30 resultados para ADR practitioners
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to isolate and identify Candida spp. from the environment, health practitioners, and patients with the presumptive diagnosis of candidiasis in the Pediatric Unit at the Universitary Hospital of the Jundiaí Medical College, to verify the production of enzymes regarded as virulence factors, and to determine how susceptible the isolated samples from patients with candidiasis are to antifungal agents. METHODS: Between March and November of 2008 a total of 283 samples were taken randomly from the environment and from the hands of health staff, and samples of all the suspected cases of Candida spp. hospital-acquired infection were collected and selected by the Infection Control Committee. The material was processed and the yeast genus Candida was isolated and identified by physiological, microscopic, and macroscopic attributes. RESULTS: The incidence of Candida spp. in the environment and employees was 19.2%. The most frequent species were C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis among the workers, C. guilliermondii and C. tropicalis in the air, C. lusitanae on the contact surfaces, and C. tropicalis and C. guilliermondii in the climate control equipment. The college hospital had 320 admissions, of which 13 (4%) presented Candida spp. infections; three of them died, two being victims of a C. tropicalis infection and the remaining one of C. albicans. All the Candida spp. in the isolates evidenced sensitivity to amphotericin B, nystatin, and fluconazole. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in the rate of hospital-acquired infections caused by Candida spp. indicates the need to take larger measures regarding recurrent control of the environment.
A formação de ecótipos em Cabralea canjerana subsp. polytricha foi estudada em áreas de cerrado e vereda de uma reserva ecológica no município de Uberlândia, MG, utilizando modelos de genética quantitativa para medida de plasticidade fenotípica. Os ecótipos foram caracterizados quanto à altura dos indivíduos, peso de frutos e sementes, número de sementes viáveis por fruto e sincronização no período de floração. Existe grande variabilidade genética para caracteres importantes na determinação do valor adaptativo da subspécie. Os genótipos respondem fenotipicamente à heterogeneidade ambiental, provocada pelo gradiente cerrado/vereda, em dois dos três caracteres observados. As respostas plásticas foram distintas entre os genótipos, quanto à direção e intensidade. Assincronia temporal de floração e o modo de ação de dispersores de sementes podem contribuir para a evolução da divergência entre ecótipos na área estudada.
Foram descritos e ilustrados aspectos morfo-anatômicos das sementes de Dictyoloma vandellianum Adr. Juss., visando o conhecimento dos tegumentos, endosperma e embrião. As sementes são reniformes, aladas, acobreadas, mesotestais, exariladas e albuminosas (reserva protéica). O embrião é axial, curvo, dominante, com cotilédones carnosos de reserva protéica, eixo hipocótilo-radícula longo e plúmula reduzida.
RESUMOSão Paulo é o Estado no qual clones de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensisWilld. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg. têm apresentado maior produtividade de borracha, no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a produção de borracha e o vigor de 14 clones de seringueira, implantados na região de Votuporanga, além de averiguar mudanças na tendência da correlação anual, para analisar a possibilidade de uma seleção precoce, com base nos caracteres estudados. Para isso, a produção de borracha, em gramas árvore-1sangria-1, foi avaliada, utilizando-se o sistema de sangria 1/2S d/4 5d/7 11m/y ET 2,5%. O período de avaliação da produção de borracha foi de oito anos. O vigor, também, foi analisado, medindo-se o perímetro do caule por 16 anos. Os clones IRCA 111 e PB 235 tiveram os melhores desempenhos de produção de borracha. Os clones IAC 15 e IAC 44 apresentaram os melhores resultados de vigor. As correlações genéticas e fenotípicas foram significativas e positivas entre todos os anos de produção. Para o vigor, a significância dos coeficientes de correlação genotípica e fenotípica diferiram na pré-sangria e na pós-sangria. Pelos valores de produção de borracha observados, os clones IRCA 111 e PB 235 são considerados favoráveis à recomendação em pequena escala para a região de Votuporanga. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é possível realizar uma seleção precoce para o caráter de produtividade, usando-se os dados obtidos no primeiro ano de avaliação. Por causa das diferenças observadas entre os períodos de pré-sangria e pós-sangria, não é aconselhável realizar uma seleção precoce no período de pré-sangria, visando ao caráter de vigor.
Brand equity is considered as the most important aspect of branding, which is a set of brands' assets and liabilities, its symbol or name that subtracts from or adds the value provided by a product or service to a firm and customers. The current research endeavor was to identify the interrelationship of customer-based brand equity dimensions (brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand image, and service quality) in Pakistani hotel industry. Data was collected from 821 consumers who experienced the services of Pakistani five star hotels from multiple locations. Mediating regression and stepwise regression analyses were applied for investigation of study hypotheses. Results pointed out positive and significant influences of service quality on all other dimensions of brand equity whereas partial mediations were endorsed among the variables. Researchers and practitioners implications are discussed.
Este artigo mostra a variação de capital intelectual em organizações públicas envolvidas em empreendimentos government-to-government (G2G). Para tanto, um frame heurístico foi desenvolvido a fim de avaliar o impacto de projetos G2G nos componentes do capital intelectual de agências públicas, isto é, em seus capitais humano, organizacional, de relacionamento e de inovação. Aplicando-se esse frame heurístico a 30 empreendimentos G2G no Brasil, ligando o Banco Central com os tribunais de justiça, detectou-se um impacto positivo no capital intelectual das organizações envolvidas nesses empreendimentos. Além disso, verificou-se que tais empreendimentos G2G influenciaram os componentes do capital intelectual de forma homogênea. A partir daí, o frame foi validado por meio de uma elevada e positiva correlação entre a variação do capital intelectual nas organizações públicas e a percepção de valor dos funcionários envolvidos nesses mesmos empreendimentos. Finalmente, adicionalmente às limitações da pesquisa, algumas conclusões são apresentadas a gestores públicos, practitioners e acadêmicos, para que seja entendido o potencial de uso da teoria do capital intelectual para avaliação de iniciativas de governo eletrônico
This paper reviews the understanding I have gained from several years of research, and from several more years of ongoing discussions with industry leaders regarding the nature of competitiveness among tourism destinations. This understanding has been captured, in summary form, in the model of Destination Competitiveness/Sustainability (Ritchie and Crouch, 2003). This model contains seven (7) components which we have found to play a major role, from a policy perspective, in determining the competitiveness/sustainability of a tourism destination. In addition to the valuable understanding which these seven components provide from a policy perspective, the specific elements of each the major components provide a more useful/practical guidance to those who are responsible for the ongoing management of a DMO (Destination Management Organization). With this overview in mind, this paper will provide a detailed review and explanation of the model that I have developed with colleague, Dr. Geoffrey I. Crouch of Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Based on previous presentations throughout the world, it has proven very helpful to both academics and practitioners who seek to understand the complex nature of tourism destination competitiveness/sustainability.
The implementation of the presumptive donor law in Brazil is expected to increase the availability of organs for transplantation. As medical management of end-stage organ dysfunction continues to improve, increasing numbers of potential transplant recipients will be available to meet this supply. There is mounting evidence that supports the involvement of skilled psychiatric practitioners in the selection of transplant candidates. Data supporting the influence of psychosocial factors on compliance and therefore medical outcomes continues to grow. The literature review allows delineating the components and rationale for comprehensive psychosocial evaluations as a component of preoperative transplantation evaluation.
This study aimed to show, based on the literature on the subject, the potential for dispersal and establishment of the chikungunya virus in Brazil. The chikungunya virus, a Togaviridae member of the genusAlphavirus, reached the Americas in 2013 and, the following year, more than a million cases were reported. In Brazil, indigenous transmission was registered in Amapa and Bahia States, even during the period of low rainfall, exposing the whole country to the risk of virus spreading. Brazil is historically infested by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, also dengue vectors. Chikungunya may spread, and it is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming endemic in the country. Adequate care for patients with chikungunya fever requires training general practitioners, rheumatologists, nurses, and experts in laboratory diagnosis. Up to November 2014, more than 1,000 cases of the virus were reported in Brazil. There is a need for experimental studies in animal models to understand the dynamics of infection and the pathogenesis as well as to identify pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to identifying effective drugs against the virus. Clinical trials are needed to identify the causal relationship between the virus and serious injuries observed in different organs and joints. In the absence of vaccines or effective drugs against the virus, currently the only way to prevent the disease is vector control, which will also reduce the number of cases of dengue fever.
The global prevalence of hepatitis B virus is estimated to be 350 million chronic carriers, varying widely from low (<2%, as in Western Europe, North America, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan) to high (>8% as in Africa, Southeast Asia, and China). The overall prevalence in Brazil is about 8%. There are currently 7 genotypic variations, from A to G, and also 4 main surface antigen subtypes: adw, ayw, adr, and ayr. There has been great interest in identifying the geographic distribution and prognosis associated with the various genotypes and subtypes. Although the serologic test is highly sensitive and specific, it does not detect cases of mutant hepatitis B, which is increasingly common worldwide due to resistance and vaccine escape, antiviral therapy, and immunosuppression, among other causes. Alterations in surface, polymerase, X region, core, and precore genes have been described. The main mutations occur in surface and in core/precore genes, also known as occult hepatitis, since its serologic markers of active infection (HBsAg) and viral replication (HBeAg) can be negative. Thus, mutation should be suspected when serologic tests to hepatitis B show control of immunity or replication coincident with worsened clinical status and exclusion of other causes of hepatitis.
O gênero Passiflora (Passifloraceae) é utilizado principalmente para tratar doenças do SNC e cardiovasculares. A espécie Passiflora nitida Kunth é comumente conhecida como maracujá-do-mato". A literatura relata o consumo in natura dos frutos desta espécie pela população local para distúrbios gastrointestinais. Considerando o potencial farmacológico do gênero, este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar estudo de caracterização fitoquímica desta espécie e estudar os efeitos dos extratos aquoso (EA), etanólico (EE) e hexânico (EH) de suas folhas sobre a coagulação sanguínea e agregação plaquetária. Para a caracterização fitoquímica foram realizados testes de cromatografia em camada delgada e ressonância magnética nuclear. O efeito dos extratos sobre a coagulação foi avaliado pelos testes de tempo de protrombina (TP) e tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPa). O efeito sobre a agregação plaquetária foi avaliado em plasma rico em plaquetas por método espectrofotométrico, usando adenosina difosfato (ADP) e adrenalina (ADR) como indutores da agregação. Os extratos EA, EE e EH apresentaram atividade coagulante pelo teste do TP e o EE apresentou atividade anticoagulante para o TTPa. Quando induzidos por ADP, os extratos EA, EE e EH apresentaram valores de concentração inibitória 50% (CI50, µg/mL) de 450,5 ± 50,7; 511,2 ± 35,5 e 394,4 ± 8,9, respectivamente, e quando induzidos por ADR apresentaram valores de 438,7 ± 5,2; 21,0 ± 1,9 e 546,9 ± 49,9, respectivamente. O EE apresentou atividade inibitória sobre a agregação. A caracterização fitoquímica foi sugestiva da presença de flavonóides e cumarinas, aos quais podem ser atribuídos, em parte, os efeitos biológicos estudados.
HBsAg positive serum samples (896) from five brazilian regions were analysed for HBsAg subtypes. The presence of five different subtypes (ayw2, ayw3, ayw4, adw2 and adw4) was detected. In Northern region subtypes adw4 (41.2%) and adw2 (37.2%) were predominant. In the North East only subtype adw2 was encountered. In Central West, South-East and South, subtypes ayw2, ayw3, adw2 and adw4 were present, with predominance of adw2 in Central West and South East (84.3% and 69.4% respectively) whereas in the South the predominant subtype was ayw3 (41.9%) followed by ayw2 (36.4%). Subtypes ayw1, ayr and adr were not found among the samples studied. These results show the difference in the incidence of HBsAg subtypes in the different regions of Brazil and their significance in relation to the colonization and migrations in this country.
The paper summarizes recent findings on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/Aids), highlighting the role of co-infections with major tropical diseases. Such co-infections have been studied in the Brazilian context since the beginning of the Aids epidemic and are expected to be more frequent and relevant as the Aids epidemic in Brazil proceeds towards smaller municipalities and the countryside, where tropical diseases are endemic. Unlike opportunistic diseases that affect basically the immunocompromised host, most tropical diseases, as well as tuberculosis, are pathogenic on their own, and can affect subjects with mild or no immunossuppression. In the era of highly active anti-retroviral therapies (HAART), opportunistic diseases seem to be on decrease in Brazil, where such medicines are fully available. Benefiting from HAART in terms of restoration of the immune function, putative milder clinical courses are expected in the future for most co-infections, including tropical diseases. On the other hand, from an ecological perspective, the progressive geographic diffusion of Aids makes tropical diseases and tuberculosis a renewed challenge for Brazilian researchers and practitioners dealing with HIV/Aids in the coming years.
The vaccine Bacillus of Calmette Guérin (BCG) was originally developed in France as an oral vaccine against tuberculosis. The oral use of this vaccine was replaced by the parenteral route in almost all countries after the Lubeck disaster. In contrast, Brazil retained the oral delivery of the vaccine until the mid-seventies when it was replaced by the intradermal route. This change in route of delivery was mainly secondary to pressure by medical practitioners based on the poor responses of oral immunized subjects to purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests. Even after the change of route of delivery, Ataulpho de Paiva Foundation continued making the oral vaccine. Currently, BCG Moreau has been described as one of the most immunogenic and with fewer side effects than other BCGs. The genomics, proteomics and vaccine trials for oral BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro are currently under investigation. In this review, we intend to describe the history of BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
The increasing problems with multidrug resistance in relation to Corynebacterium, including C. diphtheriae, are examples of challenges confronting many countries. For this reason, Brazilian C. diphtheriae strains were evaluated by the E-Test for their susceptibility to nine antibacterial drugs used in therapy. Resistance (MIC < 0.002; 0.38 µg/ml) to penicillin G was found in 14.8% of the strains tested. Although erythromycin (MIC90 0.75 µg/ml) and azithromycin (MIC90 0.064 µg/ml) were active against C. diphtheriae in this study, 4.2% of the strains showed decreased susceptibility (MIC 1.0 µg/ml) to erythromycin. Multiple resistance profiles were determined by the disk diffusion method using 31 antibiotics. Most C. diphtheriae strains (95.74%) showed resistance to mupirocin, aztreonam, ceftazidime, and/or oxacillin, ampicillin, penicillin, tetracycline, clindamycin, lincomycin, and erythromycin. This study presents the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Brazilian C. diphtheriae isolates. The data are of value to practitioners, and suggest that some concern exists regarding the use of penicillin.