396 resultados para ANGIONEUROTIC-EDEMA

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de técnicas histológicas e imunoistoquímicas, o epitélio nos nódulos vocais em relação aos pólipos, ao edema de laringe e às pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Por meio de levantamento de prontuário, foram identificados vinte e seis pacientes com lesões laríngeas inflamatórias (nódulos, pólipos e edema de laringe), que haviam sido submetidos à cirurgia. Pregas vocais sem alterações macroscópicas foram obtidas a partir de autópsia de cadáveres. Para análise do epitélio, foram realizadas colorações pela técnica da hematoxilina-eosina e do ácido periódico de Schiff e técnicas de imunoistoquímica com anticorpos dirigidos contra laminina e colágeno IV. A leitura das lâminas foi realizada por meio de microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Houve maior imunoexpressão de laminina e colágeno IV nos nódulos quando comparados aos pólipos (p=0,034 e p=0, 036, respectivamente), assim como quando comparados às pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas (p=0,019 e p=0, 021, respectivamente). Nódulos tendem a apresentar maior espessura da membrana basal, quando utilizamos coloração pela técnica do PAS, em relação aos pólipos (p=0,102). O edema de laringe não se diferenciou das demais nas técnicas utilizadas (p> 0,10). CONCLUSÕES: O Nódulo Vocal diferencia-se dos pólipos, nas três técnicas utilizadas para detecção da membrana basal (PAS, laminina, colágeno IV), e das pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas em duas das técnicas utilizadas (laminina e colágeno IV). Edema de laringe não se diferencia das demais lesões, nem de pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas, quando utilizadas as técnicas anteriormente descritas, para estudo da membrana basal.


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A 12-year-old boy was referred with acute asymmetric pulmonary edema (APE) four-hour after scorpion sting to Emergency department. On admission, the main clinical manifestations were: dyspnea, tachypnea, and tachycardia. Chest x-ray revealed APE predominantly on the right hemithorax. The patient was treated with oxygen, intravenous frusemide and digoxin and discharged on the sixth hospital day in a good condition. This case report emphasizes the occurrence of asymmetric pulmonary edema after severe scorpion envenomation within few hours immediately after the sting.


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Durante o curso da hanseníase, o edema comumente descrito como um sintoma de estados reacionais, pode ocorrer. Tanto o diagnóstico como a terapêutica adequada são, freqüentemente, difíceis de conseguir e assim podem acarretar permanente dano aos membros inferiores. Em um ano de acompanhamento, pacientes hansenianos - 10 multibacilares e 1 paucibacilar -, que foram submetidos a um protocolo clínico para o diagnóstico e classificação histopatológica, apresentaram clinicamente edema, localizado ou sistêmico. Entre estes pacientes, cinco apresentaram simultaneamente outros sintomas de reação, 4 foram classificados como reação Tipo I e um como reação tipo II. Por outro lado, três pacientes não apresentaram reação no momento do diagnóstico, mas desenvolveram alguns aspectos de reação posteriormente (2 tiveram neurite e um teve reação tipo I). Os edemas observados precedendo ou associados a quadros reacionais apresentaram ótima resposta clínica às drogas de ação anti-inflamatória (corticóide, talidomida e pentoxifilina) utilizadas para o tratamento dos estados reacionais, na ausência de qualquer outro tratamento normalmente usado para edema. Embora necessitem ser confirmados por estudos controlados, estes dados sugerem fortemente que mecanismos imunológicos estejam envolvidos na fisiopatologia dos edemas na hanseníase.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of 3 types of noninvasive respiratory support systems in the treatment of acute pulmonary edema: oxygen therapy (O2), continuous positive airway pressure, and bilevel positive pressure ventilation. METHODS: We studied prospectively 26 patients with acute pulmonary edema, who were randomized into 1 of 3 types of respiratory support groups. Age was 69±7 years. Ten patients were treated with oxygen, 9 with continuous positive airway pressure, and 7 with noninvasive bilevel positive pressure ventilation. All patients received medicamentous therapy according to the Advanced Cardiac Life Support protocol. Our primary aim was to assess the need for orotracheal intubation. We also assessed the following: heart and respiration rates, blood pressure, PaO2, PaCO2, and pH at begining, and at 10 and 60 minutes after starting the protocol. RESULTS: At 10 minutes, the patients in the bilevel positive pressure ventilation group had the highest PaO2 and the lowest respiration rates; the patients in the O2 group had the highest PaCO2 and the lowest pH (p<0.05). Four patients in the O2 group, 3 patients in the continuous positive pressure group, and none in the bilevel positive pressure ventilation group were intubated (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Noninvasive bilevel positive pressure ventilation was effective in the treatment of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema, accelerated the recovery of vital signs and blood gas data, and avoided intubation.


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O lupus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) é a mais comum das doenças auto-imunes sistêmicas, ocorrendo com maior freqüência no sexo feminino, usualmente na faixa etária entre 16 e 55 anos1,2. Embora os rins classicamente sejam os órgãos mais acometidos no LES, o coração e a circulação cardiopulmonar também podem ser afetados de forma significativa3. Nesse contexto, a ocorrência de edema agudo de pulmão associado à miocardite lúpica é rara e de tratamento imunossupressor específico ainda incerto.


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The authors report a case of Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema (RPE) seen at Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre 3 hours after drainage of spontaneous pneumothorax. The patient presented a unilateral pneumothorax with one-week duration. After pleural drainage respiratory failure occured being managed at the Intensive Care Unit with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation through facial mask. The patient had favorable outcome and was discharged asymtomatic after 72 hours.


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Descrevem-se os dados epidemiológicos, os sinais clínicos e as lesões de quatro surtos da doença do edema e enfisema pulmonar agudo em bovinos (EEPAB) nos estados de Santa Catarina e Paraná e sua reprodução experimental. A doença espontânea ocorreu após transferência de bovinos de pastagem madura e seca para outra jovem e viçosa. Todos os bovinos afetados eram vacas das raças holandês e pardo suíço. Os principais sinais clínicos foram dispneia e respiração abdominal dificultosa com o pescoço estendido e a boca aberta. Apresentaram, também, enfisema subcutâneo, queda na produção de leite e recuperação lenta ou morte. Os achados de necropsia foram restritos ao pulmão o qual tinha coloração vermelho escuro, não colabado, de aspecto brilhante e hipercriptante com enfisema interlobular acentuado. As lesões histológicas no pulmão consistiam principalmente de enfisema alveolar e interlobular intercalado por áreas de congestão e edema, degeneração hialina da parede dos alvéolos e infiltrado de macrófagos e eosinófilos, moderado, difuso. A reprodução experimental da doença foi realizada em um bovino, com administração de 0,7mg/kg de peso corporal de L-triptofano por via oral em dose única. O animal morreu no sétimo dia de experimento. Os sinais clínicos e lesões foram idênticos aos observados na doença espontânea.


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Since arthritis induced by Mycobacterium products (adjuvant) in rats is considered to be immunologically driven, the objective of the present study was to determine if the immunosuppressor drug cyclosporin could affect hindpaw edema and joint hyperalgesia simultaneously. Female Holtzman rats (140-170 g) presented hyperalgesia and edema on the 8th and 12th day following adjuvant injection. Daily systemic (oral or intramuscular) administration of cyclosporin (0.5-5.0 mg kg-1 day-1) or dexamethasone (0.01-0.1 mg kg-1 day-1) for 15 days starting on day zero dose-dependently inhibited the hindpaw edema and hyperalgesia in arthritic rats. However, hyperalgesia but not edema could be detected two days after cyclosporin withdrawal. We concluded that a) the continuous presence of cyclosporin is essential to reduce the development of joint hyperalgesia and that b) different mechanisms underlie the appearance of hyperalgesia and edema in this model. The intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of 5-50-fold smaller doses of cyclosporin (1.5-150 µg/day) or dexamethasone (15 µg/day) also reduced the arthritic hindpaw edema and hyperalgesia. Peripheral blood from animals injected with effective systemic cyclosporin doses showed detectable levels of the drug, whereas peripheral blood from those injected with icv cyclosporin did not, as measured by specific RIA. Our results indicate that cyclosporin administered by the central route is as effective as by the systemic route to reduce joint hyperalgesia and hindpaw edema in arthritic rats. The antiarthritic effect induced by low doses of cyclosporin in the central nervous system (CNS) could be explored to avoid its often associated systemic side effects during chronic therapy. However, the mechanism(s) involved in the antiarthritic response to cyclosporin in the CNS remain to be elucidated


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Neutralization of hyperalgesia induced by Bothrops jararaca and B. asper venoms was studied in rats using bothropic antivenom produced at Instituto Butantan (AVIB, 1 ml neutralizes 5 mg B. jararaca venom) and polyvalent antivenom produced at Instituto Clodomiro Picado (AVCP, 1 ml neutralizes 2.5 mg B. aspar venom). The intraplantar injection of B. jararaca and B. asper venoms caused hyperalgesia, which peaked 1 and 2 h after injection, respectively. Both venoms also induced edema with a similar time course. When neutralization assays involving the independent injection of venom and antivenom were performed, the hyperalgesia induced by B. jararaca venom was neutralized only when bothropic antivenom was administered iv 15 min before venom injection, whereas edema was neutralized when antivenom was injected 15 min or immediately before venom injection. On the other hand, polyvalent antivenom did not interfere with hyperalgesia or edema induced by B. asper venom, even when administered prior to envenomation. The lack of neutralization of hyperalgesia and edema induced by B. asper venom is not attributable to the absence of neutralizing antibodies in the antivenom, since neutralization was achieved in assays involving preincubation of venom and antivenom. Cross-neutralization of AVCP or AVIB against B. jararaca and B. asper venoms, respectively, was also evaluated. Only bothropic antivenom partially neutralized hyperalgesia induced by B. asper venom in preincubation experiments. The present data suggest that hyperalgesia and edema induced by Bothrops venoms are poorly neutralized by commercial antivenoms even when antibodies are administered immediately after envenomation.


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We compared the intensity and frequency of arthritis in old (8-12 months, N = 12) and juvenile (2 months, N = 10) rats and determined the role played by adrenal glands in this disorder. Arthritis was induced by subcutaneous injection of Mycobacterium butyricum at the base of the tail of female Holtzman rats at day zero. Paw edema and hyperalgesia were monitored from day zero to day 21 after induction as signs of arthritis development. Some (N = 11) old animals were adrenalectomized bilaterally and treated with dexamethasone or celecoxib immediately following surgery. All bilaterally adrenalectomized old animals became susceptible to arthritis and the onset of disease was shortened from the 10th to the 5th day. Hyperalgesia and paw edema responses were less frequent in older animals (50 and 25% compared to control juvenile rats, respectively), although old responder animals showed responses of similar intensity to those of their juvenile counterparts: by the 14th day the data for hyperalgesia were juvenile = 0.8 ± 0.07/old = 0.8 ± 0.09, and for paw edema juvenile = 56.6 ± 6.04/old = 32.24 ± 12.7, reported as delta% increase in paw edema. Chronic treatment of adrenalectomized old animals with dexamethasone (0.01 or 0.1 mg/kg) but not celecoxib (3 mg/kg), once daily for 21 days by gavage, abolished the effects of adrenalectomy, in particular those related to the hyperalgesia response (old = 0.95 ± 0.03/dexamethasone = 0 ± 0; 14th day), thus suggesting a specific participation of circulating corticosteroids in the modulation of pain in old arthritic rats.