The ratio between the slopes of zidovudine and aqueous curves shows a decrease in the interferences when the L'vov platform is used (bAZT/b aq = 0.97 ± 0.10) and the detection limit found was 0.03 µg.g-1. That ratio was 0.85 ± 0.07 with the integrated platform.
A didactic experiment based on the thermal decomposition of sodium bicarbonate using a reagent found in the marketplace is proposed. The reaction products are identified by qualitative tests and stoichiometric calculations. The thermal stability of carbonates and the influence of lattice energies are discussed, emphasizing periodic trends in the alkali and alkaline earth families. The industrial importance of the reaction is also explored.
The toxicity of the major As species present in the environment justifies the effort for quantifying the element in environmental organic samples, which can vary from animal and vegetal tissues to coal and industrial residues. This paper comments about the applicability of the O2 bomb digestion, as a general procedure for all environmental organic materials. A rapid and straightforward method is suggested, which consists in burning the sample in the bomb at high O2 pressure, dissolving the vapours in diluted HNO3 and determining As in the resulting solution by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. The method was applied to certified materials and plant samples.
This paper presents a study of the interaction of small molecules with ZnO surfaces by means of theoretical methods. The AM1 semi-empirical method was used for optimizing the geometric parameters of adsorbed molecules. The optimized AM1 structures were used in the calculations of the ab initio RHF method with the 3-21G* basis set. The interaction of CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules were studied with (ZnO)22 and (ZnO)60 cluster models. We have analyzed the interaction energy, SCF orbital energies, Mulliken charges and the density of states (DOS).
Internal energy dependence of the competitive unimolecular dissociation channels of dimethyl ether were studied with the statistical RRKM formalism. The C-O and C-H fission reactions and the 1,2-H and 1,3-H shifts, and 1,1-H2 and 1,3-H2 molecular eliminations are discussed as a function of energy dependence of k a(E*), the microcanonical rate constant for production of transition states. C-O fission is the dominant process while reaction channels involving C-H fission, 1,1-H2 and 1,3-H2 elimination and production of MeOH should be competitive at energies around 400 kJ mol-1. The less favorable process is the channel of CH4 formation.